Nahela Morales – Islam, Iman, Ihsan Climbing the Spiritual Ladder

Nahela Morales
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam is discussed, including belief, finding a quiet place for prayer, establishing prayer during crisis times, discomfort with drinking water, and learning the prayer in Arabic. Prayer is a fundamental aspect of Islam, and the importance of practicing these pillars is emphasized. The importance of praying for their Lord, their spiritual mountain, and maintaining spirituality is emphasized, along with practice of their faith and obligations. Prays are crucial for achieving spiritual connections and achieving peace in their spiritual journey.
AI: Transcript ©
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Preparing to livestream the meeting

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setting up for Facebook Live

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Okay, go ahead

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I would be like administrate Energien Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

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Welcome back to another live about Islam. My name is Anna Halal

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mirallas. And today we are going to be touching on a very important

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topic. And I'm going to try to speak to an audience generally,

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but my talk will be geared more towards the new converts the new

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Muslims, the new reverts. And so today we will be talking about

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Islam, Imam and a Sam, and I got a lot of the information off an

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article from the Yaqeen Institute. So Inshallah, that's where you

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would be able to follow up because it's very intense, it's very

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extensive. And it has a lot of great information, which I'm not

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really sure we'll be able to cover in 30 minutes, but I will try to

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do my best in sha Allah. And oops, let me just mute this one second.

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Okay, so um, let me just share this in a page or two, that way we

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can get and give time for others to join us.

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Alhamdulillah, I've started my master's degree in divinity. And

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so I'm very excited to connect, to connect with you today.

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I am based in Dallas, Texas.

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And so let's see,

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we are about to begin. Okay.

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So Insha Allah, many of us, when we think about Islam, we think

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about the five pillars of Islam, and we think that it ends there.

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hamdulillah as human beings, we were created with an intent a

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drive to seek out for a purpose. And Islam actually provides us

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that purpose, which is very wonderful. I can tell you as a

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convert myself as a revert, it was wonderful to finally find a place

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and understand what my purpose in life was. Islam provides that for

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us. And Hamdulillah. But even more so Islam is the outer and that's

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the way

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it's mentioned in this article. It is it is

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it is the our lair and Islam we understand that it's submission to

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the will of Allah and the people that practice Islam or Muslims.

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And so when we think about Islam, we think about like I mentioned

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five pillars, what are those five pillars consist of those five

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pillars consists of the shahada, the testimony of faith,

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that for many of us, it takes some time to get to that pivotal moment

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of accepting Islam as our way of life. And what I mean by that is

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like, for example, for myself, it took approximately, I would say, a

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good four years altogether to finally, say my Shahada, even

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though I started practicing prior to that.

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And so you build on and for someone that is inquisitive,

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someone that is interested, someone that is trying to find

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their purpose, and someone that has come across Islam, obviously,

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we have a lot of questions. And that's one of the beauties about

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Islam, that we are actually encouraged to ask these questions,

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we are encouraged to seek the knowledge and so that's one of the

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things that I for myself, I did and I know that many of the

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rebirths many of the converts that I work with, through embrace a

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project of Ignite. It's an organization that I co founded,

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many of us did take some time to be prior to taking the shahada,

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the first pillar of Islam

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after the shahada comes prayer. And so this is the very first

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thing that Allah subhanaw taala will be asking about on the Day of

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Judgement. So it's very important that you as a new Muslim, even if

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you don't know how to pray in Arabic, you've established the

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prayer from the day that you embrace Islam. And why do I

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mention this because you are very vulnerable.

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or, and many things will come your way where you will feel like it

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becomes too heavy to even practice. So it's very important

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that you allocate a place a quiet place, a nice place a clean place,

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and start your slot almost immediately after you embrace

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Islam. One of the things that I used to do is I would allocate

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that time and I would leave basically just make dua I didn't

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know it was due at the time, but I would make dua and I would

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supplicate to Allah to keep me guided and keep me on the straight

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path. And slowly I started learning the prayer first I

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learned it in English.

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So I highly encourage everyone to actually learn a V. V prayers in

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your native tongue. This way when you transition to the Arabic

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language, you understand and you feel what you are saying, when you

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are praying, inshallah.

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So that's the second pillar. The second pillar is establishing our

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And our third pillar is Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the

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lunar calendar for us Muslims, and it falls approximately 10 days or

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so earlier each year. And so during the entire month, we fast

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from before sunrise to sunset. And this is something that we all look

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forward to as Muslims. And when Ramadan is getting ready to

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depart, we feel it because this is a time where it's a different type

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of spiritual connection. Inshallah, which we'll talk a

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little bit further on. But Ramadan is a very special time for us. I

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know upon converting many people question, are you sure you can't

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even drink water and now it's a meme. Now everybody asks, you

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know, you're fasting, not even water. And that is correct. We

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don't, we abstained from food and water. And if you are married,

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obviously, from sexual relationships, and during this

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time, you are trying to be the best, it's almost like a recharge.

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It's an opportunity to renew, and establish new habits, and make

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sure that you are feeding your soul and you are changing things

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that you don't like personally in order to reach a higher level of E

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San, which we'll talk about, in sha Allah. So this talk is about

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really, it's about a spiritual mountain, right? So we are going

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we're talking right now about Islam, and I'm breaking it down

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with the five pillars, we're on pillar number three. So number one

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is Shahada. Number two is the

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prayer number three is Ramadan, the fasting during the month of

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Ramadan, so fasting during the month of Ramadan, number four,

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is this a cot, so Succot is 2.5 of your wealth, your annual wealth.

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And this is very important to also remember, because as Muslims, we

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are not only instructed, or we are, this is one of our pillars,

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but it also helps us become more humane and we come in in touch

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with our our communities and those around us, whether they're Muslim

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or not. And so that's very important to understand the Succot

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aspect of it that 2.5 of A B annual that is asked of us. Now,

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here's here's the thing, that if you don't have it, obviously,

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Allah Subhana Allah knows what we're capable of and what we're

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not and therefore you will be on the receiving end. So a lot of

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people who are eligible for Succot will go to their local mosque or

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their Islamic centers, and what have you, and they will be on the

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receiving end. So some of us will be able to give that to God while

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others will be receiving that second.

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And the fifth pillar of Islam is the Hajj. This is done once in our

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lifetime. And

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it's, it's really a journey of a lifetime. I was very blessed to

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perform the hajj in 2018. And then an Omaha almost two years later,

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right before the shutdown of the pandemic Alhamdulillah.

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I can say that it changed my life forever, to be able to go to the

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places that our beloved Prophet saw some and all of the other

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prophets that we read on a day to day basis, whether it's through

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books or whether it's in the Koran. It really is life changing

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and this is something I have

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I really encourage everyone to make that initial intention to

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make sure that you know you put it in your in your, in your tongue in

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your mind and your heart and you ask Allah subhanaw taala to invite

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you, and surely he will invite you when he knows that you are ready,

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when he knows that you are ready, because he is not. It's not a

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vacation. It's not.

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It's hard. It's hard work. But it's very,

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it's very uplifting, and very empowering. Because when you

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overcome these things, while you're doing this, these rituals,

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it really shows you what you're made of right and everything when

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you do things for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. He

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facilitates everything for us. So these are the five pillars of

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Islam. And I wanted to start with that, because Islam, like I said,

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it's an outer right, it's an out word, submission, like you saw all

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of them with the exception of one, you can see outside, like when you

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go pray, when you say your shahada, you normally say it in

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front of people and you, you have witnesses around you. For the most

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part. When you pray, obviously you're at a masjid or when you're

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outside to people see you, when you give psychiatry well, people

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will have a name for you, if you gave a card and they will see you

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have to give up your wealth. And then the fifth pillar is hedge.

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Now, I didn't mention fasting, because that's the one pillar that

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is truly the inner, it's not an outer because we are doing it

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everything we do for the sake of Allah, but this one, only you and

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your Rob, you and your Lord know that you are actually fasting.

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And I learned this very early on. And it was pretty fascinating

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because it is so true. We don't know when people are not fasting

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or fasting or if they ate behind a closed door. So this is really

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beautiful that there is one pillar that it's between you and your

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Creator among all of them. But this one, it's not an outer

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that you can actually see this is this is obviously when you will

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break your fast people know and notice that you are fasting.

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And as my son was growing up, that's one of the things I

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explained to him, you know, he started fasting when he was five

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in increments. So he would fast till 10am, the next year to 11,

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and so on and so forth. By the age of nine, he himself was in a

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challenge with one of his friends who had fasted that entire day.

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And he put that challenge upon himself and said I can fast so

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when we compete for goodness, this is a good thing. And that's

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exactly what my son did. And ever since then hamdulillah he's been

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fasting for days during Ramadan. And then we do in addition,

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sunnah, sunnah fasting, right, so like Mondays and, and Thursdays,

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or sometimes we do the white days. And that's additional, right. So

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these are all components that extra, the extra prayers that I'm

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mentioning, they're all components to this beautiful spiritual

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mountain that we want to, we want to always try to reach. And so

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when we understand, and we're able to implement these five pillars to

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the best of our ability, then we're able to kind of move to the

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next thing. But even before I started talking about it, amen,

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right, which means faith and Arabic. I want us to to take a

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moment to think right, especially us new converts, when you convert

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it, you're on cloud nine. I know it was for myself, even though I

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went through some challenges which I've mentioned in the past, I got

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fired for wearing the headscarf, and I had this boost this, this

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amount of I'm not sure if it was a man at the time or faith perhaps.

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But there was nothing that was going to take me out of that cloud

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nine. And I was just so content and so happy with the fact that I

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finally made this decision that I wanted to hold on to that with all

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my might. And so when you're going through a rollercoaster of

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emotions, a roller coaster of possible test or trials, or I like

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to call them lessons.

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I don't see tests and trials as something bad. On the contrary, I

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see them as potential lessons for life. And so every time I'm going

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through something I kind of step back and I kind of asked myself

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and you know do a checklist

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So what am I doing that I should be doing? And what am I doing that

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I shouldn't be doing, and it kind of coincides. And once you start

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checking things off, and I'll give you an example.

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You know, life is really, really busy life is, is getting back to

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normal now things have opened up, at least here in my city. And so

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before the we, during the pandemic, we had time, we had time

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to pray on time, we had time to really connect with our loved

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ones, we were not going anywhere. So again, we were praying on time

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you were getting up to pray Ramadan was completely different.

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We were not running around from, you know, from home to the masjid

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to thought we prayers we had this time. And it was so beautiful to

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be honest with with you, I actually really enjoyed Ramadan

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during pandemic, because for the first time I was able to solidify,

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I was able to concentrate I was really able to submerge myself in

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the practice of one of extra prayers of that whole shoe that

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concentration that sometimes we lack of when it gets really busy.

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And so it gets really busy. And we we tend to put some of the most

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important things of our days off, and perhaps not off completely.

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But when the Adem comes in, that's an obligation that you have for

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yourself. Allah doesn't need our prayers, right? And we all know

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that Allah is capable, and he doesn't need anything from us, we

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need from him. And so this is what I mean, like, are we putting

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everything on hold with the dam goes off and go pray? Or are we

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putting it off? And this is something that each and every one

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of us needs to work on on bettering ourselves on that

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connection, that spiritual connection. And when you're going

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through that list, that's one of the things you want to check off.

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Am I praying on time? Am I doing my obligation prayers because I've

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mentioned this in the past there's individuals there's brothers and

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sisters who jump into Sunnah prayer or other prayers with the

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prayer or what have you. But they're not doing the obligation

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prayers. And so that's why I mentioned towards the beginning

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about the, the second pillar of Islam, which is going to be asked

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during, during the day of judgment, right Allah subhanaw

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taala is going to question us about our salah. Furthermore, we

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want to work towards as you're checking off this list, we want to

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work on our who shoe, the minute that you say Allahu Akbar, are you

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concentrated? Are you focused? Are you submerged to speaking to your

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Lord, this is five times a day, that we have the opportunity to

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talk to our Lord, to ask him to cry to him, to connect with him,

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to get to know Him. And so when you say Allahu Akbar, do you start

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thinking about sisters about if you left the stove on? Brothers,

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are you thinking Have you paid the bill that was due two days ago?

