Nadim Bashir – The Most Important Relationship
AI: Summary ©
The importance of healthy relationships is highlighted in the segment, including Subhanho wa Taala's importance as a means of survival and the importance of knowing one's], [In the] segment, the speaker discusses the importance of worshiping Allah's "has been a great thing" for the child and rebuilding trust in people and trust in God. They emphasize the need to build a meaningful relationship and trust one another to avoid damaging relationships. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a program on finding one's way in life.
AI: Summary ©
Salam Alaikum I have to live with
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Mr Lai Rahmani Raheem in Alhamdulillah number two who want to start you know when that stuff you know when our ultimate human Shruti and fusina Woman sejati I'm Melina miyetti Hila Hoefler mother nella mia Yulin for their hair the Ella want us to Allah Ilaha illa Allah wa the WHO lash at ecollar want us to do I know Muhammad and Abdul rasuluh I'm about for the kala Lauterbach, Dakota Allah for the Quran mochila Farrakhan Hamid brother Altavilla image shaytaan rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim yeah Johanna como la vie Holika comin FC Wahida wahala common Huzzah. Jaha werebear salmon hamari Jandakot Iran one is what double la Hulda Rita's. Luna be here. Well, our home in Alok and alicona
peba Wirkkala to Allah Yeah, you Hallerin Amana Tapachula Hata Ducati while at the Moto,
Tomas Simone Bacala to Isla a yo Hallerin ama notable la Hulu Poland sadita yourself like I'm Alma la fille de Nova calm or my new thriller how Rasulullah fucka differs 1000 all the muscles up Allahu La lien for us the villa Hadith the Kitab Allah will highlight how do you how do you Muhammad in Salah Allah
While he was selling them, why should Ohmori to her work we'll move to that embedded work will be the art in Bala Wakulla dot infinity I'm about I ask Allah subhana wa Taala that just as he's gathered us here to the today on the day of Juma May Allah subhana wa Tada gather us along with our families in general for those who Allah in the companionship of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala Sahaba mein Yarrabah aalameen. Brothers and sisters, there's no denying in the fact that the more important the relationship is in our life, the more we'll work hard for it. When I understand that my relationship with my job is so important. My life depends on my job, my bills
depend on my job, we will do whatever it takes to ensure that there is a healthy relationship at work. When it comes to our spouse when it comes to our children. We understand how important my spouse's in my life we understand how important my children are in my life. And we always work hard to ensure that we have a healthy relationship. There is no doubt in the fact that the most important relationship in our life, the entire life depends on is our relationship with Allah subhanahu wa taala. Because without the relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. Though a person may go through life, they will never find happiness. Our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is like oxygen
to us. When you see a person going underwater, they can probably go underwater, probably for a minute, some few seconds, probably for several more minutes. But eventually they have to come out and they need oxygen. There are people who are divers who go underwater, but they take oxygen with them because oxygen is key for their survival. Likewise for us, for our survival, our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is extremely crucial. Our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala cannot be substituted by anything else. When I when there are people who don't get along with their sibling, they can overcome that relationship they can overcome and substitute that relationship with
something else in their life. There are so many things that we can substitute in our life. But we cannot substitute our relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. Because once again is like oxygen, there is no amount of materialism acquisition that can overcome our relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. There are people in this dunya who try to who try to just gain more and more materialism, thinking that this is where their happiness is. Yes, money does buy things, but money will not buy you true and everlasting happiness. True and everlasting happiness only happens when we have a relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is why there are people out there today,
celebrities and so forth, that today muscle, so many of our youth and so many people of our community, they wish that they have, they have money, they have fame, they have a following. They have so many millions of people that follow them on Instagram and so forth. But Subhanallah what's interesting about their lives, is that if you really study their lives, they're not happy. Imagine how many things they have to do that they are not happy with, in order to ensure that they have a following. And that is why so many of these celebrities, when you study their lives, they have a change in their life. There's a change of heart that takes place in their life. And they began to
realize the running after people's happiness and running after more and more materialism is not the goal of happiness, it is not where happiness lies. And that is why then they get into spirituality and so forth. Brothers and sisters, our relationship with Allah subhana wa Tala is one that has to be the focal point of our life. And when it comes to our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is is fluctuating all the time. And this is not healthy when there are difficult times in our life that our Eman sometimes exceeds sometimes our iman sings when there are happiness in our when there's times of happiness or Imani will increase
and then sometimes our iman will sink. That is why Allah subhanho wa Taala he talks about these kinds of people whose Iman whose relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is always fluctuating is not balanced. Allah says Wamena NASCI may Yabut Allah, Allah haruf There are people who worship Allah on the edge for in a Saba who hide a Palma unabIe. When there are good times the worship Allah when there are good times they think Allah when there are good times they were inside the machines, when there are good times they're waking up at night, and they're making dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala we're in Asaba to fitna in Calabar, Allah Where did he go?
