Nahela Morales – New Muslims Need Trained Mentors

Nahela Morales
AI: Summary ©
The importance of embracing Islam and finding resources to connect with is emphasized, as well as finding a community to build friendships and build a sense of community. The speaker emphasizes the need for patientity and consistent training with mentors to avoid wasting time and mistakes. The importance of educating oneself and being a mentor to build connections with others is also emphasized. The speaker also provides resources for finding resources and resources to help individuals grow in their new roles.
AI: Transcript ©
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Jim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Salam alaykum warahmatullahi

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wabarakatuhu welcome back to another episode here in about

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Islam, we're gonna give it a few seconds just to make sure that

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people log on inshallah and I get to also share some of this so

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let's just give it a couple seconds inshallah

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and it also gives me an opportunity to share out

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inshallah. So

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once again, we're here and

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another very important topic for our community, especially the new

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Muslims. So as I continue to share out, please also share out so

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others can benefit with new law, very important topics for our new

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brothers and sisters who are entering the faith. And perhaps

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they need to hear this, what we're going to be talking about today.

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Again, I pray that everybody benefits on this but the topic is

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geared for new converts new Muslims, first generation Muslims

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brothers and sisters who are currently enter have entered or

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and are looking to enter the faith.

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So let's, let's get started in sha Allah.

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Let me just share this out to my page.

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I mean, one second.

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Okay, so

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my apologies.

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All right, so today, we're gonna be talking about a very another

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very important topic that we often don't think about, specifically

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within our community.

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When our brothers and sisters are entering the faith, we we, we are

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there to greet them and welcome them after they take their

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Shahada. And what all of that is very important, it's very crucial

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to a new converts, you know, experience. Even more important is

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what comes after, right? And one of the reasons why we started

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embrace a nonprofit organization that takes care of convert is

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because of this reason.

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We think that a, you know, somebody takes shahada, and they

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will be learning the faith on their own. While that's not

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necessarily true, it has happened in some cases, because obviously

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they they may be living in rural areas, or perhaps don't have the

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resources to, to make this journey a bit easier. So today, we're

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going to be talking about the importance of mentorship after

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embracing Islam and the role that we as a community play

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in a new shadows life, right. So this is not a do it yourself kind

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of thing we have to work in.

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In community, we have to make sure that we are taking care of each

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You know, in the time of the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam,

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when somebody used to enter the faith of Islam, there was there

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was always somebody assigned to this individual to make sure that

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they were taking care of them from their financial

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finances to you know, learning how to pray, and learning about the

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deen. And so this is why it's so important for us to actually make

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sure that we grab each other by the hand in order to make this

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transition easy. Now, I've mentioned this in the past, but

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not every shahada story is the same. And so

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one of the things that I've noticed throughout the years is

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that we are put in a basket and as soon as you hear the word revert

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or convert or new Muslim, you think that perhaps, you know, they

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all come from the same walks of life and that's not necessarily

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true. We have some converts reverts that have full support

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from their families, right that they are okay with their with

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their new decision, new way of life. But then we have individuals

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who actually have it really hard. And I can sit here hours and share

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some of those stories with you. And I might share a couple just to

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see the difference between you know, somebody being welcome not

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We have a community but in their homes and somebody that is not a

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welcome at all whatsoever. And so what does that look like? And how

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can we help as a community? Where do we even start? Right? So

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that's, that's the most important thing. And I'm talking now to the

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Convert right to the river to the shahada, first and foremost. So

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where do you start, you take your shahada nowadays, we live in the

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era of internet, I've heard individuals taking their shahada

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over the internet on the phone, I myself gave a sister in Mexico

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City, her shahada over WhatsApp, right over a phone conversation.

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So there's many, many ways of entering the faith nowadays with

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technology and having the lab but what happens after that, what

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when you are when the shahada the emotions, everything is, has

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similar down. So one of the first things that I want to personally

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mentioned today is where do we start, the first thing we need to

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initiate is or look for, is an Islamic center or mosque, if you

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did not convert, there, if you converted, you know, through the

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internet, or on a phone call, or perhaps you were at a data table,

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or an event or with a friend or at the university, so many different

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places, right, where these, the this can take place. So I would

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definitely say to start by looking for resources. And one of the most

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important places to to look for is for an Islamic center and a

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You know, Hamdulillah, we are definitely trying to,

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to have classes within and workshops. And it is our

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responsibility as Muslims to go out and seek knowledge. And so

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that is prescribed on each and every one of us whether we are a

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convert, or we were born into this space.

