Nadim Bashir – Giving Naseeha The Prophetic Way

Nadim Bashir
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The importance of Islam and its use in difficult situations is discussed, emphasizing the need for proper advice and mindset. caution and caution against negative language and avoiding offense are also emphasized. The importance of being aware of one's own actions and embracing a growth mindset is also emphasized. The speakers stress the need for a gentle heart and letting it happen, while also acknowledging the importance of embracing a growth mindset. The ceasefire and the woman in their prison are also mentioned.

AI: Summary ©

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			And they lie in their graves, Amir Rabbal
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			Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh I
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			bear witness that there is none worthy of
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			worship except Allah
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			Allah Allah is the greatest, Allah is the
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			greatest There is none worthy of worship except
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			Allah In
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			the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
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			All praise is due to Allah.
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			We praise Him and ask His help and
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			We seek refuge in Allah from the evils
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			of our souls and from the evils of
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			our deeds.
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			Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide him.
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			And whosoever He leads astray, none can guide
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			And we bear witness that there is none
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			worthy of worship except Allah.
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			And we bear witness that Muhammad is His
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			servant and Messenger.
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			Allah Allah
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			I ask Allah that just as He has
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			gathered us here today May Allah gather us
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			along with our families In the companionship of
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			Rasulallah ﷺ and his Sahaba Ameen Brothers and
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			sisters, I want to start off this khutbah
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			By sharing a very beautiful hadith of the
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			Prophet ﷺ Though this hadith is extremely short
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			or this quote is very short But it
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			is so impactful and it is filled with
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			so much meaning The Prophet ﷺ, he says
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			الدين النصيحة Deen is nasiha Everything about our
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			deen is giving us advices On how to
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			live a life that is filled with peace
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			and comfort Our deen is a source of
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			advice that tells us what to do When
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			we find ourselves in difficult situations How to
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			psychologically, how to spiritually overcome your challenges Our
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			deen has given us that nasiha Our deen
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			as a total is a nasiha package for
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			all of us But when it comes to
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			relationships When it comes to the relationship of
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			a husband and a wife When it comes
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			to the relationship of a parent with children
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			When it comes to the relationship between siblings
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			When it comes to a relationship, when it
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			comes to family members We often find ourselves
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			in a position Where we give advices to
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			each other However, what we often find is
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			That those advices are not taken in a
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			positive manner And it could be for multiple
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			reasons Either, number one, the person who is
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			giving the advice Does not know how to
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			give the advice Or they don't approach the
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			advice with hikmah And hence they might be
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			giving the right advice But the right advice
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			falls on deaf ears Or the person who
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			is the recipient of the advice They are
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			not taking the advice in the proper way
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			Which then blocks them from receiving any kind
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			of advice In the long run So the
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			point is that how can we give proper
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			advices Because we will always find ourselves in
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			a position Where we are giving advice Or
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			we are receiving advice And today insha'Allah
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			in this khutbah I want to share with
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			you that when it comes to giving advice
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			Or receiving advice What should be the proper
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			mindset First of all is, Allah subhanahu wa
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			ta'ala He says in the Qur'an
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			ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة وجادلهم
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			بالتي هي أحسن Allah says in the Qur
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			'an Invite to the way of Allah Meaning
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			that invite to Allah Whenever you give proper
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			advice You are giving advice because you are
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			a well-wisher For someone else So Allah
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			is saying that when you are in that
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			position You give it with wisdom بالحكمة والموعظة
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			الحسنة And with good instruction And the question
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			is that what is considered as hikmah What
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			is considered as good instruction This is what
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			I want to share with you today in
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			this khutbah So first of all is that
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			we learn that hikmah means That finding the
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			right time And the right approach And or
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			or the right approach When it comes to
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			giving advice Let me give you an example
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			Once Rasulullah ﷺ he was sitting in the
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			masjid And the sahaba radiyallahu anhu were sitting
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			with the Prophet ﷺ And you have to
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			understand That when the sahaba they would sit
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			with the Prophet ﷺ They would describe the
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			majlis The gathering of the Prophet ﷺ And
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			they would say that it would be a
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			moment Where our iman was at an all
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			-time high It's almost as if we can
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			see jannah in front of us Jahannam in
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			front of us This would be the state
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			of their spirituality Now once in the gathering
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			of the Prophet ﷺ There was a young
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			man sitting in the back And he says
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			Ya Rasulullah Give me the permission that I
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			go and I commit zina Now pause here
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			for a moment And ask yourself one simple
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			question Imagine sitting over here in a masjid
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			And a man stands up and he says
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			That I want to commit such and such
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			haram Or give me the permission to commit
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			such and such haram Wallahi based on our
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			current situation The way we are unfortunately Many
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			of us we would turn at this person
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			And say what kind of a ridiculous question
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			this is What kind of a person this
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			is And some of the sahaba may have
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			had the same notion But the Prophet ﷺ
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			He wanted to approach the situation with hikmah
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			See he could have also said What kind
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			of a ridiculous question is this But he
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			did not do that He called the man
