Nadim Bashir – Eid Al Adha Khutbah 2024
![Nadim Bashir](
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The holy month of Arabic is highlighted as the most important month in Islam, with the importance of learning from it and not criticizing others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of honoring the family and not speaking up against others. The order of Islam is also discussed, including the announcement of rewards and the importance of serving Allah's family. It is emphasized that protecting Islam's actions and not devoting one's time to personal suffering is crucial, and a reminder is given to not forgetting one's um rights.
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At this point, I'd like to ask everyone
to please stand up. Let's strain the lines.
This may take a few minutes.
Straight in lines, fill in the gaps.
straight in lines, fill in the gaps.
Brothers in the lobby area, please make sure
the roads are straight.
Brothers in the back two rooms, please make
sure the roads are complete.
If there are some brothers in the back,
brother Yahia, brother Azubu Khari in the back,
if you can let anyone in the multipurpose
hall know if there's any space in the
main hall or the
brothers in the in the main hall, please
come forward.
Brothers in the, multi purpose hall, please make
sure the rows are complete, the rows are
Sisters, please make sure the rows are complete,
the rows are straight.
So there are many ways inshallah
of performing
we have learned from the sunnah and the
seerah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Today inshallah,
the way we'll be praying Satoru Eid is
that in the first rakaa inshaAllah, before Kira'atul
Fatiha, before the recitation of Suratul Fatiha, we're
gonna have 3 extra takbiraat.
3 extra takbiraat.
And in the 2nd raka'a, inshaAllah,
before we proceed to ruku, inshaAllah,
we'll have 3 extra takbiraat, inshaAllah.
This is also one method that we have
learned from Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sama. So
in the first sukkah, inshaAllah,
after, sudda after taghbiraat tahareema,
3 extra taghbirat,
fatiha, kira'ah. In the secondaka, we will proceed
straight with the with sutrafatiha,
kira'ah, and before ruku, inshaAllah, we will have
3 extra takbiraat.
After that, inshaAllah, we will have a very
brief khutba, inshaAllah.
You are rec is recommended to stay and
listen to the khutba inshallah.
Allahu Akkimin.
So so
Brothers and sisters,
this month of Dhul Hijjah,
this day of 'id,
the sacredness of the month of Dhul Hijjah
to begin with,
The sacredness of yesterday, the day of Arafah,
and the sacredness of this day, and the
next few days known as a yamutashriq.
These are days when we remember Allah Subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
These are days when we revive
our commitment
to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Brothers and sisters, we reflect In these days,
we reflect
on the stories,
the sacrifices,
the challenges
of Ibrahim alaihis salam.
Those who are in hajj,
they revive the legacy of Ibrahim alaihis salam.
But even here, while we are not in
hajj, and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala take
us for hajj next year. Ameer Abu Alameen.
But those of us who are not actually
in Hajj, we are also still reviving the
of our forefather Ibrahim
Brothers and sisters, if I were to ask
you, what is the most important thing in
your life?
Some of you may say,
My reputation is very important for me.
Some of you may say, My children are
very important for me. They are the most
important thing in my life.
Some of you may say that my family
is the most important thing in my life.
Brothers and sisters, look at the life of
From beginning to end,
he all he reminded us, and he demonstrated
that no matter how many things are gonna
be pleasing to us in our life personally,
before everything comes Allah
He was a child. He was a young
A young person in this day and age,
they worry very much about their reputation.
Young people are such that they want to
be liked and admired by everyone around them.
They don't want to do anything
that can cause any kind of discomfort, or
they don't want to do anything
that can cause any kind of
their way. They don't wanna do anything like
that. They wanna be liked by everyone.
Think about Ibrahim
as a young man.
You don't think that Ibrahim alaihis salam loved
He wanted to be loved by everyone? Of
course he want to be loved by everyone.
But when it came to his reputation,
and standing up for the Haqq,
and standing up for Allah
he put Allah before his own reputation.
When people came to him and they were
criticizing him,
they knew his father. He was a well
respected man in the society.
But then they were coming and criticizing Ibrahim
alayhis salam. Why are you doing this?
