Nadim Bashir – Top 4 Advices Of Imam Al Ghazali

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The importance of finding simple advice for travelers is emphasized, along with the need to correct one's perception of Allah and Subhanallah during the route to Chicago. The importance of shaping one's perception of Islam and their belief in spiritual reality is also emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the importance of fulfilling rights and achieving knowledge to avoid future mistakes, as it is crucial for achieving Islam. Acquiring knowledge and growing it in order to become a successful business owner is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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SubhanAllah. When you study the lives of our predecessors, our

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pious predecessors, our ulama and so forth, there's one thing that

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we learn about them, and that is that they would receive a lot of

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letters from their students and from dua during their time, and

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they would always be seeking advices today is easy. You just

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pick up the phone. Sheik give me advice. It's simple, but long time

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ago, they would have to write letters, and they would send it

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and wait for their answers for a long time. One thing we learned is

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that Imam Raza y alay was no different. He would always receive

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letters, and if you don't know about Imam Raza yuham, one thing

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we learned from his life is that whenever he would go and give a

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lecture, the whole place would get packed by the shiuk and the

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scholars and the Imams, that those who are considered as non Shyu or

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non Imams and non ulama, they didn't even have space To sit in

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his lectures, because it was taken over by those who were the the the

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learned ones. That's how much learned he was. Subhanallah, one

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time, he received a letter from one of his students and basically

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asking him that, can you please give us some simple advices?

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You've given many advices, and you've written many books, books

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that are very general for people to read. And there are, there were

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books written by Imam ghazalam Tala Ali, which were very

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difficult to read and understand. So one time, he received a letter

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that, can you please just give some just very simple advices that

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a layman can follow them and abide by them. So Imam hosai, he

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responded by saying that there are four things that I can share with

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you right now that every person should abide by and Inshallah, if

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they abide by these four things, Inshallah, the hope is they will

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reach their ultimate destination. And so he begins the advice by

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saying that a traveler must always remain on the path to do four

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things. This is how he began the advice. Now it's interesting to

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note that he said a traveler, why would he write this advice to

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someone that, as a traveler, you must abide by these kind of

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things. He could have said, as an individual, as a human being, but

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traveler? Why? Because each one of us here, we believe, according to

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the other Hadith of the Prophet sallam, we are all travelers, and

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we are in this dunya for a very brief moment when you are a

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traveler. Imagine if I'm going from here to Umrah Inshallah, and

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the stop is, let's say in Turkey, or let's just say the stop is in

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Dubai, or anywhere else we are going there for a very brief

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moment as a traveler. That is a brief stop, but the altar in

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destination is either Makkah or Medina inshaAllah. Likewise, a

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Muslim, we have come into this dunya, the akhira, is our ultimate

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destination. This dunya is a very brief stop. So he begins the

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advice by referring to the person as the traveler. Additionally, if

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you think about it, each one of us, when we recite in sutal,

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Fatiha, ihdna, ASR al mustaqim, this path, this path is supposed

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to lead us inshallah to Jannah. And anyone who stays on this path.

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Now, who you? Who is the one who is often on this long path? It is

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a traveler. When you think about traveling by road, going from one

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major city to the next major city. Imagine a person driving from here

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all the way to Chicago, for example, these are long roads, and

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you have to remain on this long road. Likewise, our deen is such

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and our life is such. We are on this path. It's a long path, but

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Inshallah, as long as we remain as a traveler, we have that traveler

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mentality that we are here in this dunya, very briefly, very

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temporarily, and then we're trying to get to our ultimate

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destination. As long as we have that mindset Inshallah, we'll be

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able to focus on what is important. So then the four things

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he said was, number one, a person must always correct their aqidah.

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A person must always correct their aqidah when a person is coming

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close to Allah, subhana wa taala, often they had flawed ideas. They

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may had flawed, you know, opinions in their in their mind, they may

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have been misinformed as they were growing up so Imam Al Ghazali is

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saying that the very first step in order to come close to Allah

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subhana wa Taala is that we must correct our aqidah, and not just

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correcting aqidah, but making sure that there is nothing in our life

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or within our lifestyle that can be regarded as.

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A bid, because often Subhanallah, all of us, we have our journey to

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Islam. Though we were Muslims, many of us, majority of us, were

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born Muslims. But if you think about where we came from, or you

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know, people who were born and raised here, like myself, but our

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parents and so forth, where they were before they came into deen

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and so forth, they were far from Deen. Think about, I mean,

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majority of us here, we may have come from a background where they

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did not practice Deen, where there was a lot of bidahat in their life

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and so forth, whether it may have come from overseas and so forth.

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But the point is, there were a lot of bidahat, if you observe the

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world that we live in today from Islamic perspective, there's been

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an islamic awakening that started in the in the, I would say, mid

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1980s in America, and has continued on. Alhamdulillah, if

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you go back in the 1980s there was nothing you understand. There was

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absolutely there were hardly any massages. There was nothing going

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on from the 1985 mid 1980s you see a growth taking place within the

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Muslim community, meaning, from a religious perspective, a spiritual

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awakening. And not only in America, but all over the world,

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you see this spiritual awakening happening. But before this, there

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was like this. There was a certain level of darkness, a certain level

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of jahiliyyah that were taking place, and this affected and

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penetrated many different families. So Imam Ghazali is

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saying the very first thing in order for us to come close to

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Allah is we have to correct our aqidah, our perception, our

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understanding of who Allah, subhana wa Taala is, along with

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the fact that if there's any badayat in our families that is

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going on or within my personal life, they need to be removed. The

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second thing that is extremely important when it comes to Allah

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subhana wa taala, after correcting our aqidah, is to ensure that we

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are making tawbah and sincere and repentance to Allah subhana wa

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taala, very, very often, because a person, as every every one of us,

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no matter how much we are, how high we are, in our religiosity,

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in our spirituality, there's always going to be a relapse.