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			to him And he says and he gently
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			explained him He used hikmah and wisdom in
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			this approach And he then said That if
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			you did this with some other woman Then
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			ask yourself Would you want someone to come
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			and do this with your mother With your
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			sister With your daughter Well then keep this
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			in mind That that woman that you will
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			commit zina with She is also the daughter
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			to someone else She might be the sister
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			to someone else At that time the man
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			said After that moment And the Prophet ﷺ
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			made dua for him of course But he
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			says that after that moment The most despicable
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			thing to me In my heart was zina
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			You see the Prophet ﷺ He let aside
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			his emotions And he took care of the
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			problem With hikmah and wisdom This is what
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			is required When it comes to giving advice
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			Also when it comes to giving advice Another
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			important instruction that we learn From the Prophet
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			ﷺ When we give advice Is that we
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			don't ever Correct someone Or we don't give
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			an advice That is directed to someone In
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			public This is something that often I see
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			people do In the public People are going
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			to admonish their kids I'm not saying you
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			cannot admonish your kids If your kids are
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			out of line Your kids are doing something
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			that is inappropriate You can admonish them But
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			to admonish them in a way That is
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			out of respect Because kids also have a
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			heart They don't like to be openly criticized
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			And even if they are criticized Criticized in
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			a constructive manner Not in a manner that
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			you are demeaning them And how often I
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			have seen Men saying things to their wife
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			In public That is very rude and disrespectful
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			I have seen women Saying things to their
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			husbands In public That are very rude and
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			disrespectful And this is something that we learn
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			From the Prophet ﷺ That whenever he would
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			correct someone Whenever he would give advice He
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			would keep it general also How often we
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			find in the seerah of the Prophet ﷺ
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			That someone would come A problem would be
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			presented To the Prophet ﷺ What would he
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			He would not get on the minbar and
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			say This person brought me a problem Or
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			this person committed such and such sin And
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			that is why I am saying this No,
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			the Prophet ﷺ He would get on the
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			minbar And he would say That something has
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			been brought to my attention Or he would
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			say that some people Are doing such and
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			such But he would never humiliate that person
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			In public So this is why we need
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			to ask ourselves One simple question If we
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			are of the nature Of demeaning others Correcting
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			problems In public Which is If I was
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			doing something that is wrong Would we want
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			someone To come and correct us In public
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			And the answer would be most of the
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			times No, we would not want to be
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			corrected in public So that is why The
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			correct way of giving advice Or correcting a
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			mistake Is not to do it in public
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			But you do it behind closed doors If
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			you see someone doing something That is not
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			right Take them aside Give them some gentle
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			advice But take them to the side And
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			then you do that That is the correct
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			way And this is what we learn From
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			the Prophet ﷺ Another thing that we learn
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			From the Prophet ﷺ When it comes to
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			giving advice Is that often people start advices
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			With criticism And by the way You can
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			study even the books of leadership The laws
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			of leadership and so forth And you will
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			learn When you are in the house A
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			mother finds herself in a position As a
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			leader in the house Mother and father They
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			are leading the entire family Father has certain
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			roles Mother has certain roles They both are
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			in a position of leadership However at the
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			same time When you are correcting your children
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			Or when you are correcting anyone else For
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			that matter Imagine you are an employer You
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			have employees working underneath you When you are
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			giving advice You start off with something That
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			is positive In the books of leadership they
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			write That if you start off Any advice
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			In a positive manner Meaning that you are
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			praising them For something they have done That
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			is right Or you are positive in your
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			approach Then any advice that you give them
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			They will take it to heart And they
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			will make a sincere intention To correct their
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			mistakes But if you start in a critical
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			manner Then that advice Will fall on deaf
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			ears Even in the time of the Prophet
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			ﷺ There was a man By the name
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			of Abu Bakr Abu Bakr radiallahu ta'ala
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			'an And Abu Bakr radiallahu ta'ala'an
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			He came inside the masjid And he saw
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			that people Were in salatul jama'ah They
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			were in the state of ruku' Now as
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			we all know That when the imam stands
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			up From the ruku' position And he is
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			now in qiyam So what this man did
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			Abu Bakr radiallahu ta'ala'an Is that
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			in order to not miss the ruku' Inside
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			with the jama'ah He made ruku' from
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			the door Of the masjid He made ruku'
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			from the door Of the masjid And then
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			in the state of ruku' He just walked
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			And he joined the jama'ah Now picture
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			this in your mind For a moment Imagine
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			you are standing inside the masjid And you
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			see a man For the sake of not
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			missing the ruku' He made ruku' from the
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			masjid You will say what's wrong with this
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			Okay The Prophet ﷺ was made aware of
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			this The Prophet ﷺ he called him And
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			he asked him Did you do this?
