Nadim Bashir – Focus On The Hereafter

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of study in understanding past events and the need for people to stay in the dams for longer periods of time. The duniya and d aidons in the dams are discussed, with the duniya being how long people will live in the d ring and the dams being a deathbed with thousands of years of work. The speakers emphasize the need for everyone to do what they want to do according to the Prophet sallahu and the importance of staying in the dams and not letting the fire run out.
AI: Transcript ©
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Recently I was actually giving a youth halacha and I came across a

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very interesting story that I would like to share with all of

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you. This is a story regarding Imam Chabi Muhammad Allah Allah

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Imam Shibli Muhammad Allah Allah in fact, any Imam simply up until

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it was a great scholar of the past. Imam Shibley Rahmatullah

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Allah he says that, throughout my journey of knowledge, I had nearly

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300 teachers. Now when a person says I have 300 teachers, that

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means that they traveled a great length, and a great deal to me all

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these teachers, because if you study the history of the past, you

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did not have scholars living together, you have scholars who

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are living in scattered areas. So you would have to travel sometimes

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for days or weeks, just to meet one teacher, and that every you

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might find two or three, but then you have to travel more, to meet

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300 teachers and to study from 300 teachers, first of all, shows us

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their great deal of dedication. Then he on top of that, he says

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that while I studied with 300 teachers, I learned 4000, a hadith

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of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa Salaam. Now 4000. A hadith of

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course, is a very significant amount of number. And then on top

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of that, he says that after reflecting on all the 4000, a

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hadith of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there was one

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Hadith in particular, only one Hadith in particular, that

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resonated with me the most. And he says that when I reflect on this,

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one Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim, I realize that this one

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Hadith is the means for my salvation, my safety and security

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in this dunya. And in the Koran. Additionally, he said that he

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believes and this is what his comment was regarding this hadith

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is that this is the URL of a welline. Well, hidden, meaning

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that this is the knowledge of those pious predecessors and the

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sahaba. And the problem salam from from the past, all the way to the

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future. He says this one Hadith sort of encompasses everything

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that we know and what we need to abide by and what we need to live

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by. Now you may be asking, what is that one Hadith of the prophets of

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Salaam? If he this great scholar out of 4000, a hadith he chose one

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Hadith. What is that one Hadith? That hadith is a Hadith the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in he says, I didn't

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use Salam. He first I didn't use salaam he compared to dunya to the

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akhira. He tries to provide us some perspective. He says, I used

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Salam. It Amelie. duniya cabbie, tada de mocambique, Rafi ha. And

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he says, While Amelie Hiratsuka Bacardi Bacall ecoffee Ha. Look at

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his words very carefully. When he talks about duniya. He said MACOM.

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Why MACOM? Because we're not going to be in this dunya for long. But

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when he talks about the akhira he says Bacall you see, the Bekaa

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means how long we're going to last over there. So he's saying that

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when you live in this dunya, live in this dunya and work for this

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dunya as long as you plan to live in this dunya. But when you are

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going to the market or prepare for the akhira as long as you're

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planning to stay there in the alcohol. Let me give you an

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example. Imagine if I'm going from here to overseas with my family,

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we're going for you know, probably like a month. If you ask anyone,

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if I'm making preparations, if I'm going for one month, I should make

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preparations for a week or for a month you told me for a month, of

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course, because I know I'm going to be there for a month and you

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make preparations accordingly. What we're doing nowadays is we

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might be living in this dunya. First of all, we don't know how

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long we're going to live in this dunya as a province, as some says

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it might be 6070 years as a primarily some, he says I'm an

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almighty being a citizen with submarine. This is a lifespan of

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my OMA and it could be shorter than that, too. We have seen

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people in our own community 20 years old, 26 years old, and so

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forth to there is no guarantee of life. So what he's saying is that

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worked for this dunya as long as we intend to live in this dunya we

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might be living in this dunya for probably 40 5060 years. But if you

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look at our attitude, if we reflect on our attitude, when it

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comes to money when it comes to real estate and so forth, and how

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much we're trying to just, you know, Hoard and we're trying to

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just, you know, gather and collected so much is as if we

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probably might we we might be having this plan to live in this

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dunya for 200 300 years. That's the way our attitude is regarding

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this dunya but rather, it should be the complete opposite. We need

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to work for this dunya as long as we're planning to stay in this

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dunya but we need to work for the akhira as long as we're trying to

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stay there, that life is the eternal life.

