Nadim Bashir – SaId Ibn Zayd 40 Ahadith Of The Sahaba

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The segment discusses the loss of two people, Zayd Zayd and Fatima bin Zaid. The speakers discuss their beliefs and experiences, including past struggles with animals and desire to be a single man nation. The segment also touches on the contributions of Mak safely and the importance of leadership in the title of leadership. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a video about Mak safely.
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Before I begin, I just want to Before
we get to the next hadith in this
chapter or in this series of 40 hadith
regarding the Sahaba radiyallahu anhum One thing that
was probably mentioned last week.
I just want to clarify if there was
anything Missed said on my part about Sa'd
ibn Abi Qasr radiyallahu anhum was a Sahabi
that we talked about last week he Just
so that we're clear about when he passed
away because perhaps there was probably a misunderstanding
Sa'd ibn Abi Qasr radiyallahu anhum was the
last Amongst all the Ashra mubashara, he was
the last to pass away And he passed
away at the age of 80 in the
year 674 after hijrah.
So just to just to be clear if
there's anything that probably was said Someone brought
to my attention.
I was not aware, but I thought let
me just make it clear Just you know,
just for you know, just to be on
the safe side So the next hadith in
this chapter of 40 hadith regarding the Sahaba
radiyallahu anhum, this is the 10th narration This
is a hadith narrated by Sa'd ibn Zayd
radiyallahu anhu while he was sitting in a
group of people So this is him not
with the Prophet ﷺ per se Rather it
was him amongst a group of people and
he's narrating the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ
Where he says that the Prophet ﷺ said
that there are ten people who are in
Jannah Abu Bakr is in Jannah Umar is
in Jannah Uthman is in Jannah Ali radiyallahu
anhu is in Jannah Zubair radiyallahu anhu is
in Jannah Talha is in Jannah Abdur-Rahman
bin Auf radiyallahu anhu is in Jannah Abu
Ubaidah radiyallahu anhu is in Jannah Sa'd ibn
Waqas radiyallahu anhu is in Jannah How many
is that?
That's nine So the person so once again
the rawi the narrator he's saying that there
are ten people but he mentioned only nine
people So who is the tenth person that
missing over here is?
Okay, Sa'd himself is missing.
So the person who's sitting over there He's
saying that there's one person that's left out.
There's one person left out and Sa'd ibn
Zayd radiyallahu anhu He did not want to
mention his own name because if there was
one thing that we learned one of the
most Amazing characteristics of Sa'd ibn Zayd radiyallahu
anhu is something that we learned from his
biography It is the fact that he was
very very humble He was filled with so
much humility that even if there was any
situation later on we're gonna we're gonna talk
about this Inshallah, but later on in his
life if there was any situation that was
Chaotic he would just stay so far away
from it This was the kind of personality
that he had later on when he was
sort of pressed That who is that tenth
Then he said that okay that tenth person
is myself and then he taught you then
he mentioned about himself Otherwise, he was so
humble about it that he's not even want
to mention himself so who is Sa'd ibn
Zayd radiyallahu anhu?
Sa'd ibn Zayd radiyallahu anhu is Interesting sahabi
radiyallahu anhu because of the fact that his
father was also very interesting his father before
even the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam And it is mentioned in some
books that he and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam meaning not Sa'd ibn Zayd Sa'd's
father Zayd bin Nawfal he as an adult
did cross paths With the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam when he was a child Because
what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Observed
during his time when he was a child
was that Sa'd ibn Nawfal Was going against
the common trend Idolatry was common and rampant
in that society But he was one person
along with Waraqa bin Nawfal and two other
people who were against Idolatry and they would
go to the Quraish and they would say
they were asked them simple questions such as
Why do you sacrifice animals that they were
not even created by these idols?
But why would you sacrifice them on the
name of these idols?
Number two He would always ask you ask
the Quraish or when he would object to
the Quraish when the Quraish would present him
meat That was sacrificed on the name of
these idols He would say that I'm not
interested in this meat And by the way,
one thing that we learned about the Arabs
is that they were so upfront when it
came when it came to Hospitality, but while
they were so upfront about hospitality, they could
easily be Offended I would say if someone
neglected or someone overturned their hospitality, you know
I said so when people would come to
him and they would give him meat that
was sacrificed on the name of these idols
and He would turn it away You can
just imagine the kind of situation that would
be created and that is when again He
would present his argument that I don't believe
in the things that you all are doing
and this is where he would go back
And forth now, of course There were times
where either he himself would leave the city
in order to stay away from their fitna
in order to not You know in order
in order to prevent any kind of engagement
with the Quraish But it is said one
time that he came across a rahib a
monk and this monk It was very common
with these monks who did who were dispersed
within the land that they had read their
previous books and they were aware of the
fact that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is
going to come a final prophet will come.