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			And he says yes indeed I did Ya
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			Rasulullah You know what the Prophet ﷺ Look
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			at the advice of the Prophet ﷺ He
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			wanted to give advice And tell him that
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			this is not the right thing to do
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			Be positive He said why did you do
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			He said I do not want to miss
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			the ruku' Ya Rasulullah The Prophet ﷺ says
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			I admire your enthusiasm I can see that
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			you have The right intention in place You
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			see positive first Then the Prophet ﷺ came
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			with his advice But he says next time
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			Don't do it this way You see this
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			is what we need to do When it
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			comes to giving advice Let's be positive first
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			Who is receiving the advice Another thing Another
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			tip or something else that we learn From
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			the Prophet ﷺ When it comes to giving
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			advice Is to be respectful Do not use
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			words that are derogatory Do not use terms
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			That are culturally speaking In each one of
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			our cultures There are some certain words That
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			are considered as disrespectful And demeaning We should
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			not use any of those words When it
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			comes to giving advice Do not ever learn
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			this From the Prophet ﷺ Many of us
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			I know that especially the cultures overseas Many
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			times They use these kind of words They
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			use demeaning words And disrespectful words Culturally speaking
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			Because they feel that if I demean someone
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			They are going to feel That I need
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			to do better Whereas in this culture that
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			we live in If you disrespect someone If
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			you demean someone They are not going to
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			turn around And try to get better They
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			are going to feel insulted And that touches
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			their heart And that's going to be more
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			in their heart Than your advice So that
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			is why we learn also in the Qur
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			'an يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا يَسْخَرُ قَوْمٌ
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			مِّن قَوْمٍ عَسَىٰ أَن يَكُونُوا خَيْرًا مِّنْهُمْ وَلَا
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			نِسَاءٌ مِّن نِسَاءٍ عَسَىٰ يَكُنَّ خَيْرًا مِّنْهُمْ There
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			is no place for mockery In our deen
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			There is no place for mockery In our
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			religion How often we do this But we
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			need to remind ourselves That Allah is telling
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			us to stay away from this And this
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			also applies When it comes to giving advice
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			So this is the next thing Another thing
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			that we also learn From the sunnah of
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			the Prophet ﷺ When it comes to giving
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			advice is That we should try to be
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			gentle As much as we can Yes, I
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			understand that sometimes Our kids can drive us
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			up the wall Sometimes our kids Because of
00:18:32 --> 00:18:34
			what they do It can crawl under our
00:18:34 --> 00:18:37
			skin And we get irritated and agitated about
00:18:37 --> 00:18:39
			it And we are sometimes annoyed by it
00:18:40 --> 00:18:42
			But the very first steps When it comes
00:18:42 --> 00:18:45
			to giving them advice Is that we try
00:18:45 --> 00:18:46
			to be gentle As much as we can
00:18:46 --> 00:18:48
			Allah says in the Qur'an And this
00:18:48 --> 00:18:51
			is a verse That we hear every single
00:18:51 --> 00:18:55
			Jummah khutbah يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ
00:18:55 --> 00:19:01
			وَقُولُوا قَوْلًا سَدِيدًا قَوْلًا سَدِيدًا means That we
00:19:01 --> 00:19:04
			must be incredibly careful And we don't say
00:19:04 --> 00:19:09
			anything That can prompt a negative response This
00:19:09 --> 00:19:12
			is what قَوْلًا سَدِيدًا means If I'm gonna
00:19:12 --> 00:19:15
			go and give advice to someone And rather
00:19:15 --> 00:19:18
			than accepting my advice They're gonna go And
00:19:18 --> 00:19:20
			they're gonna turn towards violence And they're gonna
00:19:20 --> 00:19:23
			turn towards negativity That means that we're not
00:19:23 --> 00:19:26
			doing our job as an advisor Now, I
00:19:26 --> 00:19:28
			understand you may say But I may give
00:19:28 --> 00:19:30
			a proper advice But the person in front
00:19:30 --> 00:19:33
			may not be Accepting the advice correctly And
00:19:33 --> 00:19:35
			that is very true This happens many times
00:19:35 --> 00:19:38
			also But the person who's giving the advice
00:19:38 --> 00:19:41
			Needs to be very careful And use the
00:19:41 --> 00:19:44
			appropriate words This is why we also find
00:19:44 --> 00:19:46
			in the Qur'an When it comes to
00:19:46 --> 00:19:50
			Musa a.s What did Allah tell Musa
00:19:50 --> 00:19:52
			a.s When he was about to go
00:19:52 --> 00:19:55
			and face Fir'aun Fir'aun was not
00:19:55 --> 00:19:59
			just any tyrannical leader He was such an
00:19:59 --> 00:20:04
			arrogant person Such a person who claimed to
00:20:04 --> 00:20:07
			be Malik, Rabb, and Ilah He is the
00:20:07 --> 00:20:10
			only person mentioned in the Qur'an Who
00:20:10 --> 00:20:12
			was the enemy of Allah s.w.t
00:20:12 --> 00:20:14
			Who claimed to be all three He was
00:20:14 --> 00:20:18
			filled with so much arrogance But when Allah
00:20:18 --> 00:20:21
			s.w.t Sent Musa a.s To
00:20:21 --> 00:20:23
			go and bring him to Allah What did
00:20:23 --> 00:20:24
			Allah say to him?