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So it is important for us to make sure that we are connected to a

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place I normally call the masjid that I'm affiliated with my second

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home. Why is that? Well, not only do I go there and pray, you know,

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for Joomla and perhaps other salons, you know, I normally enjoy

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praying Fudger at the mosque. And I try not to miss Juma but also to

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connect with other individuals that perhaps are going through

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similar situations as you or to be connected with other families. If

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you have children, there's normally activities at the mosque

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that will help you throughout your journey, right. So you're not

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doing this alone. And this is this is the title of it right that this

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is not a do it yourself.

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It's not practical, it can get very, very lonely. And so it's

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important to establish that connection and that foundation

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early on. So if you don't have a center, right, if you live, which

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I know, there's situations such as such as that, when I went to

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Bogota, Colombia, I'm sorry, yeah. But without Colombia, I met

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I met one of the scholars who basically said that one of his,

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one of the members will travel a total of five hours to get to the

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masjid for Juma.

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And so that's I don't know how many of us would travel that far.

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But obviously, when you come into faith, and you want to connect

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somehow, some way you Where there's a will, there's a way and

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so you make it happen. So there are individuals that will go

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out of their way to make sure that they make that connection. And

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well now, like I mentioned early now we have you know, this, the

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intranet Alhamdulillah. And so there can be a community that you

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can find virtually, I know at embrace we have a lot of live

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classes, workshops, Holocaust discussions, so there are

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different avenues. If you don't have a center, you can still build

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on a virtual community per se. Now, when we're looking for a

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mentor, it's important for us to Inshallah, make sure that

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we look for someone of our same gender, right? So it's important

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for us to if you're a sister that you look for a sister, you know,

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that you are compatible with. And so that's that's very important

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for us, too.

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I understand early on. And while we have, I have heard, and also

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when I came into Islam, there was a brother who sent me books. And

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even though he was, you know, a male, he did send me the books and

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then referred me to a sister to teach me. So that can also happen,

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right. So just make sure that these boundaries are not crossed.

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And that we understand what has been prescribed for us is from our

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Creator. And so we have to make sure that we respect those

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boundaries. And so it's important for us to find someone

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of the same gender, right, so if, let's say, I need a brother, and,

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you know, we initiate conversation, I am not going to

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mentor him, but I am going to look for someone to mentor him.

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Likewise, for a sister, if you know a brother gives you a Koran.

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Hopefully, if he's married, his wife can possibly mentor you, or

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what have you. So it's important, this is a very important

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piece to start with, right.

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And while that we will have certain interactions with the

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opposite gender, again, we have to make sure that we don't cross any

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boundaries, and that we are very respectful towards one another.

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as Allah subhana, Allah has ordained it, right? As you're

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looking for a mentor, obviously, or or you are assigned a mentor,

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you want to make sure that there is some type of compatibility,

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right. So now I'm talking to the mentor, we have to make sure that

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on both sides, but the mentor has to be obviously patient. And we

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are all eager to help and eager to learn. So on both sides equally,

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we need to be patient with each other. And make sure that as we

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are teaching and learning that if questions come up that we make

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sure we ask them, right. So one of the things that personally, I

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loved about Islam was that the fact that I was able to ask

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anything and everything I wanted. And I remember growing up in the

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Catholic Church, you know, when I had questions, I was oftentimes

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And I was told that I just had to believe and so that is not the

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case. In Islam, we have every right to ask any question. No

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question is dumb. And if you have a question, I'm sure there is an

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answer for everything. So we just have to make sure that if that

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individual that is mentoring, you doesn't have the answer that

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they're able to say, I don't know that answer to that question. But

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I'll get back to you.

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And so as a mentor, you have to be very mindful of that. And for the

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convert, also be very patient if we don't have all the answers when

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we're mentoring right?

