Nadim Bashir – GEM #10 How Prophet Muhammad SAW Would Diffuse Situations
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The conflict between the Mahabharata and unsolved causes problems in society, including toxic people and dangerous drugs. The use of drugs and alcohol has affected the community, causing everyone to be nervous and fearful. The conflict escalates and causes everyone to feel nervous and fearful, leading to deescalation and using Sun claims of Roswell Salem to deescalate.
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Today, from the seat of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I want to highlight is, a lot of times we don't know there's a situation, imagine you're in a position of leadership. Or let's say you're in a situation of a community, and there's a, there's a situation that's escalating me times, we might put more fuel to that fire, and he grows, the conflict grows, the situation grows, or what we learned from Rasulullah sallallahu, ala he was setting them and what he did was, he would always de escalate any kind of situation where it can bring the entire community apart, or if there was even an internal issue or a personal issue, and he saw that by magnifying it, there was no need to
do that, then he will just let it go and he will magnify the situation today to help us understand that how did Rasul Allah, He said, Allahu Allah, he was sending him not mattify situations. Today, you Shala I want to share with you two stories that we can learn from the Sierra the Prophet SAW Salem, the first story happens to be connected with the surah I just read in South Asia was Saudi Arabia and Russia. Anyone know?
You You're What were you thinking about dinner? Or your grocery list? What's the idea of reciting inertia? So I'm gonna have your own does that come alive? Hey, so soon, I'm gonna fit on what's the story behind SOTL munaf econ. And there was a conflict that arose between the Mahabharata and the unsolved and it was a very difficult time for us allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But today by covering the story, you will learn in sha Allah, that we have to understand how to put put aside the flames of conflict, and how to de escalate any kind of situation. Now, understanding that in this day and age, we have something that escalates even the smallest issue, you know what it's called?
It's called social media. Okay? The smallest thing Wallah, he, you take the smallest issue, and you will have someone sitting online typing behind the scenes, and they can escalate any kind of situation. And that is why Wallahi with when it comes to social media, social media, there's a lot of good things to social media. But social media also has given a platform to the most ignorant people on Earth, and giving them the ability to write whatever they want, and cause havoc in a society and in the community. So the story is that on the way back from the expedition have been almost Talia Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he camped. And the Mahajan you have the senior
Maha Jiun. They sent one of their young muhajir that go and get some water, they unsalted they sent when the young unsired The Go and fetch go get some water. Now these two young people one Mahajan, one unsought, they came to the well to get some water and a conflict brood amongst them, there's a conflict that happened between them. Now, first thing that we understand from this is, when it comes to younger people, they're filled with, you know, their hormones are jumping up and down, they're filled with so much energy and so forth. What we learn is that many times the younger people may cause a conflict. But in that situation, the elders when you step in, you don't put more fuel to
that conflict, but you try to suppress the situation. Because as adults, as seniors, as parents, and so forth, we understand, we should have a higher level of Hikmah and wisdom. But a lot of times we see that the younger ones start a problem. And the the older ones will come in and they'll just magnify the situation. How often does it happen, that kids are fighting, they're small, they're gonna fight, they're gonna have issues, but the parents come and they start fighting amongst themselves. So once again, you have two young people, one 101 Answer they come to the well, a situation arises. Now at that time, the Mahajan calls the SMO Hydra that come and help me the
unsavoury young man says to the unsired Come and help me and at that time, Abdullah bin obey who was the leader of the Munna own, he was traveling with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, it was a practice that the person will take people like that with him to, even though he knows that these are people who are toxic in our community. These are people who are waiting to tear apart the unity of our community, even yet the problem is tendon. We're bringing these kinds of people along with them. And the thing that we learned from this is that even though you may have toxic people in the community, you still cannot stop them from coming to the masjid. You can't stop them from being
with the GEMA they want to be with the Jamara but at the same time you make sure that they don't affect your Jamara so here Abdullah bin obey saw an opening because he's a hypocrite and a hypocrite at the end the day is waiting. You don't like a lion when they wait for their prey and or cheetah when they're about to jump in.
