Nadim Bashir – 3 Ways To Keep The Family Together

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of bringing family together for happiness and family satisfaction, emphasizing the need for spirituality and a focus on personal growth. They stress the importance of showing respect and love towards each other in order to maintain a healthy relationship and take advantage of joint family activities. The speakers also emphasize the importance of bringing peace and happiness to everyone in the family.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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that just as he has gathered us here

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today on this day of jum'ah. May Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala gather us along with our

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families in Jadufriddosul'ala,

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and the companionship of Rasulullah

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Brothers and sisters, one of the most difficult

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things that we are all dealing with in

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a certain capacity,

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and one of the most biggest crisis, I

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would say, within our community

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is the crisis of family.

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There is so much so many issues are

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going on within our families.

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Wallahi, I stand here on this member saying

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this, with no exaggeration,

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that on a weekly basis,

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of the calls that I get,

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99% of the emails that I'm receiving,

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are all related to family crisis.

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And so therefore, there are 3 things today,

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inshaAllah, I wanna mention mention in this brief

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about what we can do in order to

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keep the family ties together. Because the reality

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is that if we find peace and happiness

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in our homes, in our families,

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then we'll find peace and happiness, and we

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will be overall happy.

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But if we try to find that same

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happiness, and we try to substitute

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the happiness that we're supposed to find inside

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the house, anywhere else, wallahi, you will not

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find that happiness.

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Eventually, a person has to go home. Eventually,

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a person has to go back to their

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husband, to their wife, to their children.

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So why not do the things that can

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bring the family together? The very first thing

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that must happen when it comes to bringing

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a family together is that it has to

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be based on spirituality.

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A family that is devoid of spirituality.

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A family may be doing a lot of

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different things, but wallahi, if they don't have

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Allah, and they don't have a priority

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of of establishing the Quran, and establishing the

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sunnah of Rasulullah

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alaihi wa sallam within their family, they will

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not find ultimate happiness.

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At the end of the day,

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happiness is not contingent

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on the size of the house, and how

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many cars you have, and how much real

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estate you have. Happiness

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is contingent on how much you are closer

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to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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There are people who have so much wealth,

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and yet they do not have happiness in

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their life. And there are people who have

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very less in their life, and you'll find

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them happy in many cases. Why? Because if

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their hearts are connected to Allah, and his

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Prophet shalallahu alaihi wa sallam, that also means

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that a person may have a lot of

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wealth, but the wealth is not what's bringing

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them happiness. Their connection to Allah, and the

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connection with the sunnah of the Prophet

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is what's bringing them happiness. So a family

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that is built on spirituality,

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is a family that will find some kind

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of connection. They will be able to come

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together. That means that when the time of

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salah comes,

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and you cannot go to the masjid If

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you can come to the masjid as a

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family, and go back home as a family,

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That is the best. However,

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if you cannot come to the masjid, then

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make sure that at home you set up

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one time. Not that the mother is praying

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her own salat, and the father is praying

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his own salat, and then you're telling the

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children to pray their own salat. No. You

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come together, and you perform salatul jama'ah.

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You perform salat in congregation,

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and then you after the salat, you tell

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your kids to sit down, and everyone do

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the tasbihat.

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Everyone remembers Allah

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These are the things that if we do

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them consistently,

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it will bring the family together.

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Often the family sits down, you can listen

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to a lecture.

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You know, people have smart TVs in their

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home, you listen to a lecture on YouTube

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then discuss it, talk about it. If there

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is someone who brings up a question, an

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Islamic question, often children, they come up with

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many, you know, questions about Islam. Instead of

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getting upset,

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instead of losing our minds,

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sit down, have a conversation with them. Have

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a conversation. If you do if you cannot,

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if you as a parent cannot answer that

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question, then tell them to go to the

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imam, go to the sheikh, go to someone

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in the community who knows about their deen,

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and let them talk to them, insha Allah.

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But the most important thing is,

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spiritually the family has to come together, and

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that is the foundation.

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We see in the Quran,

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Allah whenever you and I, we go for

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umrah, we go for hajj, We are not

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reviving the legacy of only one man, Ibrahim

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alayhis salam.

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Because Allah

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when a family comes together to

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Allah And this is why, till the day

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of judgment,

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every person who goes for Hajj or for

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Umrah, they are reviving the legacy

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of the family. Not just Ibrahim alaihis salam,

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but the family of Ibrahim alaihis salam because

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the entire family was built on spirituality.

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So this is something that is very very

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beloved to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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The second thing that we need to do

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in our families,

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in order to bring the family together, and

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to keep the love there, is that we

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always show love and respect to each other.

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I've talked about this before, and each of

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these three things that I'm mentioning, they can

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require They require their own khutbah. And you

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can talk about them, each of these topics

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for for 2, 3 hours easily.

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But today, right now I have to cover

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these three things, so that we can take

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something back home, with ourselves.

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The second thing is love and respect. A

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husband needs to show respect to his wife.