00:20:24 --> 00:20:31
			He says Layyin means something that is Extremely
00:20:31 --> 00:20:34
			soft Be gentle in your approach If Allah
00:20:34 --> 00:20:37
			is telling Musa To go and talk to
00:20:37 --> 00:20:40
			a despicable person Like Fir'aun in a
00:20:40 --> 00:20:43
			gentle way Then how should you and I
00:20:43 --> 00:20:44
			Talk to our family members?
00:20:46 --> 00:20:47
			How should we give advice To our family
00:20:47 --> 00:20:51
			members Or anyone close to us This is
00:20:51 --> 00:20:53
			why it is extremely important That we are
00:20:53 --> 00:20:56
			gentle in our approach And there might be
00:20:56 --> 00:20:58
			times Let me make this also very clear
00:20:58 --> 00:21:00
			There might be times Where even the people
00:21:00 --> 00:21:03
			that we invest Our time and energy in
00:21:03 --> 00:21:06
			Sometimes our family members Sometimes our own kids
00:21:06 --> 00:21:08
			We give them advice over and over again
00:21:08 --> 00:21:12
			And they may let us down They may
00:21:12 --> 00:21:16
			let us down When Allah s.w.t
00:21:16 --> 00:21:18
			Instructs the Prophet s.a.w. In a
00:21:18 --> 00:21:20
			similar manner in the Qur'an What happened
00:21:20 --> 00:21:21
			in the Battle of Uhud?
00:21:22 --> 00:21:26
			The Sahaba r.a Were given a position
00:21:26 --> 00:21:29
			They were given a responsibility A position on
00:21:29 --> 00:21:31
			a certain mountain That did not move from
00:21:31 --> 00:21:34
			here The Sahaba r.a Did not fulfill
00:21:34 --> 00:21:37
			their responsibility In an adequate manner What happened
00:21:37 --> 00:21:38
			as a result?
00:21:38 --> 00:21:41
			The Prophet s.a.w. was injured In
00:21:41 --> 00:21:47
			the Battle of Uhud People like Mus'ab
00:21:47 --> 00:21:49
			bin Umair r.a People like Hamza r
00:21:49 --> 00:21:51
			.a And you have many other stories From
00:21:51 --> 00:21:54
			the Battle of Uhud What happened after the
00:21:54 --> 00:21:55
			Battle of Uhud?
00:21:55 --> 00:21:57
			Allah s.w.t He said to the
00:21:57 --> 00:22:01
			Prophet s.a.w. فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِّنَ اللَّهِ
00:22:01 --> 00:22:05
			لِنْتَ لَهُمْ وَلَوْ كُنْتَ فَضًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لَنْ
00:22:05 --> 00:22:08
			فَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ That do always have mercy
00:22:08 --> 00:22:10
			in your heart Continue to work with them
00:22:10 --> 00:22:14
			فَعْفُوا عَنْهُمْ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِي الْأَمْرِ Continue
00:22:14 --> 00:22:17
			to give them advice Continue to consult with
00:22:17 --> 00:22:18
			them And not only that but Allah s
00:22:18 --> 00:22:20
			.w.t Tells the Prophet s.a.w.
00:22:20 --> 00:22:24
			That if your heart is harsh towards them
00:22:24 --> 00:22:28
			Then they will disperse from you Many times
00:22:28 --> 00:22:30
			we feel like our kids may have let
00:22:30 --> 00:22:32
			us down And we give them advice And
00:22:32 --> 00:22:33
			sometimes we feel like you know what I'm
00:22:33 --> 00:22:36
			not gonna give any more advice But have
00:22:36 --> 00:22:39
			a gentle heart If Allah is telling Rasulullah
00:22:39 --> 00:22:42
			s.a.w. to do this At a
00:22:42 --> 00:22:45
			time when he was physically injured They were
00:22:45 --> 00:22:50
			psychologically injured after the battle of Uhud But
00:22:50 --> 00:22:52
			Allah is telling the Prophet s.a.w.