He was cancelled in the community.
But he did not care about that why.
Because he put Allah before his own reputation.
That is where we need to be, brother
and sisters.
Today, we are so afraid
to speak the haqq.
We are so afraid to speak the truth.
Because perhaps we might be We might get
We might get cancelled in our own community.
We might be criticized in our own community.
I don't wanna speak up about what's going
on. Why? Because I may be criticized in
But we learn from the story of Ibrahim
alaihis salam that when it comes to the
matters of Allah
we cannot look at what people want and
what people think. We have to do what
is pleasing to Allah
Then you look at the family of Ibrahim
alaihis salam. Every person they insure How many
people in this community right now have moved
here in the last
3 years, 4 years, 6 years? So many
people in this community.
When you came here to this community, you
that your make You ensured that the place
you're moving is a good place.
There is a good school system in place.
There is a Muslim community around. You make
sure that everything was in place before you
transfer your family here to this community.
This is what all of us we do.
Think about Ibrahim
No matter how much his family is beloved
to him, when Allah
said, leave your family
in a barren desert,
a place where there is absolutely nothing.
Ibrahim alaihis salam did not flinch.
He never questioned Allah
Rather, even he shows his emotions.
He's a father at the end of the
day. He's a husband at the end of
the day.
He misses his family,
and that is why he went around.
At that time, they did not have high
buildings at this at that time. It was
just all desert, but there were mountains around.
And when he was at a place where
he could no longer see his family, at
that time he broke down and he made
dua to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Not as
if Ibrahim did not have any emotions,
or he did not care about his family.
He loved his family.
But that's why he made dua to Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
This is a dua that he made to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
He made a sacrifice.
He sacrificed his family. Why? For Allah's sake.
Once again, he loved his family. But when
it came to the matters of Allah versus
the family, he put Allah before his before
his own family.
And then this day of 'id,
we commemorate
the action of Ibrahim alaihis salam. He only
had that one son at that time, Isma'il
alaihis salam. He loved him very very much.
He would engage him in everything that he
did. When he built the foundation of the
he involved. He got Ismail alaihis salam engaged
in that.
And when Ismail alaihis salam he grew up,
every father, every mother, they enjoyed that time
when the child is starting to get on
their feet, and they're running around, and they're
starting to become slowly and gradually independent.
They cherish that time.
And this is that time that a father
wants to cherish the moments with his own
son. But here comes the order of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
and he sees in his dream that he
is sacrificing Ibrahim alaihis salam. I'm sorry, sacrificing
Ismail alaihis salam.
And so he comes to Ismail
and a young child look at his iman
and his spirituality.
He knows there will be some pain because
he says,
sabr comes after affliction.
Sabr comes after difficulty.
He's telling his father, there will be difficulty
on my end. But first comes the order
of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Brothers and sisters, this day reminds us that
no matter what we love in this dunya,
first comes Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala and first
comes Rasulullah
If this is what we are and this
is the way we think,
then the pleasure of Allah, the help of
Allah, the nusrah of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
will come. Think about Ibrahim alaihisam leaving his
family. Hajar alaihisam running between safa and Marwa.
And what was the end result? They did
everything they could. The end result was, the
reward was Zam Zam Until today, every single
on the face of this earth, every single
Muslim is benefiting from the blessing of zamzam.
Why? This is a reminder for all of
us that we do the hard work, and
we do everything in our own capacity, and
the reward will be given by Allah And
it will be such a blessing for all
of us, that we do the hard work,
and we do everything in our own capacity,
and the reward will be given by Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala. And it will be such
a reward that it will be it will
be going on and it will be continuous
for many generations, insha'Allah.
So brothers and sisters, let this be let
this day be a reminder for all of
Let us revive our commitment to Allah
That who am I? My purpose of life.
My purpose of life, I have been created
for the fact that I need to serve
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
If I asked you, what is the purpose
of a car? You will say, the purpose
of a car is to take you from
point a to point b. That is the
objective of a car. If you use a
car in any other way, you're not utilizing
the objective of a car. Likewise, the objective
of our life
is that we serve Allah
Allah comes before our family. Allah comes before
our assets.