So once a man or monk came across
Zaid bin Naufal and he asked him.
Where are you coming from?
And he says I'm coming from a valley
known as Mecca He says that okay.
Why are you here?
And so he would explain to them that
I'm so frustrated I want to be as
far as I can From these people because
of what they're doing and I don't agree
with their idol worshiping This monk told him
that you need to go back to that
land because whatever you're searching for There is
a promise that is that does exist that
the final prophet will come in that same
valley of Mecca So while you are staying
away from them, but the thing that you
are searching for is going to be exactly
there So that is why it's mentioned that
he would come back Often but once again,
he was not someone who was very, you
know Who would receive a warm welcome from
the Quraysh for obvious reasons?
But it is mentioned also that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam He once he was
approached by Saeed bin Zaid radiallahu anhu and
he said that ya Rasool Allah You know
about my father But where is he is
he in Jannah is he in Jahannam and
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that
Oh Saeed On my way to Al-Isra
wal-Miraj I saw that your father Zaid
Ibn Naufal is in Jannah and not only
is he in Jannah But on the Day
of Judgment when he comes Because every person
will come with their Prophet when we come
inshallah on the Day of Judgment We will
come with who with Rasool Allah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam He because there was no Prophet
during his time.
He will come as a single man nation
There will be no one else with him,
but beside himself.
So this is something that the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam He informed him informed Saeed
bin Zaid about his father His father and
or the tribe they come from the tribe
of Adi and who else which other?
Which other Sahabi I would say which of
the Sahabi came from the tribe of Adi
Umar Khattab radiallahu anhu and him they came
from the same tribe And by the way,
their fathers were also related Okay Now I
I don't want to cause any kind of
confusion in any of you but if you
go back way back into the the lineage
of Saeed bin Zaid, Zaid Ibn Naufal and
going back and the life of Umar Khattab
radiallahu anhu There was a moment, okay, there
was a moment where a a man in
that lineage They married their mother and once
again, this was before Islam.
So Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala in the Quran
He says when a man and woman they
get married the stepmother or your The wife
she becomes haram for the son even I
mean, of course, it's a mother But in
the case of a stepmother, even the stepmother
becomes haram for the son So likewise what
happened was that Allah says in the Quran
unless it happened a long time ago something
that may have happened So there was something
like this that happened But if I try
to go into the lineage and I tried
to break it down for you, trust me
It was confusing for me.
I'm sure it's gonna be confusing for you
So I'm not even gonna go down that
road But the point is something like this
did happen back where Saeed bin Zaid's family
and Umar Khattab radiallahu anhu's family where they
meet But they both come from the same
And nonetheless, we also find that Umar Khattab
radiallahu anhu's sister Umar Khattab radiallahu anhu's sister
not daughter a sister.
Her name was Fatima and Fatima was married
to Saeed bin Zaid Okay, she was married
to Saeed bin Zaid and we all know
the story that when Umar Khattab radiallahu anhu
found out That when he was on the
way going in to kill the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam He met another sahabi and the
person said or he met another person and
that person said that before you go when
you take the Life of the Prophet alayhi
salam You better put your own house of
affairs in line Because your sister and your
brother-in-law both have converted to Islam
and that is when instead of going to
the Prophet he You know, he turned his
attention to His sister and his brother-in
-law when they got there Of course the
person who was teaching them was Khabab bin
Arath radiallahu anhu Khabab bin Arath radiallahu anhu
hearing the voice of Umar Khattab radiallahu anhu.
What would he do?
He runs inside out of fear.
He comes inside he sees that they are
reading Quran and he begins to Beat his
his sister and he begins to push and
shove Saeed bin Zaid also so this is
that Saeed bin Zaid radiallahu ta'ala anhu
that we are talking about and he was
once again the Son-in-law, I mean
he was the brother-in-law to Umar
ibn Khattab radiallahu ta'ala anhu.
