Nadim Bashir – Conversations In The Quran #4 3 Verses Of Hope

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the negative impact of bringing someone down and the importance of learning from past people. The use of words like " Subhanho wa" and "force" can lead to pride and confusion, and the negative consequences of bringing someone down. The importance of authority and power in shaping one's life is emphasized, along with the need for proper knowledge and learning from experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Tonight in sha Allah the conversation that I'm sharing with

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all of you today, as you know that this is a series I've started a

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few weeks ago, it is the conversation is that is mentioned.

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So there Bukhara and it is actually three different

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conversations, although they are all are mentioned in the same

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passage. Two of them are related to Ibrahim alayhi salam and the

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third one is related to as Some scholars say, or Zadara he said

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Um, so, the first of all is that I want us to share one thing that

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when you say the Quran, strictly from this, from the point of view

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of Dawa, just strictly Dawa the most stories that you will find in

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the Quran are stories with a Ibraheem Alehissalaam and Musala

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your son? Yes, Allah does mention the story of Luzzatto his son,

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yes, Allah Subhan Allah mentioned the story of nomadic Islam. But if

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you compare all the MBM, the two top prophets who are mentioned the

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most when it comes to giving Dawa Ibrahim alayhis salam, and

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Musashi. So, first of all, why Musashi Islam, for obvious

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reasons, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave Bonita Saeed a certain level

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of honor, dignity and respect. And then because they did not fulfill

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their end of the bargain, Allah subhanho wa Taala stripped them of

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that dignity, honor and respect. And so we now as being hired on

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Mateen, as Allah says, In the Quran, we are the best of nations,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to learn from the previous people

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and their mistakes so that we don't make the same mistakes. That

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is why Allah mentioned the story of Musa alayhis salam. And not

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only that, but there's a lot of lessons to be learned from the

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story of Musa alayhis salam in terms of giving Dawa also from the

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from the perspective of Ibraheem Alehissalaam because he gave Dawa

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to not only just to one group of people, he gave Dawa to three

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different groups of people. He gave Dawa to his immediate family.

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For example, we find the stories of him conversing with his father,

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and inshallah we'll cover that next time. We also find stories of

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him calling his home his nation to Allah subhanho wa taala. And then

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we find this story and so Bacara we're now he is face to face with

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numb rude and now he's giving him Dawa. In fact, the Quran says that

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numb rude is the one who disputed he is the one who's who struck up

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a conversation, and he was trying to debate Ibrahim alayhis salam.

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So this is something we will find throughout the entire Quran.

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Another interesting thing about Ibrahim alayhis salam and his Dawa

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is that Ibrahim How do you sometimes die? What qualities and

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characteristics are spread throughout the entire Quran? There

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are places in the Quran that talks about that when Ibrahim Ali Hassan

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would give Dawa after talking about him, Allah says Oduro eat

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smbd Rebecca Bill Hekmati while more Eagleton hacer una when you

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call people to Allah subhanho wa Taala use hekman use wisdom. Often

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in this day and age, people think that you need knowledge. Yes, you

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need knowledge, but there are a lot of people who use that

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knowledge at the wrong time in the wrong way. And instead of bringing

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people closer to Allah, they end up pushing people away from Allah

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subhanho wa taala. So Allah is saying that use Hikmah and a good

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word use a proper technique of giving advice in order to call

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people to Allah subhanho wa Taala likewise, when Allah talks about

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Ibrahim out to you some and giving Dawa he also talks about how

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patient he was. Allah talks about that he how he would when he would

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give Dawa he was very arrogant in his approach. And not only that,

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but because all three Abrahamic faiths, the Jews, the Christians

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and the Muslims till today, they have a great level of respect for

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Ibraheem Alehissalaam but Allah has set the standard or the set

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the record straight that Ibrahim alayhi salam was not a Christian.

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He was not Jewish, but rather he was a Muslim Makana Ibrahim Yahoo

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de Yun wala Nasrani Yun wala can kind of honey fun Muslimah Allah

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makes us very, very clear in the Quran. So he sets the record

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straight now. We come to the story of Ibrahim how to use Salaam and

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the Quran says Allah am Tara. This is a word that you will find often

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in the Quran Have you not seen? For example, even social feed

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Allah says the Prophet alayhi salam alaikum Tara, can you find a

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follow up book of yours? Haberfield although we know that

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Ibrahim the Prophet SAW Selim, he never saw what happened to us how

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will feel I mean, in fact, he was born in the Year of arm will feel.