When tough times come around,
which is a reality for every one of us.
This is a wrong perception that so many of us have that if I'm more devout to Allah subhanho wa Taala than I should have a more peaceful life. The center of the problem teaches as the complete opposite. The stories the MBA teaches is the complete opposite, the more we are close to Allah subhanho wa Taala the more Allah will test us and He will test our loyalty. So Allah subhanho wa Taala once again, he puts us through these tests to see how loyal we are to Allah subhanho wa taala. And to see that is our iman fluctuating or not? That's why Allah then says about these people, that these people who turn their backs to Allah subhanho wa Taala in the times of difficulty Hasina.
Dunya will ask, you know, they will suffer in this dunya and they will suffer in the hereafter. Have you ever put on a heart monitor monitor and you've seen your heart rate? Any person who's a cardiovascular specialist, a doctor will tell you that if your heart rate is going up and down fluctuating very significantly, that's a sign of a bad heart. A good heart is a hard where your heart beats per minute are steady. Yes, of course, if you're running, you're exercising and so forth. Yes, it will go up. But generally speaking, if your heart rate is fluctuating significantly, it's a sign of a bad heart. This is our relationship unfortunately with Allah subhanho wa Taala our
relationship with Allah is not steady is fluctuating over and over again. And that is why once again we have to really improve our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the most important relationship that we can focus on. We can invest in, invest our time invest our energy and invest our focus into but the question then comes is that how can I improve my relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala and there are few things I want to share with you today that we can do to improve our relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. The very first thing that we can do in order to improve our relationship with Allah Jalla wa Ala is to get to know Allah subhanho wa Taala you want
to love someone, you get to know them. When there's a Nikka that takes place. I often mentioned husband and wife need to take time to get to know each other because that's the only way they will come closer to each other. Likewise, if we want to come close to Allah subhanho wa Taala we got to understand Allah's greatness and think about it reflect on the Quran. When you study the monkey Sutras, the mucky Sooners were primarily about Allah subhana wa taala. Before all the Afghan came, the very first thing that ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala made sure that every single believer, especially in Makkah understood was the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala go and study the Mk II students it's
always about Allah, His power, His majesty, His Hikmah his wisdom, his ability to create and so forth. When this was institution lies in the hearts and in the minds of everyone, and they began to understand and they begin to appreciate Allah's greatness. Then came the next step. When Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is sitting with the child Ibn Abbas or the Allah Tala on Houma. What did he talk to him about detailing about salah? Do you tell him about anything else? No. He told him about the greatness of Allah subhana wa Tada. And why? Because for a child. For them, they think that their their parents are the most important person in their life. They believe that their
parents is the most crucial focal point of their life. They believe that the parents are the most powerful people in their life. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching this child and not only that, but he refers to him in the Hadith as young Vuillaume in the Mocha kalimat for the La Jolla Fosca. If Allah had to do the WHO to judge what he has to ultrafast Allah. Why either stir Anta fester in Billa This is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaching this child, the greatness of Allah subhanho wa taala. Because when you understand and when you appreciate someone and their abilities and so forth, it brings you closer to them. Yes, today we are intimidated by the
law. And yes, that brings us that makes that makes sure that is what makes us stick to the right path. We don't deviate from the laws. We don't break the laws because we understand the consequences. Likewise when it comes to Allah subhanho wa taala. We understand how powerful he is. He's the one where it begins. And he is the one where it finishes every single matter. So
This is why we need to understand the greatness of Allah subhanho wa taala. When we look around us, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala tells us that reflect on the Ayat of Allah subhanho wa taala. When you look at the ecosystem that Allah has created such a balanced system, there is no other power. There's no other technology that can create a system that Allah has created. Such a finite such a pristine, such a very balanced system that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created and why because the we can understand his greatness so that we can understand how powerful he is. And this is what brings us closer to Allah subhanahu what to Allah. So the very first thing is to understand the greatness of
