Nadim Bashir – Who Are Intellectual

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the meaning of "ilur Al" in Arabic language, which refers to individuals and their abilities. They also touch on the importance of human intellectuality and the need for it. The conversation then delves into the characteristics of the "ul carriers," which reflect on individual behavior and their ability to make decisions based on all factors. The "light of Allah" and "light of the bubble" are highlighted as signs that individuals are the culapping, and the "ul carriers" are discussed as the ones who have the ability to understand the situation and make decisions based on all factors.
AI: Transcript ©
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so long.

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haya Lang,

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a Long Walk On law.

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Rahmani, Mr. Allah Rahmani Rahim in Alhamdulillah, when I order

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Muhammad Abu Asmaa, bad for the call Allah Baraka, what is Majid

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brother? Jim is filled. Rahim, yeah. Unas to rob a commu Lady

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halaka, comming Hazel, Jaha or vitamin. Humari, Janani, Kathy

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Don, when he said, what The sir, he will ham In the waka,

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I ask Allah that, just as he has gathered us here today, on this

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day of Jamara, may Allah gather us along with our families in jadal,

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firdausal, Allah, in the companionship of rasulallahu,

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alayhi wa sallam, without any accountability, Ameen ya rabbalah,

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Alameen, brothers and sisters. When we study the Quran, when we

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observe the Sunnah of rasulallahu, alayhi wa sallam, we learn that

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even amongst Muslims in front of Allah, subhana wa taala, everyone

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is at a different level. A Muslim can.

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Be compared to a moment. A moment is superior to a Muslim, a morsin,

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a person who has a son in their life, is superior in the eyes of

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Allah, than a moment. Likewise, a person who dies a normal death

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cannot be compared their death cannot be compared to the death of

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a shahid because the Shahid has put his life or her life on the

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line, and they lost their life due to the cause of Allah. So we

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understand that when we live in this duniya, there's always a

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general standard, but there's always going to be a superior

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standard. There's always going to be a superiority Likewise, in the

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Quran, when Allah talks about our intellect, when Allah talks about

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people who are smart, people who are intellect, Allah says, often

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in the Quran, when it comes to common sense matters, Allah says,

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afala, like, don't you Understand meaning that Allah is this is a

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rhetorical question that Allah is asking. I've given you a brain.

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I've given you the ability to think and rationale. But why can

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you not use this brain to understand the Oneness of Allah?

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Subhana wa taala, how can you not come to the Oneness of Allah? How

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can you not come closer to Allah, subhana wa taala. So Allah in the

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Quran will ask us many times, afala Talon, a fala Talon. But on

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the other hand, there's another term in the Quran that many of us

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we don't truly understand. What is the meaning of this term? And this

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goes beyond just just smartness. It goes to another level, and that

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term in the Quran is known as ullul Al Bab. And if you pick up

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any translation of the Quran, you will find that this term, ulu Al

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Bab, has been translated as the people of intellect, the people of

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thought. And this truly, these translations do not really

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justify, cannot do true justice to what the term ulu Alba means,

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because this is a very rich term that is mentioned in the Quran.

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Now, a person may ask that, what is the point of all this? The

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point is that Allah is telling us everyone in general, Allah has

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given us a mind to think, but a believer, a Muslim, has to go

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beyond that. It's not just the Akal that we use, but we use the

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Akka in a very deep way. And Allah wants us to be amongst the ulul Al

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Bab. This term ulul Al Bab has been mentioned 16 times in the

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Quran, but there are, there are few objectives of this word, or

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this term ulul Al Bab. First of all is that this word, ullul Al

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Bab comprises of two words, the word ulu in the Arabic language

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usually signifies something that you have that is unique, that

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other people may not have. For example, in the Quran, Allah

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subhana wa Taala says, UL Adi wala Abu salad. This is a term that is

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used in the Quran, meaning that at that time, there are not many

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people who had the ability to utilize their hands in the right

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way and their skills in the right way, or they cannot see beyond

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what everyone sees. So ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala said that they

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just don't have eyes, but they have eyes, but they use their eyes

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in a very different way compared to everyone else. So the word ulu

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means something unique that you have that other people may not

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have. And then the word Al Bab usually refers to the core of

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something. Imagine you had a huge machine, or there's a huge piece

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of machinery, and you can look at that there are so many components

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to that machine, but you all know that there's always the brain to

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the entire machine. There's a there's there is the mind of that

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machine that, because of that mind, everything else functions.

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That is called lub, that is called Al, bab. And I remember even when

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we were studying amongst when we were studying with our teachers,

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when we would go through an entire lesson of fiqh, we will go through

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the different opinions of the ulama and the scholars. I remember

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our teachers Jesus, always say at the very end that the lubbi lebab

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mean that the crux of this entire fiqhi discussion is this one or

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two sentences. So this is what ullul Al Bab means. Ullul Al Bab.

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Many people think that to be smart is ulul Al Bab. No, that's not

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smartness. Some people think that if you have street smartness, you

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are ul Al Bab in our you know, in the Urdu language, we sometimes

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call them or refer to them as chalak. You know, people who are

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very sweaty, there are smart there are street smarts and so forth.