Another thing I forgot to mention about Saeed's
father Zaid ibn Nawfal was that first of
all, he would as I said about him
and his relationship with the Quraish But there
were times also that when the Quraish would
want to bury one of their daughters alive
He would sometimes intervene and say that instead
of burying them alive Give me that girl
and I will raise that girl So he
was someone who went against the trends of
the Quraish nonetheless coming back to Saeed bin
Zaid Radiallahu ta'ala anhu that he converted
to Islam at a very young age, you
know early on in his life and we
know what happened exactly between him and Umar
ibn Khattab radiallahu ta'ala anhu, but nonetheless
as far as him and his Participation in
the battles.
We don't find too many things even even
when we talk about Makkah and his contribution
in Makkah Once again, he was a very
quiet person not someone who always was looking
for the limelight Someone who was not, you
know, very much engaging besides the fact that
he was always around Rasul Allah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam Always giving his full support to
the Prophet.
Alayhi salam now come to Medina in the
Battle of Badr as we all know that
he did not participate in the Battle of
Badr because him in Talha radiallahu anhu as
I mentioned a few weeks ago that they
were sent on a mission by the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam To gather intelligence about
the the Qurayshi caravans and by the time
they came back they found out that the
Battle of Badr had come to an end
as far as the Battle of Uhud is
concerned as far as the Battle of Trenches
There's nothing special that we hear about About
the contributions of Saeed bin Zaid radiallahu ta
'ala anhu however, after the death of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you come into
the life or the Khilafah of Umar al
-Khattab radiallahu anhu and there were two expeditions
One was the Battle of Yarmouk that took
place where he took a very active role
now Though he was not the commander-in
-chief and usually the commander-in-chief in
order to get everyone motivated They would usually
say that let's all of us go and
let's charge the enemy He was not the
commander-in-chief, but during that time while
he was still there He was a he
would fight and he would put his life
on the line So he was the one
who was also pushing the people and he
would take people behind him go and he
would go and fight Very fiercely in the
Battle of Yarmouk and not only that but
he helped the Muslims at that time Now
even after this one was a Battle of
Yarmouk that he contributed to but number two
was the conquest of Damascus of Damascus and
he played a heavy role in this and
he was led he was actually the leader
in this situation and And some say that
he was not necessarily the leader, but he
played a very heavy role But once Damascus
was conquered the governor who was put in
place to rule over Damascus was Saeed bin
Zayd radiallahu anhu and he was the very
first Muslim in Islamic history to be the
governor of Damascus But once again, we all
know that Saeed bin Zayd radiallahu anhu was
not someone who was looking for that leadership
position He liked to be you know like
to be on the on the side Like
to just serve his deen and so forth
that is the kind of person that he
was and later on he even sent a
Letter to Umar Khattab radiallahu anhu that please
remove me from the position of leadership I
don't like this type of position because it
comes with a lot of responsibilities and by
the way Something that we learned from this
is that Sahaba radiallahu anhu and this is
not only with Saeed bin Zayd radiallahu anhu
This is common with majority of the Sahaba
radiallahu anhu that they were always afraid of
the positions of leadership Today we are in
a position where many of us we crave
that position of leadership Why because you know,
I want to be well-known I want
people to respect me and so forth Whereas
the Sahaba radiallahu anhu they never saw any
position of leadership in this manner in fact
If you think that the position of leadership
is something that the Sahaba radiallahu anhu would
avoid Then think about this even when it
came to leading the Salat Even when it
came to leading the Salat because leading the
Salat is a major Responsibility the Imam is
going to be questioned by Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala on the day of judgment And this
goes for any Imam any person who's leading
the Salat.
They'll be questioned by Allah on the day
of judgment So this is why it is
mentioned that even when Sahaba would get together
they would take they would push off the
Responsibility of leading the Salat from themselves and
they would push others to go and lead
the Salat because when it came to leadership
There's a lot of responsibilities that come with
And this is not only Leadership when we're
talking about an organization or leadership in terms
of a jama'ah any type of leadership
We're talking about a father is going to
be questioned on the day of judgment because
he is the leader of a house of
a household the mother is going to be
questioned on the day of judgment because she
also serves in a certain capacity as a
Leader when it comes to her kids and
so any person who finds themselves in a
position of leadership Then first of all is
that I'm not saying that you cannot take
it if there's no one else who can
fulfill the rights of that position because we
also see in the case of Yusuf alayhis
salaam when he saw that no one else
can disseminate the Responsibilities with that position and
the fact that he saw the dreams he
understands what's coming forth in that situation He
said what it's a I mean Allah has
that in an earth that make me the
leader So in that position if you know
that you can fulfill their responsibility and if
you don't step forward Someone else will step
forward and they will not fulfill their responsibility
correctly in that situation from an Islamic leadership
perspective a person can say that I will
take the Responsibility, but once again, it doesn't
mean that they are exempt from any kind
of accountability in the hereafter but of course
the very first step is that we always
try to push away any kind of responsibility
becomes Because it is a lot of there's
a lot of accountability that comes with this
in the hereafter So this is why Saeed
bin Zayed alayhi allahu anhu he would push
it away Now some interesting stories that we
also find about Saeed bin Zayed alayhi allahu
anhu The very first one is that this
is a long time ago later on This
is before he passed away.