Allah subhana wa to Island when Allah taught the people about his greatness, when Rasul Allah says, I'm talking about the greatness of Allah subhanho wa taala. Then came the love of Allah subhanho wa taala, which is number two. See, when you love something, you're going to work hard for it. There are people who love money. Now for them, they become a slave to money, it's a reality of life, whatever you love, you become a slave for it. If you love power, then you're going to be you become a slave to power. That means that it does not matter how that power comes. It does not matter what you do during the week during that power, situation when you have power, because for a person they
are there are people who are addicted to power. There are people who love to tell other people what to do. There are people who tell other people that I love to grab other people and hold other people responsible and so forth. They have this kind of personality for that person, they will do whatever it takes to come into the position of power, though they violate this, this teachings of Islam, they will do that there are people who become they love money so much that then then they become the slave to money, that it does not matter how they acquire that money through a halal source or through a haram source. They don't care how they spend the money or how they whether the halal way
or the Haram way because they have become a slave to money. Likewise when we love Allah subhanho wa Taala and the love of Allah is the most important thing in my life. To understand that does Allah want this from me or not? Then I become the slave to Allah subhanho wa Taala if Allah has happiness, and Allah's pleasure becomes my primary goal of life, that I become a slave to Allah subhanho wa Taala there are people who do things crazy things in the name of love, because that's what love does to you. It makes you blind about everything else, and it keeps you fixated. It keeps you focused in life. When a person loves their job, they don't care about their families, they will become
workaholics. When they love their business, they become workaholics. So this is what love does. And that is why we always strive to love Allah subhanho wa Taala and we always do everything so that we can earn the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is why there's a dua of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he says Allahumma inni Luca Hogberg ya Allah we ask You for Your love will remain your handbook and the love of those who love you will have Bahaman in your collarbone, in fob in any armor, anything that we can do that can bring us closer to your love your Allah You grant us that because the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the most important thing. The next thing when a
person, when a person talks about the greatness of Allah, then you have value for something, you become the slave you love Allah subhana wa Tada. And then as a result you become the slave of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and the only way the one V the best ways to come close to Allah subhanho wa Taala and to earn this grateful relationship and this meaningful relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is through our worship to Allah subhanho wa Taala it is not through Yes, five time days a lot is key. But what we find the hadith of Guzzi is that Allah subhana wa Taala he says that my slave does whatever he does regarding his Ferraris but it is his Nawab feel that he does his extra that he
does in his own free time. When he goes out of his way when she goes out of their way and they do extra for my sake. That is what brings them closer to me. When we worship Allah subhanho wa Taala then everything around us become submissive to Allah subhanho wa Taala in the same Hadith could say Allah subhana wa Tada says that then I become his eyes to which he sees and I become his hands which he grabs and I become his feet through which he walks mean that when we worship Allah subhanho wa Taala everything around us also comes in line with worshiping Allah and pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is why
It is also important to understand that in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, when he talks about the manavi own, he says that there are a few people who will not be amongst them on our phone. He says inland levena taboo, those who repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala what else interlinear taboo and those who make suits with Allah subhanaw taala they make they improve the relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala and then he says, while some will be lucky, and they hold on to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah will bless to Dena whom they Allah, and they make their faith purely sincerely for Allah subhanho wa Taala they make their deen and their life purely for Allah subhanho
wa Taala Fula iqama I mean, Allah says that these are the people who are going to be with the believers was so for you to love me Nina agilon Alima Allah says that he will give the believers a very magnificent and amazing reward in the hereafter in sha Allah. The point is that when Allah subhanho wa Taala says what Allah so Dena whom Nila somebody Allah, they say here that being sincere to Allah subhanho wa Taala means that even in the times of the day when no one is watching you at that time for you to wake up and worship Allah subhanho wa Taala is showing your sincerity to Allah subhanho wa Taala when you know that no one is gonna give you credit. No one's gonna give you any
