Mustafa Khattab – The Sahaba 9 9

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The speaker discusses the concept of Easter and the importance of treating others' behavior with personality traits. They explain that the concept of Easter is not a one-size-fits-all and that everyone has to work on their behavior to be good to others. The speaker also provides examples of how to handle negative situations and avoid mistakes.
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The concept of Mawadah and Mahima.
Before we start talking about Mawadah, Rahma will
talk for a couple of minutes about the
weather. How do you like the weather?
A few days ago, we're actually thinking about
going to the field,
and and playing outdoor soccer. But as you
can see,
the the great setback that happened to me
and my and my boys
because of the weather. SubhanAllah. And Allah SubhanAllah
is able to do all things.
The change of weather,
one day you think it's, spring,
then you see the snow. One day the
weather is good or hot, and you see
the rain. Now you say,
SubhanAllah La'am because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
is Youani able to do all things. Alagul
lishayeen kadeer. And you stand there
and you don't know what to do, and
you know for sure that Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala is is able to do all things,
and there's nothing you can do. Forget about
the laboratories,
forget about the science and technology,
there's nothing you can do. All you have
today to do is, SubhanAllah, Wa Alhamdulillah,
and you should be grateful for everything. You
can play indoor soccer. It's not a big
one of the great signs and miracles of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is that he created
for you
spouses, husbands, and wives so you can live
with them in respect,
and love, and mercy. Indeed, in this are
signs for people who reflect.
So you have to have Mawanda and Rahma
between you and your wife.
You are not you personally, you're not perfect.
So how do you expect your wife or
your husband to be perfect?
You have to lower your standards a lot
of this. With that in mind, and also
with the concept of Mawaddah and Rahma,
you'll be able to brush things off, to
overlook, and to forgive.
If you really love someone,
you have to forgive them, and they also
will be able to forgive you. They will
give you the same treatment.
And the prophet,
If she doesn't know how to cook,
maybe she is good in dealing with the
people, bringing up your kids in a nice
way. Mashallah, she's very much taller, very much
taller, and
all that stuff.
So it is only one thing. I'm sure
if you also think about yourself, there are
probably many thing about your personality
personality that you need to work on.
So this is what the prophet, SAW, said,
The prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, says in
that, authentic hadith, the best of you are
those who are best
to their families and their wives, and I'm
the best of you to my family.
So the prophet
is setting the example,
and you will never find any hadith
that says the the prophet
even raised his voice to his wife
or even he put or he laid his
finger in his wife or beat his wife.
You will never find such a Hadith.
The prophet prophet, prophet, SAW, never beat a
or a wife
at all. He never did it. He never
did it because the prophet
giving or leading by example, and this is
what we need to do.
If you treat your wife as a princess,
she will treat you as a king.
But if you treat her as a servant,
she will treat you as a slave.
Always put this as in your head.
So I'm gonna give a couple of examples
about things that contradict the concept of Mawaddah
and Rahmah in Islam. If the love is
not there,
there will be no
good treatment in them. And the best way
to treat your wife is to always think
that I should treat her
the way I expect my brother-in-law to treat
my sister.
But life, you put this in your head,
you will always treat your wife in a
good way. And the wife, if you put
your in in your head that I want
to treat my husband the way I like
my brother to be treated by his wife,
everybody will live a happy life.
We abuse them, and we we expect people
to be good to us.
You have to be good to people so
people will be good to you.
Otherwise, Allah
will send people to abuse you the same
way you abuse people. So this guy, 2
families, they didn't like each other. The family
of the husband and the family of the
wife, they didn't like each other. And the
husband didn't like his wife.
Their son went to his mom and said,
mom, what is the origin of man? She
said, we are from Adam, we are humans,
So the kid went to his dad and
said, father, what is the origin of man?
He said, don't listen to your mom, she
is teaching you wrong. We are originally monkeys,
okay? We came from monkeys, the theory of
evolution, Darwin.
So the kid ran to his mom and
said, okay,
this is what you told me and dad
told me that we are originally from monkeys.
She said, Manny,
there's no contradiction here. I was talking
about my family and he was talking about
his family.
These are the family of monkeys. Okay? But
my family is different.
Nothing behind
Mas Alit
So I conclude with this about,
a husband is good to his wife. He's
giving her everything she wants, buying her stuff,
taking her to places. Very good husband.
Then one time, he will make a single
small maybe unintentional
mistake, and she will forget everything he did
to her.
And she will say, oh, Allah, you never
did anything good to me.
What are you talking about? You should be
fair. And some husbands, they do the same
thing. The wife is very good, masha'Allah, you've
taken care of you in the house and
And maybe she would do one slight mistake
and you forget everything
that she did to you. We conclude with
this story,
his wife lived her entire life in palaces
in palaces. She never saw mud in her
and she said, my wish for today is
to walk on mud. I've never seen mud.
I don't I don't know what mud is.
So I said, Alhamdulillah, okay. So he brought
mud to the palace, and he put musk
and perfume
and stuff on it. And after she walked
on it, he took it away. Then one
day, she got she got mad at him.
Although he was a very nice guy, she
said, wallahi, you never did any good thing
to me in my whole life.
So he said, even the day of the
the day I brought month to the palace,
you don't remember the day? What was going
on? So you have to be fair. You
you mention positive things, and if there is
something bad or a minor thing, you have
to overlook, you have to brush it off,
so life will move on. We'll continue next
time, inshallah.