Nadim Bashir – Conversations In The Quran #1 God & Angels

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The upcoming series of conversations in the Quran focus on the importance of creating a khalifa and the use of clay in the brain. The speakers discuss the importance of the creation of the human race and the practical demonstration of its value. They also touch on the importance of education for individuals and the need for individuals to attain a higher education. The speakers stress the importance of sharing practical demonstration of his teachings and the value of knowledge for sharing it with others.
AI: Transcript ©
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We're gonna be starting a new series inshallah

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called the conversations in the Quran.

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So, we're gonna inshallah go through all the

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the conversations, whether the conversations were taking place

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between Allah and the malaika,

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the people of Jannah, the people of Jahannam,

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and many other inshaAllah.

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Today, we're gonna take the very first conversation

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that takes place in the Quran, and that

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is the conversation

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that takes place between Allah and the angels.

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Now before this conversation starts, if you read

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Surah Baqarah, Surah Baqarah begins with Allah subhanahu

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wa'ala talking about iman and the 3 groups

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the 3 groups of people, the people who

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are believers, the people who are the munafiqun,

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and those who are the kuffar.

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After that, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala talks about

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his creation.

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And at the end of that passage, Allah

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says something very interesting. He says,

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Allah says that you all were dead. There

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was nothing that didn't exist.

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Then Allah brought things alive.

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Things Allah

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brought things to life.

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Then they will be returned to Allah

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The question is, what is that one thing

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that Allah

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gave life to right after that Allah mentions

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the creation of the human race? So you

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see that there's a connection here.

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The ulemaadi state that why is it? Allah

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we find in the Quran, so many different

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stories that Allah wanted to do something,

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He wanted to create something.

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Never would he ask others about what he

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wanted to do. Why is it that he

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went to the

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and he said that this is what I'm

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thinking to do? First of all is that

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if anyone has this idea

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that Allah cannot do something

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without the consultation

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of the malaika,

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and without their input, then this is a

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comment or even a blasphemous

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idea to think about Allah Allah does not

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need anyone's approval.

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Allah does not need to make

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with anyone before He does something.

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But the ulamati states something very interesting,

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and that is that the reason why perhaps

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Allah wanted this

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conversation to take place

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was because

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Allah wanted to show,

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and Allah wanted the malaika

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to understand

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that how valuable the human race is,

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and how honorable they are.

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Because in all the stories of the

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who was the one that Allah would send

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to the It was the angels.

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So, if the angels have a very negative

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about the human beings, or what they are,

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and what they do,

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then they perhaps would it would impact their

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kind of work when they came to the

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human beings. Because they are the ones who

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are gonna interact with the human beings, They're

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gonna do things carrying out the orders of

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Allah that are related to the human beings.

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Allah wanted to create a situation

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where they will get a demonstration

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that who are the human beings, and that

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is why this conversation took place.

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The conversation begins with Allah telling the

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I intend to create a khalifa.

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A khalifa means a generation,

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one that comes after another.

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Hence we call

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them 1 khalifa coming after another khalifa.

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Some ulamadi say that khalifa is in reference

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to progenies and generations.

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You have a generation.

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And as some people they say, that after

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every 40 years, there is a generational shift

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that takes place.

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So there are shifts that take place, and

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there's a khalifa. There are, meaning that there

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are people who come after another.

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Generation that come one after another.

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Likewise, another meaning of khalifa is a group

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of people

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that will establish the orders of Allah on

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the faces earth. So Allah says, This is

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my intention. The

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they said,

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If the purpose

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to serve If the purpose is to serve

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Allah, then we're doing that. We are doing

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the tasmi of Allah. We are glorifying Allah.

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We're carrying out the orders of Allah. If

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this is the reality and this is the

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purpose, we're doing this.

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What is the need to create another creation?

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And what will this creation

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do? They are gonna spread chaos on Earth,

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they will commit bloodshed,

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and why and how do the malaika know

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about this? Because the jinns were already on

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the faces earth,

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and they were doing the same exact things.

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So the malaika are simply asking a question

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to Allah. They're not objecting to Allah, rather

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just asking a simple question that if the

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purpose is to carry out your orders and

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is your obedience,

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then what is the purpose behind this? To

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which Allah said,

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You don't understand

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or you don't know what I know.

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I know

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something that you're not aware of. Then Allah

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He taught Adam

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the names of everything. Now the ulema, they

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say that when when Allah says

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it actually means,

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meaning that Allah taught the names

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and the names of everything to Adam

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Then he presented Adam

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to the

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and then he says,

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At that time they said Allah said to

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the angels,

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that tell me these names

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if you are truthful in your statement. Once

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again, they made a claim against a human

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being. So if you are truthful in your

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claim, tell me the names.

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They said,

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We do not have knowledge except for what

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you have given us.

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And You are the one who is the

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most knowledgeable and the most wise.

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Knowledgeable in the sense that Allah gives knowledge

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to whoever He wants, and hakeem is that

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He is most wise in what decisions Allah

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makes. Then Allah says,

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Give them the names of everything.