You know, take their prey, they sit down and they wait and they wait. A hypocrite like Abdullah bin obey was doing the same exact thing waiting for the perfect situation that he can cause some dissent in the community of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and at that time, he sided with the Ansara and he because he was from Medina, the answer were from Medina. So, he went to the the peep the unsought and he goes, see this is what you have done. This is because of your doing. You gave these people the immigrant the, those the Mahajan, you gave them a home, you made Medina accessible to them, and to the Prophet SAW Salem. And you see and he gave this expression basically, that feed
you feed your dog and he will eat you when he is starving. He gave these kinds of examples meaning that he's trying to give an example that the Mahajan a stuff that Allah or like dogs you give them and then when they're starving, they will come right after you. So he said to you gave them a place in Medina, and at that time, he said something which is highlighted in Soto Munna of your own, he says, your cool Luna they said la Raja Ana el Medina, when we go back to Medina, lay Ukri Janell are assuming those of us who are dignified, he's referring to himself as dignified, are going to remove those who are not dignified, referring to who the musaajid and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. Now at that time while he's just brewing and he's getting everyone excited. At that time, there was a young man by the name of Xavier Arkham Rhodiola Tron and he rushes to the Prophet SAW Selim, he says Ya rasool Allah. This is what's going on. This is the man who's behind all this, all this conflict. He's the one that he could have. He could have de escalate the situation, but he's escalating the situation behind the scenes. And that time, Ramona Macatawa, the alotta Anisa jasola. What do you think Omar will say? Yes to Allah. Give me the permission. Just give me the green light. Now I'll take care of him for you. And the Prophet saw someone said, No, Omar, how would you would
you would you want people to talk later on about Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that anyone who confronted or anyone who caused pain. The problem is I don't want to kill them. I don't want people to remember me in this manner. So he says, Let him go. And perhaps we were having on Saudi person talked to him. So later on at that time, as well. Some saw the situation is growing. The situation is escalating. Everyone is camping. Everyone is talking about it. So what did he do? It was so hot. And it was not the practice of the province of Salem to put his own Mahajan and unsought in the in difficult situations. Though it was so hot Ross was some say You know what, we all pack
our bags and let's let's continue our journey back to Medina. Now at that time and on Saudi person came he says yes to Allah. This is not your practice. I mean, traveling when is so hot, we're so exhausted and so forth. And that time was Allah so Allah while he was something he said, Did you not hear what this this Medina man said, what Abdullah bin obey said, he said, when we get back to Medina, we're going to get rid of these people from our city. And he's making all these claims. And he says, subhanAllah he goes, This man said this thing about you jasola He goes, indeed, you are the one who is dignified, and he is not dignified. And we will always stand by your side. jasola salah.
Now, during this time, Abdullah bin obey, he heard that this young child Zedi been ARPA went and he told Rasulullah saw Senate about his plans. And he came running Abdullah bin obey comes running to the province. And suddenly he says yes to Allah, I promise I did not say anything. I'm promise I'm innocent, I not do anything. I not say anything. If you heard that child saying something, he's a liar. And at that time, once again, the prophets of Salaam, he's hearing all these different things. Here, he has one child telling him one thing here you have the leader of the monarchy, who's telling him something else. So the problem he remains silent, he not say a single word. And which also
teaches us a very powerful lesson, that till you don't have all the facts, don't speak about anything. But also some say, You know what, we just continue to travel. Now at this time, even while everyone is traveling, coming back to Medina. And still there is some talk of what is going on between this habit of the Ultron. Now the person has a choice to make, either let's camp, but if we camp, everyone is going to be sitting around, I'm basically putting more fuel to the fire. And I'm going to be giving the people the opportunity to talk more about the situation and this conflict can grow. Or option number two is let me walk my Sahaba let me have them travel throughout the entire
day. And let me exhaust them to a point that when we can they cannot even talk anymore. Roswaal Sena went with option number two, because that was the only way to
To de escalate the situation. So he traveled throughout the entire day. And When night came he stopped and the Sahaba they say that when we stopped, we didn't have energy to talk to each other. As soon as we camped, we went to sleep right away because we were exhausted. And at that time Rasul Allah Selim This was his way of de escalate the situation. The next day the day arrived in Medina. Everyone back went back home at that time, what came down Subroto Munna FICON the same surah was revealed by Allah subhana wa Taala affirming what was the the Buddha outcome was saying and that is when Ursula some he calls it an Archon because many people by the way, they began to tell the
