Mustafa Khattab – Why Muslims Do Not Vote
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All praise is due to Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. We praise him and we seek his
and assistance.
And we may witness that there is none
worthy of our worship except Allah Subhanahu Wa
And we may witness that Muhammad
is the seal of the prophets and the
final messenger
to all humanity.
Whomever Allah guides,
there is none to misguide. And whomever Allah
leaves to go astray, there is none to
It is known to everyone that Muslims were
some of the earliest people to come to
Canada. We came as early
as the 1800s.
Defer business and all that stuff.
There are 1,500,000
Muslims in Canada. Islam is the second religion
in Canada, and Muslims are the second group
in Canada. Alhamdulillah, we have a lot of
doctors and a lot of engineers,
but in the political life, in the general
So if you look at the weight of
the Muslim,
community, at least politically,
Muslims are 3 times
the number of the seed community.
But still, they have 5 employees in Alberta,
and they have 2 funeral hippies.
What about Muslims? We have just 1
in Cali. And as I said, we are
3 times their number. So something is wrong.
We can vote people in, and we can
vote people out. But the thing is, we
don't exercise
our political right to to participate in elections,
and this is a weak point for the
Muslim community.
At the end of the day, we always
that this,
this member of the parliament or this minister
said so and so about the Muslim community.
Or they tried to cut down the immigration
from Muslim countries.
Or they are not supporting us, or they
are not supporting our brothers and sisters in
or in Syria and other places.
So the scholars of Islam say that it's
an obligation to vote in elections.
And, say, for example, we're talking about Muslim
countries. Okay. We're not talking about Canada yet.
So to vote in Muslim countries, it's an
Because they say voting is a witness.
If you know that this politician is a
good man, vote for him.
If you think that this politician is corrupt,
vote him out or vote her out.
As simple as that. So it's a witness.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, oh, you
who believe, stand out for justice as witnesses
to Allah
and don't hide
the witness, the shahada, and whoever hides the
witness, his heart is saying.
it is known the story of, Umar ibn
Khattabah alayhi wa'amu that the first elections in
Islam or in the whole world
took place at the time of Omar Ibn
Kathab Abdallaham. You can read that in the
book of Bidayah and Nihayat ibn Kathir. He
said when Omar Ibn Kathab Abdallaham
was about to die,
he elected or selected 6 of the sahab,
Ali ibn Abdul Talib, Osman, and Abdul Ummain
ibn A'aww. So Abdul Ummain ibn A'aww
moved from one house to the other. He
knocked on doors. He spoke to men and
women and asked them, whom do you vote
And most people voted for Usman Abdullah Hanif.
So Muslim women,
according to this, got the right to vote
1500 years ago. Women in Canada and America
got the right to vote in the first
half of the twentyth century, less than a
100 years ago.
So the first reason why many Muslims don't
vote in elections in Canada, number 1,
because we we take or we look at
Canada as a hotel,
not as our home.
And we look at ourselves as guests and
not citizens. Although some of us have been
living here for a 100 years or 70
years. Some came in
1979 at the time of Joe Clark, some
people came in the 1930s
at the time of, Richard Bennett, but still,
they look at themselves as guests, and Canada
as a hotel.
You have to change your attitude.
You live here, you die here, your kids
were born here, and they die here, but
some people live in Denali.
They live here physically
for tens tens of years, but mentally, they
live back home. They still live in Vietnam.
They still live in Egypt. They live in
And they always talk about politics in their
own countries,
but they didn't talk about politics here, as
if they lived there.
The second reason is our tribalism
and our disunity.
If you ask someone
from a certain place,
why don't you vote for someone who will
say, MashaAllah, Falaam is a good guy. He's
Kabir al Khujali. But the reason I don't
vote for him, he is from Nala and
I'm from Khirbetuha, 2 different cities in Lebanon.
Or he is from Somalia and I'm from
Egypt. And I quite frankly,
I can't vote for him. You have to
can't. If someone is from Egypt and someone
from Somalia or Pakistan,
Why is the problem? We are all Muslims.
We're all in the same boat.
And the Somali brothers, they say,
There's no problem. If someone is from another
place, we are all Muslims.
We have the Islamic blood dwelling in our
We are one big fan.
Love a country or leave it? If you
don't like these people, they're kuffar. They're not
Muslims. Go home. Okay? Go home.
So reason number 4, and this is the
last one for today, I don't vote
for politicians because they are non Muslims. This
is what some people say.
The scholars of Islam of our kind, like
the sheikh of Azar of Egypt, Jad Al
Haqq Aja, the late, or the Mufti of
Egypt. And salaat al salaw, everybody knows him.
Doctor. Al Khallabahu Faiz al Layawi. They will
be a council for if that they say
some of them say it's a must.
Some of them say it should
vote for people who lift hard for Muslims
and bring about good for Muslims.
And they say,
vote for the lesser of the 2 evils
or what I call the best of the
Those who work for the rights of Muslims,
not just because
we're Muslims
or because we are better than anyone. We
are not better than anyone. Okay?
Because we're Canadians, and we have rights in
this country. Okay?
So they say you should vote in elections.
If you say I won't vote for non
Muslims maybe you have a point and I
believe you don't. But what about Muslim candidates?
There are 5 of them running
this year, this week in. There are 5
Muslims running in.
Vote for them. Okay? You don't have an
What do we get from participation
in elections? Number 1, if we participate like
Buddhists and Hindus and Sikhs and and the
we will get our rights. We'll have political
weight. You will never find a politician
who says something bad about Muslims.
You will always find politicians coming to Muslims
and offering their services,
trying to help
provide services for you and your kids, take
care of the Muslim community, and they will
never allow
injustices in the Muslim community as they do
with other people. And this is what we
This is the last thing today.
What do we need to do? Number 1,
you have to look at Canada as your
because this is the fact, Canada is not
a hotel.
Number 2, you have to look at yourself
as a dead citizen. If you have been
here for 70 years, you were born here,
your grand your parents died here, you are
a citizen. Don't tell me you are a
guest or you are a child. Okay?
Number 3, you have some rights in this
country just like everybody else, like Buddhists, like
Hindus, like Jews, and everybody else. So you
have to stand out and you have to
ask for your right.
Our biggest problem in the West in general
is we don't have representation
in the media. We don't have representation
in politics.
We have more doctors than patients.
We have more engineers than cars, but we
don't have politicians to speak for us.
The reason why our word is not heard
is not is because we don't speak for
and this is the problem.
We have to speak for ourselves,
we have to vote, and if you want
to vote for Muslims, may Allah reward
you for this, but you have to be
an active citizen and you have to exercise
your life in this country as a citizen.
You are not a guest anymore.