Nadim Bashir – Community Ethics – Surah Hujurat Tafsir Verse 7

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The tafsir of Islam is designed to encourage people to be mindful of the words "naughty," "naughty," and "naughty." The message is to be wary of these words and actions, and the hierarchy of the church is key to shaping behavior. Allah's actions are designed to make people beautiful and make them dislike all aspects of their life, and making decisions based on guidance and being mindful of one's actions is crucial to making them beautiful.
AI: Transcript ©
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Before Ramadan, we started the tafsir after on

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Saturdays after Sadaf Fajr, we started the tafsir

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of Surat Al Hajarat.

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And the intention behind starting this tafsir

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is simply because we all live in a

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and there are certain ethics that we have

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to apply,

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and we must uphold in order for our

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communities to to thrive,

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in order to maintain peace within our communities.

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And of course, this is all again, a

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reminder for all of us. We started the

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of the Surah, and we got through approximately

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6 verses of the Surah.

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The last ayah that we covered was,

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A simple message behind this verse is that

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whenever This is Allah telling Rasulullah alaihi wa

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but in essence, he is in telling he

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is telling the entire ummah. Whenever anyone brings

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you any news,

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before you react to that news, make sure

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you do your investigation.

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Make sure you do your full thorough research

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behind the story.

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Because the Quran says to the prophet shalallahu

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alaihi wa sallam, and he's telling And Allah

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is telling us,

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if you were to take action

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on the news that comes to you

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without your research,

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then you could do something that you could

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be regretful about later on.

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You could be regretful over your actions.

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So this is the last ayah that we

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covered. The next ayah is

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ayah number 7. Allah says,

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Now in the Quran, whenever Allah says,

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This is no different than the word

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Like Allah says in Surat Al Hadid.

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When Allah talks about the reality of this

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Allah is breaking down what this duniya is.

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What this duniya shows us is one thing,

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but the reality on the back end, Allah

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is telling us in this verse. Allah began

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the verse with

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This is the same thing.

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And to help you understand

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how great

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and how important this word is.

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You know, imagine if you're watching an infomercial,

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and the infomercial starts off by saying warning.

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Warning. And it's red, and it's blinking over

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and over again. Or you see the word

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As soon as you see something like this,

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you know immediately,

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I need to pay attention. There's some very

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important information that's about to be shared. When

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Allah says,

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, it's exactly the same

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way Allah is saying, beware of this information.

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It's a warning to everyone.

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What is the warning? What Allah

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is trying to convey to us? And what

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is he trying to tell the sahaba? He

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In your midst

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you have Rasulullah.

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Now, this is Allah telling the sahaba that

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do you understand the magnitude of this matter?

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You don't have any random person.

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The greatest person

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in human civilization

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is in your midst.

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So think about this, you know when a

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when a when a guest is about to

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come to our house, what do we tell

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our children? Look, I have a very important

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guest. This is a very important person to

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me. I want you to be on your

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best behavior. We tell this to our own

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Likewise, Allah is telling the sahaba,

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do you understand

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that who you have in your company, you

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have Rasulullah.

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You better be on your best behavior. You

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better behave in the best way possible. And

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this is why there are other ayaats

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where Allah is instructing

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the sahaba how to behave

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around Rasulullah

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And in essence,

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Allah is telling us how we should behave

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in the company of the prophet Now, a

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person can ask one simple question.

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I understand

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or we understand

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when Allah tells the sahabah

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that the Prophet is in your is your

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company or he's in your gathering.

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But what about us?

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We don't see rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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We're not around

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rasulullah How does this ayah apply to us?

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And the answer is very simple.

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The prophet

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physically may not be present amongst us,

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but his guidance is amongst us. His sunnah

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is with us.

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His guidelines

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is with us. His advices are with us.

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So this is us benefiting

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Then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says something very

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beautiful. He says,

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This is the very first part of the

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sentence. Allah is telling the Sahaba that if

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you believe

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that your opinions

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are more logical,

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and they make more sense,

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and if you believe that the that the

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should listen to you in your affairs, and

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in your matters,

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This will cause you a great deal of

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Now think about this. In the previous verse,

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very beautifully, what did Allah say? If they

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come to you,

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oh Rasool Allah,

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do your research.

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In this verse, Allah is telling the believers

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that if the prophet comes to you,

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it will cause you undue harm. It will

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cause you immense amount of harm. So Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling the sahaba

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that no matter how much you think you

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more than rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, the

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most important thing is in terms of the

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the first thing that comes is

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the opinion of Allah and the opinion of

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rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam. This is what

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comes first.

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opinions, they come secondary.

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And then also we find a great example

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of this, where in the sire of the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Where 3 men

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came to the doors, and to the house

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of our mother Aisha

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And what did they say? That we will

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One said, I will never ever sleep at

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The other person said what?

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I'm gonna fast

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every single day. And the third one said

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gonna stay away from women. What did the

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prophet say? That see, you see these three

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they came. And what were they trying to

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show is that no matter who the prophet

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we, our taqwa, is here.

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My abstinence is here.

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My my spirituality

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is up here. And perhaps it may be

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down here.