kind of appreciation. No one's gonna even know what you have done. But at that time when you worship Allah subhanho wa Taala that is the highest level of sincerity. That is why think about it when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he came to Medina, was one of the very first things that he taught to the people of Medina. He says, I'm sure salaam, he says, he says spread the salam. Well, I'll tell you more time that he says that give, give food to others who are in need. He says what's little or harm and strengthen your relationships will Solu Bill lady one nurse who knew Yum, why did Rasulullah saw some say that you pray a night when no one is watching you when people are
asleep because that is the height of your worship to Allah subhana what to honor and when a person worships ALLAH SubhanA wa to Ana and they go out of their way to worship Allah more distant than the five times daily prayers. That is when Allah subhanho wa Taala he comes to the aid of that person. So that is why it is very important that the only way we can open the door to Allah subhanho wa Taala is worship and that is number three. The last one, which is extremely crucial. Extremely important is to repair our trust with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. See today, one of the biggest issues that we have in terms of our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is that we don't trust Allah
subhanho wa Taala we have not put our full trust in Allah. Yes, we say Allah subhana wa Tala is such and such, but yet we have not put our trust in Allah subhana wa Tada. We have to learn that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who created this entire system. We have to understand that when ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada has created a system that he knows how to run that system. When you see a manufacturer building a car, they know they know the best about that car, you take that same car to someone else they may not know about it, as much as the manufacturer themselves will know about their car. But we don't ever question them. When I get onto a plane when I get onto a flight, I
don't sit there and start questioning the pilot and their credentials and everything. Because I've learned how to put my trust in that pilot. When I go on the road. I put my trust on the construction workers of the city that they have built a good road that I can drive upon it. When it comes to anything in life. We don't question we don't question people. We don't question how things are done. We put our trust in people and we move forward. We put our trust in people, but we can put our trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the biggest problem that we have today. So many people when you talk about Shiva has been talking about doubts and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. Where did these doubts
come from? It comes from the fact that we have a lack of trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala when Musa alayhis salam was with Bani Israel III. Think about it. Imagine putting yourself in the position of Musa alayhis salam, there is no road for escape. There is no way to escape the situation. Musa alayhis salam is with Bani Israel. They come all the way to the sea. The sea is in front of them, they turn around and they see the army of fit own. The people at that time who not who did not have a strong faith who did not have a good relationship with Allah subhana wa Tada. They are telling Musa you Salam they're thinking to themselves Why do I follow this man? They're telling Musa you
Salam we trusted
You You told us that you will save us but now we're having this situation where the seas in front of us and Fidel is right behind us in Nala mudra goon
Now think about that for a moment. Imagine putting yourself in a situation where there is no road to escape. There is no way out there you see him, you see that there is no way out musalla you some sees the same exact thing he sees that there is no way out of this when they doubted Allah subhanho wa Taala that was a time that Musala you some did not doubt Allah subhanho wa Taala because it's easy to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala when things are going well, but it's hard to believe in Allah when things are not going according to our plans. Musala your son it was his plan to save money aside. He's taking him all the way to the water at that time when they said yeah Musa in Allah
mudra Koon What did Musa alayhis salam say? He says all the color in rugby Marisa Yeah, Dean, my rub is with me. This was his relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. In life when we come through difficulties, when we go through difficulties in life, and we feel like that there is no road to get out of this problem in this challenge. That is the time for your faith. That is a time when Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to see though are we going to cave or are we going to put our trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala are we going to say what Bonita saw Ian said the Yet Allah I've given up or are we going to say what Musa alayhis salam said and we say Allah color in Nairobi, Marisa Deen, we need to
do what Musa alayhis salam said, we need to do what Musa alayhis salam demonstrated in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not matter what situation it was. The Prophet Allah is some knew that he can put his trust in Allah subhanho wa taala. Today brothers and sisters is very sad. Well Allah He is very sad.
