Mustafa Khattab – What Is Islam 1
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The importance of understanding Islam's elements and global ethics is highlighted, as it is crucial to determine one's faith and relationship with the people. Different people's beliefs and perception of God are also discussed, with emphasis on common sense and language penetration. The speaker emphasizes teaching children to speak their own language and being proud of their culture, while also acknowledging the need to learn to speak their own language and be proud of their culture.
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Convey to the people is the common grounds
we have
because in faith, the girl always talks about
one religion
and that is the religion
of Islam and crosses or different shalaq
different faiths.
Study with to ask you questions about these
non difficult questions, so you need to know
the basics to be able to answer.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
sends all prophets from Adam alayhi salaam to
Muhammad SAWSAWAYH in the same message.
And we have the commandments
repeated in the Quran at least twice. 1
is once and Islam
or theology, acts of worship, and so on
and so forth, the belief
system. And the second half is your relationship
with the people. So
a lot of people differ with regards to
the first half, your relationship with Allah.
So, every faith has a different perception of
and their acts of worship are different. Not
everyone, class, or praise like us, everybody is
But, when you come to the siding house,
mawalah, the relationship with the people,
You have to be kind. You have to
be sincere. You have to be generous. Everybody
says exactly the same thing. But, when it
comes to the first half reality, different people
have different,
ideas and different beliefs. So, we need to
focus and this is all I did in
the past, I focused on the second half.
The the things we have in common with
you when it comes to global ethics
or dealing with other people, we exactly
No prophet ever called his religion or his
faith anything other than this have faith in
1 God and be a good person submission.
When they I tell them when you're reading
your books
The answer is no. Because the word Christianity
is not even in the Bible.
All things and the same thing, made in
one God,
be a new person. Cause. In Arabic, we
call this Islam or submission calls, Hamakar. That's
it. Cause.
That Allah subhanahu wa'ala sent over
124,000 prophets from Adam to Muhammad
So if this is the case and every
single prophet says exactly the same thing, why
different people worship different things?
Well, there are different
explanations. We'll give you 2 of them.
The first one, the prophet
says in Hadith al Bukhay in other books
of Hadith,
to submit to Allah's account of God, one
God, and to be in the person.
But it is the parents who change everything.
So every single person or the great majority
of human beings in this world,
they they just follow their parents.
And this is what Allah says in the
Quran. Whether you ask someone who has a
different belief, why you believe so? They say,
we found our parents doing the same thing
so we just walk in their footsteps.
So if someone is born in China,
then most likely it would be Buddhist because
this is what the majority of people believe.
If someone is born in Morocco or Egypt,
most likely it will be Muslim. If
or it doesn't make any sense. They just
follow without giving conviction or common sense. They
just follow it. And as I say in
English, common sense is not very common.
People just they just follow,
blindly. So this is one of these.
if we read about
most people have not been happy
with the idea of believing in a God
they can't see.
Islam is probably the only religion
that teaches that
Allah is different from you. The creator is
different from the creation.
So Al Khaled,
like salam, not to place a
with the 5 senses. So they need a
God. They can see. They can touch. They
can relate to. So what people have done
from the times of the Romans and the
Greeks and the ancient Egyptians tell this day,
what they do, they put a face on
The devil.
read about, the church or the devil worshipers
in the US. They put the face of
the devil on gods
because this is something they can't see.
Read about ancient Egypt. They have thousands of
gods. The gods that have the head of
a crocodile,
snake, ancient breed, ancient roe. And this is
the people of Musa alayhiskan, when they left
and they were surrounded by
people who worship these different gods, the statues,
and all these things. They just crossed the
the sea.
So they told Musa
when they lost their sight from the sea
and you ask for a sash to worship
what is this? Okay, let us listen. Okay,
we will worship Allah but we want to
see Allah face to face
in Surah Al Baqarah because they have been
by the people who have these beliefs.
Muslim. Why? Because they believed in one Allah,
one God,
and they were good people. So this is
the essence of the messages in Islam.
So what we want people to know
to know the basics of the religion, they
ask you
to debate with them about anything. Because some
of the brothers,
when they ask you a question about Islam,
or what do you think about Islam?
Some of us, and we start a debate.
We start a debate with them. And you
will say, how do you believe in this
book and it was corrupting over time? Or
how have you worshiped Islam and you never
sin our God? You guys, you don't think
you have no whatever?
When people are offended, they will never listen
to you. They already know what they believe.
They know what they believe in their books.
They know what they believe in their they
are called in their places of worship. So,
they know.
So, what they want from you is to
tell you or to tell them
your perception, what you believe. Now talk to
them about Islam,
talk to them about iman and the belief
in the different prophets.
