Mustafa Khattab – Sahabas Love for the Prophet PBUH

Mustafa Khattab
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the strong actions of the prophet Muhammad, including his humble stance and lied words. The discussion also touches on his Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype. The segment emphasizes the importance of communicating the message and avoiding criticized behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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I pay witness that there is none worthy

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of our worship except Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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And I pay witness that Muhammad Sallallahu Wa

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Salam, peace be upon him, is the seal

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of the prophets and the final messenger

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to all humanity.

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Allah guides, there is none to misguide.

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And whomever Allah

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leaves to go astray, there is none to

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So today, inshallah, we'll continue our discussion about

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So even the Guffar of Mecca, the people

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of Mecca before Islam,

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they used to wonder why

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in the world the sahaba of the prophet

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used to love him so much. So in

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this narration,

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Abu Sufyan radiAllahu, before he accepted Islam, he

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said, I have never seen anyone

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loves another person just like the Sahaba, the

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companions, and the prophet sassan have loved Mohammed.

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I wonder. I don't know why.

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Why we also love the prophet, salallahu alayhi

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wa sallam,

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number 1, this is what we are told

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in the Quran. We are told that the

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prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam is closer to

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us than our own selves,

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and he is more beloved to us than

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the Quran

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that indeed the prophet is closer to the

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believers than their own selves than their own

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And if you read in the the Tasir

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ibn Kabir al Qutubi, they say,

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because yourself,

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your soul, the lower self,

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and desires will always prompt and motivate you

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to do the wrong, the Haram.

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Do this, drink this, mold that. But the

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always tells you to do what is good

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and to avoid what is evil. If something

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is bad to you, he's telling you to

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avoid it.

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But your desires tell you, no. Go ahead

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and do it. And if there's something good

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for you, the prophet

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will tell you, do it, and your lower

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self will tell you, no. No. No. Don't

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go there. No.

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And this is why this

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is more beloved to you than yourself.

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So the prophet

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mentioned the same thing in an authentic Hadith

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as high as Muslim. He said,

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the example of myself and my companions, my

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ummah, is some like someone who is standing

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by a fire,

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the butterflies

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and insects, they keep throwing themselves in the

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And I'm standing there trying to protect you

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from the fire, and you are throwing yourself

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in there. So this is the meaning of

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the ayah and the Quran.

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And we know the khalil from Muhammad Al

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Ababa and so on and so forth.

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So the second reason, the prophet was

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very humble always

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before he migrated to Madinah and after

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when they were persecuted in Mecca and when

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Allah gave them victory in Madinah. He was

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always the same person, humble.

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So the prophet was always humble. We're told

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in the authentic ahadith and in the sirup

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that the prophet

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when the Sahaba were building the masjid, he

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was carrying rocks with them.

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When they were digging the trench to protect

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adi Badina, the prophet was carrying dust and

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digging with them.

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When he traveled and it was time to

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make food, the prophet

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would collect firewood for them. And they say,

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oh, prophetullah, you don't have to do

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people like if someone is their king or

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their ruler,

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they like that person to be one of

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them. If they feel you are one of

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the people, they will always be there. They

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stand up for you, and they try to

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protect you. And do the best they can.

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But if they think you're up there and

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they are down here, you're looking down upon

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them, treating them like slaves, nobody will care

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about you.

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So the second or third reason why the

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sahabah loved the prophet

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so much was because he was so honest

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with them. He never

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lied. And even before Islam, he was called

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the reliable and the trustworthy.

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He never lied.

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So it so happened as reported in the

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hadith in Bukhari and Muslim,

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when the son of the prophet

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died, the son of Ibrahim passed away, in

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the same day it so happened,

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a coincidence,

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that that there was a solar eclipse. The

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sun was eclipse.

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So some people

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started a rumor that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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feels sorry for the prophet's son. This is

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why we have a solar eclipse.

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So the prophet, salaam, came out and he

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gave a footba and said,

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let all of you know that the sun

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and the moon are two signs of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. They lone eclipse for anybody's

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death or life.

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And if you see a solar eclipse, makes

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a lot of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Someone, another person

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who is hoping to get the support

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of people and the people who believe in

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his message, and he was fought and persecuted.

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He would say, you know what? Yes. Allah

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is sad that my son died. And if

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betray us the same name, he would say,

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you know what?

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The the angels are crying.

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This is a raid that'll be done. This

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is steers. No. The prophet

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was very honest with the people.

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Also, the prophet

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was sincere, and people loved him for his

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He was persecuted. The sahaba were killed. He

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was injured.

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the people of Mecca sent someone to bribe

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him. So they said, if you want money,

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I'm gonna write you a check right now.

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If you want

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a position or a status in the society,

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we'll make you a king over us.

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If you want women, we'll get you the

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most gorgeous women in town.

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But the prophet

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said, no. By Allah, my role is to

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convey the message. Even if I die, convey

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the message.

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Somebody else would say, okay. You're giving me

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I would accept a1000000. Thank you.

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No. The prophet, salaam, was ready to give

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all it takes to deliver the message.

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So how did the Sahaba of the qtymels

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defended the prophet

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If you look at the sera,

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the sahaba, all of them, men, women, and

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they were ready to sacrifice everything, their money,

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themselves to protect the prophet, salaam,

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and to support him.