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One of the important factors of this whole mentorship is obviously

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to establish that brotherhood sisterhood bond, right? There's a

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lot of benefit in it. As you are growing into your new, you know,

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role and way of life, you are obviously building on this family,

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as the Ummah as one nation, we are called brothers and sisters for a

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reason, right? And we do become

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we do

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gravitate to those habits of our brothers and sisters. So we do

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have to be very cautious as well. Not only when you are mentoring,

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but when you are being mentor if there are things that you don't

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like, you need to speak up and say, You know what, I did not

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appreciate the way you spoke to me a lot of times, so one thing that

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I did see early on when somebody when I was assigned a mentor was

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that, obviously we come from different sides of the world. And

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so sometimes culture plays a big role. And so we have to be able to

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differentiate between Islam and culture and if something doesn't

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seem right, or sound right then question it's okay to ask your

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mentor. There's, there's no,

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there's absolutely no, no bad

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reason why you shouldn't, you should ask.

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The other thing, you know, when we are looking for this mentor,

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we're looking for someone that understands us

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and is able to

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is able to bring resources and what I mean by that is obviously

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if I don't have a Koran, I don't know where to look for a Koran, my

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mentor inshallah will be able to facilitate this reading material

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for me.

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And as we are looking for this mentor or we are mentoring as

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well, we have to remember

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to to be aware of the different organizations out there that

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provide risk

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Horses. And so when, when you are mentoring someone, make sure that

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you are bringing, you know, easy to read material. I remember one

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of the most important things that I always brought on and this is

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this is a small booklet, it's very small booklet, but it's very easy

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to comprehend. It's what is Islam and who are Muslims, right? So

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it's very, very thin. But there's a lot of good information here

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anywhere from who is Isa alayhi, Salam Jesus and the Koran and what

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have you. So easy material, Inshallah, to make sure that

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you're the person that you are mentoring does not get

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overwhelmed. I remember when I came into the faith, I received a

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huge box of books, and it was very overwhelming.

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So just make sure to take it little by little Inshallah, when

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you are providing these resources.

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The other thing that you know, as we're looking, what should you

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look for in a mentor?

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Somebody that's compatible, somebody with excellent character,

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is important to also look in a mentor, right? So, obviously, we

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have to make sure that we are listening to this mentor. But the

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mentor also knowing that whatever you are teaching this new convert,

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these are habits that perhaps they're going to carry on, right,

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I'll give you one example. So my mentor, when I came into the

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faith, told me, no matter what, no matter where you're at, no matter

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what's going on in your life, don't ever, ever, ever miss Salah

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prayer. So when a mentor tells you this early on, and explains to you

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why, right, and I remember she said, because this is the very

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first thing Allah subhanaw taala is going to ask you about on the

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day of judgment, and it's so important to maintain that

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connection. So don't ever miss your salon. To this day, we're

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talking about over 15 years later, this has stuck in my brain, right

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how important salon is. And no matter where I am, what I'm doing,

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I had to pause and this is my time for my Creator and I, for me to

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let go of all the worldly, any, any anxiety, any worries I may

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have, I take it all to the rug. So that's why it's so important when

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we are mentoring or we're looking for a mentor, that we are looking

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for characteristics, good characteristics that will carry us

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on, and will help us throughout this journey.

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So the other thing that it's important for us to remember is so

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number one I said is connect ourselves to a masjid or Islamic

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center. Make sure that once you're there, you take full advantage of

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you know, the different resources that are happening, whether it's

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workshops, whether it's Islam, one on one,

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you know, it, it really, it really is our responsibility to learn.

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And you know, at this, at this given time, she thought will come

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at us and we'll have zillions of excuses why we can attend and what

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have you and then we fall short. And then we just kind of get lazy

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and that's one of the attributes of shaytaan being lazy. So we have

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to be careful and make sure that we are

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obviously utilizing our time correctly that we are seeking out

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for the that connection that sisterly you know, sisterhood and

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brotherhood connection.

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And so why can't you do you know why? Why can't you go on this

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journey by yourself because

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we we are creatures that love human interaction, right? And so

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it's important for us to align those individuals that will take

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us to the next level. And that's why finding a mentor that will

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help us get there is so important and imperative. And so the other

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thing is that understand that not everybody will connect

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immediately, per se like for example, if the first mentor that

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you're assigned, there's not a lot of compatibility or simply you

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just don't click, you can ask for someone else. It's important for

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you to voice voice that out out to whether it's the Islamic Central

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or the masjid for you to say, You know what, this is not working

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out. Can I be assigned to someone else? And it's okay

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To, you know, choose a different mentor, inshallah.