00:22:52 --> 00:22:54
			to do this Then what do you think
00:22:54 --> 00:22:55
			Allah would tell us in that kind of
00:22:55 --> 00:22:59
			situation We also need to have a gentle
00:22:59 --> 00:23:02
			heart And work towards the right approach The
00:23:02 --> 00:23:03
			next thing we also learn from the Prophet
00:23:03 --> 00:23:06
			s.a.w. Is that we always try
00:23:06 --> 00:23:09
			to be patient We always try to be
00:23:09 --> 00:23:11
			forgiving And we never take anything that is
00:23:11 --> 00:23:15
			very very personal And subhanAllah we learn that
00:23:15 --> 00:23:17
			for example When it came to the Prophet
00:23:17 --> 00:23:20
			s.a.w. When he came and he
00:23:20 --> 00:23:24
			gave advices After advices Quran verse after Quran
00:23:24 --> 00:23:27
			verse To the Quraysh Did the Quraysh accept
00:23:27 --> 00:23:29
			the advice immediately Many of them did not
00:23:29 --> 00:23:31
			Many of them did But we learn that
00:23:31 --> 00:23:34
			after Fatah Makkah Many of them did accept
00:23:34 --> 00:23:36
			the advice So it takes time We cannot
00:23:36 --> 00:23:39
			expect that we give advice And they are
00:23:39 --> 00:23:41
			going to accept it immediately Because how often
00:23:41 --> 00:23:43
			we give advice And when we see that
00:23:43 --> 00:23:46
			the advice has not been taken And they
00:23:46 --> 00:23:49
			have not changed themselves overnight Then many times
00:23:49 --> 00:23:52
			we feel disrespected And we find in the
00:23:52 --> 00:23:54
			story of the Prophet s.a.w. Especially
00:23:54 --> 00:23:56
			with Tufail ibn Amr al-Dawsi r.a
00:23:56 --> 00:23:59
			He went, he was sent by the Prophet
00:23:59 --> 00:24:01
			s.a.w. He accepted Islam He went
00:24:01 --> 00:24:03
			back to his tribe He thought that he
00:24:03 --> 00:24:05
			was a leader Whenever he gives any advice
00:24:05 --> 00:24:08
			They will immediately do it They did not
00:24:08 --> 00:24:11
			accept his message immediately He came back to
00:24:11 --> 00:24:13
			the Prophet s.a.w. What did the
00:24:13 --> 00:24:14
			Prophet s.a.w. do?
00:24:14 --> 00:24:17
			Did he say that Ya Allah destroy Daws?
00:24:17 --> 00:24:22
			No, he says Oh Allah give guidance to
00:24:22 --> 00:24:25
			the tribe of Daws So you see when
00:24:25 --> 00:24:27
			it comes to giving advice We have to
00:24:27 --> 00:24:29
			be patient And we have to let it,
00:24:29 --> 00:24:31
			give it time For the advice to sink
00:24:31 --> 00:24:33
			in And that means that if we need
00:24:33 --> 00:24:36
			to give Tens and hundreds of advices Let
00:24:36 --> 00:24:38
			it be, because it does take time I
00:24:38 --> 00:24:40
			mean ask, let's ask all of ourselves one
00:24:40 --> 00:24:43
			simple question If Allah tells all of us
00:24:43 --> 00:24:47
			Aqeemus salat, atus zakat Aqeemus salat, atus zakat
00:24:47 --> 00:24:49
			And yet we see the majority of the
00:24:49 --> 00:24:52
			ummah Is not praying their salat Then what
00:24:52 --> 00:24:54
			does that tell us about ourselves?
00:24:55 --> 00:24:57
			That Allah is giving advices After so many
00:24:57 --> 00:25:00
			times, again and again Aqeemus salat, atus zakat
00:25:00 --> 00:25:02
			And yet we are not doing it Yet
00:25:02 --> 00:25:05
			when we give advice to others We expect
00:25:05 --> 00:25:08
			them to immediately implement It doesn't work like
00:25:08 --> 00:25:10
			that So this is why we need to
00:25:10 --> 00:25:11
			have the right approach When it comes to
00:25:11 --> 00:25:14
			giving advice And do not take anything personal
00:25:14 --> 00:25:17
			at all Even we find in the Prophet
00:25:17 --> 00:25:19
			s.a.w. When he approached a woman
00:25:19 --> 00:25:22
			Whose son just passed away And she's crying
00:25:22 --> 00:25:25
			at the grave The Prophet s.a.w.