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When Adam

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mentioned all the names,

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said, Allah said to them,

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Did I not tell you?

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Did I not tell you that I have

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the knowledge of the unseen,

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and what I hide and what I expose,

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all of that it comes is in my

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knowledge? At that time Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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He said,

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At that time Allah gave the order to

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all the malaika

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to drop down in Sujood to Adam

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All the angels they did, except for Ibelis.

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This is where the story ends in Surat

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Al Baqarah. Now,

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after this, Allah does mention about Adam

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coming on the face of this earth, but

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I want to go back to the conversation,

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and there are some interesting points to understand

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here from this conversation.

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The very first thing is that when Allah

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created the human being,

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it is mentioned in a hadith

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that Allah told the angels

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that I want you to scout the earth,

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and I want you to bring clay,

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clay in the colors, different colors,

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white, black,

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brown. Bring me all these different colors of

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clay. Not only that, but bring me clay

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that is soft, Bring me clay that is

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hard. Give me clay Bring me clay that

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is, you know, not too hard, not too

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soft. Right in the middle, that is mediocre.

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And the ulama, they say that the reason

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we today are human beings, and we all

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are different in terms of our temperament,

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is because of the clay that was brought

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to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Just like there

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is hard clay, there are people who have

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a very hard personality.

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Just like there is soft clay, there are

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people who have a very soft personality,

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and likewise.

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So this is the creation of the human

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race. The second thing is, that Allah

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is telling the

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Now think about this.

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The are giving a simple logic.

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Are they true in their logic based on

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their understanding?

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Not on Allah's understanding, based on their understanding.

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They're making a logical argument to Allah. Why

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would you wanna do something if the purpose

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is to serve you? And Allah is saying,

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I know what you do not know. From

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this du'ulama they say, that something we can

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learn from this statement is,

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that everything that happens in this duniya,

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no matter how logically we may have an

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we may ask, You Allah, why is this

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happening to the people of Gaza?

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Why is this happening to the people of

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India? Why is there so much

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There are people, and especially atheists who bring

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this argument all the time. Why is there

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evil on earth? Right? They bring this argument

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all the time. Once again,

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Allah is telling, no matter how much you

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think you know, just like he's telling the

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angels, no matter how much you think you

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know, there are things that I'm aware of,

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and you're not aware of. And this is

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where we have to put our trust in

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the knowledge of Allah

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Another explanation given by the Ullama they say

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is, that this ayah of the Quran

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falls in line with the hadith that is

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found in Sahih Muslim. There's a hadith found

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in Sahih Muslim that the they have shifts,

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and they go to Allah

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So there's a hadith that says that the

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they came to Allah

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and Allah, knowing the full reality, he asked,

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How did you find or how did you

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leave my slave?

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The angels, they are saying that we came

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to them in the morning time, and they

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were praying salat.

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We left from them in the evening, and

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they were still engaged in salat.

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To which their ulema they say, This is

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the idea of

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Allah knows that within this ummah, there's prophets.

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Within this ummah, within this human race, there's

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gonna be messengers.

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Within this human race, there are gonna be

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people who care for others. There are people

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who look after others. There are people who

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are gonna be close to Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Not everyone is gonna be corrupt. Yes, the

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majority are corrupt.

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There's no question of that. The majority are

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corrupt, but there are still a handful of

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who do worship Allah and who do carry

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out the orders of Allah. So when they

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leave the human being in the state of

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salat, and they come to the human being

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in the state of salat, this is when

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Allah says,

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Another interesting

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tafsir I found of this ayah is, that

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Allah is telling the

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not in reference to the human being. Though

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this is a not a very popular opinion,

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but I found this opinion that Allah is

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in reference, or is referencing to shaytan here.

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He's telling the You

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think that this jinn who is coming and

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staying with you, and he is so pious

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and so forth, you think that he is

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so elevated?

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You I know something about him that you're

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not aware of. I know his flaws. Though

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you may want to elevate his strengths, but

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I know exactly

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who he is.

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This Another another interesting point here is, from

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this is,

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that this is Allah's practical demonstration

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of telling them, and teaching them something interesting.

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Because see, I shared this last week with

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you very briefly.

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There are many purposes

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for all these conversations in the Quran. Sometimes,

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Allah wants to teach the

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that He knows something that they are not

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aware of, and the value of the human

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race. So when Allah is telling them this,

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He could have just said, I know more

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than you. Simple as that. But Allah

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is giving them a practical demonstration

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that the reason why I'm saying this is

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that he created Adam

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So they say from this, that this is

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a teaching

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technique. Whenever you share something with someone, try

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to give a practical demonstration, so that people

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understand this. The last point I will share

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with you from these ayat are

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the value of knowledge.

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gave Adam

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a very

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rank. Why?

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Because of

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their that Allah gave to Adam

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He knew more than the angels they did

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at that time. In front of Allah Allah

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created this situation.

