Nahela Morales – What Does it Mean to Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Nahela Morales
AI: Summary ©
The importance of gratitude in Islam is discussed, with emphasis on testing one's behavior and remaining positive while pursuing one's partner. The speaker gives advice on maintaining a positive attitude of gratitude during trials and tests, emphasizing the need to focus on one's support and surrounding environment. The speaker also provides advice on maintaining a positive attitude of gratitude during times of trial, including staying on the faith and knowing that Allah is the best planners.
AI: Transcript ©
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Subhan Allah he will be handy Why should you Allah Ilaha illa Allah

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wa Asha do under Muhammad Rasul Allah.

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As Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh welcome back to

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another episode here at about Islam.

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Today we're going to talk about a very important topic in sha Allah

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that I personally love to speak about this for many reasons and I

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will give you many examples today and inshallah we will dive into it

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because I do have a lot of information. But before that, let

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me give it a couple minutes. So people jump on Bethany lab, but

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today's topic is an attitude of gratitude. And so we understand we

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are here in the US in the month of gratitude, but for us Muslims,

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gratitude should come every single day so we'll give it a couple of

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minutes so people can log on inshallah.

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Hope everybody is doing well today. And let me just share this

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as well in sha Allah

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so we are live hamdulillah

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one more

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Okay, so once again welcome Salam aleikum, thank you for joining us

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this this afternoon or wherever you're at. My name is Mahela

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mirallas and I am a convert, Revert first generation Muslim.

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And Hamdulillah I will be speaking to you about a topic that is very,

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that resonates a lot with me for many reasons. Shala and we're

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gonna get started in a minute.

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we want to make sure that people

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join and benefit inshallah. Okay, so today, we're going to be

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talking about the attitude of gratitude. And so the first thing

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that I want to answer, there's a couple questions that were sent to

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What does it mean attitude of gratitude, right? And so attitude

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of gratitude, very simple is making it a habit to express

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thankfulness, being grateful, right, that gratitude that

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thankfulness and appreciate all the parts in our life, on a

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regular basis, either big or small. And again, this is on an

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everyday basis. And how do we see this? And how does this even come

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to a believers life? Well, every single morning, when we wake up,

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we actually have a DUA, correct. And in this dua,

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you know, that we say every morning Alhamdulillah Hilah de

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Aiyana, but the mammoth anovulation issue, we praise Allah

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Subhana Allah, who has given us life after taking it away, and to

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Him, we shall return. So we are very aware that we are in this

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life in this dunya it's temporarily. And this is not our

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final destination, we understand that we're working towards the aka

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Bismillah. And so

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I start my day with this dua, and every believer should as well. But

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even more, I actually take a few minutes every single morning to

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thank Allah subhanho data for the day before. And I have actually

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taught my son, who is now 15, since he was very young, that this

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is a practice a habit, as I mentioned before, that we should

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be honoring on on every every single day, every single day of

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our lives. We need to make sure that we count our blessings. So

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that in a nutshell, that is what an attitude of gratitude to be

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able to wake up in the morning. And thank Allah subhanho wa Taala

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for another day for waking us up for allowing us to be here. If we

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fell short the day before, then he's given us an opportunity to

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start all over again. Hamdulillah. And so the fact that we have sight

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of the fact that we can taste the fact that we have live

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hymns, and we can see and we can hear. And these are all for some

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very minute or we just don't even think about it. But in actuality,

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these are this is the starting point of our attitude of gratitude

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when we wake up every morning, that we make sure that we are

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grateful for absolutely everything.

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And so

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with that being said, you know, you find in in in Surah, Ibrahim

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is number seven, where Allah subhanaw taala tells us, if you

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are grateful, I will certainly give you more. And so we see that

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in our lives, we see that with, with the way we carry ourselves

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with the way things fall. And so the next question, which is a very

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important question is, why are we tested? And so?