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So when Allah subhanho wa Taala says something like this, it does

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not mean only that have you seen something literally, but it also

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means that Do you understand? Do you comprehend? Because you know

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when we say that I understand something you know, when you say I

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see you know, when you understand something you say what I see you

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mean that I understand this, so Allah subhanho wa Taala when he

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uses the word Allah I'm Tara, it means Allah is going to share with

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us certain lessons that we need to

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Understand. So Allah says, Allah. Have you not seen the story of

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that King? I am Tara Isla levy heard him. Have you not seen the

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story of that king who disputed with Ibrahim Ali, you sit down.

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Now Hijjah has a very negative meaning it means that to bring

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someone down means that you want to debate with someone to bring

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someone down to humiliate them. And this was the nature of all the

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previous tyrannical kings, all those who were far from Allah who

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disbelieved in a law in order to protect their reputation. They

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were trying to humiliate the profits and the case of numb rude

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he tried to humiliate Ibrahim alayhi salam, he tried to

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humiliate humiliate the Dawa of Ibrahim Ali Hassan, even in the

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case of Musa alayhis salam for own is calling Musa and he's trying to

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destroy his credibility and trying to paint him as the threat instead

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of him understanding that he's a threat. He's a criminal. He's

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trying to pay Musa as a criminal. He's trying to say that Mussolini

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Assam is a threat here. So this was the nature of these kinds of

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previous people. So Allah says LM Tara Isla de hija, Ibrahima, fear

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Robbie, an atta, hula homework. Why is he acting in this way?

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Because Allah gave him power in authority. And when you have power

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and authority and you don't use it properly, and it is not combined

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with taqwa in the fear of Allah, it can make a person arrogant

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Wallahi. We've seen this all of us I'm sure you will agree with agree

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with me when I say this. You have seen people in your lives, that

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when they have a little power, when they have some authority, it

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corrupts them. So this is something that we find in the

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story of nonroad. Then what did he say? He says, If Paula Ibrahim

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will remember when Ibrahim said to him, he says, Rob be a levy, your

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Free Will you meet? My rod is so powerful, that He gives life and

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He gives us? So this man he says, I know who you owe me, I do the

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same thing too. So what did he do? He gave he called a person. There

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was nothing no charges against him. He took his life. And he

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called the person who was supposed to be put on death row. And he

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gave him life again. He says, See, this person was destined to die.

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I've given him life again. So what's the difference? He says

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Allah for in Allah. Yeah, TB, Shamcey Meenal machine 85 TB

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Hammond and Maghrib. My Rob, he brings a son from the east, and he

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sets it in the West. If you think that you have the same capacity as

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Allah, why don't you bring it from the west. The Quran says that when

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he made this kind of argument, this, the Quran says for bougie,

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tell levy kufr. Bolita means to be in a state of the wilderness, like

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you're in such a state of shock, that you don't even know what to

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say, let me give you a good example. Some years ago, there was

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a CNN had actually brought it brought on an American politician.

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And this American politician was sort of complaining that I don't

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see how Muslims can be in a position of politics. Because when

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you come in a position of power and authority, you have to swear

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upon us generally people do this where upon the Bible, I'm sure

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you've seen this story before, or this clip before, it was

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circulating a lot on social media. So the CNN man says, the anchor

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says that Did you know that you don't have to actually if there

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are Muslims, you don't have to actually swear on the Bible. And

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then he says that this is the law, they can swear upon the Quran

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also. And if you go back to this clip, and you see it, this man is

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basically telling him that Senator Don't you know the laws of your

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own country, and you should have seen his face, you should have

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seen his face, his mouth was open, and he had no idea what to say,

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the Quran, the word of mouth, he says something interesting, the

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word Boo heeta has three different phases. You know, when we say the

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stages of grief, there are stages of Boo heeta. The first is a state

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of shock. Like how could this even happen? The second stage is that

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acknowledging the fact that oh my god, I'm wrong. And the third

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stage is humiliation. All these three things happen to the mood.

