Mustafa Khattab – Ramadan Special Quran Gems 28
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The speakers discuss the importance of achieving happiness through various methods, including physical appearance, social media, and actions. They stress the importance of learning and choosing one's own path to achieve happiness, rather than trying to achieve others. The speakers also emphasize the importance of worshiping Allah and being a servant of him, avoiding protest, and accepting the Qadr of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. They end with a discussion of the meaning of "The length of the year" and a mention of a person named brother Muhammad Kookah.
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And we said that, different people, they try
different things to be happy in this dunya.
So Muslims would like to be happy in
dunya al akhirah, and then Muslims, they also
try to be happy. People do bad things,
good things, haram things to to become happy.
We spoke about money last night, and the
night before, and we said that money is
not everything. Yes, alhamdulillah, it's good to have
money, to live a comfortable life, but this
is not the end. It is just money
is just a means to take you to
akhirah, but money is not an end in
Some people do crazy stuff to achieve happiness.
Sometimes when you walk around, you see people
with pink hair, blue hair, green hair,
it's up to them. Everyone is free to
do whatever they want, but this is their
way way of trying to achieve happiness.
The way people dress,
and, some people do haram stuff to achieve
happiness, some people drink,
some people chase women tattoos, and so on
and so forth. There are studies that show
that there are some people
who post on Facebook
an average of 35 pictures every day. They
take selfies like,
take selfies. They go to the washroom, they
take off their shirt, and they take pictures,
and they post them on Facebook.
Because it gives them gratification.
So out of the 7,000,000,000 people that Allah
created in this world, and out of the
billions of species, and the birds, and the
fish, the only thing that you choose to
take a picture of every day is yourself.
35 times. Okay? But again, this is their
way of achieving happiness.
I mentioned in the Khutba one time that
in 2010,
there's a guy in South Korea.
He got married to his pillow.
Well, I officially,
he got married to his pillow.
Last night, or actually, last night I saw
it on Facebook, a guy got married, I
don't know where he was, he got married
officially to his cell phone.
Seriously, official, they got an official document. So
So the guy who got married to his
fellow, the whole week I was blown away,
why would anyone marry their fellow?
Then maybe I said, because fellows don't talk.
Maybe fellows, they don't ask for your salary
every month.
Something like this. But again, this is their
way of achieving happiness, and they think it
makes them happy. You know, people try to
achieve happiness in different ways. Some people achieve
by abusing other people.
Some of you have experienced this before, and
this is why I see all of you
in front of me here. Right?
Some of our rulers back home, they abuse
And the good thing they have done is
they brought all of you together here so
we can see these beautiful faces and the
good people, alhamdulillah. So we're grateful for that.
And the happiest day for some people,
is when they see someone suffer. Right? They
abuse authority, they abuse money, and so on
and so forth. It gives them gratification, they
feel happy when they see people suffer.
So we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala not
to make us among these people.
How do we achieve happiness through the Quran
and the Sunnah of the Prophet
Number 1,
you have to understand why you are here
in this dunya. This is the main,
way to achieve happiness. To is to know
why you are here. Why did Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala put you here? Right? Our purpose
in life, our goal and mission in life
is to worship Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
do the best thing as Khalifa for Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala on earth. This is our
job. Your work, your money, your job, everything
else comes next, but your main job is
to be a servant of Allah.
Right? This is your main job.
You should always think, why did Allah
choose us to be the khalifa,
to be His servants, and He gave us
the honor of being above the rest of
His creation?
Because quite frankly if you watch National Geographic
and you, you know,
we know that when we look at the
Kingdom of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, the creation,
at least the visible word that that we
see, if you take a dive in the
ocean, you see the fish, you see the
if you see the peacocks, the parrots,
see the elephants and the lions,
we're not the strongest,
we're not the most beautiful,
we're not the fastest,
we don't have the biggest fangs,
we're the most powerful, we're nothing, man. Allah
says it in the Quran,
We are created weak,
But how come that we made it to
the top?
Right? Because Allah
gave us free
choice. These things that I mentioned, the malaika,
the the elephants,
the sea world, the animal kingdom, the fish,
the birds, they don't have free choice. They
worship Allah by default. Right? And this is
you never see a bird, or a fish,
or any creation that made an idol for
one of their own, and they worship it.
Never happened.
Right? They don't worship each other.
Right? They worship
But in our case, we have free choice,
we can worship anything. We worship money, we
worship is Shawat, alaytamal tahhva ilaha, ahuawaat, those
who worship their desire. We worship other human
beings, 'Isa, bhuda, the example of so many.
We worship animals.