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We need to work according to that. So what we are doing is in one

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way, we are working for this dunya overly more than we are planning

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to stay here in this dunya. And what we are sending forward to the

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to the akhira, which is the eternal life, we're sending very,

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very little. Now another way also to reflect on dunya and akhira.

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This is something we will find in the entire Quran. Whenever you

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want to know the value of anything, you have to compare it

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if I hold in my hand $1 And on the other hand, if I have $100, I have

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two different amount of money, it shows you the value of something

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right one is raised less than of course, the 100 Even if I had 100

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in one hand, but I have 10,000 in my other hand, then you know that

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the 100 is insignificant, because in order to understand anything

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once again, you have to compare, okay you have to compare in order

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to understand the value for anything, when we compare brothers

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and sisters duniya to akhira. Allah makes it very clear in the

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Quran to help us understand our focus needs to be the Quran. We

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work in this dunya you think about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, how he lived, he was the Nabhi of all the newbies. He was

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Nabil Ambia. Look at how look at how he lived his entire house. His

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entire house think about his entire house was probably the size

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of our walk in closets. In fact, it is fair to say that in some of

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our new constructed homes, our our walk in closets were probably

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bigger than the entire house of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam for Think about that for a moment. This is how he lived.

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Now I'm not saying that if it's haram to have money. Yes, it's

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okay to have money. It's okay to be a millionaire. It's okay to be

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a billionaire, but not at the expense of our hero. This is the

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key thing, not the expense of our hero. And we have to always keep

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in mind that our hero is the one that's everlasting. So when we

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talk about this dunya dunya is temporary, the akhira is eternal

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in this dunya there is no justice in the akhira there is only

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justice. When we talk about this dunya Maher in the commune foot

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whatever we have, it will come to an end. But whatever Allah

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subhanho wa Taala has met in the commune foot warmer in the law he

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bow up wherever Allah has its there in this dunya people they

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take advantage of others on the app in the ACULA no one could take

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advantage of anyone else in this dunya and you want to say whatever

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they want to say and the Akela la Yetta color Munna, Illman Edina

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Allahu Rahman. No one can speak. No one can do anything without the

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permission of Allah subhanho wa taala. In this dunya people will

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back each other up, we see what this country is doing and backing

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up countries like Israel and countries you know, these

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apartheid countries and let them commit atrocities against our

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Muslim Brothers Sisters. There are people who do this kind of stuff

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and the akhirah there is no Shiva. There is no one who can back up

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anyone Malik Amin, Allah He minhwa Legion wala Anna said there is no

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one who can back up anyone else. This is the difference between

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dunya and akhira. There is a vast difference. So that is why when we

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look at this dunya, this dunya is zero compared to the Akela. Even

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if this entire dunya lasted for 2 million years, for example, 2

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million years is a significant amount of time. But if you compare

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2 million years of this dunya to the akhirah, which is eternal,

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this dunya is still equal to what? Zero and that is why Subhan Allah

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just to help us understand, new Allah Who Salam he lived for over

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1000 years. 950 years was only his time he gave Dawa. But someone

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asked him at the end of his life when he was on his deathbed. You

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live for over 1000 years. How did you find your life? He says that

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is almost as if I found it as a house with jet to had the rain jet

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to her Darrin the who by bein there it has two doors that I

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entered through one door and I exited through the second door

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Simple as that this is how his entire life of over 1000 years

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was. Now you think about our life for a moment here. So this is why

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the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is telling us when you need to

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live in this dunya no problem, but work as long as you're planning to

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live here. And when we need to go to Accra we work enough that we

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have to go to the Sahara. Then the third thing the Prophet SAW Allah

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while he was on he says what a man Lilla he because that he hired

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Attica la Subhan Allah that do enough for Allah subhanho wa Taala

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as much as you need him. Now we need Allah subhanho wa Taala at