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You're inside. He's in a state of shock. He has no idea what to say

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to Ibrahim alayhis salam. So this is the very first story. The

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second story is Ocala de mer, Allah bieten so Allah is

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continuing with the first story when he says alum, Tara Don't you

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understand? And now he's starting the next story. He talks about a

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man who passed by a city and the entire city was completely vacant.

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No one was living there. In fact, the Quran says that so much time

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had gone by over the city that the roofs fell on the walls. And this

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is Allah's way of describing time, by the way, because if you look at

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a house, imagine a house that is completely abandoned for a long

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time. I've slowly and gradually it will begin to have cracks. The

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foundation will go bad and slowly and gradually the walls will cave

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And the roof falls on top. Likewise, Allah saying that so

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much time had gone by, that this place had been abandoned for such

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a long time that the roofs fell on that fell on the walls. Allah

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subhanho wa Taala says that this man, someone one of my they said

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that he was already used to them. He says to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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came for you he had the hidden albidum OTL how's this all gonna

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come back to life? Now by the way, one thing I do want to mention

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this is also why is it that the Quran talks so much about the life

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here after about life after death? Because when the Quran was being

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revealed, there were many groups, many religions who deny this idea

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to begin with that once we die, there is something called

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resurrection. That is why one of the key themes of the MKi sutras

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was that there is something called Life After Death. People

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disbelieve this, there was even in Christianity and some aspects of

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Christianity in some denominations of Christianity, they had a

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totally different idea. And that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala he

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mentioned this often in the Quran. So this man says, How are you

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going to bring all this back to life? So ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada it

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says, For America who law who meet at the Iman, Allah gave this man

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death for how long me a time and 100 years. Then he says, he felt

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meant to allow me I didn't ask him about artha that ALLAH SubhanA

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resurrect him after 100 years. He says Paula coming up with Allah is

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asking this man, how long were you? How long were you asleep? He

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says loveth to Yeoman. Oh Baba young probably a day or some part

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of a day. He says Allah come with me at Iman. In fact, you were

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asleep for 100 years. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala he says fungal

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Isla panoramica we should all be Kalamata Sana wonder Illa hematic

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Allah saying look at your food your food has not gone has not

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gone what has not gone spoiled. Okay, your food is say the same

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way as it was 100 years ago. But look at your animal. One Lord Eli

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Acumatica Wally Niger Iloka Yetta Lynas, look at your donkey has

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become bones. Now, by the way, when we look at the story, we

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simply say Oh Allah subhanho wa Taala did not let the food go bad

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Allah let the animal you know turn into bones. What's the big deal?

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There is a very beautiful point behind this we don't understand.

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When you look at animals you look at you look at a carcass and you

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look at food. Generally speaking, scientifically speaking, which one

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will go to which one will go to waste first, which one will become

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bad first, the food you see this is Allah's way of showing his

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power, that the food that journey goes sour A goes badly becomes

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rotten. That is what Allah protected. On the other hand, the

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animal the carcass, which usually takes years and years for eight to

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turn from, from a fully flesh animal from a carcass to just only

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bones takes a whole lot more time. But this is Allah's way of showing

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that I'm not just only I don't only I don't only have the

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capacity of bringing life to it from bringing life after death,

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but I also control time. This is something that no one can control

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that the food was okay but the animal the carcass, when

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completely it will became only bones. Then Allah subhanho wa

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Taala shares Allah story we brought him out even Salam, and

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then he brought him out here someone's asking ALLAH SubhanA wa

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Tala Ya Allah, how do you bring life after death? Allah asked

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Ibraheem Alehissalaam Do you not actually believe Do you have

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doubts in your iman? He says, No, I don't have doubts in my Eman.

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Well I can leave to my Nickleby just for my contentment sake. He

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says all of our hoods arboretum Miata, take four birds, cut them

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into pieces, distribute them on different mountains, and then call

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them and you will see how Allah subhanho wa Taala brings all of

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them back together. So now you have three different conversations

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taking place, but what are some of the key lessons Inshallah, just

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give me five more minutes, I'm going to go through some important

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key lessons. The very first thing that we learned from this story of

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Ibrahim alayhis salam is the Quran says that num root is the one who

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debated Ibrahim alayhis salam. It was not Ibrahim debating num ruled

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by him who initiated the who initiated the debate. What do we

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learn from this? It is a an ethic that our Dean has taught us that

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we should not unnecessarily engage in debates, and especially

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initiate debates, when there is no productive if there is no gonna be

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no productivity that will come out of this. Imagine arguing with

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someone or debating with someone and there's nothing good that's

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going to come out of it than the rdn has taught us. There's no need

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to even engage in a debate like this. Now, the only times you can

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actually debate with someone, because not all debates are bad.

