Mustafa Khattab – Wasting

Mustafa Khattab
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the distinction between " hesitation" and "take up" in the Quran, as it refers to the use of words like " wasting or waste" when translating words. They also mention a study on the behavior of the Prophet's actions, which they say never wasted food. The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding waste and making small purchases, as well as avoiding waste and using things that are not needed. They also discuss the importance of everything in the store, including food, snorkeling items, and clothing, and emphasize the importance of avoiding waste and making small purchases. They end by discussing the importance of "be" in certain situations, such as party parties and a walima dinner, and emphasize that it is not waste.
AI: Transcript ©
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shala'at today. I'm gonna keep it short. I

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have a sore throat and,

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I need my voice for Jum'at Shalom.

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every Monday we talk about

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some Islamic qualities and Islamic manners. Adah.

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And, today we'll talk about something unique in

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the Quran. We'll make the distinction between what

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they call,

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and Tafthir.

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Normally when they translate them, they,

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the word they use is wasting or waste.

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But there is actually a big difference between

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israf and tabeer in the Quran.

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What we know about the Prophet SAW is

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that he didn't waste.

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I showed you one time how much water

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the Prophet

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SAW used for his wudu,

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just a small bottle of water. This is

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how much he used for wudu, and he

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used 4,

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times that much for his wudu, like taking

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a shower.

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So, one small bottle of water for his

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And the Prophet

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we know that he never wasted food.

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So even if the food was left over

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from yesterday or the day before, no problem

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we're gonna eat it. And we know that

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from the sunnah the Prophet used to lick

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his fingers. That means that he finished everything.

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There's nothing wrong with that.

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It's it's a symbolic act,

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to to show us that he didn't waste

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anything at all.

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And he didn't eat,

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a lot of food either. He said in

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the Hadith,

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la nakulhata

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najur wayda aqalna

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la najba.

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He said that I don't eat unless I'm

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and if I eat I don't eat through

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the fill, so I don't fill my stomach.

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Because what happens after you fill your stomach,

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you just,

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you need to get to sleep.

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So the Prophet

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SAWH never wasted.

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When I look at our behavior sometimes I

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see a lot of, things being wasted. InshaAllah,

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I'm going to make the distinction between the

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salaf and tabeer in a second.

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Say for example, and I see this with

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my own eyes. So you have a notebook,

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maybe use it for a couple of pages,

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you write something, but after that you just

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and you tear the pages, you throw it,

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mama I need 2 more notebooks.

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It happens all the time.

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for food we don't want to eat,

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Many of us.

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Right? Although the food is nice,

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it is not bad or anything,

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but we we want to eat something new.

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And we this is something we take with

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us when we grow older.

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You're driving your car, you have a flat

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I need a new car. This is what

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some people do. Right?

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If you have a shirt

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and one button is off or loose, I

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need a new one.

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Got it.

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If you have a laptop and your son

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or daughter

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takes out one button, it happens all the

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time. Right? The kids when they find the,

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the keyboard, they take off all the buttons.

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Yeah. I need a new computer.

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You can just put the button back. That's

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all. One of my friends was telling me

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that he was driving one time on the

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and his car broke down.

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He just left it and he took the

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transit, he took the bus and he never

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went back to take his car.

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I'll just buy a new one. So a

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lot of things go to waste.

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There's something unique about this car.

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You know what it is?

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Small? Small. Can I get Abdul Majeed? Where

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is Abdul Majeed? Please. Come here. Yes, Abdul.

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got this scarf

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from my aunt.

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We call her aunt in Canada, but technically

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aunt is the insect.

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aunt is your aunt, aunt is the insect.

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So I got this car from my aunt

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when I was 11 years old, like Abdul

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Thank you. Go back.

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So I got this

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when I was actually I got this from

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my aunt

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that was

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So we're talking about almost 30 years ago.

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I got this.

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I never threw it away. Yeah. It's getting

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smaller, I know.

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why should I throw it away if I

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need it?

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Yes. Some people gifted me like,

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another scarf or 2 more scarves, but why

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should I throw it away?

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This pair of pants I got them in

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And the same for this, pullover. You call

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it pullover? What do you call it? Sweater.

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Sweater. Yes. I got it I got both

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of them in 2000. So we're talking about

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17 years.

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So I never throw clothes unless they get

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small for me,

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or my brother wants to take them, or

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unless something is terrible happened or they are

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torn and I couldn't fix them, class.

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So the reason I'm telling you this is

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Islamically we shouldn't waste.

