Mustafa Khattab – The Sahaba 3 3
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The speaker discusses the Sahaba, a group of Muslims who are considered to be the average or average Sahaba. The speaker explains that some of them, like the average Sahaba, may not have the means to pursue their faith and contribute to the Islamic schools. The speaker also discusses the importance of acceptance of Islam and its benefits, including a reward for their actions.
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So today, InshaAllah, we'll continue our talk about
the Sahaba, the greatness of the Sahaba of
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
So the scholars talk about the Sahaba. They
classify them into 2 groups.
And this is an answer to the question,
are there among us today people who are
like the Sahaba,
In terms of their greatness in this life
and their level in Jannah, so the scholars
say that the Sahaba are 2 groups. The
first one
are the family of
you have the people of Badr who fought
with the prophet sasaihi wa sallam in Badr.
Then you have the Sahaba who gave their
pledge to the
prophet under the tree, Bayatul Ridwan. They say
that these are the pioneers. No one will
ever get their reward or get to their
the family of the prophet, salaam,
and this is the only reward you give
to the prophet, salaam, for conveying the message
to you. So the prophet, salaam, says in
the Quran that I ask no payment or
no fee from you for conveying the message
to you except kindness
and respect to my family.
So it's not only one group of Muslims
that will love Alabayd or respect them. All
of Muslims is part of your iman, of
your faith to love Alabayd.
So the scholars say that the second group
of people of the Sahaba, they they are
they are the average Sahaba.
And this includes the other Sahaba that we,
didn't mention in the first group. There are
people among us today who are like the
Sahaba, the average Sahaba. Why?
Because some of us, they sacrifice their money
to give sadaqah although they might need the
money. They contribute to building the sajid and
Islamic schools and so on and so forth,
and this is my biggest to lower sales.
Okay? Shaitan will come to you, oh man,
you need to take the money and go
to Hawaii, man. You need to buy a
new car. If you go ahead and contribute
to the Muslim community,
you will give that award of the Sahaba.
If you take 5 minutes out of your
out of your business schedule to pray, you
are like the Sahaba. You sacrifice your time.
If you bring up your kids in an
Islamic way, you are like the Sahaba because
this is what they did.
The prophet
says in an authentic hadith
that my nation is like rain. You don't
know which part of it is better than
the other. The first part or the middle
or the last. So the prophet is saying
basically that, oh, my Ummah is good.
So the prophet SAWA SAWA SAWA
or confirms that the people among us
who love the Prophet SAW and they follow
his example in our time,
they love him more than anyone else among
the first generations of Muslims. And this is
mentioned in an authentic hadith,
the Prophet SAW says or he was asked,
who loves you the most? I'm a be
your Ummah.
So the prophet says, as reported in Sahih
Muslim by Abu Ghrahi,
those who love me the most
are people who will come after me.
They have never seen me, and they still
believe in me. One of them or they
wish to sacrifice all their money and all
their families just to see me.
So this is a good proof that, Alhamdulillah,
there is goodness in our time too.
The there are different reasons why the Sahaba
accepted Islam at the time of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Some of them,
they saw the miracles of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam. The water coming out between
his fingers, the stones making tazbih with him,
the splitting of the moon, and all that
stuff. So they believed.
We haven't seen this, but we still believe.
Some of the Sahaba,
they accepted Islam because they saw the manners
of the Prophet
and how,
and and kind and nice he was to
people. Like,
when he was asked, why did he accept
this man? He said, when I looked at
the prophet
and I saw the goodness
of his personality,
he didn't look like a, like a liar
to me. He seemed alright. He seemed like
a very noble and honorable person, and this
is why I accepted Islam.
We haven't seen this because we didn't see
the prophet
face to face. We've heard about his manners
and his lofty character, but we haven't seen
him like face to face.
So this is one example
of a person who accepted Islam because of
the generosity of the prophet
So Safwan ibn Numa'yaw witnessed
one of the battles for the prophet I
think it was for night,
and there was a valley full of goats
and sheep from the booty or the ghanibal
of the battle. So he kept staring at
that battle for a long time, and the
came close to him, and he was at
that time, and he plotted actually to kill
the prophet
earlier in the story. So the prophet
said, do you like this valley? I see
you looking at it, you know, for a
long time. So he said, yes. I like
it. So the prophet
said, it is for you.
Fell down. He couldn't say that they then
later in the store, he said, allahi, no
one would never give something so generous like
this except a profit. And he accepted Islam
because of this.
For us, we haven't seen anything. Did the
gave you a check or $10, a $100
or anything? No.
So and this is what makes
us get the reward of the sahaba who
Islam, and they have never seen the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. We have never met
him. We have never experienced his generosity and
his kindness as a Sahaba din, and we
haven't seen his miracles like Allah sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam calls you in the Hadith that
you love him the most.