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There are times when Yes, you can debate someone, especially when

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you have a person who's trying to put down Islam or you have a

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person who is saying negative things.

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things on social media about Islam uh, you get in touch with that

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person and you have the knowledge this is key, you have the

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knowledge, you have the backing of you know you you've studied enough

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on that subject matter that you feel that you feel that you can

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actually have a proper academic conversation with this man and you

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can engage in a debate that no problem but to simply go and

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initiated debate is just not part of our deen. In fact, our Alma

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have said that there are many people of the past and we find

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even today many youth also to be frank, they feel the need, I want

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to go and study knowledge so that I can put down such as that person

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so I can prove myself to someone else to someone else. This is the

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wrong reason of gaining knowledge is actually shows that your Nia is

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not in the correct place when attaining knowledge. So this is

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the very first thing when it comes to giving Dawa. There is no need

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to engage in a debate. Now you find many times, you find many

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organizations that will set up a stall or a booth and people are

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walking by and they're giving them Dawa, handing them flyers Quran

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and so forth. There's nothing wrong with that. But imagine a man

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coming and he decided want to listen, and he wants you to simply

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engage in a debate and so forth. Then usually in that kind of

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situation when you know that even no matter what you will say is

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going to fall on deaf ears. You really just simply walk away from

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that because when you are going to say whatever you want to say, if

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they're not willing to listen, then there's no point you rather

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save your breath to give Dawa to someone else. So this is something

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that we understand when it comes to giving Dawa in the Quran. Also

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when it comes to giving Dawa we see Ibrahim alayhis salam Ibrahim

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Al you some said my Rob gives life and death. He said my he says I

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also give life and death. What Abraham is on duty he began to

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argue with him, how do you give life and death and so forth? Even

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the fact that this this man No mood, he gave life to a person who

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was on death row and killed a man who was completely innocent. That

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logic in itself does not make sense. But you see Ibrahim Ali

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some did not argue with this man. He just brought up another

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argument Simple as that. And when it comes to giving Dawa This is a

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very key thing. You make your points your job. Our job is to

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state the facts. Our job is to give Dawa and call people to Allah

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subhana wa Taala it is not necessarily our job to show the

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the the fallibility of their Dawa. It is not our job to show the

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flaws of their religion. Our Deen has made it very clear you state

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who Allah is you bring people to look towards Islam. This is what

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Dawa is. Another important thing that we find also from this story

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is an atta hula homework. Why is he arrogant because of the

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authority that he has given us. And the reality is brothers,

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sisters, we all in some state, in some shape or form, we are going

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to be in a position of authority at some time in our life.

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authority, power corrupts. We've heard this before. This is why

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power is a responsibility. If I'm a man, and I have a responsibility

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to look after my family, I have that authority. That is why Allah

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is gonna ask me as a man of the house, how much do I take care of

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my family? Did I protect my family for the fire? jahannam? Did I

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educate my family? Why? Because I am in a position of power and

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authority. Why is it? Think about it? When you read the Quran? We

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have to use our mind when Allah talks about the rights of men and

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women. Why do you start off with men? Think about it for a moment.

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Why? Because men have that authority in the family. When

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Allah talks about men and their authority, they will be the very

00:18:39 --> 00:18:42

first ones question on the Day of Judgment also because they had

00:18:42 --> 00:18:45

that authority. So whenever we are a position of authority, we have

00:18:45 --> 00:18:49

to use our authority in the correct way. A third lesson to be

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learned from all this is, is it wrong? To ask questions about

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Allah subhanho wa taala. You see Ibrahim Alia some is asking a

00:18:57 --> 00:19:01

question about Allah. The story the second story of Hosea Allah

00:19:01 --> 00:19:05

you some as many olema they say he's asking a question to Allah

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subhanho wa taala. Does this mean that asking questions is wrong?