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It's a very important question, because every single one of us is

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tested every single day on every single level. And our tests come

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in different in different ways, right? Some of us think of those

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tests as perhaps a punishment, but in reality, some of these tests

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that we go through are actually Mercy, the Rosmah from our Lord,

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and I'll give you an example.

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Subhanallah just a week ago, I was actually I got food poisoning,

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right. And so

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I, it's the first time I've ever had food poisoning. And my first

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initial reaction was, he is the healer, Allah subhanaw. Taala is

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the only one that can heal me. So I immediately started making dua

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and I said, Yeah, Allah, you know, if this is going to purify me and

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get me closer to you,

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hamdulillah and please help me get better, because you are the one

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that gives health you are the one that will take care of me, you are

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the healer. And so I didn't think of it as a test, even though I was

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having a conversation with a friend And subhanAllah. She said,

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you know, oh, you know, you are being tested. And I said, No, I

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like to think of it as I was being purified. So when we start finding

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the positivity, within everything that Allah sends our way, life is

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so much, much easier. And so I always look at tests, perhaps as a

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learning opportunity, opportunities to learn so there's

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always a lesson and any tests that we may be going through, and we

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have to be very mindful and remember that Allah subhanaw

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taala, will never ever, ever burden us with more than we can

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handle. And, and so that is extremely important for us to to

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keep in mind. And the other thing to keep in mind is that our

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beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he

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was tested left and right and had hardship from before he was born

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as as if you have not studied the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu

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Alaihe Salam, I highly recommend you to learn about his life. And

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so he became an orphan before he was born, and so his mother died

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at a very young age. And so he was raised by his uncle's, his

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grandfather, and,

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and so on and so forth. And so when we when we think of other

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prophets, like, the other one that comes to mind is Musa alayhis

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salam, right, he was, he was running towards a sea. And his the

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Wakil his trust in Allah did not allow him to think, Oh, this is a

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test but yet it allow him to be active and literally trust his

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creator, and raise his hands and ask Allah for help. And the as we

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all know, the sea parted, and so hamdulillah him and his

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and then his,

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his people were saved. Alhamdulillah and so what this is

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why it's so important of how we actually take or how we even

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pursue when we think about being tested, or being punished. And I

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personally think that if we learned and this is my personal

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opinion, but if we if we

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A test guides us closer to a lot, I think it's a test. And if, if,

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if anything else takes us away from Allah, it's actually a

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punishment. For me, that's the way I see it. So that's why it's so

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important for me to always get closer to my Creator, even when

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that test is happening. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the

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Quran, you know, that he will test us, He will test us with our

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wealth and hunger. And,

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and so the Prophet salallahu Salam also told us right that for us,

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for every tribe, every every people, every community, there is

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a test and ours is obviously wealth. So when Allah is giving us

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the opportunity to enjoy, and perhaps even indulge and luxury,

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none of it is bad, as long as we don't forget our purpose in life.

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And we don't forget that our obedience towards our Creator at

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all times. And I'll give you an example. Just so you understand. I

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always tell my son, you know, there's people out there that are

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so so poor, that all they have is money. And that's very deep. So I

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want you to reflect on that for a second. So there's people out

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there that are so poor, there's so empty, there's so

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shallow, that they don't have anything else but money. And so as

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believers, you know, we are we are always in shape, and he's always

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ready to attack us and is ready to come and whisper and try to

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deviate us and try to make us disobey our Creator. So that's why

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it's important to focus on your accompany, like, Who are you

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hanging around with, if your friends are reminding you to pray,

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and I'll give you an example for me when I embraced Islam, I lost a

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lot of my old friends, but a lot of my old friends would have not

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invited me to prayer would have not invited me to an Islamic

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conference or to go to the mosque. And so Allah subhanho data,

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removed all these individuals that were not going to do me good. And

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even though it was hard, because obviously friends are important.

