Nadim Bashir – Community Ethics Surah Hujurat Tafsir Verse 15

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of " "time" in internet use and community issues, emphasizing the importance of community ethics and showing faith in Islam. They also touch on the challenges people face in achieving spirituality and belief, including struggles with achieving their spirituality and belief. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing faith in Islam and physicality in assignments.
AI: Transcript ©
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So every Saturday morning, we take 1 or

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2 verses of Surat Al Hajarat, and we

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just try to cover and try to understand

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the application of these ayat and how we

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understand them in our own personal perspectives.

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First of all, is that today the ayah

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that we are covering, inshaAllah, is ayah number

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but ayah number 15 is connected to ayah

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number 14,

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which we talked about last week. Throughout Surat

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Al Hujurat, Allah

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has been talking about community ethics,

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community matters, community affairs.

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But in eye number 14, Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala he sort of switches gears,

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and now he is talking about iman.

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And Allah

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in last week's verse, he said,

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This is the verse that where you had

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a handful of people,

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a certain group of people in Madinah,

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who made this very bold claim that we

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have iman.

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And last week, I remember I gave you

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the example of a car. When you say,

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I have iman, mean that you have the

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entire package.

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But iman has so many branches, and this

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is a very bold claim that a person

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makes. And 2 things I shared with you

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last week from that ayah. Number 1 is

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that a person when he says he makes

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a claim,

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then you have to understand that that is

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a very big claim, and you have to

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back up your claim. A person who says,

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I have iman.

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That implies

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that you have the entire package.

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And many of us, we may not even

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have the whole package. We may have some

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aspects of iman. Some shades of iman, but

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we don't have the entire

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goal The entire picture, or the entire package

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of iman. Number 2 is,

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that because

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iman is something to do with the heart,

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and when it comes to community,

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we always tend to compare ourselves to others.

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We always believe that I'm better than others.

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And yes, there should be some kind of

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Competition, healthy competition is good.

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when it comes to judging others, we cannot

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judge anyone.

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We cannot judge anyone. We cannot pass a

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regarding anyone. Why? Because judgment is based on

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Taqwa is a matter of the heart, and

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all matters of the heart is something that

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is only in the knowledge of Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala.

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So now the question still begs

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that if Okay. If I understand

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that I cannot make such bold claims, and

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I understand I cannot judge anyone. But what

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is iman? And this is where the next

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verse comes into the picture, item number 15.

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Allah says,

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Those people Indeed, those are the ones. When

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Allah says,

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it is used for hasr, meaning that it

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is exclusively

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these people who have iman. And what does

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that mean? It implies

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that when you make a claim of anything,

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Allah will test us on that. When a

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person makes a claim that I am good

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with others Because once again, this ayah is

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where? In Surah Al Hujurat.

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A surah about community ethics.

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When a person makes his claim that I

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am very good with everyone, I respect everyone,

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I dignify everyone,

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then this claim will be put to test.

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When a person says,

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I'm a very thankful person to Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala. And I've said this before. How

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often does it happen in our lives

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when things are going very well? We say

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that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the best

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of providers.

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But Allah then he will put that claim

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to test.

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Sometimes Allah will put us in a situation

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that Allah will test where is our iman.

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A person who says that I do such

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and such good, Allah will always put to

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test. Why? Because this is what iman is.

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Iman is something that Allah will test us.

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We are living a life where our iman

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is always gonna be tested. It is a

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battle between us and shaitan. And shaitan will

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always try to come and deceive us. And

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we are clinging to our iman,

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clinging to our faith because wallahi, that is

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the only thing that is the the ticket

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to Jannah. Why? Because anytime you study the

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when Jannah is promised,

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Jannah is promised to those who have iman.

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That is the key thing. So Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala says,

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These are the people who have faith in

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Allah and his prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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See brothers and sisters,

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one is faith that, you know, verbally you

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believe in it. From your heart you believe

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in it. But when your backs When our

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backs are against the wall Like right now,

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I said this yesterday in my khutba too.

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How many people are coming right now? And

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they're saying that what is happening in ghazah?

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What Is there any explanation in this matter?

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Why is this happening? Why is Allah doing

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this? Why why does Allah, you know, just

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destroy these people and so forth? And wallahi,

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I wish I had the answer. I wish

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we all had the answer. We all are

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looking for answers, but you see this is

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what faith is.

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When Allah says that those the believers are

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those who have faith in Allah,

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this is what faith in Allah means. It

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does not only mean

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that when things are going well, and we

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we have trust in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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it means that even in difficult circumstances like

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when we see our brothers and sisters being

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slaughtered in Gaza, may Allah aid them and

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support them, and give them 'izzah. And may

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Allah destroy the Valimoun.

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But what we see happening there right now,

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this is a test of faith. For them,

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this is there there's a test. For us,

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there's a test also. So we have to

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always, no matter what the situation is,

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we always put our trust in Allah. We

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put our faith in Allah. Faith is something

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that we may it may not make sense

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to us, but we gotta put our faith

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in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And the words

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of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. And

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usually in times like these, what may happen?

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There may be some doubt.

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Doubt may creep into the hearts and the

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minds of the people. So what happens? Allah

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The signs of these people

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is that they don't they don't doubt Allah

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There is no ambiguity

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that creeps into their heart.

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And a sign of these people is

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that, so one is from a spiritual perspective,

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they believe in Allah. They they they have

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faith in the prophet shalallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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They don't have any doubts, but physically what

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do they do?

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See, Islam is a complete package. 1 is

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belief, 1 is spirituality,

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1 is physicality.

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You have to show physically

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that what you believe in. So Allah says,

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these are the people that they strive with

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their wealth, and they strive with their lives,

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and the cause of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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And Allah then says,

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I'll finish on this. Allah says that these

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are the people who are truthful.

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Now a person may ask, here we're talking

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about striving in the cause of Allah. Striving

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with your wealth. Striving with your life. We're

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talking about belief and spirituality.

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Where did truthfulness come into the picture?

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Truthfulness comes into the picture because

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a person who claims to believe in Allah,

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a person who claims that I will give

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my life for the for Allah, a person

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who claims that I will believe in rasulullah

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salam, a person who claims that I will

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give everything I have for the sake of

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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When a person

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makes all these claims and Allah puts this

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person through all these different circumstances,

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and there is no better example than all

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the anbia in Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

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Every single prophet went through challenges. Rasulullah salallahu

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alaihi wa sallam went through the most amount

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of challenges. And what did they do at

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the end? They showed, they demonstrated

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that they are truthful in their words. They

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made a claim and they backed up their

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This is where you and I today, we

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fall apart. We make all these big claims

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about our spirituality,

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but when the time comes to apply,

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to exercise that spirituality,

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that commitment to Allah, that is where we

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fall apart, and that shows that we are

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not truthful

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in our words. We're not truthful in our

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claims. This is what this ultimately comes down

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to. Do we are we who we truly

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are? Do are we who we truly say

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we are or not?

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That is where this this this test is.

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So Allah

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is saying is that these are the people

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who are the believers. They make all these

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claims, they back it up with action, and

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hence Allah has declared them as a sadiqun.

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I ask Allah

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in light of what is going on, may

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keep us steadfast on iman. May Allah keep

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our children

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steadfast and committed to their faith, and do

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let them not waver in any kind of

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situation. And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make

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us from the sadiqun in this dunya and

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