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If there's something you don't need, you can

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give it to someone else.

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now we'll make the distinction,

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between Israf and Tabveer.

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Israf basically,

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when you buy something halal,

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you don't make the distinction between what you

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want and what you need.

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Okay. We spoke about this last year. What

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you need basically is something that you cannot

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survive without.

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Like you need clothes,

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you need food,

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maybe you need a fridge, you need water,

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the basics.

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If you have seen the,

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the Jungle Boy?

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The Book of Jungle Jungle Books? Jungle Book.

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Jungle Book? You know the bare necessities?

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Yeah. This is what we are talking about.

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This is what we need.

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But what we want is almost everything we

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see in the store

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that we don't need.

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So for example, you go to the store

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they have snorkeling

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stuff. You don't even know how to swim,

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but I'm on it because it's on sale,

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man. I feel like an idiot if I

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don't buy it.

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50% off? Then you don't need it. No.

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I have to take it.

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Buy a boat,

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you know.

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All that stuff.

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So if you take

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stuff that you don't really need, this is

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called When

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you go to a party, a walima dinner

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or or something,

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and you talk you take more food than

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what you will actually eat, and it happens

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all the time. We end up eating about

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40% of the food, the risk goes to

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And I see the kids stand in front

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of me, especially kids, they stand in front

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of in front of me in the land

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or Ramadan when we are fasting.

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The kids pretend to be fasting but they

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just fasted for like 10 minutes. And they

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stand in the line and they are fighting

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mashallah, they want to get food.

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And the people in the back they've been

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fasting for 19 hours. No I wanna eat.

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Okay, go.

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So they take the plate, and they go

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to the food, and they take and this

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is their favorite dish like chicken,

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you know, biryani,

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fish, something they like.

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And they start to 1 spoon, 2 spoon,

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oh man this is

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and they take the whole thing and they

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Then they don't eat it.

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They just throw it away.

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So this is if you take something halal,

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but use too much of it, this is

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called Israf. You are wasting, basically.

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Tavir is something different.

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Tavir is basically when you buy something haram.

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So israf,

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wasting, is when you use too much stuff

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that you don't need but you just want,

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this is called israf.

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If you if you have 200 pairs of

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this is called israf.

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If you are wasting for, like, notebooks

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or pencils, use 1, you know, pencil

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and you throw the,

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you, you break the, like Lead bag. The

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you buy a new one. This is called

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It is something halal, but you are using

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too much of it. And we know that

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there are a lot of people who are

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needy of this stuff.

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Is when I buy something hot. Like for

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example, when someone buys drugs.

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Even if you pay $1

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on drugs,

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you know marijuana is legal now. People buy

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I'm not talking about the medical one. I'm

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talking about marijuana. Right? You don't know this

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stuff. Okay?

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alcohol or pork, if something is haram and

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I pay money on it, this is called

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So the Aleman say if and this is

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the last thing I will say inshaAllah.

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If you give a $100,000

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to the masjid,

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this is not Israf because this is for

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a good cause. The money is not wasted.

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But if you spend $1

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on cigarettes

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or drugs this is called tazir. This is

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Right? So this is waste.

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I like to conclude when I talk about

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this subject with a statement from

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He's one of the descendants

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of Al Hussain Radiallahu,

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he used to give a lot of money

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in sadaqah.

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He used to he was like a businessman

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from the family of the Prophet SAW, descendants

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of the Prophet SAW,

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So we know that they are very generous.

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He used to he had a business, he

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used to give money out all the time,

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likes paid a lot. So someone criticized him

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and he said, why are you wasting?

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Why do you waste?

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So he said, this is not waste. Right?

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When you do something

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you give sadaqa, you help those who are

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less fortunate, this is not waste.

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And he said something very unique, and I

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wish maybe one day you're gonna frame it

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and keep it in your room. He said,

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He said, I have a habit with Allah

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and Allah has a habit with me. My

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His habit with me is to shower me

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with His favors,

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to give me. And my habit with the

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people is that I give people. Whatever I

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don't need, I give to people, I give

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charity. So I'm afraid if I cut off

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my habit with Allah, He's going to cut

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off his habit with me. If I don't

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give, He will not give me. Right? So

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we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to bless

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you and your family. We ask Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala to keep us away from wasting

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and doing unnecessary, unimportant things. We ask Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to bless our lives and

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give us a happy and joyful life here.

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And, see you tomorrow inshallah. Salaam Alaik.

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