00:19:10 --> 00:19:14

It's not wrong. The key thing is that you can say that, Why did

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Allah subhanho wa Taala do this? Now a lot of times we may not find

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the answer to everything. Like someone can come to me and say,

00:19:20 --> 00:19:25

Why did Allah tell us to do we'll do this way? I don't know that.

00:19:25 --> 00:19:28

You're a saint. I may come up with the hikma and the wisdom, I made

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sure that what we think is right, but at the end of the day, every

00:19:32 --> 00:19:35

single law that comes from Allah, I don't need to provide a proof or

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reason why Allah said it. If Allah said it, Allah said it simple as

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that. When people have come to me and say, Why did Allah say this

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such as such? Because Allah said, as simple as that we don't need to

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provide an answer, but at the same time, a person in their own mind

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is thinking to themselves. I wonder Why did Allah say this?

00:19:54 --> 00:19:57

Then in that case, first of all, is that the Eman of a person

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should say, because Allah said so

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But of course in the case of Ibrahim Ali some you saying your

00:20:02 --> 00:20:06

Allah just for my contentment of heart sake. And that case you can

00:20:06 --> 00:20:09

make this dua to Allah, if Allah brings it to the knowledgeable

00:20:09 --> 00:20:14

person, no problem, but the NIA has to be correct. I'm not asking

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or not thinking about this, because I'm objecting to Allah,

00:20:18 --> 00:20:22

but rather for probably from my content sake, but Iman is

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required. And the last thing I'm going to share is that this this

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story of Ibrahim alayhis salam, where he's asking Allah to how do

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you bring life to death? Or bring life after death? And he brought

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in Allah is saying to Abraham, are you some? Do you not? Will you

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have doubts in your faith? Interestingly, there was a there

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was a, there was a conversation that took place one time between

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two Sahaba the Allah I know, I'm blaming ibis, and I'm like, Oh my

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God, Allah Juan. And they both were asking each other a question

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and he said that to you. What is the idea that provides you the

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most amount of hope they're asking each other. So Abdullah bin Ahmed

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says, the idea that provides me the most amount of Hope is the

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idea. Kalia everybody. Alladhina Asafa unfussy him they're talking

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to me Rahmatullah that, no matter how much far we have gone from

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Allah subhanho wa taala. Always come back to Allah, Allah will

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forgive our sins. I'm delighted, but I bet says that, for me, the

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ayat that provides me the most amount of hope. Now, keeping in

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mind, Abdullah Abbas who he was, he was a very knowledgeable young

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Sahabi of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when it comes

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to people who are very knowledgeable, they're always

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thinking on a different level compared to everyone else. He says

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that the idea that provides me the most amount of hope in the Quran,

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is this idea where Ibrahim alayhis salam is asking Allah, the how

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does he bring life after death? And he says that the reason why is

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because I least I know that I can think about some of these kinds of

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questions. And I'm not crossing any limits of my Eman. I have that

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you know, damage flexibility, that I can ask where I can think about

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these kinds of questions. So he says that to me, this idea

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provides the most amount of hope. So three stories a lot of lessons

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from $1 perspective, question, I mean, from authority perspective,

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things to be learned also I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala once again

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after this you know inshallah once this is uploaded, you can again go

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back to all the lessons that reflections but that is the key,

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the story is not the key, the lessons and the reflections are

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the key. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala they grant us the trophy to

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apply all these things in our life. I mean, what would it mean

00:22:32 --> 00:22:35

where does that come Allah Hi, Salaam Alaikum to label to catch

00:22:35 --> 00:22:35


00:22:37 --> 00:22:44

in Mussolini now almost Lima de one meaning me nothing will

00:22:44 --> 00:22:48

quantity now I looked on it that thing was slowly being I was

00:22:48 --> 00:22:54

sliding on the one saw Dina was Slavia right the one before she

00:22:54 --> 00:22:55

you know wonderful she

00:22:57 --> 00:23:02

wouldn't fall she mean I want to fall she is the one downside BP

00:23:02 --> 00:23:12

now one downside the importing was slow on me and I was all in

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one you have you Lena photo gentleman one half of what he was

00:23:19 --> 00:23:21

that good enough long I guess.

00:23:22 --> 00:23:26

Was the guilt or I don't know hula

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