There was a woman who came and she
accused Saeed bin Zayed alayhi allahu anhu of
taking land from her She accused Saeed bin
Zayed of taking land from her now Saeed
bin Zayed alayhi allahu anhu I was very
shocked at this hadith because he says that
how can I be accused of taking someone
else's land?
when I Saeed bin Zayed have Narrated I
have narrated a hadith from the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam himself Saying that whoever unjustly
takes a piece of land from someone else
Allah will make them carry seven earths around
their neck on the Day of Judgment Sorry,
so Saeed bin Zayed is saying that I
am the Rawi I am the narrator of
this hadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam I know exactly the burden that comes
with This kind of dhulm and this kind
of oppression and you're accusing me of taking
this kind of land And so once again,
it turned into a major issue and they
were going back and forth at the end
Saeed bin Zayed alayhi allahu anhu said that
you know, what enough is enough you want
the land you are accusing me Take the
land but at that time he made a
dua against her because once again His name
was being dragged in the mud.
He was you know, his reputation Was being
questioned over here by this woman So that
is why he then made a dua for
her that Oh Allah if she is lying
Okay, if she is lying then make her
blind and cause her to die in her
land This was the dua of Saeed bin
Zayed alayhi allahu anhu And of course Saeed
bin Zayed being a sahabi of this integrity
in this caliber Of course He was the
one who was mazlum the land did not
belong to that woman as she was claiming
and it is mentioned that Before she passed
She actually did become blind She did become
blind and She actually fell in the well
that was with that land She actually fell
into that well and they could not take
her out and eventually they just she was
buried over there in that in That well,
so once again, this goes to show you
that That how things did happen at that
time was Saeed bin Zayed alayhi allahu anhu
But one thing I do want to mention
that's very important from this hadith of Saeed
bin Zayed alayhi allahu anhu About taking things
from someone else that does not belong to
you and I have to say that SubhanAllah
living in this country When it comes to
the court systems and so forth it happens
on many occasions where people will go to
court over here and Take things that belong
to other people that they it does not
belong to them taking other people's homes taking
other people's properties and Especially let me make
this very clear Especially when it comes to
a divorce kind of situation There are many
times where people will go into court and
take things that does not belong to them
Because of the court system and they will
be questioned by Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala It
does not mean that just because the court
system or they went to court They made
claims because our court systems over here are
not established on justice.
Okay, let's be honest Let's be straightforward honest
about these kind of things.
It is not established on justice So when
people go they make claims and a lot
of times they don't even have to back
up their claim They don't have to even
provide evidence.
The court will take their side and then
People's wealth and their land and properties are
gonna be taken away from them and given
to others in that situation Every person needs
to remember that there this matter is not
This matter will be reopened on the day
of judgment So this is why it is
very important that we don't take anyone else's
property we don't take anyone else's wealth because
this is considered as a major vault and
we find also in the case of Sahib
-e-Zaid and what he made the kind
of dua that he made against this woman.
Also, we learned that Before Umar Khattab radiallahu
anhu passed away.
He created a shura of six people.
So we all know that Right before he
passed away Ubaqar radiallahu anhu had served He
was a second one Then he created a
shura of six people that the next khalifa
should come from these these next six people
But you all of them were amongst the
ashara mubashara The question that many people ask
is that why didn't Umar Khattab radiallahu anhu
Include his own brother-in-law Saeed bin
Zaid into this matter Why did he not
include him though?
