Mustafa Khattab – The Sahaba 2 2
![Mustafa Khattab](
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The speaker discusses the preference and respect of the Prophet Muhammad for the Sahaba, with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala stating that he has showered blessings and failures on the people, and has promised and prepared Jannah for them. The interviewer discusses the preference and respect of the Prophet's followers, with the speaker reminding the interviewer to pick their words when talking about them. The interviewer also discusses the importance of being respectful of the Prophet's followers, as some of them may be criticized or insulted.
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we said before that the Sahaba of the
prophet, the companions of the prophet
are the best,
the finest there is, the greatest of all
time. And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
has chosen them and selected them to be
the companions of the prophet salamu alaykum. If
Naqbas radiAllahu anhu says that regarding the Qasir
of this ayat and the Quran say, Alhamdulillah,
or praise is due to Allah
and send your greetings and your blessings
to those who have been chosen by Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So Ibn Abbas said that
the ones who have been chosen
are the companions of the prophet
So the other ayah that says
that the righteous ones are those who, when
the name of Allah is mentioned or when
the Quran is recited, their hearts are moved,
their hearts are shaken with iman.
So in several a'is in the Quran, Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says that he has
showered his grace and blessings and failures and
and forgiveness on the, number 1.
Number 2, he is pleased with them, all
of them, and all of them are pleased
with him. And number 3, he has,
promised and prepared Jannah for them.
And number 4, they are going to stay
in Jannah forever.
This is something they have been promised, and
I'm not sure any of us have gotten
this promise
in our life. Maybe when Allah
judges us in the next life, we will
know where we'll we'll be.
We have great
hope for the mercy of Allah, subhanahu wa'ala,
but we know that there is a guarantee
for the Sahaba to go to Jannah. This
is mentioned in the Quran. It is is
mentioned in the hadith. There's no doubt about
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has preferred and exalted
some times and some people and some things
over others
and He has the right to do so
because He is a creator.
So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala exalted Ramadan over
all months
He exalted
Laylat Tukat over all nights in the year
He exalted the day of Arafa over all
days in the year
He exalted Jibreel alayhi salaam over all other
He exalted the 5 prophets, Ulul Azm, in
the Nur by Ibrahim wa Musa 'A'eha Muhammad
above all prophets, Ulul Azm. As Allah mentioned
in the Quran, the prophets affirm result, and
the Prophet asked Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala exalted
Muhammad above
all of His Prophets.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the Quran
that He exalted some Prophets over others, they
are not the same.
In the same manner, Allah
has exalted some Sahaba over others. They are
not the same. All of them are in
but some of them are a plus, some
of them are 8. Okay?
So the Sahaba, the Taab Sahaba are Al
Albayt, of course, the family of the Prophet
and the 10 Sahaba who got the news
of Jannah, like Abu Bakr, Uthman, Umar and
Ali, and all of them, they are the
And the people who witnessed death with the
they are the top.
The people who gave the pledge to the
for Surat Al Khadabiyyah, under the tree, they
are the top. And the scholars agree on
this, as these people, these Sahaba, they are
the finest among the Sahaba, the best.
We agreed that Ali Radiallahu Anhu was more
for the khilafa than Muawiyah Radiallahu Anhu. And
he was more beloved to the prophet
than Muawas.
And also we agree, all the Muslims agree
that Al Hassan al Qanda Hussayid, the grandchildren
of the Prophet SAW Salam, were more qualified
than Yazid, than the son of Muawiyah. May
Allah be pleased with all of them.
So what we said about the Prophet SAW
Alaihi Wasallam preferring and loving some of the
Sahaba more than others, it is not from
me, it is from the Prophet SAW Alaihi
Wasallam himself in authentic hadith.
For example, the Hadith of Amr ibn Aas,
he said that the Prophet
used to,
give us his full attention when he spoke
to us and when he addressed us,
so much so that each one of us
thought that he is the most beloved to
the Prophet
every single one of them. So one time,
I came to the Prophet and said, O
Prophet of Allah,
am I, or do you like me better,
or am I better,
or Abu Bakr? So the Prophet said, you
know, Abu Bakr.
So the prophet said, no Abu Bakr. So
then he said, am I more beloved to
you or Omar? So the prophet
said, Omar.
Then Uthman, he said, Uthman,
Ali, then Ali.
Then he mentioned other sahaba, then at the
end of
So for someone like us
to judge the Sahaba and to talk about
the differences they had, you have to be
at their level to talk about them.
Because some of us,
So if they did something if some of
them did something wrong, they made a mistake,
but how to be Nabi Ba Taq and
the 3 Sahaba who stayed behind in as
mentioned in Surat Al Tawba,
you shouldn't criticize them. You should pick your
words when you talk about them, as I
said, because you are not in a position
to criticize them or judge them.
They are the best, they are the fighters.
The best example, if your dad or your
older brother did something wrong, even if they
did something wrong,
when you talk to them, you have to
be respectful, you have to pick your words
when you talk about them in order not
to hurt their feelings
or humiliate them in front of the people,
So you have to pick your words.
Said, why do you hate him?
He said, because of what happened between him
and Ali ibn Abi Talib.
So this scholar, Abuza Azza said,
the lord of Muawiya Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
is a forgiving lord.
And the rival or the opponent of Muawiya,
which is Ali RadhAllahu Anhu, is a generous
So why would you get involved between a
generous lord, a forgiving lord, and a generous
man like Ali RadhAllahu Anhu?
And he was one of the finest sahaba
of the prophet sahaba of the prophet sahaba
of the salaam. He wrote the Quran for
the prophet sahaba of the salaam. He was
one of the scribes. Whenever the revelation came,
he used to write for him, and he
made jihan with the prophet sahaba of all
the time. So what we should do is
to mention the sahabah with whatever is good.
If something bad happens between them, we keep
quiet because we're not in a position to
criticize them or insult them. Thus Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala