Nahela Morales – How to make new friends as a New Convert to Islam

Nahela Morales
AI: Summary ©
The importance of being flexible and welcoming in friendship with others is emphasized in Islam. It is important to partner with individuals who bring value to them and find a partner who is a reliable one. It is also important to be mindful of one's friendships and community, especially when it comes to friendships and relationships. A new class is starting soon and attendees are encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh My name is Neela

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Morales and I'm going to give it a couple seconds. Before we get

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started today we have a very important topic. Mashallah, as you

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can see from the title, today, we will be talking about how to make

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new friends as a new convert. Brittany laughs so let's just give

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it a couple seconds. So people can log on, it's been a minute so I

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hope you are enjoying your Saturday morning, afternoon or

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evening wherever you're at. I am a convert myself and inshallah I

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hope that this talk today is of much benefit. To give you a little

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background about myself, I am a convert, as I mentioned, and I do

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work with converts, I do work with converts on a day to day basis, I

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actually co founded an organization by the name of

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embrace, which is a project to Vigna and everything that is

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programmed, it's by reverts by converts, for converts for

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rebirths whatever terminology you prefer, whether it's new Muslim,

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Revert first generation Muslims.

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Muslim just were Muslims, right Al Hamdulillah. Once we said I should

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do ally Ilaha illa Allah should do Muhammad Rasul Allah, we become

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part of this ummah, and so we become Muslim. So I'm just gonna

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give it a couple of seconds, so people log in, and I will share

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this out to a couple of my pages. Inshallah, if you do have any

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questions, please make sure to

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you know, put them in the comment section and I will be inshallah

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answering them as we go on or towards the end of our session.

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Bismillah. So let's, let's just give it a couple a couple minutes.

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So we can allow folks to come on here.

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I was actually very excited about this topic, because it's a topic

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that is not spoken about often. And as new converts, there's a lot

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of changes when we come into the fold of Islam. As a matter of

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fact, that transition, sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not as

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easy. And so every journey is individual. We are not cookie

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cutters, you know, we don't come from the same backgrounds, we

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don't come from the same walks of life and therefore we need to be

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treated as individuals. Inshallah. Okay, so we're going to be talking

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about how to make friends as new converts into this beautiful faith

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of Islam.

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Let's just give it a couple more seconds. And then we'll get

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started with sha Allah share it out if you know of any converts

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that are struggling in your community

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in sha Allah this is a benefit to them.

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let's see we'll get started let me share it one more place

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we will get started as a matter of fact, I just got off of a sisters

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Holika which we conduct every Saturday morning. So if you do

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know of any sisters who are looking for sisterhood and we'll

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talk about that in a minute

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join us okay

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all right.

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And let's get started

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so today's topic

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as you can read from the title

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How to Make Friends after converting into this beautiful

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face. So today I plan to inshallah share a few top a few tips that

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have worked for me, but prior to that, I want us to kind of

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understand what friendship what sisterhood is. So let's begin. I

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will be like human to Shakedown. rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

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Subhanallah he will be handy was should do Allah ilaha illallah wa

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should do unknown Muhammad Rasul Allah. Once again welcome to this

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live. My name is Anna Halal mirallas. And I will be talking

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today about how to make friends after converting into this

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beautiful faith. So one of the things we need to understand is

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that upon embracing Islam, many of us lose absolutely everything and

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I think we don't talk about this often enough, and sometimes it's

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very painful for the one that converts to even

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digests this new one.

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way of life and how our family members sometimes turn their,

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their backs on us. And so it is not easy, but uh with Allah's

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help, and obviously our Ummah and some of the tips that I will be

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talking about today,

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inshallah your your journey will be easier. So number one, we have

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to understand that this is the way Allah subhanaw taala made us,

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right we as human beings,

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we desire to be surrounded by other individuals to be, you know,

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surrounded by friends that may think like guys maybe have the

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the same,

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you know,

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background, the same country, the same language.

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It's normal to want that in a friendship, right. But it's also

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very important to be very flexible when we come into the faith

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because we're not all from the same country. And so we are a very

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diverse Alma and Hamdulillah. I am Mexican, as you can see in my

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little flag, so I was born actually in Mexico City. And I

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came to the United States ever at a very young age. And so I do

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speak Spanish. And even though my mother tongue is Spanish, and I

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gravitate to that, when I do meet new sisters who are either

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Hispanic or Latinas, I am very open when it comes to meeting

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other sisters. And in the work that I do, obviously, I engage

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with both brothers and sisters on a very professional level, because

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the organization I co founded is convert care, right? So convert

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care, we deal with both brothers and sisters, sometimes family

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sometimes the husband and the wife are both converts. And sometimes

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both the husband and the wife after converting Islam lose

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absolutely everything when it comes to their family members. And

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so that's why it's very important for us to

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be very open and be very welcoming and flexible when it comes to

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seeking for. I don't like to call it friends more of a sisterhood

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brotherhood bond. And why do I say that because as

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as Muslims, we have rights upon each other rights that not even

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our non Muslim family members have. And I want to share a quick

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story with you that just happened this week. Subhan Allah so this

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past Thursday, we buried a revert a convert to Islam. And not one

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single family member came other than his wife and his wife's

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family whose mother in law and father in law converted to Islam.

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So his wife was born into the faith but her parents were

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converts or our converts anyway

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only a handful came to the burial.

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And, and not one single family member blood member I mean, so it

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was very

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it was very emotional when the father in law spoke because he

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said something very, very important that we we the Omagh,

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those who were there were supposed to be there, first and foremost,

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right? We were it was written for us to be there. But number two,

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that if it wasn't for his OMA, he perhaps would have not been buried

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as a Muslim because his family was never of acceptance of him

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becoming a muslim. So this is why it's so important for us convert

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to try to engage or try to get involved into a community into a

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masjid, to start engaging with those that will invite us to good.

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The Prophet saw some tells us that we become who we hang around with,

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right? So we become the friends that we are surrounded by the

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that's the way we carry ourselves.

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And I'll give you an example. Let's say it's time for us. Right?

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If you are among friends that are practicing the faith, they are

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going to encourage you to pray. I said, and we'll remind you, but if

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you surround yourself with individuals that are obviously not

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part of your faith, and I have non Muslim friends, so don't that's

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not where I'm gearing towards. I'm gearing more first and foremost on

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building that network and building that tribe that will essentially

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guide you towards general for those because we got to remember

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that this destination this life that we're living this is not our

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destination and so it's important for us to always think of the

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hereafter. Inshallah

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so, um, so oftentimes, you know, we we want, we want difference.

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And this is the way Allah subhanaw taala built us right to be

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around individuals that will invite us to good and will,

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inshallah remind us of him. And so one of the ways to start or one of

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the tips that I want to give you is, start by making dua, make dua

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that Allah subhanaw taala guides, those, those people towards you,

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the people that will be guiding you and helping you with your new

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Start making dua for individuals that will be of good of a resource

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to you and not, not monetarily, even though that's also important,

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but individuals that will remind you when you know our holidays are

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that will invite you to the masjid that will invite you to the next

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Holika that will invite you to their festivities right so if

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let's say they have a child that is born, they will invite you to

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their a Kike or if they have children getting married, they

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will invite you to their walima and the knickers, the wedding

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ceremonies and celebrations. So you want to start making dua for

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individuals that will elevate you and uplift you in your new faith.

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That's number one. So you want to make that intention initially that

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you know you want individuals that are surrounded by you and that

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will be providing

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and inviting you so the

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the the Hadith that the Prophet saw some

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where it says about friends it says someone is about the religion

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of his friends so should one of you examine who is made of his

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friends so basically we got to make sure that the friends that we

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are accumulating or the friends that we are befriending are of

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those that are again going to invite us to goodness and forbid

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number two I would say you know be very open I mentioned this earlier

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be very open be very flexible don't expect that you're going to

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find friends from your from your hometown right or that that's all

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you want people that look like you speak like you eat like you know

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be very flexible because our Omar mashallah I mean I have friends

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from all over the world mashallah, I have friends from Ghana, I have

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friends from Egypt, I have friends from, you know, Colombia, I have

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friends from Europe. So the Ummah is pretty large, right? We are,

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one point a billion Muslims around the world. So wherever your

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community is, you're gonna have Muslims from all over the world.

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So be very flexible. Don't shy away just because you don't speak

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the language of the land yet perfectly. I'll have the love we

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have the language of Islam. And so as salaam aleikum, and a smile

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will go a long way. So be very flexible when it comes to engaging

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with new individuals who you will, who will become part of your tribe

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Number three, when we are choosing these friendships, Inshallah,

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we should be choosing individuals who love Allah, right? And why is

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that because nine out of 10 If they love Allah, you know, and

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they love you for the sake of Allah, they will not harm you,

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they will always be looking out for you and will be again inviting

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you to good. I know I repeat myself a lot, but it really goes

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hand in hand. And it's important for us to see how our faith is so

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complete. And so if we start with the right intention, and we begin

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to make dua off the bat off the get go, then those individuals

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will come in flocks to our life. But then you know, we need to be

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careful, we don't want to have 100 friends who are shallow who are

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not inviting us too good. If you have one or two friends that you

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can establish a solid relationship with and you know, you can call

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your sister and your brother at any given time, then that's,

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that's even more priceless than having 100 individuals who are

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never there for you and and you will feel somewhat empty and

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lonely. So I want to go home everyone that is joining I see

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that people are joining just like all here for being here on this

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Saturday morning for me, possibly evening or afternoon

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For many of you

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so you know, when I think of friendships I think about family

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members for me personally I think about

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I will be there no matter what at what time whatever time and

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whatever need that is one of the one of the things that I've

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learned throughout the years is that you may be the doer that

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someone is making, right so if somebody does come to you and

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friendships are built on different circumstances, different timings

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different countries, sometimes I have friends that I have met while

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traveling and that Masha Allah, they have become some of my

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dearest and closest sisters, and friends. And so, you know, when we

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are making that initial dua for those type of friendships, you

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know, perhaps they're not going to always be even where you live, you

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will have friends all over the world. And that has happened to

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me. And it's been a blessing, especially when you travel, that

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you have someone in that locality that will either help you get

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around, or help you, you know, make things easier for you. Or

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even sometimes host you I've had friends hosting me across the

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world Alhamdulillah and I have many invitations that I pray that

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once this pandemic is lifted, I am able to visit these friends I have

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a friend who lives and who is Puerto Rican, and lives in Jordan,

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and she has been inviting me over for so many years. It's never

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happened, but I hope that I am able to visit her Bismillah

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so um, when it comes to friendships, when it comes to what

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are we looking at a friendship? I think it's important to know what

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we're looking for in a friend, you know, are you looking for someone

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that is reliable? Are you looking for someone that is going to be

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able to help you with your faith? Are you looking for someone that

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is of a native speaker of the Arabic language. So you can have

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that in common and that person can help you either read Koran, learn

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Quran, or help you with your touch weed. So you have to know what

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you're looking for in a friend, right, you have to know the plot

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of qualities that you're looking for, and what you will bring to

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the table as well. Because normally relationships are based

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on give and give and take, right so Hamdulillah this is the beauty

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of Islam. And this is the beauty of our faith that we are able to

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learn from one another, we are able to help one another and

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assist one another. And obviously, as converse, we are all on a

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different level as far as learned learning. Or perhaps we just need

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companionship, right. So if you are one that needs a sister to

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call every once in a while, or you need someone who helps you and

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wakes you up for Fudger then find that have that common ground talk

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about this. You know, because you will be surprised more than once

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have I had sisters tell me, you know, I've been looking for

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someone like you that will help me or remind me or, you know, when

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we're in conversation and someone says something along the lines, I

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have a really hard time waking up for Fudger and I come and say

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well, I don't have a problem waking up for Fudger and I

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normally wake up without even an alarm. So it would be an honor if

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I help you. If you want me to text you or call you I can wake you up

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for Fudger so these are the type of friendships we want to start

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working towards in sha Allah.

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Number three, obviously, the believer is the mirror of the

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believer. So if you see someone with amazing qualities, or

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somebody that you strive to be like or similar to, this is also

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very important Inshallah, you know, like I always admire some of

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my really close friends and I try to always extract different gems.

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So if a reminder is being said, you know, we got to remember that

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when we do remember Allah subhanho wa Taala there's angels that

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surround us. So be very cautious. Be very mindful of those type of

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friendships, if you know that there's a sister or a brother for

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the brothers, that is always you know, in the remembrance of Allah

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that God is always on the tip of their tongue, or, you know, a

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wonderful Hadith or an idea or

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always practicing the Sunnah, you know, keep that all in mind and

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and jot all that down and see, you know, this is what I'm looking for

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this is what I want, as far as a friendship

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goes or a sisterhood tribe. Like I mentioned before, you know, when

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we are thinking of friends or sister and brotherhood, we're

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thinking of building our family, you know, we don't have a say so

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in choosing our blood family, but we do when it comes to our Muslim

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family as as for US Congress, right, we we tend to gravitate to

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those who are somewhat similar to us. But again, the flexibility and

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the openness is very important, because you may not know much yet,

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but if you are surrounded with good friends, then inshallah you

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will pick up on that. Remember that we are habitual individuals,

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and this is why we pray five times a day

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hamdulillah because, you know, we have to be very consistent. So in

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these relationships, we have to be very consistent as well, we have

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to make sure that we nurture them as much as they are going to be

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US inshallah. So

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the other thing I wanted to talk about, too, which we tend to

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forget, is invitations, right? I know, we are still in a pandemic,

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and I know it's sometimes difficult. But even if it's to

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invite someone to a Holika online, or a lecture, or you seen a flyer,

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and you see something that a new convert may benefit or a new

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Arabic class or a new, I don't know, we're going to start a new

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Hadith class. And so make sure that you establish those

00:21:52 --> 00:21:56

relationships based on the type of information you are receiving from

00:21:56 --> 00:21:59

others, right. So if there's a friend that is always sending you

00:22:00 --> 00:22:04

valuable information, and is always reminding you of the next

00:22:04 --> 00:22:07

class, or the next Holika, the next lecture, that's someone that

00:22:07 --> 00:22:10

you should think about, you know, becoming closer to because

00:22:10 --> 00:22:15

obviously, again, they love a law. And so they want you to love a lot

00:22:15 --> 00:22:21

and learn who is our Creator, and more of your religion as a new

00:22:22 --> 00:22:24

convert to this faith.

00:22:25 --> 00:22:29

If you have any questions, please, I am reading them. So please feel

00:22:29 --> 00:22:33

free to drop down to drop any questions that you may have,

00:22:33 --> 00:22:33


00:22:35 --> 00:22:38

So the other the other thing that I think it's important, and we

00:22:38 --> 00:22:43

don't talk a lot about about is, when we are, when we come into

00:22:43 --> 00:22:49

this faith, some of us lose jobs, some of us lose family members,

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some of us lose, you know, children, especially if you

00:22:54 --> 00:22:59

convert, older and you have older adult children, I've seen that

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some sisters, you know, children, who are adults stop talking to

00:23:04 --> 00:23:08

them. And so we have to be very sensitive when it comes to the

00:23:08 --> 00:23:13

Convert community. Because like I stated in the beginning, we don't

00:23:13 --> 00:23:20

all come from the same walks of life, the same experiences. And so

00:23:21 --> 00:23:25

being very compassionate and sensitive is key when dealing with

00:23:25 --> 00:23:30

converts. And we're dealing with any community, I think we

00:23:30 --> 00:23:35

sometimes lack of that compassion within our communities, and we are

00:23:35 --> 00:23:40

so judgmental, or we're easy to criticize. And so it's important

00:23:40 --> 00:23:44

that that when we are also scouting for our tribe, our

00:23:44 --> 00:23:48

friends, we are very vigilant of these individuals that perhaps,

00:23:49 --> 00:23:54

you know, are negative or are very judgmental, just you know, you you

00:23:54 --> 00:23:58

don't have to be friends with absolutely everyone. We have

00:23:58 --> 00:24:01

rights that we have upon one another but that doesn't mean that

00:24:01 --> 00:24:04

we have to be best friends with everyone.

00:24:05 --> 00:24:07

And I hope that comes out correctly.

00:24:08 --> 00:24:13

But that's that's the honest truth. You know, we we don't all

00:24:13 --> 00:24:19

necessarily get along or have the same taste, but we do have rights

00:24:19 --> 00:24:24

that we owe to each other. And some of those rights are the salam

00:24:24 --> 00:24:28

you know, when somebody greets you with some lamb it is a ride upon

00:24:28 --> 00:24:32

each other that we are supposed to reply with a calm Salam. You know,

00:24:32 --> 00:24:36

and we understand that there is baraka and even the salaams if you

00:24:36 --> 00:24:40

just say Salam aleikum, you get 10 Hasson ads. If you say Salam

00:24:40 --> 00:24:46

aleikum wa rahmatullah you get 20 hasta net and if you get Salam

00:24:46 --> 00:24:50

alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh you get 30 Hassanal. So even that

00:24:50 --> 00:24:57

you i know i normally I'm very vigilant when it comes to that and

00:24:57 --> 00:24:59

I hear the way I'm being greeted

00:25:00 --> 00:25:05

because it forces me to get those 30 has snapped without any effort,

00:25:05 --> 00:25:09

because when somebody greets you with us set Alikum what I did like

00:25:09 --> 00:25:14

you were but I got to, you want to reply the same way if you

00:25:14 --> 00:25:19

obviously understand the baraka, the blessings in it, and so that

00:25:19 --> 00:25:25

is easy acquiring those those that hasn't had that those blessings

00:25:25 --> 00:25:28

and those are the type of friends that you also want to be very

00:25:28 --> 00:25:35

mindful about. Inshallah. I don't want to make this alive, too, too

00:25:36 --> 00:25:41

lengthy, but with me last, so I do want to keep it short and sweet. I

00:25:41 --> 00:25:46

see Salam aleikum from France Ma sha Allah. Just like a hair for

00:25:46 --> 00:25:50

being here. I see people from Malaysia said I want to go home I

00:25:50 --> 00:25:55

see people from Bangladesh, masha Allah, and so Salam aleikum,

00:25:55 --> 00:26:01

everyone if you have any questions, I know it's not easy to

00:26:01 --> 00:26:07

build a tribe that you can count on all the time, but you have to

00:26:07 --> 00:26:10

make sure to know what you are bringing to the table first and

00:26:10 --> 00:26:14

foremost, and know what you want in any type of relationship

00:26:14 --> 00:26:18

including a friendship or sisterhood. So I hope that these

00:26:18 --> 00:26:20

tips are a value I hope that

00:26:22 --> 00:26:23

you are able to

00:26:26 --> 00:26:31

kind of know what you want in a friendship in a sisterhood and

00:26:31 --> 00:26:37

understand that it takes time you know, and it takes trust and

00:26:37 --> 00:26:41

whatever we put out there will come back. So make sure that when

00:26:41 --> 00:26:47

you are looking for that friend, you are willing to also give a

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give back and give a good word. You know, given advice when is ask

00:26:52 --> 00:26:56

us that's another right upon us. You know, when someone comes to

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you and is asking for advice or is asking for your do us, you know be

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ready to be there for that person. We just never know when we're

00:27:04 --> 00:27:08

going to depart from this world. So it's important for us to focus

00:27:08 --> 00:27:13

on our offset out while we're here. And the best way to do that

00:27:13 --> 00:27:18

is by having the right people around us that will remind us of

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Allah subhanaw taala I hope this talk was of benefit. Anything good

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that I have said today is from Allah subhana wa dallah any

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mistake that I've mentioned is from myself and I ask Allah

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Subhana Allah to forgive me. I hope to be back soon. If you have

00:27:36 --> 00:27:39

any topics that you would like us to address, please do send us a

00:27:39 --> 00:27:44

message. My name is the halal mirallas Until next time, take

00:27:44 --> 00:27:47

care Salaam Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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