There are so many examples, I don't have
to get into details. Some of us worship
stones, some worship mice, some worship the moon
and the stars, and and and so on
and so forth. Some even worship shaitan. There's
the Church of the Devil in the US,
and they are in the tens of 1,000.
Some people worship shaitan.
Right? We have free choice. So if we
choose to worship Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, be
true servants of Allah, who are better than
anything else, some of the Lamad say even
better than malaika, because we have free choice,
they don't.
And if we disobey Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
we worship dunya, we worship the dala, we
worship the stones, everything else, we are worse
than anything else.
So your job is to be a true
servant of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Allah comes
Don't put your culture before Allah.
Don't put money before Allah. Don't put politics
before Allah. And this is why people suffer
in this world, because they put everything
before Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
The second reason to achieve happiness in this
is to be happy with the Qadr of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Tell David Qadr.
The Prophet
says in the Hadith, means, Sa'adat ibn Adam
Radahu Bi Maqasam Allah. Wamin shata'wat ibn Adam
Sakhatoo Bi Maqaddala. The Prophet
that your happiness in dunya is to accept
the Qadr of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Don't
Don't question Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And your misery in this dunya is in,
questioning the Qadr of Allah. Why me? Like,
always. Why me?
Like your son is 15, 17 years old,
and he died. Qadr Allah. So don't question
Allah, and you say, Well, my neighbor is
Why my son?
You know, my son was healthy, my neighbor
is always going to the doctor. He's alive,
he's playing around.
My son was healthy, he died, what is
this? Laay Usaru amayafagwawum
yisaru. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is not to
be questioned about what he does, but we
should be held accountable and questioned.
You should be satisfied with the Qadr of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. If you know the
hikmah, the wisdom, why Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
chose you for this test, you should be
No one
suffered more than the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wa
sallam. I'll give you one example, there are
so many ways he suffered.
He had 7 children,
he lost 6 of them in his life,
and the Sahaba still, although he lost 6
of his 7 children, only Fatima Adilva'aina outlived
him. The Sahaba said, Wallahi
The Sahaba said, Wallahi, we have never seen
anyone who is more smiling than the Prophet
SAW. And this is one flavor of the
suffering that he had in his life. Arwad
Ab Nasubaira
He had 4 boys.
One day, they could you know, if he
had a problem in his leg, they cut
off his leg, and he was saying Alhamdulillah.
No problem.
The same day, one of his 4 children
fell off the roof and died.
He was saying Alhamdulillah, so people said, okay,
what's wrong with you? You lost your leg?
You're saying Alhamdulillah, you lost your son, you're
saying Alhamdulillah, what's wrong with you? He said
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has given me 4
limbs, 2 legs,
2 hands, he just took one.
He could have taken all of them. And
gave me 4 boys, He only took 1,
He could have taken all of them. And
I'm not only looking at what Allah has
I'm looking at what He has left for
me, and this is from the grace of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So you should always
be grateful. You shouldn't question the Father of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. On the other side,
some people when they suffer injustice,
like someone has done you something wrong, they
took your house or they stole your money,
you don't say this is Qadrullahi.
No, Qadrullahi is for you to fight back
and take your money. Right? Don't give away
your rights because you think it's Qadrullahi.
Like if you go tonight, 3 in the
morning, there's a burglary in the house,
and your wife says, Habas,
there's a burglary, he's stealing my gold. He
says, Don't worry, the Imam said, Qadr Allah.
No, no, no, no.
Allama Atbal, if you know Allama Atbal, India
Pakistan, right? One of the greatest poets of
the modern,
He said the weak
will blame the Qadarullah. They will say, oh
it's Qadarullah, we're not gonna do anything.
But the strong, Al Qabi,
they think they themselves are Qadarullah.
So they do what is right, they take
their rights back. They're not weak, they're not
afraid, they stand up for what is right.
We'll continue tomorrow inshaAllah, we want to delay
you. We ask Allah
to make us, accepting of his Qadr and
to give us sa'aal in dunya al Adra.
The question from last night, what is the
longest ayah in the Quran? And the winner
is brother Muhammad Al Khuda.
It's Surah Baqarah, ayah 282.
Surah Baqarah, ayah 2 dayin. Where's brother Muhammad
Allah, so I'm gonna take it for myself.
The question for tonight is difficult. Surah Rahman,
Ayah 29th.
Surah Aman, Surah 55 Ayah 29th. What is
the meaning of that Ayah? Kulayamin Huwafi sha'atin.
Why sha'inullah?
Right? If you know the meaning, but you
have to search and read well to get
the right answer. If you know the answer,
you may leave before tomorrow Asa at Imam
Musa at the Natoya Center. That's a Jazakkum