00:25:25 --> 00:25:27
			comes to her and says Be patient What
00:25:27 --> 00:25:28
			did she do?
00:25:28 --> 00:25:32
			She says She turns to the Prophet s
00:25:32 --> 00:25:33
			.a.w. and says You have no idea
00:25:33 --> 00:25:35
			what I'm going through Did the Prophet s
00:25:35 --> 00:25:36
			.a.w. take that personally?
00:25:36 --> 00:25:40
			No, he left He left right away Later
00:25:40 --> 00:25:42
			on someone told her That you were being
00:25:42 --> 00:25:43
			disrespectful To the Prophet of Allah s.a
00:25:43 --> 00:25:46
			.w. Then she went to the Prophet s
00:25:46 --> 00:25:48
			.a.w. To apologize And that is when
00:25:48 --> 00:25:51
			the Prophet s.a.w. says الصبر عند
00:25:51 --> 00:25:54
			الصدمة الأولى The sabr is to be exercised
00:25:54 --> 00:25:57
			At the very beginning Not after exhausting And
00:25:57 --> 00:25:59
			after doing so many things And saying so
00:25:59 --> 00:26:01
			many things But then sabr should be exercised
00:26:01 --> 00:26:03
			at the very beginning The point is The
00:26:03 --> 00:26:05
			Prophet s.a.w. never took anything personally
00:26:05 --> 00:26:07
			When the man came and urinated inside the
00:26:07 --> 00:26:09
			masjid What did the Prophet s.a.w.
00:26:09 --> 00:26:09
00:26:09 --> 00:26:11
			Did he cause a ruckus in the masjid?
00:26:11 --> 00:26:13
			Did he cause a commotion inside the masjid?
00:26:13 --> 00:26:16
			No, he called that man He told the
00:26:16 --> 00:26:21
			Sahaba To go inside the masjid first Because
00:26:21 --> 00:26:23
			it will cause more problems If you interrupt
00:26:23 --> 00:26:26
			him While he is relieving himself Then the
00:26:26 --> 00:26:27
			Prophet s.a.w. called him and said
00:26:27 --> 00:26:28
			We don't do these kinds of things inside
00:26:28 --> 00:26:32
			the masjid Imagine a kid You see a
00:26:32 --> 00:26:33
			kid inside the masjid And he is kicking
00:26:33 --> 00:26:35
			a ball And there are so many times
00:26:35 --> 00:26:37
			You see kids coming in And they have
00:26:37 --> 00:26:39
			a basketball And they are trying to bounce
00:26:39 --> 00:26:41
			the ball And the masjid and so forth
00:26:41 --> 00:26:43
			What would be our approach?
00:26:50 --> 00:26:51
			If we see a man doing something That
00:26:51 --> 00:26:53
			is inappropriate inside the masjid And how he
00:26:53 --> 00:26:55
			handle it And if we see a child
00:26:55 --> 00:26:58
			playing Or doing something inside the masjid What
00:26:58 --> 00:26:59
			would be the right approach?
00:26:59 --> 00:27:00
			You see there is always a right way
00:27:00 --> 00:27:02
			of doing things And there is a wrong
00:27:02 --> 00:27:04
			way of doing things And this is what
00:27:04 --> 00:27:05
			we learn from the Prophet s.a.w.
00:27:05 --> 00:27:08
			That even when we want to give advice
00:27:08 --> 00:27:10
			Or correct a mistake There is a right
00:27:10 --> 00:27:11
			way to handle it And there is a
00:27:11 --> 00:27:13
			wrong way to handle it And finally the
00:27:13 --> 00:27:16
			last thing I would share is That when
00:27:16 --> 00:27:20
			it comes to accepting advice The Prophet s
00:27:20 --> 00:27:21
			.a.w. says something Very interesting in his
00:27:21 --> 00:27:26
			book He says that giving nasiha Is very
00:27:26 --> 00:27:31
			very easy But accepting advice Is extremely hard
00:27:32 --> 00:27:34
			And this is a reality with all of
00:27:34 --> 00:27:37
			us So the question is What can we
00:27:37 --> 00:27:40
			do In order to be on the positive
00:27:40 --> 00:27:43
			end Of receiving advice What we learn from
00:27:43 --> 00:27:46
			the Prophet s.a.w. And many other
00:27:46 --> 00:27:48
			of our ulema Is that number one Let's
00:27:48 --> 00:27:51
			cultivate a mindset of humility Let's try to
00:27:51 --> 00:27:54
			be humble People who are arrogant They feel
00:27:54 --> 00:27:56
			that I should never be giving advice Because
