Mustafa Khattab – Taraweeh Gems 1 Religion Of Ease

Mustafa Khattab
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In this transcript, the speaker discusses the importance of fasting during the day to achieve rewards for Muslims. They explain that fasting during the day means eating anything and praying five times a day, giving a word of praying only. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of fasting during the season to increase health and wealth.

AI: Summary ©

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			The series last year, the talk between Prabhu
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			Raweem was about Muslim manners. And today, inshallah,
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			we're gonna start a new series, and the
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			title is Quran Jims. So every night, inshallah,
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			we're gonna choose a an ayah from the
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			Quran or a a small,
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			passage from the Quran. So we reflect on
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			this ayah to see what we can learn
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			from this ayah shawah.
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			The passage for today is from Surah Al
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			Baqarah where Allah
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			And this part we are sighted in Isha
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			where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says, Allah intends
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			every ease for you and He doesn't intend
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			to place hardship on you.
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			Before we start insha'Allah,
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			if you look at Surat Al Baqarah there
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			are 2 themes in this Sur. Allah Subhanahu
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			Wa Ta'ala talks about the different abadat in
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			this Sur. He talks about salah, he talks
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			about Ramadan, about fasting,
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			he talks about salata and zakat, he talks
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			about hash and so on and so forth.
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			So there are 2 things that Allah subhanahu
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			wa'ala mentions after these abadat.
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			Number 1,
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			he says almost all the time in this
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			surah, every time he talks about Ibadah, he
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			says that the purpose of this Ibadah is
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			to generate taqwa in you.
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			So you have been made a fad on
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			you just like it was made an obligation
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			on those who came before you so that
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			you will achieve taqal. Look at the ayat
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			that talk about Hajj, about different things in
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			the Surah,
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			the same thing. They always conclude with the
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			word Taqwah or to achieve Taqwah. Taqwah or
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			Alimuqmlah and so on and so forth. So
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			this is number 1. Number 2, Allah Subhanahu
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			Wa Ta'ala when he speaks about rebala in
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			the Surah, he always says at the end
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			that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala doesn't want to
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			make things difficult for you.
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			And at the end of the Surah,
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			Allah doesn't want to, make things difficult for
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			you. Be intense every ease for you.
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			Some people will say, but wait a minute,
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			fasting 30 days for 17 hours, in our
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			case for 20 hours, 22 hours, actually this
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			year in the case of Iceland Iceland, is
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			not making things easy for us. Fasting the
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			whole day standing in Taraweeh for an hour,
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			9 rakahs or 22 rakahs. Right?
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			And praying 5 times a day, then praying
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			for a tarawiyyaf and tahad. So this is
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			not making things easy for us. This is
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			what some people think.
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			Why is it not that we just go
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			to the masjid once a a week just
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			like some other people from different faiths?
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			Actually, some Muslims do the same thing. We
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			call them Jumah Muslims. They go once a
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			week. Right?
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			And what about fasting the other way just
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			like some other people from other faith communities?
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			They just
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			eat anything they want, they drink anything they
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			want, they they just avoid one thing.
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			So now imagine if you are fasting in
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			Ramadan, you can eat anything, you go to
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			Tim Hortons every day and you only avoid
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			biryani. Right?
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			So this is how they fast. Some people
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			are going fish, some people are going chocolate.
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			This is how they fast.
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			Well, you have to look at it. There
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			are 2 points inshallah. I got 1 minute
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			then we'll continue.
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			Number 1,
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			the same people who are doing this these
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			things, they go to their places of worship
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			a week, or they go only for Janazah,
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			and those who avoid only one thing, on
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			the day of judgment, when they see their
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			reward and the honor and the dignity that
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			giving to the
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			They will wish they were Muslims.
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			And when you see the honor and the
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			dignity and the the greater word of Allah
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			Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has for you in Jannah,
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			You wish that the whole year was Ramadan.
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			You wish you prayed not only 5 times
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			a day and prayed 50 times.
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			And guess what? You are getting the reward
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			for fasting the whole year, actually the whole
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			year without fasting the whole year. And you
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			get the reward for praying 50 times a
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			day with praying only.
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			How? We know from the hadith of the
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			prophet SAWSAA that in Tabari if you fast
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			in Ramadan
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			you get 10 rewards for 1 good deed
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			so 30 days in Ramadan by 10 that's
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			and you fast 6 days from the month
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			of Shawwal
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			that is 60
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			360. This is what the prophet says,
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			if you fast Ramadan 6 days from Shawwal
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			you get the reward of fasting the whole
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			year. You pray 5 times a day you
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			get the reward of fasting,
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			the you pray 5 times a day, you
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			give that a word of praying 50 times
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			a day as the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
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			sallam says in the hadith. The last point.
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			So why do we fast sometimes in Ramadan
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			in the summer, in the winter,
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			in the spring, and why does it move
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			all the time?
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			Well, just think about it this way. It
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			is recommended in the sunnah when you pray
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			in the masjid that you change the place
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			of your salah. So sometimes you pray here,
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			tomorrow you pray there, the next day you
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			pray in the back. I know some Muslims
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			they like to pray in a certain spot,
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			like like they get a bit better coverage
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			when they pray in a certain spot. I
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			saw a brother one time, he came to
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			the masjid lad and he saw one brother
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			sitting in the front and he said, yo,
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			move. This is my spot. And he he
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			actually he moved him to the back.
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			So when you pray in the different places
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			on the day of judgment, these different spots
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			in the masjid will make Shafa for you.
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			They will acknowledge you and they will ask
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			Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, to give you huge
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			Jannah. Look at Siyam the same way when
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			it comes in different seasons. Maybe on the
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			day of judgement, fasting in the spring will
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			make shafa for you. Fasting in the summer
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			will make shafa for you. Fasting in the
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			winter will make shafar for you. So ask
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			Allah subhanahu wa
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			Who is that child and what is the
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			name of the Surah? If you know the
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			answer inshaAllah email me at info at [email protected].
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			us and tomorrow we'll get a precious gift
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			inshallah and this will be throughout the month.