Mustafa Khattab – Taraweeh Gems 3 Fasting & Dua
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The speaker discusses the use of the title "by the way" in the Quran to describe the relationship between the man and his wife during the night of busy busy busy busy activities. The title is used to describe the relationship between the man and his wife, and the speaker emphasizes the importance of praying to the Lord to maintain healthy relationships. The title also references the man being a difficult partner and the importance of always remembering to pray for the best in one's life.
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When my servants ask you, Mohammad,
about me,
I'm truly near. I respond to the guapo
whoever calls upon me.
So, there's something very special about this tag.
If you look at the Quran where Allah
is talking to the Quran and
he's saying, when he ask you about something,
tell the prophet this.
14 times in the Quran. They ask you
about this. Yeah. Muhammad, tell him that.
This is the only exception in the Quran.
This a.
There is no
It says when he asks you about
me, Allah is giving you the answer right
away. There's no one between you and Allah.
Right? So he's telling you,
when they ask you, Muhammad, about me,
I'm truly near. He's giving you the answer
right away.
Not through the prophet, but Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is talking to you directly. There's no
one between you and Allah.
There's also another thing interesting about this ayah.
When you read the ayah before and the
ayah after, they talk about
The Ayah after
it talks about,
a man's relationship with his wife during the
night of Ramadan. So the Ayah before and
the Ayah after talk about rulings related to
fasting and Ramadan.
But this particular one is talking about Dua.
It technically, it has nothing to do with
the ayah before
and the ayah after. Why is it there?
Why it is put in there?
Well, this style is very common in the
Quran. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is talking about
general theme
and in the middle he puts an Haya
seemingly has nothing to do with the Ayah
before or after. Another example,
in in the Quran in Surah Al Baqarah,
the Ayah that talk about divorce.
Like, 3 or 4 pages
talk about divorce,
then there's this ayah in the middle,
Then he talks about divorce again. Right? So
3 4 ayah about divorce,
1 ayah in the middle that talks about
then he talks about divorce again. What what
does salah have to do with marriage and
divorce? So the ulama say,
if you have respect for Allah and you
pray with time, you keep up your salah,
you will always have respect for your wife
or your husband
and there will never be problem in the
marriage if you keep a keep a good
connection with Allah. This is why the ayah
is put in the middle in the ayah
that talk about marriage and divorce.
So marriage and divorce have a lot to
do with salah.
And this is why broken families when people
come and ask about,
for counseling and they're shooting at each other,
they're calling the police on each other, the
first question I ask them do you guys
of the time the answer is no, we
don't pray.
So if you have no relationship with Allah,
how can you keep a good relationship with
one another? So this is the wisdom.
As for this ayah, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is telling us
whose dua will never be rejected. Their dua
will always be accepted,
and one of them is the fasting person,
As Sahih.
If someone is fasting in Ramadan or outside
their dua will always be accepted. And this
is why the ayah here is put between
the ayah to talk about Ramadan and the
different rulings.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling us in
the ayah, when you pray to me I
will respond to you. It doesn't say I'm
going to answer. He's saying I will respond
because the response will come in different forms.
So for example, if you pray to him,
I wanna marry this lady or I wanna
find the you know,
get this job,
then maybe Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will give
you the job or he will give you
this wife.
Or maybe
you are asking for a particular job,
an iman job, or a teacher job, or
a doctor job, when you are asking to
pay a particular person,
a husband or a lady or a man,
then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala knows that this
is a miserable job or he knows that
this is a crazy man or a crazy
woman. If you marry them,
you will be miserable.
Right? So he knows that there's nothing good
about these people if you marry them or
in this job. So he gives you a
different job or he gives you a different
person to marry. So he responds in a
different way.
you are asking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for
something and this through a lot about many
of us that you ask about something, you
Allah, I want to marry this person or
you Allah, I'm sick or you Allah, I
have a difficulty.
Remove this difficulty or give me a job
or something. Then, you know, Allah
responds after a long time.
There's a hikmah behind this because
is telling us in the Quran,
if he keeps showering his namal on you,
you always turn your back to him.
You only give back to him and ask
him if you need something from him. He
knows us.
Surah al Fusilat ayah 51. If we show
our our nirmaw and humans,
they turn their back to me, to Allah.
But if they are in a difficulty, they
have a problem,
they always come to Allah with lengthy dua.
They are crying, they're asking Allah forever.
So he knows us. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
wants to keep your company.
He knows if you make dua to him,
he gives you your answer to the dua
the same day, you'll turn your back to
him. But he keeps you asking for dua
for weeks or months because he wants to
keep your company.
And always
remember if,
the distance between you and Allah is getting
always keep to in your mind that Allah
hasn't moved even for 1 inch. You are
the one who's moving away. So always make
Dua to him. If he doesn't respond to
you in this dunya by giving you what
you're asking for, maybe he knows that this
is not good for you in this dunya.
He will give you the reward in adhira
for your dua and for asking him. We
We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to give
us the best in this life and the
best in the life to come and we
ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to always answer
our dua in what is best for us
in this dunya and in Afr Al Mi'in