Allah comes before our money. Allah comes before
our children, Allah comes before everything in our
life. This is what we need to internalize.
I ask Allah
that may he make us from amongst those
that we always place Allah
as our priority in our life, in all
matters of our life.
One thing that we learned from Ibrahim alayhis
salam also is is that he would not
only just worry about himself,
his own family,
but he worried about the entire ummah, the
upcoming generations.
When Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says in the
Ibrahim alayhi sallam is asking for a blessing,
not just for his family, but for everyone
who will come after that, who is a
believer in Allah
So Ibrahim alaihis salam is thinking big.
He's not only thinking about himself, he's thinking
about the entire Muslim world. We learned from
sallallahu alaihi wasallam that the Muslim ummah is
like one body.
If one place in the body is hurting,
every other part of the body feels the
effect of that pain.
Brothers and sisters, today is the day of
Today is a day of happiness and joy,
and we will spend with our families.
But at the same time, let us not
forget our brothers and sisters in Gaza.
Think about those people. Wallahi, today I saw
from Gaza,
where people have gathered
and they're praying salat.
The buildings around them have collapsed.
The buildings are, you know, they're destroyed.
The masajid are destroyed. But they're getting together,
and they're just
You know, they are spending their eid.
They are, you know, they are conducting their
eid, salat, and so forth. But wallahi, I
can say this for a fact. How many
of those brothers and sisters who went for
sateul 'id,
last time in sateel eel, they may have
gone with some family members. Today, they do
not have those family members with them.
Wallahi. It pains our heart of what is
going on in Gaza.
And yes, this is a time
that we come back to
Allah And we ask Allah
There are people who have come to me
and asked me, when is the help of
going to come? I wish I had that
answer. I wish I had that answer because
I'm looking for that same answer.
When is the help of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala going to come? When is the nusrah
going to come? But brother and sisters, this
is not a time that we lose our
trust in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. No matter
every single qaum, every single nation in the
past, whenever they went through difficulties, even when
you study the Quran and Fir'awn and his
reign, and how long he committed dulm,
was for a significant amount of time. When
you see what happened
in the In our Islamic history, When there
was massacres
by the crusades. When there are massacres.
When they came into Baghdad.
And the tatar, they came. And they destroyed
the Muslim community.
And they killed so many souls and so
forth. This is something that our Islamic history
teaches us. That whenever there's difficulty, but there
will be ease that will come after that.
But in this time, we have to put
our trust in Allah
and not forget, and not deviate, and not
walk away from
Allah brother and sisters.
We have seen some good things that
have come out of this, but we need
to constantly remember our brothers and sisters. Not
only in Gaza, but in India, in Kashmir,
in China, in France. Wherever our Muslim brothers
and sisters are, wherever they are suffering,
simply because they said la ilaha illallah Muhammadur
Rasulullah. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala be with
them. And may Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala aid
them. And may Allah destroy the Valimun.
Wherever they are, may Allah destroy them in
a way. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala destroy
them in such a way that it becomes
a reflection for everyone else. May Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala aid our brothers and sisters in
raza. And then we ask Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala that every single person
in raza who has been separated from their
family because they lost family members. May Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala unite them with their families
in jatul firdosala'ala.
Brothers and sisters,
I also want to remind everyone
that on this day of Eid
Yes, we're human beings. Yes, there's always gonna
be some feelings, but on this day of
Eid, put aside your grudges.
Meet each other for the sake of Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Muslim brothers, meet other Muslim
brothers. Muslim sisters, meet other Muslim sisters. Put
aside your grudges for one day. Put aside
your hatred for one day. Your jealousy for
one day and come together. This is what
an ummah is. When we see this crowd,
when I see this crowd, people, different people,
different ethnicities, different backgrounds, this is the beauty
of Islam. So let's put aside our grudges
and hate or anything that may be in
our heart for one day, and let's meet
our brother and sisters inshaAllah.
Let's congratulate each other, inshaAllah. And once again,
we don't forget our entire ummah, the prophet
shalallahu alaihi wa sallam, in our duas. We
ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to grant