We're told, of course, Afghan of Islam, the
5 pillars of Islam, the belief in 1
you recognize all of them. So when you
take an oath to become a citizen of
and you take the oath and the picture
of the queen is there in Elizabeth deciding.
If you recognize the last queen,
it means you are set to recognize all
of them. It's exactly the same thing. Maybe
you can use this example and they challenge
Then, of course, we believe Mohammed SAW Salam
has a prophet. He never claimed anything to
be anything other than a prophet.
When we tell them that Muhammad SAW is
mentioned by name in the Quran only 4
times and Aisha is mentioned by name 24
25 times by name.
Mariam Alayin Salah, there's a chapter named after
her in the Quran.
There's no chapter named after her in the
bible. She's mentioned
by name in the bible 18 times. In
the Quran, she is mentioned by name 34
Twice the number of times she is mentioned
in the bible.
When they hear this, they are shocked. So
these are the things we need to focus
Of course, we talk to them about salah,
we pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And when you make Urduur,
we make Surduur, they ask us why do
you do this?
When you read salah, they say
that's Jesus in the New Testament,
when he made salah, he moved his face
on the ground and made sadhah of Allah
subhanahu wa'ala.
So what we do, we do exactly
our salah,
includes all the movements that the prophets did
in their time.
So we're very close. All you need to
do is go back to the original teachings
of your book and you'll see exactly what
it says. We're doing exactly the same things
They gave
salah. Rizal was not permissible for
Poor was not permissible for them. Musa alaihis
salam says, it's filthy. You're not allowed to
touch it. And,
you guys say, call your god Allah and
we call our god Jehovah.
So you worship a different god. But this
is not true. You ask him, what did
Musa alaihi salaam in his language of Hebrew,
and what did Risa, Jesus in his language
of Aramaic,
they come from the same,
they have the same roots or the same
moral origins.
So I think, most of the language
of Israel,
Eloh. Eloh in Hebrew means God, like the
word Elah.
And he uses sometimes in the plural Alodim
to show respect to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Just like when we say Allahumma.
Alodim Allah is exactly the same thing.
Islam both Aramaic and the word he used
for Allah in Aramaic was the word Allah
a l a s a. You can Google
it. So they use precisely and exactly the
same words that we Muslims use.
Unique because it doesn't have a plural. In
English, you have and
all these things. And the Arabic word Allah
is not masculine and it is not feminine.
It is neutral.
is neutral. And, of course, we believe in
the We believe in the prophets.
We believe in Musa. We believe in Reisa,
and we respect them the same.
We are told in the Quran.
We respect all of them the same.
we name our children after them. And I'm
sure there is a sister in the back
who's called Maryam too, Mary. So we love
these prophets and we name our children after
them as a sign of love and respect.
Of course, we believe in the original teachings
given to prophets
like the Torah given to Musa alayhis salaam,
the gospel given to our Isa, the Psalms,
the zaboor given to Nahu alayhis salaam, we
believe in the scrolls, the sort of of
their books were revealed in an oral form.
So, Musa alaihi salam, Isa alaihi salam, they
were teaching
like giving speeches like this kufa, but nothing
was written. They didn't give a hard copy.
The prophet said, listen, everything was written and
he gave us a hard
Waladagya Salaam to analyze it. I came across
a sister in Egypt. She was 5, maybe
5 and a half years
old, Minna. And she knew the whole Qur'an
My Heart. So Surah Al Fatih and Surat
more than 600 pages in Abu and some
of them they are not Abu speaking people
they would just give them the Nobel Prize
because this is something unique.
InshaAllah, we'll continue next time talking about how
to answer some difficult questions
proud of who you are. If you come
I mean, if you are Pakistani or if
you are Indian,
if you are Arab or you're from Afghanistan,
if you are Turkish, if you are Kurdish,
if you come from Europe, if you come
from Latin America or North America, you need
to be proud of who you are.
You need to teach your kids your own
language. Or to speak Urdu at home, speak
Turkish at home, speak Turkish or Arabic
or Ilan, if you speak. Teach your kids.
Be proud of your culture and
your language. If they go to school InshaAllah,
they will pick up English very easy. So,
make sure that they are bilingual. Be proud
of your culture
unless there's something in your culture that contradicts
Islam, then you need to leave it to
And try to make doubt.
If you do something good, then people appreciate
it. Like, if I have a cab driver
and somebody forgets or leaves some money in
your car, give it to them and let
me ask you why did you give us
back the money anybody else could have taken
it? You tell them, well, this
you go to somebody else's clinic or work
or business, they all escape the bibles and
things and literature. So you should do the
same thing. You should be proud of who
you are.