Nahela Morales – New Muslims; How Do We Seek Knowledge

Nahela Morales
AI: Summary ©
A new Islamist is speaking to her peers and trying to convince them to take time to learn the Islam. She recommends the book of La Ilaha born on the fruitful journey and the manners of Islam. She encourages everyone to take time to learn and make it beneficial for her life.
AI: Transcript ©
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I will be left in ministry 10 rajim Bismillah Hara Mami Rahim.

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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, my beloved brothers

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and sisters today I am speaking to Inshallah, my new Muslims. My new

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shahada says,

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first generation Muslims reverts, converts, first and foremost,

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welcome. Welcome to Islam.

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What can I tell you as a convert myself, I get butterflies and

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super excited when I hear about a brother and sister embracing Islam

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and being guided to this beautiful way of life. But we understand

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that upon embracing Islam, there are trials and challenges. And so

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one of the most important things that I'm going to talk to you

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about today is seeking knowledge and what does that look like for

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us converts?

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You know, where do we look? How do we learn, and obviously, for it to

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be a fruitful, beneficial journey, as we understand through the Quran

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that Allah subhanaw taala has made it a responsibility upon us, both

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male and females to seek knowledge, the first word that was

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revealed to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was it

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Gra, which means read, read in the Name of your Lord. And therefore

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today, I want to inshallah give you some tips, and perhaps even

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some, some books for you to read some titles of some books that

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have helped me, and that I think they are essential for your

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Because it's not a marathon, it's a journey, until we depart this

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life. And so

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we have to make sure that we are looking for the correct resources

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we are. Inshallah, you know, learning at our own pace, everyone

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is different. Everyone comes from different walks of life, everybody

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learns differently. And obviously, not any, none of us

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are the same. And what I mean by that is that we are unique. And we

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need to make sure that we never compare ourselves or our journey

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to anyone else. If somebody learns at a faster pace, never think that

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you should give up. And so it's important for us to keep that in

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mind at all times, because

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acquiring knowledge is a lifetime journey, to be honest with you, we

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will never stop learning. And so we just got to make sure that we

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take our time. So in sha Allah, some of the some of the books that

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I want to recommend personally that have helped me and I think

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are important for our foundation as a new Shahadat new Muslims is

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to learn three things. Number one, I would say get to know who Allah

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is. And so we want to understand what I should do a La Ilaha illa

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Allah shadow Ana Muhammad Rasool Allah. And so in this verse, we're

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testifying or we testify that there's none worthy of worship

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except Allah subhanho data. And the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon

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him is his last and final messenger and therefore, we want

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to get to know both of them in sha Allah. And so

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the third thing aside from learning the 99 names of Allah and

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the Sunnah of the Prophet peace be upon him is manners, it is very

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important for us to learn about manners. So the book of manners, I

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highly recommend

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the the Muslim character, this is another book I highly, highly

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recommend in sha Allah. And then these two, this one was actually

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written by two converts, which is the new Muslim guide, Field Guide.

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I also recommend this one in sha Allah. And finally, the new Muslim

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guide in sha Allah. So do look out for these four books. I want to

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encourage each and every one of you to continue on this journey to

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take your time. Again, this is not a marathon. This is your journey.

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Embrace your journey love your journey and may Allah subhanaw

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taala make this journey beneficial fruitful not only for this life

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but for the next until next time As Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi

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