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So number 1, they tried to defend him

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in the media,

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And the media at that time was poached.

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It would say a poem and people would,

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you know,

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just spread the word and say this poem

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everywhere. So they spread the word in this

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way. They didn't have Fox News back then.

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So Hassan ibn Abdul was the point of

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the prophet

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He used to make points to defend the

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And in one point, he's telling him,

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you have tracked the prophet

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and I tried to respond on his behalf,

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hoping to get that word from Allah.

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I sacrificed my honor and the honor of

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my father and his father to defend the

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prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam from everything he

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say. He's saying, basically, if you want to

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attack someone,

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attack me and my family, and don't say

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a word about the prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa

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Many of them, they sacrificed their money to

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defend the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, like

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Uthmar and Afar and all of the sahab

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to our

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Muslims to defend the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam and defend Madin.

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Also, they tried to protect him with themselves

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and their souls.

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If you read the story of Alayna Bintalib

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in the Hijra or Taha in the Arabayna

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land in the battle of Badr, When they

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tried to kill the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam, so he made himself as a shield.

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He took he took all the stabs instead

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of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam until

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they say in the narrations, he lost all

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of his fingers,

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they almost found his hand, trying to protect

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the prophet, and some of them, those are

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liars trying to defend them.

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So we're told in the seerah

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that a lady from Bani Dinar, a tribe,

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that her father and her husband and her

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brother were killed in the Battle of Benin.

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And when the news came to her, the

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first thing she said, what did the prophet

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do? How how is the prophet

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do? They said, he is fine,

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after the prophet is tiny and small. If

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the prophet is okay, everything else is okay.

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In this story,

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at the time of Umar ibn Khathar in

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the state of Bahrain,

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some of the children of the Sahaba, they

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were playing hockey with sticks and a small

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So somebody kicked the ball so hard, so

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it fell on the chest of the man.

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He was not Muslim.

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So what happened? They went him to to

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get the ball, to retrieve the ball. So

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they said, will you please give us the

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What then was bad? Okay?

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But they were very nice to them and

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said, okay. We apologize. The ball hit you

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in the chest. Okay.

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But please give us the ball. He said,

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no. I'm not gonna give you the ball.

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So they said, we asked you they thought

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he was Muslim because he had a beard.

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He looked like, you know so they said,

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we ask you by your love

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to the prophet to give us the boat.

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He started to pass at them and the

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So as narrated in the story,

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they fixed him up New York style.

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And when the news came to Umar alayhi

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lawu, he was so happy, and he said

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Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, has given Islam victory

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today. So the sahaba said, why? He said,

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because the prophet

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his name was abused

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in front of little kids,

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and they supported the prophet and they defended

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him in this way.

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about 2 weeks ago, we started this campaign

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to collect funds so we can send pamphlets

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to all the homes in Edmonton and neighboring

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cities. And inshallah, if we give more support,

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maybe you will print out a 1,000,000 pamphlets

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and we'll send them to all the homes

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in Alberta.

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The best way to defend the prophet

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is through doubt, to

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And the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said

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to me, with the hadith balimu ani wailu

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aye. Convey my message

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even in the form of 1 ayah or

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1 hadith.

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I've seen a lot of cases where people

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come to me and after we give them

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shahada, they start crying and they said,

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and know what? You guys should have told

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me about Islam 10 years ago. If my

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father knew about Islam before he died, he

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would have a trip in Islam. But you

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guys are lazy. Allah, this is what people

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So this call will say, draw three purposes

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behind making down onto people.

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Number 1, when you deliver the message to

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them, you're fulfilling a religious obligation.

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when you come in the day of judgment,

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you will stand before Allah and say, oh,

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for all Allah, I delivered the message as

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you said in the Quran.

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My role and the role of the prophet

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and all prophets before him is to convey

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and not to convert.

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Just convey the message. This is what Allah

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says in the Quran. Whether they accept or

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not is not your problem.

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Number 1, if they accept Islam Alhamdulillah,

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every single person will get the reward in

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the masjid and in the community.

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Number 2, those who don't know about Islam,

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if if they don't take Shahada, at least

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they will have a positive

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attitude toward Islam and Muslims.

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If someone says something wrong in the media

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or in front of them, they'll say, no.

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You know what? Muslims are good people. Islam

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is a peace and a religion. What you

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are saying is wrong.

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This is the purpose number 2. Number 3,

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if we don't get people

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to take child

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or to change attitude about Islam, at least

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they will hate Islam less.

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And if we settle down to this, that

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we get less

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hatred from people, this is a success.

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We said in the past 2 weeks that

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the initial

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quote we got is 2 pounds per dog.

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But Alhamdulillah, the brothers in the Masjid were

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able to negotiate a better deal, and now

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we're getting 5 up 4 up to 5

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pamphlets per per dollar. So if you pay

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a $100, we'll be able to send the

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pamphlets to 500

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A $1,000,

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homes or 500,

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multiplied by 4 people in the household, that's

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20 up to 20,000

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So this is an obligation. Insha'Allah, after the

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fundraise after the salahatul Jum'ah, there will be

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brothers standing

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or go to the office inshallah and pay

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in the office if you have a Mastercard

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or any other means. That's Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala. And

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