Nadim Ali – Worship In Safety, No Jumah Until A Covid Decline 08 07 20
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Indeed, our praise belongs to Allah, the most
high. We thank him and we seek his
aid and we seek his forgiveness,
and we seek refuge with him from the
evil of ourselves
and from our bad actions.
Whoever Allah guides, then there's no one who
can mislead him. And whoever Allah causes to
go astray, then there's no one to guide
him. I bear witness that there is no
deity except Allah who is unique and with
our partners. And I bear witness that Muhammad
is his worshiper and his messenger. May the
peace and blessings of Allah be upon him
and his family and his companions
and those who follow them with good intentions
until the day of judgment.
All you who believe, fear Allah as he
should be feared and don't die except as
Muslims. And, oh, mankind, be careful of your
duty to your Rab who created you from
a single soul and from it created this
mate. And from the 2 of them, he
spread forth many men and many women. Be
careful of your duty to Allah whom you
demand your mutual rights and be careful of
your duty to the wounds that bore you.
Indeed, Allah is our Arqib over you. All
you who believe, fear Allah and always speak
the truth. He will cause your deeds to
be beneficial and he will forgive for you
your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and his
messenger, then he has truly achieved a tremendous
Indeed, the best speech is the book of
Allah, and the best guidance is the guidance
of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and the
most evil of all affairs
are newly invented matters which has no precedence
in Islam, And indeed, all innovations are astray
and each asrays in the hellfire.
Ola, save us from it. Ola,
accept our dua.
When we ask
the question why the community Masjid is not
having Jumah or any mass gatherings
during this pandemic,
I just wanted to use this time to
give our answer.
Allah says, say, never can anything befall us,
save what Allah has decreed.
He is our Lord supreme and in Allah
that the believers put their trust.
has instructed us to recognize that he is
the Lord supreme. We say Allahu Akbar, but
do we really believe it? He is in
command of all things. He has given the
earth, the earth, this pandemic,
and it is a test for all of
us, Muslims and not yet Muslims.
You know, we have to understand that Allah
tells us to follow those that know.
Allah also commands us, he says, to ask
those who know if you do not know.
And again, it doesn't necessarily mean
we need to ask the Islamic scholars because
the prophet, peace be upon him,
he would go to people who knew, people
who had certain expertise, who weren't necessarily Muslims
in in his time. So he would use
the knowledgeable people of his day in order
to get answers to questions that he may
have had. You know, many people have been
giving us information about this pandemic,
and then these are people who have studied
epidemics and pandemics for many, many years, and
we must take them seriously brothers and sisters.
Many people have chosen to listen to other
people who are not experts in this field
and who follow conspiratorial
theories and that are not based in science.
So again, we have to be careful. The
said, seeking knowledge is compulsory
on every Muslim.
Wisdom is the lost property and knowledge is
the lost property of a believer. And he
also says that the superiority of the learned
over the devout is like that of the
moon over
on the night when it is full over
the rest of the stars. You know, so
that's how bright a learned person shines
over a person who is less than learned.
You know, as Muslims, we have
to place safety
over rituals,
in the rituals that we are required to
complete. Even
during Ramadan, if you're ill,
you're not allowed to fast. If you're on
a journey, you're not allowed to fast, you
get an option, you know.
So Allah does not want us to cause
ourselves harm
in our,
desire to worship him. We're not a fatalistic
dean, brothers and sisters.
You know, even in Hodge,
when I went there last year, there were
over 2,000,000 people there for Hodge.
But this year, they pared it down to
and nobody outside of the the peninsula of
Saudi Arabia could come into the country for
Hajj. So they made
based on this pandemic.
Even many masajids have been closed or opened
on a limited basis during this pandemic.
This is a trial for all of us
and we can't, we can't be acting as
if this is normal times. Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala says, and most certainly,
we shall try you by your means of
danger and hunger and loss of worldly goods,
of lives and of wealth, but give glad
tidings to unto those who are patient in
adversity. Again, give glad tidings to those who
are patient
in adversity, who when calamity befalls them, they
say, verily unto Allah do we belong, and
verily unto him we shall return.
It is they upon whom their sustainer's blessings
and grace are bestowed, and it is they
who are on the right path. And again,
these are words from Allah
This is a test brothers and sisters, and
we must see it as such, and we
must weather the test with patience. The Masjid's
offshore of Metro Atlanta consisting of the following
Atlanta Masjid of Al Islam, the Community Masjid
of Atlanta, Masjid Al Bayinah, Masjid Al Muqminoon,
and Masjid Quran, and also Masjid Taqwa.
