Mustafa Khattab – Types of Generosity

Mustafa Khattab
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The speaker discusses the importance of generosity in life, citing the Prophet's advice on being generous with oneself and family. They also mention the importance of being generous with others, such as one's own family, and how it can be a result of one's own behavior. The speaker concludes that generosity with one's own family is the highest form of generosity.

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			And we said that generosity is not only
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			by giving out money to people, but the
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			highest form of generosity is through your manners,
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			how good you are to the people.
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			And the prophet says in the hadith,
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			you will not be able to be generous
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			with everyone with your money because your money
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			is limited, but be generous with people by
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			your manners.
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			And in this case, you can be generous
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			to everyone.
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			So there they they say there are different
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			types of generosity.
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			Number 1, you can be generous with Allah
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			Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
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			Number 2, you can be generous with the
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			Prophet SAWSAW.
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			And you can be generous with yourself.
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			You can be generous with people. You can
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			be generous with your family. There are so
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			many different types of generosity.
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			Waqalu Al Karam Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
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			Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
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			So the first step is your generosity with
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			How can you be generous with Allah
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			is when you have Taqwa from Allah Subhanahu
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			Wa Ta'ala. Whatever is obligated, do it and
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			whatever is Haram, keep away from it. And
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			in this case, you are honorable,
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			you are Kareem in the sight of Allah
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			Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And this is mentioned in
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			the Quran,
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			Quran, fisulat the Purjulaat, Surah 60 Ayat 13
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			where Allah, Subhanahu Wa'ala, is actually 49,
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			Ayat 13
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			where Allah, Subhanahu Wa'ala, says, indeed, the most
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			generous of you, the most honorable of you
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			in the sight of Allah are those who
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			have Taqwa.
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			So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says it in
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			the Quran.
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			That the meaning of this is to follow
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			the guidance of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
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			sallam, and if he made the judgment on
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			something, you follow his judgment and don't follow
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			your own desires. And this is how to
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			be generous with the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
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			So this is also mentioned in an authentic
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			hadith in the Tirmidhi where the prophet SAW
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			Hassan says the Beqeel, the stingy person, the
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			person who is not generous with me, is
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			the person in front of whose my name
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			is mentioned
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			my name is mentioned in front of this
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			person and he doesn't give salam or salah
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			to me. So this is a stingy person.
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			He is not generous with me.
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			With yourself. And the meaning of this is
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			when you see something wrong,
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			don't don't humiliate yourself. Don't disgrace yourself, and
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			don't get involved in such, stuff. And Allah
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			Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says in the Quran when
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			he defies the believers,
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			are those who went, you know, they passed
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			by indecency or idle talk or vain talk.
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			They passed
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			with kirama, with dignity and generosity.
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			They honor themselves
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			by not getting involved.
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			So the 4th type, and we'll conclude with
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			this one, inshaAllah,
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			is generosity with the people, and the highest
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			form with,
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			generosity with the people is to be generous
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			to your own family, your own blood, your
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			wife, your children, your relatives. And this is
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			the highest point.
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			The Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam says in the
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			Hadith al Sahih Muslim
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			if you give,
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			in the way of Allah Fis Abi Illa,
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			and if you give money to free Yaniyah
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			or if you give a charity to the
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			poor, or you use money to provide for
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			your family,
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			then the prophet says
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			the highest generating
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			of rewards among these types is the money
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			you provide for your family. This is the
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			form. And we said that generosity with the
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			family can be by,
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			being generous to them in terms of money,
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			in terms of manners, being good to them,
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			and and we gave an example of, for
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			example, a relative of yours is in death,
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			you pay off in on their behalf.
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			So, to conclude with this,
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			funny story. There is this guy
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			he owed a lot of money to some
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			Muslims. This guy, he was, He
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			used to worship the fire,
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			whatever they call them in English. So when
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			this man died, he left a son and
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			he left the house, and, he had a
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			big debt. So his son knew
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			if he sold the house, he would not
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			be able to pay off the debt because
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			it was a big debt.
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			So these Muslims came to the guy and
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			they wanted to, motivate him to pay off
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			the debt and they said, listen son,
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			your father is roasting in the hill fire
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			barbecue because of the debt. You have to
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			pay off the debt, okay, to make him
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			So he said,
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			do you guys think if I pay off
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			the debt, you will get out of the
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			Hilfa and go to Al Firdaus?
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			They said no, because he is scared.
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			Allah said okay, leave leave him in the
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			Hilfa and leave me in the house. Okay?
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			Because if I pay off the debt, he's
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			not getting out of the Hilfa in in
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			any way. Right? So leave him there. Does
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			Allah subhanahu
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			wa ta'ala.