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This is the horseshoe that we are talking about when you're going

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through this checklist right? When you say a lot, but when you stand

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in front of Allah subhanaw taala, we want to we want to get to the

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level on this spiritual mountain of complete distractions are gone,

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now is 510 15 minutes, however long it takes you for your salon,

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that you're going to focus, you're going to focus and you're going to

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put all of your attention to this moment. The prophets of Allah

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alayhi salam always, always encouraged for us to pray as if it

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were our last prayer. If we actually prayed every salon this

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way, then we would gain that tissue that we all are desiring

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and all want to achieve in our lifetime. So it's really important

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for us to,

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to focus on on this pillar, soon after coming into Islam again, our

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days or counted. We don't know when our expiration when that day

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will come where we will die. And so this is we're gonna have to

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break this down in probably three sessions, or possibly even more.

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I'm not really sure. But I think this is very important for us to

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really talk about each and every one of them to where we

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understand, and we get to know who our Creator is and what is truly

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our purpose in life, and what truly it means to pray.

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actus this beautiful way of life, which is Islam.

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So we know that, you know, Islam is very clear. When it comes to

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do's and don'ts. It's very clear when when we know that we believe

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in Tao heed right like oneness of God. That's it. I always say that

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I am a better Catholic as a Muslim, and I'll explain this. Now

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that I am a Muslim than when I was a Catholic. So for those of you

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that may not know,

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the 10 commandments were given to Prophet Moses Musa alayhis salam.

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And so in those 10 commandments, the first commandment is to

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worship Allah alone without associated any partners. And that

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is the one thing that we are instructed as Muslims to never

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associate anything or anyone with ALLAH subhanaw taala that is the

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one thing that Allah will not forgive shirk. Right, associating

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partners associating anything, whether it's your horoscope,

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whether it's

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the little blue eyes, whether it's, there's so many things that

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people put their faith in, we are supposed to abstain from that

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we're not we should put all of our trust in Allah subhanaw taala, or

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the worker should be solely for Allah. And so as a Muslim, I only

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worship Allah subhanaw taala and him alone. So this is why I say

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that I'm a better Catholic as a Muslim, because in Catholicism, we

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worship everything under the sun, you know, there's saints and

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there's, you know, human beings that are turned into saints like

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Pope John the second, he, I believe, is now a saint, or is

00:21:54 --> 00:21:58

going through that process. And so

00:21:59 --> 00:22:03

we, we are supposed to not associate anything with a las

00:22:03 --> 00:22:06

Panatela. And that's, that's why I say this.

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Now, Subhan Allah, you know, when we talk about Islam, we talk

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about, we talk about all the beautiful things that we have been

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given. And one of those is like I mentioned the purpose of our

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existence, it's very clear. And it's wonderful to not navigate

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through this world, not knowing what your purpose is. And so for

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us who have embraced Islam, or even those who were born into the

00:22:32 --> 00:22:34

faith, you have a choice every morning when you wake up in the

00:22:34 --> 00:22:40

morning to practice your faith. And so this goes full, full cross,

00:22:40 --> 00:22:44

that every single one of us has a choice, whether you were born into

00:22:44 --> 00:22:48

the faith or whether you converted, you have a choice to

00:22:48 --> 00:22:53

practice your deen you have a choice to to pray your five daily

00:22:53 --> 00:22:58

prayers, you have a choice to abstain from anything that is

00:22:58 --> 00:23:02

harmful to your body, whether it's alcohol, you know, cigarettes and

00:23:02 --> 00:23:03

what have you.

00:23:04 --> 00:23:09

You know, or anything that is going to harm V temples, this body

00:23:09 --> 00:23:14

that has rights over you that Allah has gifted temporarily right

00:23:14 --> 00:23:18

in this life. And so um, you know, the Prophet saw Sam was asked by

00:23:18 --> 00:23:26

Angel Jabril Gabriel, he was asked, Tell me about Islam. And so

00:23:26 --> 00:23:31

in a hadith, Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

00:23:31 --> 00:23:38

Islam is to testify that there is no truly God, but Allah, and that

00:23:38 --> 00:23:43

Muhammad peace be upon him is a messenger of Allah to establish

00:23:43 --> 00:23:48

prayer, to give charity to fast during the month of Ramadan, and

00:23:48 --> 00:23:55

to perform the hudge to the house, if one if one is able to right.

00:23:56 --> 00:24:00

And one can find a way. So basically, if you are healthy, and

00:24:00 --> 00:24:03

you're able to if you have the means and you're able to

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otherwise, obviously Allah knows our condition. So in this hadith,

00:24:09 --> 00:24:14

it's everything that I spoke about in terms of what is Islam. And so

00:24:15 --> 00:24:19

it's it's so important that when we think about our faith, we don't

00:24:19 --> 00:24:23

pick and choose Islam doesn't need us, you know, the best way to

00:24:23 --> 00:24:26

defend Islam is to actually practice it.