He was amongst the ashara mubashara He had
a lot of integrity and so forth and
he was someone who was very revered by
the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam So the ulema
they say that this was perhaps because of
the wisdom of Umar Khattab radiallahu anhu That
he does not want to set any kind
of precedence of nepotism Because if Umar Khattab
radiallahu anhu had to place if he were
to place his own brother-in-law in
this situation and His brother-in-law were
to be accepted as the khalifa Then you
see that nepotism has already crept in so
this is why the ulema they say that
perhaps this was because of the Hikmah and
the wisdom of Umar Khattab radiallahu anhu That
he did not want any kind of nepotism
when it came to the next khalifa And
this is why he kept Saeed bin Zayd
out of it now on the flip side
subhanAllah If you look at majority of our
Muslim countries I'm not going to go into
names, but the amount of nepotism that does
take place subhanAllah I mean you really have
to ask yourselves that where is the fear
of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala in these kind
of things So this is why this is
something else that we learn about Saeed bin
Zayd Another thing that we learned the last
story we learned about Saeed bin Zayd radiallahu
anhu was right before he passed away Muawiyah
radiallahu anhu He was in charge at that
time and the governor of Mecca at that
time was was Mecca Medina Medina I think
so was Marwan Ibn Hakam.
Okay Marwan Ibn Hakam and his son Yazid
was next in line Okay, so what he
was doing is that he was trying to
ensure that before he passes away He wants
people to do bay'ah to his son
Yazid So he sent a message to Saeed
bin Zayd that I need you to go
and make bay'ah to my son Yazid
and Because at that time Saeed bin Zayd
said that absolutely not I will not do
bay'ah on your son Yazid's hand as
a result of him denying this or Rejecting
this the people of Medina also They said
that if Saeed bin Zayd is not doing
bay'ah on the hands of Yazid We
the people of Medina are not going to
do bay'ah on the hands of Yazid
So there so therefore at that time Muawiyah
reached out to Marwan Ibn Hakam Telling him
that tell Saeed bin Zayd to come and
do bay'ah on your hands And you
are the representative of Yazid even at that
time Marwan he turned he said to Marwan
Absolutely not someone was sent someone was literally
sent by Muawiyah To Saeed bin Zayd that
we have been sent We are a delegation
from Muawiyah You need to do bay'ah
on the hands of Yazid and he said
there's still Absolutely no way that I'm going
to do this when they pushed him a
lot and he keep on saying he kept
on saying no No, no Eventually Marwan Ibn
Hakam said that there's nothing that we can
do when it comes to Saeed bin Zayd
What are we gonna do?
We're gonna go after him.
We're gonna take his life or what are
we gonna do?
So therefore they could not push Saeed bin
Zayd any more further however Because once again,
he's seeing all these fitnas emerging in the
time and during his time subhanAllah It was
at that same time while Muawiyah was still
alive He was at towards the end of
his life or it was the it was
the rule Or the khilaf or he was
the one who was in charge at that
time, but it was during that time that
Saeed bin Zayd radiallahu anhu he passed away
and when he passed away He was brought
to Medina in order to do his janazah
in Sa'd bin Waqas radiallahu anhu As I
mentioned earlier, he was the last amongst the
Ashram Bashar to pass away.
So therefore he Led the sadhu janazah of
Saeed bin Zayd But once again, we learned
once again that Saeed bin Zayd see one
is one is to be humble about things
He wants to be on the side He
does not want to engage with any kind
of conflict But that also does not mean
that you succumb when it comes to standing
up for justice This is a very big
issue that we have today.
Some people they will say that.
Oh, I'm humble They don't want to stand
up against injustice.
Why because I am humble.
This is my tawadu.
I keep quiet No this is not tawadu
when a person sees any type of injustice
taking place and You think that you are
being humble and you're not speaking up against
the injustice Then this is not humbleness in
the eyes of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala But
rather this person is going to be questioned
on the day of judgment Why did they
not stand up against injustice?
And he knows very well that if he
does if he gives his bay'at to
Yazid Then the people of Medina will also
give their bay'at to Yazid and he
does not want to set that precedence So
though he was humble though He was a
man filled with so much humility that even
in the case of being the governor of
Damascus He did not want this position of
leadership But when it came to standing up
for what is haq when it came to
standing up for what is right He did
not sit there and say you know what
let anything happen because this is my part
of my humbleness No, this is where we
as a Muslim ummah today.
This is where we do not understand these
simple things What is humbleness, but what is
standing up for the truth and we don't
ever blur these lines So I ask Allah
subhanahu wa'ta'ala that he grants us the
tawfiq to grant us the he gives us
the humbleness he grants us the humbleness like
of Saeed bin Zaid radiallahu a'an and
just like Saeed bin Zaid and all the
sahaba that we have covered They they kept
on giving their life for the sake of
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala may Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala grant us ikhlas And may Allah subhanahu
wa'ta'ala grant us the tawfiq to continue
to serve our own community and serve the
Muslim ummah Amin rabbil alameen