You know, we have taken the position that
we will not begin to have Juma until
there's a 14 day decline
in the number of COVID 19 cases reported
to the CDC.
The modulus is in constant contact with the
CDC and we meet amongst ourselves twice weekly
to consult.
You know, all of us miss the fellowship
of Juma brothers and sister, but to continue
to hold services without observing
safe protocol is putting lives at risk. It's
putting lives at risk. Allah commands the believers
to obey Allah and to obey the prophet
and those who are in authority.
You know, again, you know, we have to
hear and obey, brothers and sisters. So if
the leaders of the local masajid
has taken this position of postponing services, on
what delil or proofs do you base your
actions of gathering in an unsafe manner on?
You know, we are facing what would be
described as a plague,
and we have received guidance on how to
manage ourselves during plagues. The prophet
said, if you hear of an outbreak,
a plague in the land, do not enter
it. But if the plague
breaks out in your your place
while you're in it, do not leave that
place. And that's from Bukhari, Sahih Adid.
You know, Muslims are moving about as if
these are normal times and they are not.
We must take this pandemic seriously, brothers and
sisters. I've been warning about this pandemic since
the winter because there was so much information
on international news sources, and I presented it
I printed I presented all my thoughts to
the community in in in in, earlier this
winter. You know, we have to contemporize our
deen and not just be sheep, not just
follow blindly. The prophet
said, do not graze a sick herd with
a healthy one or do not put a
sick patient with a healthy person. Again, Bukharian
Muslim hadith. In other words, social distancing.
You know, he did not allow his faith
to overshadow his reason. He took precautions to
avoid getting sick, but he was able to
modify his practices as needed. The prophet
he accepted the oath of allegiance
from a person suffering from leprosy
without taking his hand, without taking his hand.
Brothers and sisters, we must practice in a
way that we do not cause harm to
one another. The prophet
said, whoever believes in Allah in the last
day should not harm his neighbor or physically,
a person who's physically next to themselves.
And it's from Bukhari as well.
He knew what his obligations to Allah were,
but he modified his practices
based on environmental conditions.
On the cold rainy night, you know, Dumouadin
would say, pray in your homes, pray in
your homes, pray in your homes. If the
conditions are not right, we can pray in
our homes. Another recommendation is to engage in
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the Quran,
he has succeeded who purifies it. Truly Allah
loves love those who keep themselves clean, clean
your garments. The prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam also
emphasized and elaborated on this in several hadith,
stating that, elaborated on this in several hadith,
stating that cleanliness is half of our faith,
and no salah is accepted without the wudu
or the purification. And again, blessings in food,
lies in washing the hands before and after
Again, ancient wisdom
necessary for contemporary times. And also as the
scientists are saying today,
practice the 3 w's. Practice the 3 w's.
It's a way of avoiding getting contaminated.
In other words, watching your distance,
wearing a mask around people and also washing
your hands. The 3 w's, we need to
follow them. You know, we have to show
good judgment
in how we weather this trial. Let us
avoid putting others at risk in the name
of Ibaga.
When Allah
gives us respite, we should take it and
we should use this time to increase our
iman and our knowledge of this deen. Again,
the communities that are members of the Majes
Ashur have committed to resume Jumuah when Georgia
shows a 14 day decline in new COVID
cases as reported to the CDC. And please,
may Allah
protect us during this pandemic. May Allah protect
us all. The prophet
said cleanliness, again, is half of our faith,
and that alhamdulillah,
praise to Allah
fills the fills the scale, and subhanAllah,
and alhamdulillah
fills up what is between the heavens and
earth, and prayer is a light and charity
is a proof of one's faith and endurance
is it and endurance is a brightness and
the Holy Quran is a proof on your
behalf or against you. All men go out
in the early morning and sell themselves,
thereby setting themselves free or destroying themselves. Again,
it's based on what we do
each and every day. May Allah guide us.
May Allah give us the necessary hikmah
to practice
this wisdom, practice this hikmah
during this time during this time of trials.
Our lord,
do not impose blame upon us if we
forget or fall into error.
Our lord, lay not on us a burden
like that which did lay on those before
us. Our lord, and burden us not with
that which we have not the ability to
bear and pardon us and forgive us and
have mercy on us. You are our protector
and give us a victory over the disbelieving
people. Assalamu Alaikum.
Peace be upon you and the mercy of
Allah and his blessings.