Nadim Bashir – The Smiles and Tears of Prophet Muhammad #10 – Aisha and Sawdah RA with the Prophet SAW

Nadim Bashir
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The importance of being easygoing is discussed, including the need for a culture of being easygoing to avoid damaging feelings and a woman who married the Prophet Tada and was an ex-wife. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing respect and respect in family, especially when it comes to the couple, and mentions a family dynamic where children are sent to their parents and their parents. The speaker suggests spending quality time with family members and not being harsh, and mentions a photo of a family member who is not present.

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			Well I
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			he no more he saw me how
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			many mean no mostly me.
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			Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he Muhammad wa ala early he was a big marine amoeba Welcome to
another segment of the smiles and the tears of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So one thing
that we find about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that he was very easygoing, you know,
subhanAllah, many of us think that it is part of religion, or it shows or it displays a your high
level of religiosity. If you go home, and you act like an A tyrant at home, you act very strict at
home. And many of us have created this kind of mindset. And this, you know, this picture, that if
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			the more you are on Dean, the more you are religious, than the more you're going to go home, and the
more you're going to be strict, and the more you're going to keep everyone in line and so forth. And
you're going to go home and you have this demanding nature and so forth. And subhanAllah first of
all, we know that there was no one who has more Toccoa than was Lhasa Allahu Allah, he was sending
him, there was no one who was more devoted to Allah subhanho wa taala, then Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, there was no one who can view themselves and call themselves more religious than
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But yet, what we find from his stories is that the person was
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			so easy going, and that his wives his own wives, they were so comfortable around Rasulullah
sallallahu. It was sending them how so many times they will joke around with Rasulullah sallallahu
sallam, the Prophet of Islam would joke around with them and so forth. And so today, I have a quick
story I want to share with all of you today, which shows us that how we need to be very easygoing
when it comes home. We should never give this impression to our family that as soon as we walk in at
home, like everyone like stops breathing, or like the police officers here, and today Subhanallah is
sad that today there are many youth and many families they feel they get the same impression when
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			the father walks inside the house, that everyone has to be on their best behavior. And no one can do
anything to possibly hurt the feelings of their father or the husband. And there's a certain kind of
vibe that goes inside the house. Once again. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the best
husband, he was the best father. So we we need to become like Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, it is mentioned at one time.
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			So that are the ultra Unha and I show the lasagna. They were both sitting around restless aloha and
Salem. Now let's take a pause here for a moment let's try to understand who do I just mentioned, so
that all the Allah Tada and I saw the ultra on her. Going back to the seat of the province I'll sit
on both of these women. They married Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam within a short span. And
it was so though the Allah to the unhappy that got married to the prophets of salaam as soon as
Hadiya passed away, and she was an ex wife, and she began living with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, and then not only that, but very soon after that he married I showed you a lot on her,
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			however, that marriage was not consummated at that time. And later on in Medina after the Hijra of
the Prophet SAW Sanlam that is when the marriage was consummated in Medina. So the Prophet it is I'm
married, I Isha in Makkah, but the marriage was consummated in Medina nonetheless, later in the time
of Medina is mentioned that one time I Isha and so the raviolo that are in Houma are sitting around
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I Isha says that I had created a suite.
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			And this suite, I came to go and serve it to several your local anha. Now you're talking about
there's a very big age gap too. But I show the Athan has she understands that she has to show a
certain level of respect yet they're both are the wives of the Prophet Salaam. But because soda is
much higher in age and I saw the yellow Tonga I shall first served the one who was older and what we
learned from this is this is called a dip and respect now as she was feeding so that all the data on
her so that she insisted on a you take first and then I show the altar and she's saying that no no
you take first otherwise now she's saying there's a formula so Allah while you're setting them up,
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			because once again a family needs to be easy going. The family son was easy going. So I show the
attire and says that if you do not do this, I'm gonna take this and put it inside your mouth
forcefully. And then when she gave again to so that and so that says no, no, you take first, even
after Ayesha saying that. I'm going to
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			forcefully feeds you, then what happened was that she took some of that sweet and she began to smear
it on the face of Sodor. The Ultra unhappy now is mentioned that as she did this on the face of so
that there was a solemn then said he smiled, because he's enjoying this moment with the family. And
this is something very important spending quality time with your family and joking around with them
and so forth. He then tells so little yellow Donna, that you also take some of that sweet and smear
on her face too. And once again, the problem is just he's smiling at this moment, he's happy about
this moment, that seeing that, you know, mashallah his wives are getting along, and how he's
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			enjoying the moment. So what we learned from this is brothers and sisters, is that when it comes to
your family, spend some quality time with your family joke around with them. Do not always be harsh
with them. Yes, there are going to be times when you have to be a little harsh or not harsh. I was a
little firm, harsh can sometimes be taken the wrong way. I will say be firm with your family. You
don't have to be rude. You don't have to be disrespectful. Yes, you can be firm at times the Prophet
SAW Selim was firm at times two. At the same time, there are many cases like this, like where he was
having a very pleasant time, joking around with his wives and so forth. So let's try to do this with
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			our families. Let's try to have a very pleasant nature, a very pleasant personality, that when our
families, they they see us, they don't run away from us, but they come closer to us. I ask Allah
subhana wa Taala to give all of us ability to become like Ursula Salaam in terms of our o'clock in
terms of our personality, and we will but I mean, does that Kamala Hey assalamualaikum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
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			in Mussolini now, Lima Do you want meaning? Me 19 one quantity now
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			the Muslim saw the pain I was saw the bond the one saw the Rena was Slavia rod the one before she
you know before she
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			was before she I mean I want to call her she is the one downside BP now one downside being party was
slow on me now it was all in
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			one heavy leaner photo gentlemen, one half year warranty was good enough. Guess
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			what? going on? I don't
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			why I lean