Nadim Bashir – Khatira – Servant Leadership
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The speaker discusses the differences between the Prophet salallahu and current leaders in the world, highlighting the need for protecting property and reputation. They also touch on the history of the Battle of the herd, including the use of armor and the importance of leadership in achieving success. The need for people to learn from the Prophet's actions and implement them in their own lives is emphasized.
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I want to talk about something from the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam, see when you compare Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a leader. Today in the world that we live in, we have many leaders also. But there was a difference between the leadership of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the leadership that we see today. For example, one example I can share is that when we see today, leaders of different religions, leaders who are today current and their or their of countries and so forth, when they pass away, they have so much wealth behind you say the life of Salman al Farsi or the Allahu on one of the key things that brought him to Islam was a fact that the
priests and the religious leaders he was following and he was he was listening to, when he found out that when they passed away, they were on one hand, giving advices and telling people to live a life of simplicity, live a life of Zod and an IRA. On the other hand, these same religious people, they had so much wealth on the back end, these were things that really put someone or facility Allah on his heart off. And this is what brought him closer slowly and gradually to Islam. So when we say the life of the prophet saw Salem today, leaders pass away, and they have so much behind, whereas you say the life of the province as salam he was also a leader, but he hardly had anything left behind.
In fact, we learned from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he will always spend anything that he had upon others. Another difference, the key differences I want to focus on between the leadership of Rasulullah sallallahu, ala he was setting up and why he is considered as the primary role model of what leadership is, versus the leadership of today is that as he mentioned earlier, he said I'm gonna Hadith say you the Omi Haldimand home, that the servant of the community or the savior of the poem, in the car, or the the leader of the poem in the nation, is that is that person who serves his people. And that's why when you study leadership and business 101, there is a
different types of leadership's, but there is a leadership type and style, which is called the servant leadership. And while there are many people, many of whom have written positives, some people have written negatives about it. What we believe in is that this is perhaps the best model of leadership. And this is a kind of model model of leadership that the problem is some he exhibited on so many different occasions. Today's Subhanallah you see leaders today, they're always wanting to put others when it comes to battles and wars and losing lives. They put other people on the line, whereas you say the life of the prophet Saddam, he was the one who would put his life on the line.
When you see about when you talk about helping people out Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was a very first person to step in and help people out today. Yes, we do have times when leaders they come to the front, they're serving food, why do they do these kinds of things for PR purposes, to gain votes to gain sympathy of people who don't, who don't, who don't support them and so forth to show and for PR purposes, this is why they do these kinds of things. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a servant leader. Why? Because this is what he is showing through his o'clock that I'm not ordering you to do something, but I'm telling you to do something, but I'm part of you also. And
subhanAllah we find that in the Sierra, the province salaam, when he first came to Oba, the problem is telling the Sahaba let's build a masjid, for the power. I think he's some is not ordering and he's sitting on the side. No, once again, he is the CO he is an Sayed. He is the leader of the community, but he's also the one who's on the ground helping everyone out. He's also the one who is putting the brakes together to build much of the above. When you study the life of the story and the incident and the Battle of a herd, the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, by the way, it is mentioned about or heard that in Makkah, Rasulullah saw some he saw a dream. He had no idea what
this dream meant, but he knew that there is a meaning to this dream. Later on, he realized that that dream that he saw in Makkah, was related to the incident of 100. Now Rasulullah sallallahu, some he's sitting with the Sahaba of the Allahu unknown, and he's asking them and he's telling them the My suggestion is that we stay here in Medina and we defend ourselves. We don't go out to hurt. We stay here in Medina, why? Because we know the ins and outs of Medina. And not only that, but if you look geographically speaking how the structure of Medina was that there's only one key entry into Medina. And if we're protected from all three sides, it becomes easy for us to defend ourselves. So
let's stay in Medina. However, there was some of the young Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu who did not participate in the Battle of Buddha and they wanted Now there were of that age that they could go out and fight and they said yes to Allah. Why stay in Medina, why stay at home, we want to go out and we want to put our life on the line and we want to fight in a battlefield. We want to get the feeling of a battlefield Rasuwa
While he was setting him this is the young Sahaba always energetic Mashallah. And they are pushing the Prophet SAW Allah while he was salam, while the senior Sahaba they understand that if the Prophet is saying to stay in Medina, perhaps there's a reason why he's saying that. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he saw that the young Sahaba are pushing the property you some so much. So, first thing is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said, Okay, fine, if this is what your wish is, okay? We will do that in sha Allah rasool Allah, so son was not the type of leader who said, my way or the highway, if you don't like it, if you don't like it, go get lost, go