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There's always going to be a time where we may commit a sin, and so

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forth. We are, as a prophet saw Allahu, Ali wasla, he says in a

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hadith, kullubani, adabahon, we all are going to commit sins. We

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all are going to forget our purpose time to time. Yes, we

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might violate someone else's rights here. We might miss the

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Salat over here. We might violate the Quran here. We might do

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something that is absolutely wrong. We might see something that

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is wrong. We might hear something that is wrong. We may engage in

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saying something that is completely wrong, and so forth. So

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if that is a situation, no problem, as long as we make tawba

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to Allah, subhana wa taala, even rasulallah wa alaihi wa sallam,

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when he was, you know, let when he was on the on the outskirts of the

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city, muad Radi Allahu Ayan. He's about to leave. Muad Radi Allahu

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an he's about to go to Yemen. He gave him three advices. One advice

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was, be conscious of Allah, have Taqwa wherever you go. But the

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second advice that is relevant to our discussion here, he says what

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we are is say yet. Al hasanata, tamho Ha, whenever you do anything

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wrong, no problem. Back it up with something that is good, because

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when you do something that is good, Tamu Ha, it will wipe out

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the wrong that you have done. So. And not only that, but if a person

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commits a wrong, but then they commit something, they do

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something that is good, because ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala has

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promised that every good that we do, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala will

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increase it and multiply it. That is why it's always you do. We do

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something that is wrong. Hey, we make Toba, we make istifa. We try

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to make a strong result that we won't do it again. And we back it

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up with something that is good. A person commits a sin after that,

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try to do something that is hay. Do give us Sadaqah. Read some

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verse of the Quran, do some dhikr and so forth. Help someone else

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out our deen is very simple in that, in that perspective. The

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third thing he said was that we must do is making sure that we

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fulfill everyone's rights around us. That means that if we owe

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anyone anything, then that is still not pending. My I have to

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make sure that my account with everyone is very clear. Why?

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Because in the

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if there's anyone that we have whose rights we have violated,

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that they will come after us, and Allah will allow them to come

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after us. And Wallahi the worst situation that anyone could be in,

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and may Allah protect us from being in that position, is what

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rasulallahu alay wasallam referred to in the Hadith as the mufnis,

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the bankrupt person, thinking that we've done so much, I've done

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this, I've done that, but I violated people's rights. They

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will come on the day of judgment and take everything from me. That

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is why, brothers and sisters, it's very, very important spirituality.

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Our Ibadah Quran.

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Salat and everything else, Ramadan and Umrah and Hajj, everything

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else one side. But if I'm violating people's rights, there

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is a clear threat that all this, Hey, that I'm doing can be taken

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from me on the day of judgment. So that is why we have to make sure

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that we ensure everyone else's rights. And the fourth thing,

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which is extremely important is, as we progress, and we go through

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this dunya and we are trying to come close to Allah subhana wa

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Taala is to acquire knowledge. This is Imam Ghazali. He's saying

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acquire knowledge. Now, Imam Ghazali also explains, how much

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knowledge do you need to acquire? Acquire that much knowledge that

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is relevant to you? See, there are things that are relevant to all of

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us, how to eat, how to sleep, how to go to the restroom. These are

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things that we all should know. But at the same time, there are

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things that, for example, in my if I'm a businessman and I'm working

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in a certain area of business, I need to know the fifth of that

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business. If I'm if there's something related to my family

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that may not be related, related to other families, but there's a

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filthy aspect regarding that. Then I need to know that. This is why,

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whenever he would go out during his khilafa into the markets of

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Medina and so forth, he will not allow anyone to do business until

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they knew the fifth of that business. Why? Because if I'm

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doing something, I'm not doing it correctly, then I could be

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incurring the wrath of Allah subhanahu wa upon myself. So

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whatever we are engaged in, you, we have to sit down understand and

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think about what am I engaged in? And I need to know the ILM

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regarding that particular matter. I'm not now, there are some who

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say I want to go and study. No, I want to study, acquire your ILM

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and grow my ILM and become a sheik and so forth. That's a different

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case altogether. But generally speaking, we need to know the

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fifth that is relevant to our personal lives. So the four things

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once again, correcting our aqidah and removing anything that is

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considered as a bid I in our life, number two was what

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Toba. Second one was Toba. Third one is

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rights of other people,

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the Haqq of others, Haqq, ibad, and the fourth one is

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acquired knowledge. So these are four things, Inshallah, as Imam

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Ghazali, he gives, once again, there's a lot of other advice that

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Imam as Ali has given but Ali, one time rotate student that try to do

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these kind of things as a traveler, if we can do those kind

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of things, Inshallah, you reach your destination. I ask Allah

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subhana wa Taala to grant all of us to fit to do these things and

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do much more that we are required to do. I mean, alamin with Zach

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Mullah khair as salaam, warahmatullahi Barakatuh,

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muslimina, al muslimathi, al mukminina, al mukminatin, al qawni

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Tina, Al Sadi na o Swan di wa saabiri Na WA

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di Walu na AAT

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walnut enough.

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