00:27:56 --> 00:27:58
			I will be the only one who gives
00:27:58 --> 00:28:01
			advice No There are times when a person
00:28:01 --> 00:28:02
			is doing something That is wrong And they
00:28:02 --> 00:28:04
			should be receiving advice And if they do
00:28:04 --> 00:28:07
			receive any kind of advice They should be
00:28:07 --> 00:28:11
			humble about it Number two is Focus on
00:28:11 --> 00:28:15
			the message Not the messenger Often we see
00:28:15 --> 00:28:17
			the person Who is giving the advice And
00:28:17 --> 00:28:19
			we don't focus on the message That is
00:28:19 --> 00:28:21
			being given So we need to focus on
00:28:21 --> 00:28:24
			the message Not the messenger And this is
00:28:24 --> 00:28:27
			why you find subhanallah In the makki surahs
00:28:27 --> 00:28:29
			Because whenever the Quraysh would hear about Allah
00:28:29 --> 00:28:32
			They would close their ears That is why
00:28:32 --> 00:28:35
			in the makki surahs You will find often
00:28:35 --> 00:28:37
			Allah does not mention his name too many
00:28:37 --> 00:28:40
			times Whereas in the madani surahs Often Allah
00:28:40 --> 00:28:45
			mentions his name That if he mentions his
00:28:45 --> 00:28:47
			name The Quraysh will not even want to
00:28:47 --> 00:28:50
			listen Because for them It was not about
00:28:50 --> 00:28:53
			the message It was the messenger If it
00:28:53 --> 00:28:55
			came from Allah The Rabb of Muhammad ﷺ
00:28:55 --> 00:28:57
			We don't want to hear it So this
00:28:57 --> 00:28:59
			is why we always focus on the message
00:28:59 --> 00:29:03
			Not the messenger And always, number three is
00:29:03 --> 00:29:07
			Always embrace a growth mindset When someone is
00:29:07 --> 00:29:10
			giving you advice Sometimes they do want you
00:29:10 --> 00:29:12
			to improve in your life And use that
00:29:12 --> 00:29:14
			as a way To improve later in our
00:29:14 --> 00:29:16
			life This is how we can accept advice
00:29:16 --> 00:29:19
			In the appropriate manner We ask Allah subhanahu
00:29:19 --> 00:29:21
			wa ta'ala To make us from amongst
00:29:21 --> 00:29:23
			those Who will always give advice the correct
00:29:23 --> 00:29:26
			way The prophetic way And we ask Allah
00:29:26 --> 00:29:28
			subhanahu wa ta'ala To always grant us
00:29:28 --> 00:29:30
			the right mindset When it comes to receiving
00:29:30 --> 00:29:35
			Any type of advice and nasiha بارك الله
00:29:35 --> 00:29:38
			لنا ولكم في القرآن العظيم ونفعنا وإياكم بات
00:29:38 --> 00:29:41
			وذكر الحكيم أستغفر الله لي ولكم وليسار المسلمين
00:29:41 --> 00:29:51
			فاستغفروا إنه هو الغفور الرحيم بسم الله الرحمن
00:29:51 --> 00:29:54
			الرحيم إن الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونعوذ
00:29:54 --> 00:29:57
			بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات عمارنا من
00:29:57 --> 00:29:59
			يهديه الله فلا منظل له ومن يظل فلا
00:29:59 --> 00:30:01
			هادي له ونشده لا إله إلا الله وحده
00:30:01 --> 00:30:04
			لا شريك له ونشده أن محمد نعبده ورسوله
00:30:04 --> 00:30:07
			أما بعد There were a few things I
00:30:07 --> 00:30:08
			want to mention at the end of the
00:30:08 --> 00:30:11
			khutbah but I've clearly, we're already finished with
00:30:11 --> 00:30:12
			time but just two things I want to
00:30:12 --> 00:30:14
			share with you based on the current things
00:30:14 --> 00:30:16
			that we are seeing on social media First
00:30:16 --> 00:30:19
			thing is that the ceasefire that many of
00:30:19 --> 00:30:23
			us we have read about online and we
00:30:23 --> 00:30:25
			have read on the news first of all
00:30:25 --> 00:30:27
			is we always as a Muslim we always
00:30:27 --> 00:30:30
			have an optimistic mind approach I know there's
00:30:30 --> 00:30:32
			always going to be a lot of pessimism
00:30:32 --> 00:30:37
			involved with these kind of news Is this
00:30:37 --> 00:30:38
00:30:38 --> 00:30:40
			What is the extent of this ceasefire?