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But the ulema they say, From this aya

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we understand

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the human race

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has a very high rank because of the

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intellect that Allah has given them. When you

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to even

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have physical energy. They are physically more powerful

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than the human being, there's no question about

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that. But when it comes to pure intellect,

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there's no doubt in the fact that human

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beings, the

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in terms of intellect, they are superior than

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the jinn. When it comes to physicality, the

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jinn are superior. But in terms of intellect,

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the human being is superior. And this is

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why the very first revelation that came into

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this ummah was what?

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There is such And I talked about this

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one time in my khutbah. There is such

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a lack of intellect today in our own

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There is a lack of pushing our youngsters,

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and pushing our youth to attain a higher

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Education is something that is very important. And

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this is why Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in

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Suratul Rahman, what did he say? He says,

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He taught the Quran.

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He gave him the ability to speak and

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so forth.

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Knowledge in itself is something that is

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very prestigious and very honorable. And here the

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ulema they say, the fact that knowledge was

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that key criteria

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of showing Adam's superiority over the angels, and

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that is why we learned from this. That

00:14:31 --> 00:14:32

when it comes to knowledge,

00:14:32 --> 00:14:34

knowledge in itself is something that we all

00:14:34 --> 00:14:37

should attain. The last point, I promise when

00:14:37 --> 00:14:38

I say inshaAllah, this is the last point

00:14:38 --> 00:14:39


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If you really think about this, the

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00:14:44 --> 00:14:46

when they were created by Allah

00:14:47 --> 00:14:48

they were created for one purpose,

00:14:49 --> 00:14:50

and that purpose is to carry out the

00:14:50 --> 00:14:51

orders of Allah.

00:14:53 --> 00:14:54

The the

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on the other hand, they have been created

00:14:57 --> 00:14:58

by Allah

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but they have been created only with one

00:15:01 --> 00:15:04

thing in life, and that is desires.

00:15:04 --> 00:15:07

That's all they do, Fulfill their desires.

00:15:07 --> 00:15:10

The human being, the reason why the human

00:15:10 --> 00:15:12

being has such a high rank in the

00:15:12 --> 00:15:13

eyes of Allah

00:15:14 --> 00:15:17

that even a hadith they mentioned. As long

00:15:17 --> 00:15:19

as one person is on the face of

00:15:19 --> 00:15:21

this earth saying, Allah, Allah, Allah will not

00:15:21 --> 00:15:23

bring this earth to an end.

00:15:23 --> 00:15:25

When that one person is gone, then Allah

00:15:25 --> 00:15:27

will remove this earth.

00:15:27 --> 00:15:28

When a person

00:15:29 --> 00:15:31

is surrounded by temptations,

00:15:32 --> 00:15:33

and they're surrounded by obligations,

00:15:34 --> 00:15:36

that is why life is a test for

00:15:36 --> 00:15:39

the human being. This is why we will

00:15:39 --> 00:15:42

be given jannah. This is why the jinns

00:15:42 --> 00:15:44

will be given jannah, and no other creation

00:15:44 --> 00:15:46

will be given jannah. Because see, jannah comes

00:15:46 --> 00:15:49

at a price. You have to work hard

00:15:49 --> 00:15:51

for jannah. When the human being The reason

00:15:51 --> 00:15:52

why Allah cares

00:15:53 --> 00:15:55

about the human being is because that they

00:15:55 --> 00:15:58

are surrounded by temptations and obligations,

00:15:58 --> 00:16:01

and yet despite all their the temptations,

00:16:01 --> 00:16:04

and the temptations in society, they still wake

00:16:04 --> 00:16:06

up at night, they still read Quran, they

00:16:06 --> 00:16:09

still are fasting, they're still doing the zikr

00:16:09 --> 00:16:11

of Allah, they are surrounded by so much

00:16:11 --> 00:16:13

wrong, yet they always do the right thing.

00:16:13 --> 00:16:16

This is why Allah gives them jannah in

00:16:16 --> 00:16:17

the hereafter.

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Why? Because they are proving the malaika wrong

00:16:20 --> 00:16:23

in one way. This is us proving Allah

00:16:23 --> 00:16:23


00:16:24 --> 00:16:26

Imagine if someone's gonna prove you right, you're

00:16:26 --> 00:16:29

gonna feel very proud about them. Likewise, when

00:16:29 --> 00:16:31

we are doing these things, we are proving

00:16:31 --> 00:16:33

Allah's statement right when he says,

00:16:35 --> 00:16:37

So these are few important things that we

00:16:37 --> 00:16:40

learned from this conversation. Beautiful conversation that we

00:16:40 --> 00:16:42

find in the Quran, inshaAllah.

00:16:42 --> 00:16:44

Next week we're gonna go into the conversation

00:16:44 --> 00:16:46

between the people of Jannah, and the people

00:16:46 --> 00:16:49

of Jahannam, and between them and shaitaan, inshaAllah.

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I ask Allah to give all these tawfiq

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to benefit from

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these ayat.

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