Mustafa Khattab – Rarmadan Special Quran Gems 1

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The speaker discusses the importance of using the same title in various hadiths, including the ones related to the month ofusually fasting. They also mention a recent marriage and the importance of making it a habit to avoid getting in trouble. The speaker concludes by reminding listeners to email if they have any questions or doubts.
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After the 8th and the wut inshallah, we'll,
give a short reminder, 3 minutes in the
then, you can continue the 22 inshallah.
The prophet says,
That whoever stands with the imam for salah
until the imam is done, then they leave
with the imam, then inshaAllah, they will get
the full reward, and they will go to
So it doesn't matter if the imam prays
22, 50, you will get the reward insha'Allah.
Those who pray 8 and wit will go
to jannah, those who pray 22 and they
will go to jannah. We know from the
hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
al Bukhari that Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
himself prayed 11.
Where Allah
says, So there is something interesting about this
ayah. Number 1,
the ayah is right in the middle of
the ayah that talk about Ramadan.
Allah says, when my servants ask you, Muhammad,
about me, tell them I'm close by, I'm
close to them, so they can ask whatever
they want.
So the 2 ayah before they talk about
Ramadan and fasting, and the ayah after talks
about the ruling related to the 9th of
But this particular ayah, 186 in Surah Baqarah
talks about the Dua'at,
especially in Ramadan. Because this ayah comes between
the ayah that talk about the month of
Number 2,
this ayah in particular is very special because
every time Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
reveals an ayah that says when they ask
tell him that.
So every time Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says
if they ask
you, tell them.
This is the only a' in the Quran
that says if they ask you, it doesn't
say tell them, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells
you directly.
If they ask you,
I'm near you, I'm close to you. So
He's not telling the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa
sallam to tell us, He tells us directly.
So this shows you the importance of Dua
to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala is Hayyun Kareem. This is what the
Prophet SAWHAN says in the authentic hadith. Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala feels shy
when you make Dua to him, so whenever
you make Dua, you never come back empty
handed. You always come back with something because
Allah has
this quality of Haya, and he's generous. You
always come back with something.
The prophet says in the authentic hadith in
there are 3 people, whenever the imaq Duaa
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta'ala will always answer the
The number 1 Imam Wa Ta'ala, a just
If a ruler is just, he follows the
Quran and Sunnah, he follows the Sharia, then
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will answer the dua.
Wasa i'mhata yufr Those who are fasting until
they break their fast. So make sure that
you always make dua'al Ramadan while you're fasting,
because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will always accept.
The second one, or the third one, the
person whose dua is always accepted, al Mavloom.
The person who has been abused, the person
who has been wronged, the person who has
been persecuted, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will always
answer the dua.
If you want to become tonight a millionaire
with hasanat,
then pay your attention to this one. This
is a beautiful hadith, the Tabahani,
and I don't know of any hadith that
can give you more rewards than this one,
in relation to dua.
The Prophet SAW Alaihi Wasallam says, Maristaffara
lal mumineenawal muminat kanalahu bipul mumineen wawmminatin
Hazal. So this is a beautiful hadith in
Tabari. The Prophet SAW Alaihi Wasallam says, Whoever
makes dua for all Muslims, men and women,
then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Du'a that Allah
will forgive them and give them Jannah.
Whoever makes dua for all Muslims, then Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will give them hasanah for
every Muslim and Muslima.
Which means, How many Muslims are there in
the world?
If you make Dua for all Muslims, then
Allah will give you 1,600,000,000
hasanah according to this hadith. So every night
in your salah make Dua for all Muslims,
that Allah will forgive them. Allah will accept
their fasting, Allah will give them Jannah,
then Allah will give you the reward for
every Muslim you pray to. The last thing
I want to say, that when you'd make
dua for other Muslims, some of the,
the Righteous Yeahan al Sarikoon, they never made
dua for themselves.
Why? Because they always make dua for other
people because there is an authentic hadith from
the Prophet SAW. If you make dua for
other people, the Malaika will say walakamitluthalik.
And for you too. So if you make
dua that Allah will give Jannah to your
brother, then the Malalika will say and you
will get the same. Right?
But be careful when you make Dua' sometimes
you will get in trouble. I'll conclude with
this story. There was one imam,
he recently got married, so he told this
to his wife. If you make Dua for
Muslims for your neighbor, for your brother, your
sister, then the Malaika will say you will
get the same. So he said, Let's make
Dua for our neighbor.
You Allah forgive his sins. She said Ameen.
Because the Malaika will say you will get
the same. You Allah give him Jannah. She
said Ameel because the Malaika will say we'll
give you the same. You Allah give him
the Shafa'ah of Muhammad SAW. She said Ameel
because the Malaika will say and you will
get the same. Then he said, You Allah,
give him a good wife.
She didn't say Ameen because she thought, if
I say, the Malayika will say, and you
will get the same,
she will be in trouble.
Then after he made this Du'a, everything got
dark, there was silence,
and he got a question that says Mar
Rabuk, who is your Lord? So it seems
he was hit with something and he was
in the grave. Who is your Lord? But
anyway, make Duaa for yourselves and your families
and all Muslims in this month inshaAllah. I
conclude with a question,
it's a very difficult question.
There is a human being in the Quran
who is mentioned in the Quran in many
places, but he is not from the children
of Adam.
A human being in the Quran, but he's
not from Benny Adam. If you know the
answer, email me before tomorrow. Asr at [email protected].
Centre, c e n t r e. The
Canadian style. So if you know the answer,
email me and you'll get a very good
prize tomorrow. Not a wife. You'll get a
good prize anyway.
We'll continue