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all times in our life. That's why there's a dua

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Other provinces Salem yeah hi ru Yatta yo, Bureau Hermetica istalif

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Yeah hi ru aka Yom Yom Allah I seek your help as seeker

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assistance. And then what do you say? A slightly SHINee cola? Yeah

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Allah take care of all my affairs. Well I had to kidney Ilana FSI

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total Fatah ain yeah Allah do not take your your mercy your

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supervision away from me or your your care for me for now even for

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a second. I want you to manage my I want you to look after me 24/7

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year Allah. This is how much we need ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So the

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prerelease I was telling us this is something for us to think about

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that do enough for Allah as much as you need him. What do we need

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Allah 24/7 that I need to be serving Allah 24/7 Now how do we

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serve Allah 24/7 It doesn't mean that we cannot sleep it doesn't

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mean that we cannot eat, but everything that we do, we do it

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according to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if I'm

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sleeping according to the Sunnah of the Prophet salaam, it becomes

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really bad if I'm going to the restroom and I'm doing it the

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Sunnah way, it becomes very bad. So that is why every single moment

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in our life could be very bad to Allah subhanho wa taala. And then

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the last thing the province has some he said is and look at this

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statement properly. So he says what am I Linetti be further is

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Saba rica Allah

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that do enough? Now the literal translation is that do enough for

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the fire of jahannam. As much as you have the patience to be in the

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fire, John now, think about that for a moment. What the property is

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telling us is whenever we commit a sin,

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ask ourselves do we have the patience to endure the fire?

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Johanna? I'm gonna photography Allah one. It is mentioned about

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him that whenever he would go home at night, and he would take some

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time out for Maha Sabha, he would always lit a candle. And he would

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always put his finger near the candle. And he was all he would

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always ask himself, you have a club, he referred to himself and

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he would ask himself, do you have the patience to endure this, he

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will just touch the fire a little. And this fire of this dunya is

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nothing compared to the fire that akhira and this is why Allah

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subhanaw taala reminds us over and over again. When it's a habit of

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the Allah Allah on whom we're on the way to taboo. And they were

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saying it's too hot, it's too hot. And they had to let go of

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everything and just go into taboo, what Allah subhanho wa Taala say

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that will now do Johanna a Shahara, you think this is hot,

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the heat of Jahannam is far intense, as far as severe than

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this heat that you are enduring. When we go outside. And this Texas

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heat, we think this is a lot. This is nothing compared to the fire of

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the era. So the problem is or someone's telling us that in one

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way, whenever we're about to commit a sin, we're about to do

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something that is wrong. Ask ourselves put yourself if you were

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to just even be close to your fire your gas lighter, I mean your your

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your gas stove, and you just sit there and you turn on and you put

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your hand right over it. Right before we commit a sin if you were

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to simply do that any one of us and ask ourselves, do I have the

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patience to endure this than hellos? Go ahead and do it. But if

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we don't have the patience to do it, then we stay completely away

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from it. So this is the Hadith of the Prophet a set of four things

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he mentioned. He talked about dunya he talked about the Ophira

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he talked about Allah subhanho wa Taala he talked about the fire

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Jahannam even I'm surely laughing with Allah Allah he says out of

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4000 Hadith that I've memorized and I learned this hadith is the

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most important Hadith to me. And so this is a Hadith that I will

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always all all of us to always think about inshallah always

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reflect upon what is doing, what is the Africa where do we need to

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go? What our focus should be, and what are we seeking protection

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from I ask Allah subhana wa Tada to give all of us itovi To think

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about this hadith to reflect upon this hadith and to live by this

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hadith Amira al Amin what is that Kamala Harris said I'm already

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gonna tell you about a cattle

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in Ireland Mussolini now almost Lima D one meaning I mean it will

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quantity now look on it that he was slowly being I was born in

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Poland he was saw the Rena was Slavia before she you know

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what unfortunately no one was watching I think one downside Dino

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one downside being Ponting was on me now was all in.

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Wouldn't have you heavy lean affordable gentle home one

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Hatfield lot. The ones that get in long I get

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what's going on.

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one gentleman I lean

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