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And why, why is why is that? Well, simply because you want to make

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sure that you make that connection, not only physical, but

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a physical connection, but also spiritual connection that, you

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know that that person draws you closer to Allah. And so that's why

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it's so important to look for that person that will make an impact in

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your life, with those reminders with that invitation to come to

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dinner, or to make sure that makes makes you feel at home, right, so

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we can't do it alone. And that's, that's essentially what I'm here

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to tell you today that we definitely cannot

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we cannot do this alone. We need mentors as new Muslims, right.

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And so as as, as community, we need to make sure that we're also

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taking care of this important

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portion within our communities.

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Because new Muslims need train mentors. So one of our one of one

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of design program that we have at embrace, it's called convert

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sensitivity training. And it's basically to train anyone that's

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going to be dealing with reverts and converts. It's so important

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because as I initially started saying, we don't all come from the

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same walks of life or the same background. We don't all have the

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same education,

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you know, level or what have you. And so this is why it's important

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for us to get trained.

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and so in this training, we go, we go on a journey, we go on a

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journey from the day that the individual takes shahada, you

00:22:02 --> 00:22:07

know, how to welcome them without overwhelming them, right. So, as

00:22:07 --> 00:22:12

mentors, we can expect someone to learn from A to Z and X amount of

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time because again, sometimes the individual may have a learning

00:22:20 --> 00:22:23

problems or what have you, or learns at a different pace than

00:22:23 --> 00:22:28

you. And that's okay. The most important thing I would say, if

00:22:28 --> 00:22:32

you take anything is to be consistent, right? When you if you

00:22:32 --> 00:22:36

plan to be a mentor, it's important to be consistent,

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consistent means that if you

00:22:41 --> 00:22:46

have planned to meet once a week not to cancel on this new Muslim,

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right, it's important to make sure that you are consistent that if

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you say Friday afternoon, we're gonna meet at five o'clock, that

00:22:53 --> 00:22:59

you, you you save that time you cross off that time specifically

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for this because again, it's an Amana, right. And Allah subhana,

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Allah gives us these opportunity, but also can remove us from these

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opportunity. And so one of the most beautiful deeds that that you

00:23:13 --> 00:23:16

know, and I'm paraphrasing, but one of the most beautiful

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headaches that come to my mind is that anything good that you teach,

00:23:22 --> 00:23:28

or this individual, you will, you will get a portion right? Excuse

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me. So imagine you teach your shahada, this, this new Muslim, Al

00:23:33 --> 00:23:39

Fatiha, and for the rest of their lives, they will be praying and

00:23:39 --> 00:23:43

they will reciting al Fatiha. And you will be getting a portion of

00:23:43 --> 00:23:49

that because you took the time. And you invested in this new

00:23:49 --> 00:23:54

shahada and taught that Al Fatiha right. So it's a win win situation

00:23:54 --> 00:24:00

on both ends. And obviously, it's to cultivate that sense of

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community. It's to cultivate that sisterhood and brotherhood and so

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it's so important. And in this Congress sensitivity training, we

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talk about obviously the home we talk about, you know, work what

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does that look like for the new shahada and then finally, the

00:24:19 --> 00:24:24

communal aspect of it right, what to expect and what not to expect

00:24:24 --> 00:24:31

for for for both of the, the mentor and the Shahada. And so

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I would highly encourage everyone to to, to learn to learn a little

00:24:39 --> 00:24:43

bit more but also to reach out right and

00:24:44 --> 00:24:49

be consistent when you are reaching out. Don't wait only for

00:24:49 --> 00:24:54

eat or don't wait only for Ramadan. You know, open the doors

00:24:55 --> 00:24:58

to your home but more importantly open the doors to your heart

00:24:58 --> 00:24:59

right. We are

00:25:00 --> 00:25:05

all brothers and sisters in the faith. And obviously we all want

00:25:05 --> 00:25:10

good for one another. And so one of the most important things is

00:25:10 --> 00:25:14

for us to make sure that we get involved when it comes to convert

00:25:14 --> 00:25:20

care to new Muslims who are in need of these mentors.

00:25:21 --> 00:25:26

And last but not least, I would say, you know, don't see it as a

00:25:26 --> 00:25:31

burden, if you are entering the mentor, being a mentor, right?