00:24:27 --> 00:24:33

And so the best way to do that is by learning about your faith,

00:24:33 --> 00:24:39

learning about what what are your obligations, not jumping over what

00:24:39 --> 00:24:44

you don't like and choosing. So that is very important when it

00:24:44 --> 00:24:46

comes to what is Islam.

00:24:48 --> 00:24:53

The other thing about Islam when when we come into the faith, you

00:24:53 --> 00:24:59

know, we are so excited we want to tell everyone we want to I

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For the first time I went to Mexico, I was so ready to just

00:25:03 --> 00:25:07

share and convey the message of Islam. But if we don't know what

00:25:07 --> 00:25:11

Islam truly represents, and we don't, we're not practicing the

00:25:11 --> 00:25:16

faith, then how are we able to be the best ambassadors of Islam?

00:25:16 --> 00:25:20

Because essentially, that's what we are. We are all ambassadors of

00:25:20 --> 00:25:26

this beautiful way of life. And we have responsibility upon it upon

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each other, and make sure that we are always representing the faith

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to the best of our ability. Now, aside from the five, five pillars

00:25:37 --> 00:25:42

of Islam, they are there are six articles of faith. And I'm just

00:25:42 --> 00:25:46

gonna go really quick because I only have a few minutes. Again,

00:25:46 --> 00:25:49

we're going to continue this conversation Inshallah, I hope it

00:25:49 --> 00:25:53

is a benefit. But the six articles of faith again, it's

00:25:54 --> 00:25:57

it's the Shahada. It's believing in all the prophets that came

00:25:57 --> 00:26:02

prior. It's the the books that came down, you know, we know that

00:26:02 --> 00:26:07

the Torah was given to Musa alayhis salam, the Injil to E sila

00:26:07 --> 00:26:11

Islam, and the Quran to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, we

00:26:11 --> 00:26:17

believe in predestination, we believe in the angels. And I

00:26:17 --> 00:26:20

mentioned the shadow and the day of judgment.

00:26:22 --> 00:26:25

So Inshallah, because I'm running out of time, and I just want to

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make sure that I see everything that I need to say.

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We have to understand that no Muslim can actually advance in

00:26:34 --> 00:26:39

spirituality, until they hear by the basic again, the basic

00:26:39 --> 00:26:45

practices of Islam, right, which is these five pillars and six

00:26:45 --> 00:26:49

articles of faith in sha Allah. And so

00:26:50 --> 00:26:57

we need to make sure that we we do what is obligation before we jump

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into anything else. I think I'm gonna go ahead and stop here

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simply because there is so much to cover. But I do want to continue

00:27:06 --> 00:27:09

this conversation. I think during our next session, we'll talk about

00:27:09 --> 00:27:17

Eman which is faith and how we can try to maintain our Eman in this

00:27:17 --> 00:27:21

spiritual mountain as high as we can. There are certain things that

00:27:21 --> 00:27:25

we can do in sha Allah to make sure that it doesn't deep all the

00:27:25 --> 00:27:29

way down. You man is like a roller coaster, it will go up and down.

00:27:29 --> 00:27:33

But there are certain techniques and certain tools that we'll talk

00:27:33 --> 00:27:39

about in our next conversation Inshallah, where we will be able

00:27:39 --> 00:27:44

to discuss and hopefully give you these tools. So next time you are

00:27:44 --> 00:27:48

going through some hardship or you're going through a test or a

00:27:48 --> 00:27:53

trial, you're able to remember that there is hope at the end of

00:27:53 --> 00:27:58

the tunnel and that Allah subhanaw taala does not burden us with

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anything that we cannot handle. Lastly, before I leave remember

00:28:03 --> 00:28:08

that with hardship with not after but with hardship comes ease.

00:28:09 --> 00:28:13

Until next time, just like a hair I pray that this was beneficial.

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Anything I said that was good is from Allah subhanaw taala anything

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that I said that it was a mistake, please forgive me and I ask Allah

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Subhana Allah to forgive me until next time, take care Salaam

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Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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