Mustafa Khattab – Your Father Ibrahim PBUH
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The speaker discusses the importance of following the Bible and the differentivity of the church's actions. They also mention the importance of sharing the church's values and doing the right things. The speaker emphasizes the importance of respecting family members and offering sincerity to others.
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We bear witness that there is none worthy
of our worship except Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And we bear witness that Muhammad Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala, peace be upon him, is the
seal of the prophets
and the final messenger to all humans.
Whomever Allah guides, there is none to misguide.
And whomever Allah
leads to go astray,
there is none to guide.
So it is the sunnah, the tradition of
that here were the believers after
major acts of worship. So after we finish
fasting the month of Ramadan,
the gift is a Eid ul Fitr.
And after those pilgrims
who go to Mecca for the Hajj, they
the rituals of the Hajj. They give their
word of Hajj.
And, also, we're getting ready for the
most of the acts of worship and the
different Ibadat we we do, they have something
to do with Ibrahim
So the prophet salaam alayhi wa sallam is
commanded in the Quran to follow the example
of Ibrahim alayhi salaam. We have
revealed to you, Muhammad,
to follow the example and the religion of
Ibrahim alayhi salaam.
The closest people to Ibrahim alaihis salam are
those who followed him.
This prophet, Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
and his followers, us. So where are the
closest people to Ibrahim alaihi salam
regarding tawhid?
Who else in this world worships Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala? Sincere.
They are not putting a human face on
and they are not putting an animal face
on God or even the shaitan face on
God like other people do. Muslims are the
only Hanim people on earth at this moment.
Alaihi Salam. So if you look at the
different Ibadat,
So Allah
says, you are following the deen, the faith
of Ibrahim alayhi salaam.
He is your father. He is the one
who called you Muslims. So the name Muslim
comes from Ibrahim alayhi salaam, and Allah
says that Ibrahim is our father
through Ismail alaihi salam in the case of
and the Christians and the Jews through Ishaq
alaihi salam,
So if you look at the sunan of
of of keeping your body clean,
the circumcision for men,
plucking the armpit hair, purifying your body. We
take all of this from Ibrahim alaihis salam
as we're told in the sunnah.
Ibrahim alaihis salam was 84
when he did the circumcision.
I'm sure that must have heard.
this is also from the sunnah of Ibrahim
alaihis salam.
So with regard to salah, every time we
pray, in the last rakah, you say, oh,
Allah send our salaam and our salaam to
Ibrahim and his family.
And the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and
his family, then give barakah to the prophet,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and his family just
like you gave to Ibrahim and his family.
So the reason the scholars say is, the
reason we mention Ibrahim alaihi wa sallam, we
don't mention new work of Esau,
Musa, or any other prophet. They say,
this is the answer to the prayer of
Ibrahim alaihi wa sallam, where he says, oh,
There is this kind of Hadith Badrutun al
Aidi Badrutin al Aidi.
In his interpretation
of the book of Sunil Abu Dawood,
he said that
the reason why we mentioned the name of
Ibrahim alaihi salaam and gave him salaam every
time we make salaam, he said, there is
nothing. When the prophet salaam was taken into
this night journey to the heavens, he came
across all the prophets. And every time they
made the prophet, he gave him salaam, and
that prophet gave him salaam back except Ibrahim,
alaayhi salaam. So Ibrahim, alaayhi salaam, said,
peace be unto you, Muhammad, and please convey
my salaam to all your Ummah. And this
is why when we make salah, we give
our salah to Ibrahim alayhi salah.
Also, this imam, that Radir al Ayni, said
that when Ibrahim al Ayni
raised the foundations of the Kaaba, after he
finished, he said, oh, Allah,
Whoever comes from the Ummah of Muhammad for
the Hajj, give them my salaam. And the
children of Ibrahim alayhi salaam, he used to
say to make the same dua. And this
is why we give them our salaam, and
we give salaam to him and his family
and children.
So with regard to the Hajj, for example,
Ibrahim alaihis salaam al Ismail, they raised the
foundations of the camp.
And when you go between the Safa and
Mabra, this is exactly what his wife, Hajar,
did. And when you drink from the zanzam,
it has something to do with his wife
and his son, Isma'il.
When they were looking for water, they were
in the middle of nowhere.
And this spring of war came out from
the earth by Jibril alaihis salaam. And this
is mentioned in the
All of us know the story of the
sacrifice and the story of Ibrahim and Ismael
alaihis salam. When he was about a 100
years old, he was ordered to sacrifice his
first son, Ismael alaihis salam.
you know the story. He saw the vision,
and he told his son. His son said,
yes. You can do it insha Allah. We
submit ourselves completely to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And when they're about to make the sacrifice,
the sheep came down from heaven, and we
all know the story of the sacrifice. So
almost all the Ibadan with Muslims have something
to do with Ibrahim alayhi salaam to honor
him and his family.
Last year, we said that the word sacrifice
in Islam, takayyah,
is not limited only to offering a gold
or a sheep. This is not the only
meaning. This is just one example.
Islam is all about sacrifice.
We are busy studying or working, and you
take 5 minutes from your busy schedule to
pray. You sacrifice your time. Otherwise, you could
be working and making more money.
When, for example,
you fasten the month of Ramadan, you don't
eat or drink, and you don't be intimate
with your wife or husband during the month
of Ramadan. You sacrifice your desires.
When you give out some money, you sacrifice
money. When you go for the Hajj, you
sacrifice everything. You sacrifice money,
time, desire, and everything. So this is the
true meaning of the and sacrifice in Islam.
This is a good opportunity
to connect with your family,
whether they are here in Canada or back
home. If you haven't spoken to your relatives
or your relationship is caught up with them,
this is the time to call them and
wish them a happy Eid. And the prophet
says in the authentic Khadir,
when you connect with your family and you
honor your relatives, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will
expand your life span, and he will bless
your residence. Otherwise, if you cut him off,
no guarantees.
will ahad will it name So
to offer the as we said last time,
you still have today,
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday until sunset, you can
offer the wokayah at any time.
And we ask Allah
to accept from us, to give us sincerity
in everything to say and do, and to
give us the best in this life and
the best in the life to come.