00:30:40 --> 00:30:43
			And so forth If you ask me you're
00:30:43 --> 00:30:47
			asking the wrong person because only Allah knows
00:30:47 --> 00:30:49
			the true story behind all of this but
00:30:49 --> 00:30:53
			we do pray to Allah that he puts
00:30:53 --> 00:30:57
			barakah in this ceasefire and may Allah alleviate
00:30:57 --> 00:30:59
			the misery from our brothers and sisters in
00:30:59 --> 00:31:02
			Palestine Just yesterday I saw a clip how
00:31:02 --> 00:31:04
			true it is and so forth but someone
00:31:04 --> 00:31:07
			sent me a clip that trucks filled with
00:31:07 --> 00:31:10
			aid are now entering into Gaza Well Allah
00:31:10 --> 00:31:11
			knows if it's true or not but if
00:31:11 --> 00:31:14
			it's happening due to the ceasefire Alhamdulillah but
00:31:14 --> 00:31:16
			the point is that we always make dua
00:31:16 --> 00:31:19
			to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that may
00:31:19 --> 00:31:21
			he help our brothers and sisters in Gaza
00:31:21 --> 00:31:23
			may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala alleviate their
00:31:23 --> 00:31:26
			miseries and of course we cannot bring they
00:31:26 --> 00:31:29
			cannot bring back their loved ones who have
00:31:29 --> 00:31:31
			passed on from this dunya but at the
00:31:31 --> 00:31:33
			same time we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta
00:31:33 --> 00:31:38
			'ala and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
00:31:38 --> 00:31:41
			hold the zalimin accountable in this dunya and
00:31:41 --> 00:31:44
			the akhira Number two is something else that
00:31:44 --> 00:31:46
			we have been seeing online which we need
00:31:46 --> 00:31:49
			to take active an active kind of involvement
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			or do the best that we can in
00:31:51 --> 00:31:53
			our capacity and that is regarding the case
00:31:53 --> 00:31:56
			of Dr. Afia Siddiqi Let's not ignore the
00:31:56 --> 00:32:00
			situation there are things outside there there are
00:32:00 --> 00:32:02
			petitions that are being sent out and so
00:32:02 --> 00:32:04
			forth but the point is that we try
00:32:04 --> 00:32:07
			to do everything we can about this woman
00:32:07 --> 00:32:11
			Wallahi if you hear from her attorneys what
00:32:11 --> 00:32:14
			this woman is going through may Allah help
00:32:14 --> 00:32:16
			her may Allah help her may Allah help
00:32:16 --> 00:32:19
			this woman but the things that the inhumane
00:32:19 --> 00:32:21
			things are happening to her in the prison
00:32:21 --> 00:32:24
			Wallahi Allah will not let these zalimin go
00:32:24 --> 00:32:26
			may Allah destroy them in this dunya and
00:32:26 --> 00:32:28
			the akhira but the point is for our
00:32:28 --> 00:32:30
			sister Dr. Afia Siddiqi keep her in your
00:32:30 --> 00:32:37
			duas and anything that we can do no
00:32:37 --> 00:32:39
			whatever we can do we do because that's
00:32:39 --> 00:32:41
			the best that we can do in this
00:32:41 --> 00:32:43
			kind of situation there are our opportunities of
00:32:43 --> 00:32:46
			doing things for her are very limited they
00:32:46 --> 00:32:49
			are not even allowing clergy members to come
00:32:49 --> 00:32:51
			inside and to even talk to her at
00:32:51 --> 00:32:52
			this point right now this is how they
00:32:52 --> 00:32:54
			are treating her so we always keep her
00:32:54 --> 00:32:57
			in our duas and we always try to
00:32:57 --> 00:32:58
			do the best that whatever we can do
00:32:58 --> 00:33:00
			for her we will always try to do
00:33:00 --> 00:33:01
			for her may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
00:33:07 --> 00:33:09
			help her throughout this difficult time in her
00:33:09 --> 00:33:11
			life and we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta
00:33:11 --> 00:33:14
			'ala to bring all the zalimin to justice
00:33:56 --> 00:34:06
			may Allah bless you
00:34:09 --> 00:34:10
			may Allah
00:34:10 --> 00:34:24
00:34:24 --> 00:34:38
			you straight in
00:34:38 --> 00:34:43
			lines, fill in the gaps brothers in the
00:34:43 --> 00:34:45
			back please come inside brothers in the back
00:34:45 --> 00:34:48
			two rooms come inside the main hall brothers
00:34:48 --> 00:34:49
			in the back two rooms please make sure
00:34:49 --> 00:34:53
			the rows are straight and complete there is
00:34:53 --> 00:34:56
			an ample amount of space there should be
00:34:56 --> 00:34:58
			no one praying inside the Multiverse hall there
00:34:58 --> 00:34:59
			is ample amount of space inside the two
00:34:59 --> 00:35:03
			rooms and the main hall sisters please make
00:35:03 --> 00:35:05
			sure the rows are straight and complete if
00:35:05 --> 00:35:25
			there's any sisters ALLAHU
00:35:25 --> 00:35:30
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