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The wife needs to show respect to her

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husband. You cannot criticize

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or use derogatory

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terms, be verbally abusive about towards each other,

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especially in front of the kids. Even if

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the kids are not there. Wallahi, I get

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so many calls on a weekly basis, that

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how husbands are using vulgar language

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against their own spouse in front of the

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kids, using derogatory terms, especially when it comes

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to their wives. The woman who gave birth

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to their children, this is how the the

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terms they are using. The wallahi, I cannot

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even stand on this member and use those

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words. And these are people who are coming

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to the masjid. Wallahi makes me upset. It

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makes me angry. But what else can I

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do besides making dua to Allah and talking

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about this? But, yes, there are cases also

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where women are doing this, but more often

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we find, I find, and the stories I'm

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getting and receiving, and the calls I'm getting

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is about men who are using this kind

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of language against their

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spouse, and especially in front of their children.

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Brothers brothers, especially the brothers have the fear

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of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And especially for

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the sisters, I will also say that make

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sure you do not disrespect your husband in

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front of your kids. Often when the kids

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grow up, and the husband now, he his

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authority has perhaps become a little mellow in

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the family. His authority has gone down. Sometimes

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the woman's authority, they they grow. And what

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happens in that situation is they begin to

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disrespect their husbands. So sisters, you have also

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to make sure that you respect your husband,

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and you make sure that you do not

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question his leadership, and you don't question his

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And more importantly, brothers and sisters, as long

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as we can respect each other, yes, I

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get it, we're all human beings. Yes, there

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will be times in the family where we're

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gonna get upset, but after we do that,

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after we even get upset, and we may

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have, you know, we might, you know, we

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might have some anger issues, but after that,

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once we have cooled down, apologize to each

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other. Talk about what the problem is, and

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make sure that that problem does not happen

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again. This is what brings a family together.

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Yes, there's gonna be moments of anger, but

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we use those moments of anger to ensure

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a better future. This is what we need

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to do in our families.

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That in the good days of your marriage,

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you show mawaddah and show love to each

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other. And the difficult days of your marriage,

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and the difficult days of your family, show

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rahma towards each other. This is something that

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is very key. And finally, the third thing

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that we must do in our families in

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order to bring the family together, is do

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joint family activities.

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Go outside. As long as we stay inside

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the house, usually we are all stuck to

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our own computers,

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our Ipads, our social media accounts, and so

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forth. The children are doing their own things,

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the parents are doing their own things. Try

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to find things to do outside the house.

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Even you don't have to go outside the

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house, even go into your own backyard. Do

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something. Do a barbecue in your backyard. Get

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the family together. Have family dinners. When you

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sit down for family dinners, put aside all

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the phones. No one's gonna answer their phones,

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every single gadget stays far away from the

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dining room, and you talk to each other.

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Communicate with each other. This is what is

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lost today in our families.

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This is what is lost. Go outside, do

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joint family activities. Yes, in the beginning the

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children, they may not like it. They may

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not want to go outside with the family

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but you force them. Tell them to go

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with you. When you get invited,

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a lot of times parents are leaving their

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kids. No. You bring your kids along with

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you. Go together as a family. Come back

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together as a family. Spend more time together

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because the more the family spends time together,

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then the more they're gonna stay off these

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gadgets, and the more they will stay off

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social media. So these are a few things

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that we need to do today.

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Of course as I said earlier, that each

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of these things require their own khutbah, but

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at the same time, I want all of

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us here to take these three things back

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home. In order to keep our families together,

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number 1, we have, our families have to

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be built on spirituality.

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We Spirituality,

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our salawat, our adkar, our Quran has to

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be the highest priority.

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Number 2 is, we respect each other. When

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I talk about respecting, we show love to

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each other. Meaning that we talk to each

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other nicely,

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jumma khutba, you hear the same thing.

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Means you be respectful towards each other. Use

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the tongue that Allah has given us in

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the right way. Yes, we're human beings. We

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might lose our temper. Something may come out

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of our mouth that is not nice and

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so forth, but then we apologize,

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and we try to use the past, learn

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from the past for a better future. And

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number 3 is always try to do things

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outside activities,

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external activities outside the house house. Do joint

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activities. Make a plan. This this time we're

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gonna go outside. This time we're gonna go

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outside. We're gonna do things together. Even if

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you're in your own community, in your own

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go outside with for a walk as a

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family. These are things that will bring the

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peace, and the peace and the love within

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our family members, inshaAllah.

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And the same house that many of us

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we feel that have become so toxic for

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us, that same place, inshaAllah. If we can

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implement the Quran, the sunnah, and these few

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things, inshaAllah,

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Those same homes will be a safe haven,

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safe haven for all of us, inshaAllah. I

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ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to bring peace

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and happiness in our families. Ameerabaalameen.

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BarakAllahu laa nawalakum fiqhul anadimwanifaanawawaiyaa

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Straighten lines. Fill in the gaps.

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There's plenty of space inside the main hall.

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Please come inside.

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There's still plenty of space. Please come inside.

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And please make sure the people standing in

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the back two rooms, often the rows are

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If you need to take a few few

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take a few more steps, but please make

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sure the rows are complete.

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