Mustafa Khattab – Taraweeh Gems 4 Greatest Verse

Mustafa Khattab
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses the importance of the verse "will be rewarded by the creator." They explain that the verse in the Quran is the greatest and most preciousest of all, and that it is a unique verse in the century before it. The speaker also discusses the importance of providing for oneself and others, as well as denying oneself and others.

AI: Summary ©

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			So we cannot leave Surah Al Baqarah without
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			talking about Ayat al Kursi, the greatest Ayat
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			in the Quran.
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			There are several hadith that talk about the
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			greatness and the value of this,
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			And we know that the ulama'u tafsir, they
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			say if there is a verse from the
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			Quran. We know that
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			Surahs in the Quran have names. Right? But
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			if there is a verse inside the Surah
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			that has a special name, then this means
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			that this verse is so great.
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			Yeah. You say for example,
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			Ayatil Mujadil.
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			Like at the beginning of Surat al Mujadalah.
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			This is how the Ayat is called, Ayat
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			al Mujadalah.
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			Also, if you have Ayat al Dayin, the
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			Ayat about deaths at the end of Surat
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			al Baqarah, it means it's a very important
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			and precious,
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			Also this Ayah, Ayatul Kursi, the verse of
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			Al Kursi. Right? So if it has a
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			special name, it means it's a very unique
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			verse in the Quran.
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			The prophet SAWSAW Alaihi Wa Salam asked
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			So in this authentic Hadith, the prophet
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			asked Ubayy ibnika
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			about the greatest
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			verse in the Quran and Ubayi Radi Luh
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			who says without hesitation, Ayatul Kursi.
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			This Ayat in Suratul Baqarah. So the Prophet
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			SAW Alaihi Wasallam commended him for his great
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			There is another Hadith from the Prophet SAW
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			Alaihi Wasallam that's also authentic.
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			The prophet says, whoever recites Ayatul Kursi after
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			every fard, namaz, or salah,
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			the only thing
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			standing between them and Jannah is death. As
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			soon as they die, they go to Jannah.
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			This shows you how important this verse is.
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			A couple of linguistic,
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			things about this Ayah before we get into,
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			some details.
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			The most frequently mentioned
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			letters in Ayatul Kursi, Al Khuruf, Aqthar Khuruf,
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			the Qur'an Al fee Ayatul Kursi,
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			Alif, Walam,
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			The first Ayatul Surah, Alif, Laam, Meel. These
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			are the most frequently mentioned letters in this
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			Number 2,
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			the ayah has 9 verses.
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			If you compare the first
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			ayah to ayah number 9, they match very,
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			perfectly. Like, Allah
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			It talks about the qualities of Allah. Al
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			hayyum Qayyum. And at the end,
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			2 qualities of Allah, Al hayyum Al
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			hayyum. The second,
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			sentence in the Ayat matches
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			verse number 8 at the end. Right?
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			doesn't fall asleep, no slumber overtakes him, and
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			at the end he never gets tired.
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			So it matches perfectly.
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			The third
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			everything in the heavens and the earth belongs
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			to him. It matches with Ayat number
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			verse number, or actually sentence number 7 at
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			the end.
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			His Kursi
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			encompasses everything in the heavens and the earth.
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			sentence 1 with sentence number 9, sentence number
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			2 with sentence number 8 and 7, and
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			actually 3 with 7 and so on and
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			so forth. The one in the middle at
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			the center,
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			sentence number 5, it says, You Alam Mumma
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			Bayna Aidim Mumma Khalfaan. He knows whatever comes
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			before and whatever comes after. Right? So it
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			matches perfectly, it's like a mirror. You know,
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			the the first half is repeated and the
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			second half in a slightly different style, but
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			it is used for emphasis. Right?
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			So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala knows what comes
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			before and what comes after.
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			So why does Allah
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			in this ayah talk about His power and
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			His greatness?
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			Because the ayah before him, He says, You
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			you all laveena a manu unfikumim marazatinakum.
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			Oh you believe, provide or spend, donate
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			from what Allah has given you, He doesn't
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			need you anyway. This is what he is
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			saying in Aat al Kursi, that everything in
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			this world belongs to Him.
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			Your money, your car, you, yourself belong to
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			Allah. So if you provide, if you donate,
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			you help yourself. You're not helping him in
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			any way.
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			So this is why he talks about his
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			power, and his wealth, and greatness.
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			The Ayah after, he's talking about, la ikhraafideen.
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			There's no need to push people to accept
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			Islam. He's saying,
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			the truth stands out clearly from falsehood.
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			Right? So you don't have to push anyone
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			to accept Islam. If Allah wanted all people
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			to take Shahadah, he would have made them
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			believers by default.
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			I remember asking a sister,
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			we send the the pamphlet to, Willand City,
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			and she came and I asked her why
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			did you, accept Islam? She said, as soon
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			as she read the pamphlet,
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			she decided that this was the truth. And
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			she said one thing,
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			that no one would read something like this,
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			and no one would see the truth clearly
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			in front of their eyes and ignore it
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			except a fool.
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			And I told her, this is what Allah
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			says in the Quran,
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			Only a fool will ignore the millah of
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			Ibrahim alaihis salam.
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			Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala describes him himself in
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			this ayah as Al Hayy,
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			the ever living.
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			There was nothing before him, there's nothing after
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			him. He was before time and he is
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			after time.
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			Okay. If we are described in Jannah as
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			Khaledun, we'll be in Jannah forever. What makes
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			our what eternity,
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			our eternity different from his? His eternity
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			has no beginning or end. When we go
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			to Jannah to stay forever,
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			our eternity has a beginning because we're dead
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			before he raised us from the dead, then
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			he gave a Jannah forever. So our eternity
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			is not complete, his eternity is complete.
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			Al Qayyum,
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			he is the all sustaining. He's providing for
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			everyone. He doesn't need us, but he's providing
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			for us. Even those who deny him, even
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			those who worship someone else, those who worship
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			animals, those who worship other human beings, he's
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			still providing for him. Even those who denies
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			like call marks and others, Allah
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			out of His mercy,
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			He's providing for them. He's not denying them
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			food or provision, and this is out of
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			His rahma for His creation.
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			On the day of judgment, everyone will be
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			and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will reward everyone
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			according to decisions and their choices in this
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			life. We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to
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			give us the best in this life and
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			the best in the life to come. The
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			question for last night