Nadim Bashir – Muhammad the Best Example #07 Spiritual Healing of the Youth
![Nadim Bashir](
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The Prophet sall campaigns provide guidance for teenagers to avoid negative consequences, including drinking or drinking alcohol and being a teenager. The challenges faced by teenagers include limitations in their lives and challenges for parents who leave their homes to seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek
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salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh between letter of man or Haman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi H moraine about Welcome to another segment of Padova tuna our role model Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where we learned that how the he works and how do you treat everyone in his community. By the way, if you have not subscribed to our channel, please like, subscribe, and turn on your notifications so that whenever we have a video from Epic, Majid inshallah you will find out about it. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a spiritual guide. He was someone that who always who was always
there to provide help to his own community. Today we have a situation our own families, where if a person has done something wrong, especially a youth that are teenager, son or daughter if they have done something wrong, or they are in a predicament, or they're going through challenges, unfortunately, the way we have created an environment within our home. Because of that our children not want to come to us they do not want to talk to us about their issues. Brothers and sisters, think about this. The Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where a young man comes to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he says Yara so law permit to me that I commit Zina.
Let's stop here. And let's understand this. This is a man who is coming to Rasulullah saw Selim a young man who is coming to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And what we learn from this is that if a young man can come to a stranger like Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, yes, he is the prophet of Allah.
But if he's able to come to a person who is not in his own family, but he's coming to Rasulullah Salem, then why are our children coming to us today is because we have created an environment inside our homes, that we will not tolerate their problems. We will not tolerate their challenges. Here you have a young man, he is tempted to go and commit haram, how many of our youth are tempted today to commit haram? And they will go and imagine if they came to their parents and they said that I feel like that I want to go and commit Zina, or I feel like I want to go and drink. Or can you possibly imagine that today or use would it come to their own parents and say, You know what, I am a drug
addict, or I'm taking drugs, or I'm involved with another girl. Today, they would never do that. Brothers Sisters, this hadith of the prophets of salaam provides a lesson for all of us, as older as the elders, for the elders for the community, as the parents of the community, and those that were those who have teenage sons and daughters. This is a very valuable lesson for all of us. A man comes to the province sentiment says jasola Permit me to come come and Zina. Now the province of some did not say that get out of my face, you know you are banished the property Islam did not tell the Sahaba kick this man out of the Masjid. Imagine if someone had come into the Imam and saying that I
want to do something like this today how they would be treated, or saw somebody not do anything like that. In fact, the Hadith tells us that the Prophet Salam he brought him closer. What we learned from this is that people in our youth who are going through challenges, do not push them away, do not even treat them when they come to you. And if they come to you regarding their problem, first bring them closer to you. A father can hug his son, a father can hug his own daughter, mother can do the same with her son, and with her own daughter. But if it's your child, and they are admitting to some guilt, or they come to you because they have some issue, instead of pushing them away, the very
first thing you want to do is you want to bring them closer, give them a hug, give them a kiss, if you can, too. But if they're strangers Of course, there are certain limitations that we have to understand. So but nonetheless the property some he brought him closer, and then the Prophet alayhi salam, he not just start bringing down every Quranic idea, and every Hadith the Prophet SAW Selim, he's not just start a lecture, the prophet has some logically he began to explain to this young men that would you want anyone to do the same thing with your own mother? Would you want anyone to do the same thing with your sister? Would you want anyone to do the same thing with your mother? And
each point he said no. jasola I do not want anyone to do this with my mother. I not want anyone to do this with my son.
Sister I don't want anyone to do this with my daughter and then Ursula someone saying that whoever you go and you commit Zina with they are someone they may be perhaps someone else's mother. Perhaps they are someone else's daughter and they probably are someone else's sister. How do you think they're going to feel when you are not okay with it somewhat if you're not okay with the fact that someone is coming and doing Zina with your mother or your sister, or, or your own daughter, the person you're going to be committing Zina is the same isn't the same situation. And then the problem is son was able to make dua for this person. So we learned that first of all, there probably is some
did not push them away. He brought him closer than he logically explained to him that why this is not a good idea. And then the third thing the perfectly Sam did was he made dua, Allahu MFI Allah, Allah Who mouthfeel them, oh, ALLAH forgive his sin. What was it called Baba, oh, Allah, purify his heart, clean his heart. And this is the properties I'm putting his hand on his chest. And then he says, well, Huseyn photos out that keep his chastity and protect his chastity. This is the progress it is I'm making dua. So what we learn from this is that next time, if there is any youth who confides in you, first of all, is if they have already committed a sin, or you know that they are
committing the sin, or they have come to you and they are upset, and they are saying that, you know, I can deal with my problem anymore. I feel like I want to go and commit the sin. What we learn from the Prophet alayhi salam is that we are not in a position to push people away. As a Muslim, as a believer. Our job is to bring people closer to Allah subhanho wa taala. When we see a person going away from Allah, that's not our point and our moment to show them the how angry and how upset we can become. We show them that we can bring them closer to Allah, bring them closer to you. Explain to them logically and then make dua for them. And this is who exactly what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam was, and this is not the only time in fact when other youth came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they consulted with the province of salaam, the Prophet alayhi salam was always there. For them, their primary concern was always there to console them. And this is why we need to teach our youth we need to tell our youth that you are so beloved to Allah subhanho wa taala. When you as a young man, when you as a young woman, when you are obedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala brothers and sisters, the Hadith of the Prophet, about seven people who will be under the shade of the Throne of Allah. Allah mentioned one of the I mean, the properties I mentioned, one of
them is Shabbat Nasha a theory by Tila, a young man, a young woman who grew up under the obedience of Allah subhanho wa taala. Why did Allah why did the Prophet alayhi salam specify young men and young woman why? Because during this time to fall into sin, there are more tempted to commit sin, they're more prone to making mistakes and falling into sin. But if they are obedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala then they will be under the shade of the Throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment, we need to teach our youth that how Allah loves and he is so appreciative towards those youth who are obedient and they are they stick to the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala brothers
and sisters till today, and in many cases we should be but we recite still have to have on Fridays and sootel ca Fluka subtle curve sootel curve. The very first story is I will fit here, we're talking about a group of young men who left their city they sought refuge in a cave, why to protect their Iman to protect their faith. And Allah subhanho wa Taala he loved this action of their so much where they profits they will not profits, they will just see young men but the fact that young men or young woman going out of their way to protect their faith this is so beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala the Allah mentions their story in the Quran. And till today until the Day of Judgment, we will
be reading about their story. We need to teach our youth we need to grow optimism in them. When I when we see our youth going away, bring them closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala use Hikmah use wisdom, teach them show them the how much Allah loves them when they are obedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala go through the story of South Africa have or these young men who sought refuge in a cave that Allah loved the fact that they were doing something to protect their deen and yes, our youth will also go through challenges these young men mentioned to the calf they also went through their challenges, but they were able to do something to protect their Iman. So next time we find anyone in
our own community
If any of our youth if they ever come to you, they can they admit to a wrongdoing that they have done, or they they tell you or they can find in you have a sin that they have committed or they share with you a sin that they do want to commit, less, less apply the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and let's try to help them. Let's make dua for them and we bring them closer to us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us like our Oduor tuna Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when it comes to working, and when it comes to treating our youth immunoblot Amin does that Kamala had a salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh barakato
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