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And what did the prophet say waslam tell

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them? That no. You see, once again, Allah

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is telling that that if you think that

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you are smarter, and your opinions matter more

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than the

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First comes Rasulullah

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And though you might think that you have

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more spirituality

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than rasulullah sallam, but what you're doing is

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not right. And that is why the prophet

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later on when he came home, what did

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he say? What happened, o Aisha? Aisha radiAllahu

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anha says, these 3 men came. What did

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the prophet say? He says, I am more

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fearful to Allah than these 3 people, but

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I also engage in marriage. And there are

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times of the night when I also sleep,

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And there are times of the night when

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I wake up, and I engage in an

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ibadah. And there are days when I fast,

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and there are days when I don't fast.

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So once again, this is the very first

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thing that Allah subhanahu wa'ala is telling the

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The second thing that Allah subhanahu wa'ala is

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telling the believers is

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This is also a very beautiful sentence. Allah

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is telling us that

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what he has made beautiful in our hearts

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Allah has made beloved to us

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iman and faith in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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But see, you know, how You know the

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word hub. Hub in Arabic means what?

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A seed.

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Okay? In the law as saliqul hub. Right?

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A seed. When you plant a seed into

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the ground,

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does that grow immediately?

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No, it does not. It takes time.

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Likewise, when it comes to the hub,

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when it comes to the love of Allah

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and the love of iman, it takes time.

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The love of Allah and his prophet may

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be planted in our heart.

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It may be beloved to us, but you

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have to continuously water it. You have to

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look after it. You have to nurture it.

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And after a while what happens is, when

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that seed of iman begins to sprout,

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then you see a beautiful thing. When you

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put a seed into the ground, and after

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3, 4, 6 weeks, you see the plant

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coming out and so forth, and it's growing.

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And now it looks beautiful, right? Likewise Allah

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is telling us,

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Allah has made beloved to you iman. Iman

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has been planted into the heart, but then

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you water it, you nurture it, and as

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a result it grows, and what happens was,

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and it becomes something very beautiful in your

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A scholar gave a very beautiful example. He

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that, try to imagine the

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the tree as like iman.

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Because there's a lot of examples in the

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Quran about the tree. He says that imagine

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that tree that is bearing fruits.

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He says that as long as

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the fruit

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is attached to the tree,

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as long as the fruit is attached to

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the tree,

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the sweetness will grow in that fruit.

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The color of that fruit will change,

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but as soon as

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that fruit is detached,

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and is severed from the tree, and it

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falls onto the ground,

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then it is susceptible to any kind of

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damage. People can walk right over it, people

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may even pick it up, but there'll be

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no more

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color changing in that fruit.

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That that fruit may become

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Now it it may it may be ripe,

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it may be unripe, but what's gonna happen

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now is, it won't grow anymore. It might

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become ripe but then it will become rotten

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after that.

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the more we stay connected to iman,

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and we connect We stay connected to faith,

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then our iman will become beautiful.

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When a person's iman becomes beautiful, it shows

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in their ibadah. When a person's iman becomes

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beautiful, it shows in their akhlaq. It shows

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in their ma'amalal.

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It shows how they It shows when they

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are working and dealing with others. So this

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is what Allah is saying, that he has

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made beloved to you, mean to us, iman.

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And he has made it muzayan. He has

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made it beautiful in our hearts. And what

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has he made us dislike?

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He has made us dislike. Kufr. Kufr means

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Kufr also means being ungrateful to Allah.

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And to to commit sins,

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excessive sins.

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In disobedience to Allah. So Allah has made

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certain things beloved to us, and he has

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made certain things

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disliking to us. And then Allah

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says that anyone who loves iman, and iman

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is growing in their heart, and they dislike

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and sinning and disobedience to Allah, Allah says

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as a result these people are

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I explained this in Ramadan one time.

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Comes to the word.

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Rushd basically means

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a person who's continuously

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on the guidance. They make decisions

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according to the guidance of Allah and the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. That's why we

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Because every single decision they made was based

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on the Quran, and the sunnah of Rasulullah

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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or something similar or close to the prophet

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salallahu alayhi wasalam's sunnah, if they could not

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find anything in the sunnah of Rasulullah salallahu

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alayhi wasalam.

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So this is what we need to focus

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on. And this is why there's a very

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beautiful dua of Rasulullah

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This is based on this exact verse of

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the Quran. There's a dua of

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That you Allah make iman beloved to us,

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and make it beautiful in our heart, and

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make us dislike kufr, and disobedience,

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and on being ungrateful to you, to you,

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You Allah. And then Allah subhanahu

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says, anyone who has this.

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We might think that the person who has

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the most amount of duniya, they have the

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most amount of bounty of Allah

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Allah is saying, no. These are the people

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This is the fadhal of Allah

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This is the Fadl and the niyam of

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is all knowing,

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and he is

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and Allah is the one who is all

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wise. So we'll finish on this inshallah.

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The point is that, my brothers and sisters,

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is that

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that the first thing is that the prophet

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Allah subhanahu wa'ala is saying, our opinions does

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not matter when it comes to Allah and

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his prophet

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Allah and his

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prophet are at the top, then everything comes

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In Surul Bara'a, the same thing.

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It's 3 things. There are 3 things. Allah

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and his prophet

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and he was striving in the cause of

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in Surah, Surah Bara'ah. But first comes Allah

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and his prophet, then everything comes afterwards. And

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what we should be focused on is that

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developing our iman, making sure it becomes beautiful,

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that it shows on our actions, it shows

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in our Ibadah. And what we try to

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focus on is disliking all these things in

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our life. I ask Allah to

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make us from amongst those who will focus

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on their iman, and their iman will make

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them beautiful.

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