go somewhere else. That is not the nature of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he saw that there was a determination, a zeal, then he got up and he went to his house, and then the senior Sahaba they began to get upset as some of the younger Sahaba that Why are you pushing the Prophet this way? Don't you know that the Prophet when he said that his suggestion is to fight in Medina, that is his wish, and you should follow and you should not argue with Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and when the young Sahaba they realize that yeah, perhaps we crossed our limits. And we push the Prophet some in a situation that we should have not pushed them in. They went to the house of
Rasulullah Salem, and they apologized. But what did the Prophet saw him do see, once again, he was a leader, but he was a very first person who would step up to the plate. And what did he do, he put on his armor. And while he put on his armor and the Sahaba, the young Sahaba came to apologize. The Prophet alayhi salam said that I have already put on my armor. And when a prophet puts on his armor, he does not take off his armor again. And therefore, I am putting my armor on. He was a very first person out of everyone to put on his armor. And he said that now everyone put us everyone else put on your armor, and now we're gonna go and fight and so Subhanallah then they went and they and they
fought. But what we learned from this is that Subhan Allah Rasool was salam, even though he was the leader, but he was the very first person to step up to the plate, we find the Battle of trenches Subhanallah that the Prophet Allah you Psalm is in the trench? Do you understand? Do we even understand how difficult it was to dig up a trench? They never had tractors like we have today? They never had, you know, digging agents and you know, the technology that we have today, they become so easy to dig up anything in no time. Yet we find that the property is some is digging up a trench and they come across big boulders, huge rocks and stones. And the property is some they're calling the
Prophet Allah Justina jasola. We cannot break this and the property some He will come and break it. Then the Sahaba out of extreme hunger, they show that they have tide stones to their stomach, but Rasulullah sallallahu sallam was the leader of the community. He was the he was the savior of the comb. And what did he do? He was one step ahead, the prophet at some saw and the Sahaba they saw that we have tied stones to our stomach, one stone to our stomach. But when Russell was some he lifted up his shirt, he did not have only one, but he had two stones tied to his stomach and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he you know just go off in his own camp. And just he was
there while the Sahaba were digging know he was there he was digging with the Sahaba or the Allahu I know, and he was saying things such as Allahumma la Aisha Illa, I shall argue that there is no eyes there is no happiness, except for the happiness of the Hereafter fulfill Ansara will Hydra that Oh, ALLAH forgive and forgive and overlook the shortcomings of the unsought and the Mahajan. This is Rasulillah Salam on the ground. And there are many more examples. The reason why I say this is because today we live in a world where we feel like a true leader is that person who gives orders and he has high expectations, but he stands back. But what we learned from the leadership of
Rasulullah Selim is that not only what did he order, but he was also part of them. Every single time the poverty son was with the Sahaba, or the Allah who I know him in the Battle of her name. Everyone left Rasulullah son was left behind with a few others, and he says the How can I how can I leave everyone and how can I retreat and he stayed there, he stayed there, or they used Salam with few others and that's why we even find later on Subhan Allah in the Quran, Allah mentions people who came afterwards, after the after the Prophet SAW setting them who exhibited true leadership, for example, the story of the or name, the story of the local name is mentioned in the Quran for a
reason not because he was a man and he has so much but this also shows that he was a leader, he had so much resources and he used those resources and with his own hands, he helped people to erect a wall to for it to protect the people from Judea modules. This is what authority is, this is what leadership is And subhanAllah you may not realize it, but every single moment or at some time here and there at at one point in
Our life, Allah will put us in a position of leadership, Allah will give us a certain type of authority. But at that time, who are we going to be? Are we going to be like we see people today who give orders and stand behind? Or are we going to be like those leaders who give orders and they are the ones participating? This is what we learned from Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi wasallam. And this is why without a doubt, he is considered, according to many historians, that the greatest inspirational person ever to come on the faces Earth, Michael Hart, a person that we've heard about before, when he collected his 100 most inspirational people to come in the history of human
civilization. He put Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam at the top, the most influential person ever to come. Why? Because when these people who even they were not Muslims, when they will stay the life of the prophet saw Selim, they were amazed. They were mesmerized that what kind of a leader this person was. So this is why we study the life of the prophet Salam. I asked Allah subhana wa Taala to give us the tofield to learn from the life of the prophet saw Selim and to implement it in the best way in our life. I mean, noble Allah mean does that como la Hey, salaam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh in
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