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People will refer to them as ulu Al Bab, but no, that is not

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considered as ulu Al Bab because there are few characteristics of

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those people who are in who are extremely intellectual. The dunya

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can call you smart, but what is Allah calling you smart? What is

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that the dunya says you are intellectual, versus Allah saying

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that these are the people who are truly intellectual. So the

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question is that, yes, many of us, we have smartness in certain areas

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of our life, but who are the truly ulu Al Bab, the true intellectual

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ones that have been highlighted by Allah, subhana wa taala, that is

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what we're going to quickly go through the very first sign of

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someone who is considered as ullul Al Bab are those people who

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reflect and they focus on their purpose of their life, the

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purpose, one of the key things that we see today in our life, is

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that we, as the human race, we have forgotten our purpose of

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life, and because we have forgotten our purpose of life, we

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are acting like animals on the face of this earth. Allah subhana

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wa Taala says in the Quran, there will come a time when people

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disconnect from their purpose. Lahum Kullu, born Laith, Ahuna

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Biha, they will have hearts, but they're not able to think. Wala

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hum, aadon, la Asmaa, una Biha, they have ears, but they will not

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be able to hear the reality and the truth. Wala hum, are you don?

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La Yuba, suruna Bihar, they have eyes, but they still don't see the

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truth. Allah then says, ULA ika Kal an arm.

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These are people who have become like animals. In fact, they are

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worse than animals and Subhanallah today, if you look at the

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oppression, if you sit on social media for a while and you see what

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is going on around the world, Wallahi, the human race overall,

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we have forgotten our purpose of life, and that is why we have

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become like animals, in fact, worse than animals in many cases.

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So Allah is telling us the sign of those people who are amongst the

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ulul Alba is that they reflect on their purpose of life. They

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reflect on the creation of Allah, subhana wa taala. And when they

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see the creation of Allah, then they understand that how

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insignificant we are and how significant ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala

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is. Allah tells us in Nafi khalaq is sama Wati wala Audi, waktila,

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one Naha la Ayat ini uilab, Allah is telling us that reflect on the

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creation of Allah subhanahu wa. Just last week, I went with my

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family and I saw the mountains. We went to Colorado and just saw the

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mountains, the beautiful mountains of Allah subhanahu wa. And every

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single time I saw these kind of things, the Quran tells us that

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what should be our response when we see the beauty of Allah. We

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say, robida, Ya Allah, you have not created these things in vain.

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When you look at these amazing creations of Allah, when we go

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with our families in summer for vacation and we see the amazing,

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beautiful creation of Allah, this is a moment to understand how

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insignificant we are, and how how significant ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala

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is. This is the sign of those who are UL bab. They don't say that,

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wow. This is just amazing, but they see this, and it reminds them

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of Allah subhanahu wa. So the very first sign of those who are, who

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are the ulu Al Bab, are those who reflect on Allah, those who think

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about Allah, those who look at everything around them and their

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mind takes them every time back to Allah. This is the sign of those

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who are the ullul Al Bab. The second sign of those who are the

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ulu Al Bab are those who are very conscious of their abilities. They

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are very cautious of their personalities. They are conscious

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of their surrounding, and they always make sure that if anything

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happens in life, their response listen to this word very

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carefully. Their response is very methodical and very calculated.

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When people act ignorantly with them, they don't act ignorantly

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back with them. Allah says what Jahi Luna paulu Salama, people may

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say something about you. People may say something wrong about you,

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but a lot of times, there's no need to even go and retaliate or

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even confront a person who is ignorant. Why? Because, like Imam

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Shafi Ahmed, Allah Ya ALA, he says very beautifully that he was a

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great debater. By the way, Imam Shafi was a great debater. He was

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mashallah, very well grounded in his knowledge, but he said that

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there was always one.

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Very, very emotional. People are extremely emotional. I have seen

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people who come to the Majlis on a daily basis. They do things at the

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graveyard which are against the Quran, the Sunnah, the prophet

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sallam. There is nothing in the Quran the Sunnah about this. For

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example, often you see that people will bring a whole gallon of

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ZamZam, and they will start squirting it all over around the

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maid. Is this anywhere from the Quran? Is this anywhere from the

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Sunnah, the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam? It is not. It

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does not impact the outcome of the may yet. It doesn't mean that

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because you put some water. Now Halas, you know, if they were a

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bad person, they're going to give all the right answers. That's not

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how it works. But you see people that will come and put some water.

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Now, is it right or is it wrong? Now, once some people may say

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that, okay, it's not that. It's, you know, It's haram. It might be

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mubarak, but it's wasting of water. You can give it to someone

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else who can drink the Zamzam water, and they can get their dua

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accepted. So when people do this, think about it, you can correct

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them at that time. You can correct them at that time, but wisdom says

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you don't correct them at that time. Why? Because they won't

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listen to you. They are extremely emotional. This is what wisdom is

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that you and I, we don't have, and this is why Allah, subhana wa

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taala, he says you

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that Allah gives hekma to whoever he wants. Wamayut al hekmata, UTI

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on kafira, whoever has been given wisdom, they have been given a

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lot. And then Allah, subhana, wa Taala says, wama, yad VA Illah,

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ull Al Bab, these are the people that they have, the ones who have

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wisdom. They are the ones who have who are considered as ulu Alba.