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Sometimes family members for reverts kind of vanish or leave

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for for a period of time until they understand that this new

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identity or this new faith that we have embraced is only making us

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better. And so, in the long run, I understood that Allah subhanaw

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taala removed these individuals, because he loves me because he

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loves me so much that he's going to put the people that are in sha

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Allah helped me to attain Janno or towards that direction. And so

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what may seem like it's really bad may may actually be really good

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for you. And that's what the Quran tells us as well.

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And so, the other thing I want to touch base based on that is for us

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to always remember that when Allah subhanaw taala sends us these

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lessons when Allah Subhana Allah senses

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you know, and I don't like personally to call them tests,

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even though they may be a test but there's always something to learn.

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Absolutely, always something to learn. So when we start shifting

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our mindset, things become easier in the sense of like I step back

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and I start reflecting and analyzing where am I at in my

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relationship with my Creator, and that can be in my brain on time.

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Am I praying at all in my incorporating my Sunnah prayers?

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Am I fasting on Tuesdays and Thursdays? Or am I trying to fast

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Ramadan, my beloved brothers and sisters is only approximately five

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months away Subhanallah you know, the Sahaba

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used to prepare six months before Ramadan. So we're falling short if

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you haven't started making those intentions and preparing for that.

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Inshallah now is the time and the reminders for myself and I hope

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for you all as well. So yeah, so I don't like to think that a lot is

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testing me even though

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When the Prophet says some tells us that he tests those who he

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loves, and therefore, we actually, I don't want to say that we should

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get happy, but we should be content, knowing that our Creator

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is not forgetting us. And he's not forgetting us because he is

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reminding us and reminding us with these lessons to come back to

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remove certain individuals, sometimes individuals in our lives

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are not the most appropriate or not the best individuals that

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should be in our lives and therefore, Allah removes them.

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Which reminds me of the DUA that I make in the morning, I always ask

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Allah subhanaw taala to keep me humble, to keep me focused, to

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love me to you know, to make sure that he removes individuals or

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circumstances or anything that will not gain I will not gain His

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pleasure or even more so general for those. And last but not least,

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I ask a las Panatela every single morning to please not take me

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until he is utterly pleased with me and in each and every way. So

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Inshallah, that is the answer to that hopefully, the person that

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sended is content with that answer. And

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the last question, if I remember correctly, where was it?

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But before that question, Inshallah, I want to, I want to

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make sure that we also give some important tips and and Inshallah,

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that we're able to,

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to remember that an attitude of gratitude should be at all times,

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and a couple a couple of ways that we need to remember is that

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there's so many, so many ways to be grateful, right? So gratitude

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can mean gratitude of the heart, gratitude of the tongue. What does

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that mean that you're Salam aleikum? wa rahmatullah wa

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barakatu. Sorry about these technical difficulties. But I just

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wanted to make sure that I gave you the last question, which is,

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how does one maintain the faith strong during trials and tests?

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And like I said, I call them lessons. And this is a question I

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get very often. And I think it's important for us to kind of dive

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in. And I want to leave you with this simply because it's very,

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very important. So number one, you know, when we are being tested,

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and I know that's difficult for most of us, but Allah subhanaw

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taala loves those who are patient. And therefore, you know, that's,

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that's number one. And,

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two, that we have two options to either be patient or not be

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patient, and therefore, we want to opt to be patient because Allah

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Subhana Allah loves those who are patient. And so I just want to

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leave you with 10 ways to deal with test and make sure that you

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stay on this attitude of gratitude, specially, as you know,

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we continue to see cases rise during this pandemic. I know

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personally, individuals who have lost some loved ones, their

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parents, I have a friend who lost both her mother and father due to

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COVID. So to maintain, how do we maintain this attitude of

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gratitude, during times of trial is to always remember that Allah

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subhanaw taala loves us and He will never ever give us more than

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we can handle. And get into the habit of reading the Quran making

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the Koran your best friend.