00:25:31 --> 00:25:35

Don't Don't, don't say, Oh, why just, I'm just going to do it, but

00:25:35 --> 00:25:40

then become over overwhelm. If your time has come like where you

00:25:40 --> 00:25:43

give yourself, Oh, I'm going to mentor someone six months, then

00:25:43 --> 00:25:47

then make sure that you say that upfront, you know, for the next

00:25:47 --> 00:25:52

six months, and then we will revisit and see where you're at

00:25:52 --> 00:25:55

and how much you have learned. That way you don't you don't leave

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someone cold turkey, because it's very detrimental for a new Muslim,

00:26:01 --> 00:26:06

to be so excited that they built, they're building this relationship

00:26:06 --> 00:26:11

and all sudden, this mentor disappears one day. So make sure

00:26:11 --> 00:26:18

to go in with the best intention to help these new Muslims. You

00:26:18 --> 00:26:22

know, set up a timeframe if if you are short on time, be very

00:26:22 --> 00:26:27

consistent, have the correct resources, you need to educate

00:26:27 --> 00:26:32

yourself as a mentor. To know you know, where you can get Koran, or

00:26:32 --> 00:26:37

wherever your new shahada can go for new classes, what websites are

00:26:37 --> 00:26:41

there available, one of the best resources and I tell you this,

00:26:41 --> 00:26:44

with all due honesty is here about Islam, if you go to the website,

00:26:44 --> 00:26:49

and you type in any, any topic, there will be an article on it.

00:26:50 --> 00:26:56

And So educate yourself as much as you can don't treat everyone, you

00:26:56 --> 00:26:59

know, one size fits all, no, we all come from different walks of

00:26:59 --> 00:27:04

life, we are all different, we are looking for, you know, to be

00:27:04 --> 00:27:08

respected, and we want to be integrated into the community. So

00:27:09 --> 00:27:15

for both, you know, the mentor and the new Muslim, you know, be

00:27:15 --> 00:27:18

patient with one another, it's very important to exercise

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00:27:20 --> 00:27:24

One is possibly learning how to be a mentor or trying their best are

00:27:24 --> 00:27:28

coming with the best intention. So remember that, you know, when we

00:27:28 --> 00:27:36

do volunteer, or are giving our time for the sake of Allah is is

00:27:36 --> 00:27:39

something that we need to be very mindful of as well.

00:27:41 --> 00:27:48

And so I really hope that help for both for new Muslims. And also for

00:27:48 --> 00:27:52

mentors. There's so much more that I could say on this. And perhaps

00:27:52 --> 00:27:56

one day I'll do the sensitivity training by maybe by parts I can

00:27:56 --> 00:27:59

do one part two part and then three part because I think that's

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also very important.

00:28:02 --> 00:28:07

Inshallah, but for now, I just, I just want to thank everyone out

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there who is doing mentoring with new Muslims who do go out of their

00:28:12 --> 00:28:18

ways to give salons to the new convert, just this past Juma this

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Friday, I arrived to the masjid. And the sister to my right had a

00:28:24 --> 00:28:29

little book so I realized she was a convert. And I made sure that I

00:28:29 --> 00:28:33

greeted her I gave her my card. I gave her a pamphlet I said, you

00:28:33 --> 00:28:38

know, I'm here for you and obviously greeted her with a smile

00:28:38 --> 00:28:42

gave her salons gave her her right. And so these are, these are

00:28:42 --> 00:28:46

my new things that we don't think about but that go a long way. And

00:28:46 --> 00:28:50

so she said, Oh, you're the only one that has greeted me. And so

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while that is very painful, because as Muslims to one another,

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we should be very kind, very generous. And so our smile is

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sadaqa so we should be smiling at the masjid and greeting each other

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and being kind to each other and looking at our surroundings who is

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at the masjid who is not. I remember when I just moved here to

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Dallas, Texas, there was one sister that Subhanallah I will

00:29:17 --> 00:29:18

never forget.

00:29:19 --> 00:29:22

That called me the first Friday that I didn't show up and I

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happened to be very sick that Friday and she she texts me and

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then she called me and she said Are you okay? I noticed that you

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didn't come to Juma. I always tell this story because that story

00:29:35 --> 00:29:39

impacted me even though I've been Muslim for a long time. It's

00:29:39 --> 00:29:44

individuals like that that bring us hope and revive you know, this

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brotherhood and sisterhood and love that we should have for one

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another. So as mentors Please be kind to an end patient. And as do

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Muslims also be patient with yourselves. Be very consistent.

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Don't get frustrated. It's it's a journey. It's a lot of time

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journey. So, I pray that this is of benefit to you all. And we

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shall see you at the next

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at the next session. You all have a wonderful week. Salam alaykum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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