Prophet salaam that you know, Abdullah bin obey is an adult, a zebra or comes a child whose words would you take a child or an adult? I mean, he's a kid he probably forgot him. He probably heard something near reading something else to you. He probably lost some information in the middle of all that how can you believe a child but when this sort of Subhanallah was revealed, the person calls they they've been an outcome and he said that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada has sent down a revelation and affirming everything that you said. And at that time, the surah starts off as what is the jackal Munna? If you own up all Luna shadow in Nicola Rasul Allah, when the Munna African come and they say
that we testify that you are the Prophet of Allah. Allah says Allah Who Yalom in Nicola rasool Allah already knows. Allah knows very well that you are the Prophet. You don't have to keep on testifying that he's a prophet. He's a prophet he's a Prophet. Allah knows that he's a prophet. Well Allahu yes had however Allah subhanaw taala does testify to the fact of what in Munna Athena laka the boon that the munaf econ or liars so this is Story number one. So how the problem deescalate a situation quickly Story number two insha Allah make this quick. The province has Salam he comes home. It is the night where it belongs or is the turn of Aisha the Allah Tanana, the problem comes He lives
down. He looks over to Aisha, and he sees that perhaps she is sleeping. Ayesha's. Rhodiola on our mother, her eyes were closed. And so the problem he got up, he put on his cloak, and he went out. Now when I woke up, she's wondering, where did the person go? They go to some other wives house, where is he going and so forth. The books of history mentioned that there was a hint of jealousy that came into our heart, where is Roswell, some going at this time of the night. So she followed was hula Salah who it was. And what she saw was that the Prophet Salam is sitting in back here. And he's making dua for all the companions in there was a battle that had just taken place before and
many Sahaba died, they were buried in there. So he's making dua for them, and she sees from afar, that not once but three times that I saw somebody raised his hands, and he made to offer the Sahaba who were buried in Batavia, then Rasul Allah some he realizes that this is still the night that belongs to who to isolate the hola Juana. I'm supposed to be with her. This is not I'm not supposed to be journey here. So when I showed her the Hola, Juan, how she sees the problem is turning and he's coming, is mentioned in the Shemitah, the province of Salem that he was not a slow walker, he was a very brisk walking, he was a fast walker. So what happened was that when the person was
walking, he's walking pretty much at a fast pace. So I said, turns around, also walking at a fast pace. And then when she gets home is she so she turns around and looks at the problem is now like, slightly jogging. So she's slightly jogging, coming back home, and she gets back home and she takes off whatever she had her, her hijab, whatever, wherever she was wearing, she hanged it, and she went back in bed, and she's like, you know, like our kids today. They're sitting on their phones. And as soon as you hear those steps,
come here and stand here with me. So when the Prophet says, So, you know, like parents when they're coming that kids can hear, and then they put their phone away and, you know, they they act, you know, we know our kids very well, so I should have the Allah with Alana. She gets in bed again, but she's breathing very heavily. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he comes, and he says, Aisha,
why are you reading so heavily? And she says, Yes, Allah, it's nothing. You don't have to worry about anything. And he says that either you tell me or Allah subhana wa Tala will send a revelation telling me exactly what's going on. So she says yes, hula, you know, I thought you probably left. I mean, I thought you probably went to someone else's house. So I followed you, I saw that you went to Bucky here. I came back. And you know, I was I saw you from afar and then I you know, I saw you coming back. So I went back home. And the person said that, you know, I saw a woman walking very fast in the dark was that you and Aisha are the Alonza Yes, yes, Allah it was me, you know, and so
the Prophet sallallahu
He was sent them then said that Oh ha Isha. The reason I went was because Djibouti IATA use phenom came to me very privately, because you you do not have some clothes, you're not fully covered. So Djibouti is some catering very privately telling me go to bulkier and make dua for those who are buried over there. And so I went over there and then he said yah Isha. Do you think the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be unfair to you? How would How can Ross who was a sunnah be unfair to his own wife? So once again, the problem is understanding I Isha, where she's coming from. She understands the mindset of his own wife, and hence he'd never escalate the situation. Now think
about this. If we was in our situation, many of us we escalate any kind of situation you're in. So let's try to adopt the Sunnah of Roswell Salem, the lock in the demeanor of Roswell Salem, whenever this situation, learn how to de escalate a situation, understand your family need your family's needs and so forth, understand the situation and then go about your situation inshallah I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to give us Tofik May Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to bring in our life, the understanding and the love and the demeanor of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what does that come with love Hey assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
in Muslim me now almost Lima T one meaning I will not Mina team Welcome on et now I look on it the more slowly I was born in Poland the one saw the Rena was Slavia right the one before she you know
what unfortunately no one was watching it one down one Dino one downside the party was on me now was all in
one heavy Lina photo gentlemen one half year warranty. Was that good enough? I guess
was the guilt or I don't
genuine nauseam.