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And you know, when we when we start making these habits of

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attitude of gratitude, which means that I know I do this very often I

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just open the Quran and sometimes the Quran literally speaks to me,

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there's like an idea and that's the idea that I need to reflect on

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I need to ponder And subhanAllah nine out of 10 Allah is telling me

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exactly what I need to do, how I need to go about with the

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situation that I'm going with. So make it a habit to read or listen

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to the Quran. Also, you know, bring that into your home when it

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comes to your children in sha Allah.

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The other the other number two would be to actually make dua to

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strengthen your belief during this test. We got to remember that you

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know, in the time of medium, may Allah be pleased with her, she

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rose her hands and ask ALLAH SubhanA

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Adela to help her, especially as she was going to phase you know,

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her, her people.

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So during times of trials, we also want to, you know, maintain that

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gratitude. And remember the minut things that may seem

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insignificant, they're very significant. And like I mentioned

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at the beginning, your eyesight, your hearing your taste, you know,

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your smell, your sense of your feelings, your feelings, we should

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be grateful that we're feeling.

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Remember others, there's many studies that say that when we

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actually give to others, when we actually

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reach out to others and help others, it actually helps us more

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than what we're helping others. So remember that rarely with every

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hardship comes ease. And therefore when those hardships or those

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lessons are coming our way, we always want to get in the habit of

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giving sadaqa right, and make sure that Allah knows that you are

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remembering him and that you are actually making the use of your

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resources. And if you have wealth, then you want to make sure that

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when you're going through tests and trials, that you actually give

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sadaqa inshallah

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we talked about that, know that Allah will never send us more than

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we can handle. And so, have confidence in that make sure that,

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you know, when you're going through that test and trial that

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you you start exercising your walker, you that you have full

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confidence that just like Allah has, you know, guide you towards

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it, He will guide you in the best manner to something better,

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whatever that may be. Make sure that you

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were like a number eight Sorry, I'm counting them here. Make sure

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that you

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when you're facing anything that you acknowledge, right, you

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acknowledge the situation, you don't under mine anything and make

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sure that you acknowledge your feelings, and it's okay to

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complain to Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala loves when we

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complain to him because ultimately he is the only one that can take

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us out of it. So make sure that you

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that you put your trust in Allah subhanaw taala, that you exercise

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that the Wakil with Nila,

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as Allah subhanaw taala is the best of planners. And last but not

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least, make sure that you are looking to strengthen your salon

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to make sure that you are perfecting your salon. Don't rush

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through your salon. This is the time where we're connected to our

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Creator. This is the time where we can actually weep. We can cry, we

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can complain, we can ask for guidance, we can ask Allah for

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help. And so make sure that you take full advantage when you're in

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St. Jude, and you ask Allah subhanaw taala to help you and to

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guide you. And, and so I want to leave you with a couple,

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Inshallah, a couple of quotes that get me through my day. If we if we

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exercise gratitude, it helps us fall in love with the life that we

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are living now. So always think that Allah is giving you and

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you're at a place where he knows you can handle. And if you don't

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have that, that huge, enormous house if you don't have that job,

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think of it as mercy as Rushmore, maybe Allah is protecting you from

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something. And so when things don't happen

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exactly when we want them think that Allah is the best of

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planners, Allah doesn't always give us what we want, but he will

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always give us what we need. And therefore make sure that you

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remember that next time you're going through through something,

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make sure that you also you know, start building a strong and solid

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foundation within the circles that you are creating. And what I mean

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by that is, you know, sometimes we have that one friend that will

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remind us of hola and so make sure that you have that one friend on

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speed dial and that you know that if you call this individual,

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they're gonna take you back to the remembrance of Allah. And so my

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beloved brothers and sisters, I'm really sorry for the disconnect.

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I'm really sorry for the technical difficulties of today. I asked

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Scalia subhanho wa Taala

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to unite us all in general for those and to

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bring us relief and whatever it is that we're going through, please

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raise your hands today make dua make it a habit to weep and cry

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and make sure that you reach out to Allah because he is there

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waiting for us until next month. Jazak Allah ahead As Salam alaykum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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