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And finally, the last characteristic of those who are

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the ulu Alba is that they always think about the akhira. They

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always reflect on what will come out of this. If I do what am I

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doing, what I'm about to do right now? Will it, will it lead me to

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Jannah, or will it lead me to the fire of jahannam? And that is why

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Allah says in the Quran Abdullah hula, Huma adab and shadida

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Fattah, Allah ha ya ul Al Bab, that Allah says, I have prepared

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for the wrongdoers the fire of jahannam. So be cautious of Allah.

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Subhana wa taala, always think before you do something, will this

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take me to Jannah? Will this take me to jahannam instead, rather

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just than just doing it. And even if there is a situation where you

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do something that is wrong, always go back and make tawba to Allah,

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subhana wa taala. This is what Allah is telling us. So these are

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five characteristics of people who are the intellectual, the

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intellectual they are that is recognized by ALLAH SubhanA wa

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taala, not the society, but by ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. So we, as

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a Muslim, we should always strive to be amongst the ulu Al Bab, and

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that is where we need to keep on working at. It's not about just

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being smart. It's about being intellectual, being smart, going

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deeper than what the what the brain is and what the mind is,

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going deeper and connecting with ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. This is

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what Allah subhana wa taala, he wants from us. I ask Allah subhana

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wa Taala that he all makes. He makes all of us, not only those

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who have the apple, but he makes us for amongst those who are the

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unlu Al Bab, I mean Rabbi la Alameen, Barak, Allahu, Anna.

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Welcome Phil Hakim, estafala, Hari, welcome. We Salma, stuff,

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you know, in the whole of for him,

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Mr. Lehman, or he, Asmaa, bad quickly, I just want to run

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through again the characteristics I like to always recap at the end

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of the khutbah, the first sign of those who are the uluba is they

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always connect with their purpose of their life, and they reflect on

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the creation of Allah. Number two is, these are people who are

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conscious of their own abilities, their surroundings, and they

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understand the situation, and they make a decision based on all these

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factors. The third is that these are people who are who have the

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skills and the ability to understand the social issues, and

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they know how to deal with the society problems, and they bring

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solutions in a way that is going to be beneficial to everyone. The

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fourth thing is that the user knowledge and the user wisdom to

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make a difference in the society, and this keeps them apart from

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everyone else. And the fifth sign of those who are the ullul Alba is

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they always are spiritually connected to Allah subhana wa

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taala, thinking about their actions, the benefits of their

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actions and the repercussions of their actions. I ask Allah subhana

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wa Taala that he makes us for amongst those who are the ullul al

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bad and.

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Allah has mentioned the Quran that those who are the ulabab, they

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are, they connect with Allah. And Allah says, In Lavina, as dunya,

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hassana wa Al dullah, he was ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala talks about these

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kind of people, that they are going to be given rewards in this

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dunya, and they'll receive a great reward in the akhira by Allah by

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Allah subhanahu wa to grant all visit Afiq to apply what has been

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said and heard a miracle. Alameen, Allah, Islam, Muslim, allahuman,

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allahuman. While some naming condition, Wafa, namin, collider,

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Allah, Amasya, take I mean Pali gonna be he genetic, and when you

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matter, how will you be Ali, Namaste, but Donya, Omar Asmaa,

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What Ana Waku WA, Tina, Mahayana, waja alari, famina WA,

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straight lines fill in the gaps.

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Brothers in the lobby area, please make sure the rows are straight.

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Often they are not straight. Brothers in the back two rooms,

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please make sure that the rows are complete.

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Brothers in the in the multiverse Hall, please come inside. There's

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still ample amount of space. Sisters, in the multi rivers hall

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area, please come inside the main hall. There might be still space.

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The multiple the multiverse Hall is for an overflow purpose. So

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if you're in the multiverse Hall, sisters, please come inside the

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main hall. Sisters, please make sure the rows are straight and

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Brothers in the back two rooms, please make sure the rows are

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complete. If you're standing in the lobby area, please come

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If you see space, please come inside.

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Allah. Come Allahu Akbar,

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salah, Adlam

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00:33:40 --> 00:33:41

Allahu Akbar,

00:33:48 --> 00:34:00

Alhamdulillah, mean aura, Manny Rohi, malikia can Abu do a

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canister. E

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so Allah, when he went Hamida,

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Allah, Who let you.

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Allahu, Akbar,

00:35:09 --> 00:35:10

Allahu, Akbar,

00:35:21 --> 00:35:23


00:35:27 --> 00:35:37

Alhamdulillah, Bela, mean our Rahmani war he melichia, can Abu

00:35:38 --> 00:35:42

do a canister in a soil mustache.

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00:36:04 --> 00:36:06


00:36:07 --> 00:36:10

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Samya Allah, who name and Hamida

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00:37:50 --> 00:37:52

As salamu Law,

00:37:53 --> 00:37:56

Asmaa law A

00:38:00 --> 00:38:00

Stop You

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