We say that Allah subhana wa Taala does not know my problems, though Allah subhanho wa Taala he is uneme we say that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not do anything about anything in the world, all the suffering the pain, but yet we read that Allah subhanho wa Taala is Al Hakim, we say that Allah subhana wa Taala doesn't see what I'm going through my life. But yet Allah subhanho wa Taala is Albacete. We say that Allah Subhana Allah does not hear my dual eyes, but Allah subhanho wa Taala is a Samir we say that Allah Subhana Allah does not love us though he is unwell dude and a Rahmani r Rahim. We say that Allah Subhana Allah does not make anything easy for us, though Allah subhanho wa
Taala says in the Quran for in nama allostery Yusra in nama allostery used to draw brothers and sisters think about that when our perception regarding a law is so flooded. How can we expect anything different from Allah subhanho wa Taala Rasul Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Hadith Bootsy and are in the one near ebdb I treat my slaves according to their expectations with me, we have such a flawed expectation, a flawed perception, a flawed relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. And then in return, we want so much from Allah subhanho wa taala. First we must do what is within our own capacity, what is our responsibility, and that is to build a relationship with Allah subhanho wa
Taala to trust Allah subhanho wa Taala to never doubt Allah subhanho wa Taala and then when the difficult times do come, you will see the power of Allah subhanho wa taala. So once again, these are four things that we must do in order to come close to Allah. The very first thing once again is to get to know Allah subhana wa to Allah and His greatness. Number two is to develop the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala because when you love something you become enslaved to that. Number three is we come close to Allah through our worship, our five time days a lot, the extra Salawa dynorphin whether it's fasting, whether it's Quran, whether it's thicker, anything that we can do in terms of
worship, to come close to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. And the fourth thing, which is very important in terms of our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is to put our trust in Allah subhana wa Tada, even think about this when you are in a marriage, you can go through many people have many issues in their marriage. But if there's one thing that will break a marriage all apart is when there's a lack of trust. If there's been infidelity, and there's no trust, it does not matter how much therapy you go through how much counseling you go through, there is nothing that we're relating to that will that will repair that relationship, because the foundation to every
relationship comes down to trust. If I don't trust Allah, and I don't put my trust in Allah, I don't and I question Allah every single moment in my life, then we cannot come close to Allah subhana wa Tada. I ask Allah subhana wa to make us amongst those
Have a meaningful, meaningful relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala and ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala to make those amongst those who will leave this dunya with with complete yucky and uncertainty and raises amongst the people on the Day of Judgment, who have full faith and Mirabella Alameen Baraka la Hoonah welcome and all them want to find out what Kamala is again and stuff Lulu Holly welcome what is said Mr. manifesto Pharaoh in the who will have a full line
Mr. Lohan or Haman hamdulillah Muhammad who want to stay in I want to stuff it all when I want to be lame you should already and fusina Woman sejati Molina, may you have the love for a millennial woman you didn't follow her the other one is the one in the lower Shanika wanted to do a no Mohammed and Abdul rasuluh about for the kala Lazzaretto Tara maggio for one Hamid by the dementia on Oh genius will lay behind him in the law. What Malayaka oh you saw Lunarlon maybe? Yeah you Alladhina amanu Sallu Allah He was selling the steamer Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wala Ali Muhammad come isolated Abraham Allah Ali Ibrahim in the Commedia Majeed of Africa Alam Hamid wala Mohammed, come Baraka
labx Rahim Allah Ibrahim in the Camila Majeed Allahu Monthsary someone Muslim in Allah homicidal Islam are one Muslim enough equally McCann Allahumma sunnah Allah and Hala vana Wafaa Vela, then our Osterholm Donna wash female Warner wire female with Alana, Warhammer Alterna Wahhabi ad neither equally high Wasim Nam equally coalition waffles and I'm equally Lloyd along because soon I'm gonna crush Attica matter how to behave behave in a minimal sciatic I mean party compatible Luna be genetic only laquinimod How we will be met how we will be here Elena sorry but dunya Amata Nabi s Marina our sorry now Paula, Tina. Hey Tina. What you're all who worries I mean, watch our third on
our alarm and voila Mina one sunnah Allah.
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