Mustafa Khattab – Ramadan Special Quran Gems 23

Mustafa Khattab
AI: Summary ©
The diverse culture of Taraweeh al Qiyam is often portrayed as "naughty," but it is reflected in the culture of Canada. Jesus's past mistakes have caused his health to deteriorate, and it is important to acknowledge and apologize for mistakes in public. A recent incident involving a woman caught bragging about a mistake was also a mistake by the speaker. The importance of apologizing and acknowledging for mistakes in public is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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As I said, Ramadan started a few days

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ago, and it goes very fast. And as

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I always say, maybe this is why they

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call it fasting, because it goes very fast.

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So before we begin, inshallah, we're gonna do

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a little exercise.

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If I can get everyone to stand up

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for me, please. Stand up.

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take a deep breath,

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turn to your right,

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and hug the person to your right and

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tell them I love you

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And as you can see, the person you

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hugged in

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to your right,

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is probably someone not from your culture, as

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we mentioned before.

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This diversity is even reflected in salah. The

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people who lead the salah in this masjid,

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they come from Turkish background,

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Arab background, Indian Pakistani background, and the brother

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who leads salah to tahajjud is Somali. So

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This is probably the most

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diverse Taraweeh al Qiyam, probably in the whole

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of Canada. Alhamdulillah.

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we started to speak about the forgiveness of

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in this month. In Sura Alisaat, sura 4,

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speaks about the people who is going to

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forgive, and the people that Allah will never

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So the people who forgive are those who

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make mistakes.

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In this ayah, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,

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inna matawbatwalallallahuilillabinaya

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala would only forgive those

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who make mistakes, bijahala,

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and we'll talk about this in a second.

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Then they make tawbah before too long. Min

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And min karib here means before they die.

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Anytime before they die, this is min karib.

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According to the Ulema'u Taseer, and in this

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case, Allah

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will forgive them.

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means 1 of 2 things.

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Bijahala means that you don't know the ruling,

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or you make a mistake,

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or you know the ruling, but you don't

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care. But later on you make tawbah to

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Because we're weak human beings, sometimes we know

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that this is haram, so we go ahead

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and do it.

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So those who do a mistake,

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say for example, someone,

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they ate in the month of Ramadan. I

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gave the story before of the brother from

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Edmonton who ate everything in the fridge the

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first day of Ramadan,

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after war.

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by shaft. He finished everything.

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So he made a mistake, it's forgiven because

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it's a mistake.

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you are not paying attention.

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This is also Bijaha'al, and Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala will forgive you. I remember,

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a few years ago, I was in Edmonton.

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I was imam there,

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Masjid al Rashid.

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First Masjid built in Canada, 1938,

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and Fajr Salah was probably attended by, I

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would say, Ramadan, about a 1000 people.

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Fajr Salah.

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Salah Tur Jum'ah, 5,000 people.

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1st Eid Salah, 15,000 people. Alhamdulillah, big number.

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Especially the 1st few days of Ramadan, mashallah,

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the masjid is packed. So I remember it

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was like the 7th day of Ramadan,

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I woke up as I normally do, like

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half an hour 45 minutes before Fashr. I

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read something for sahur, and I go to

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the masjid for salah, the people are waiting.

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We pray, and I go home, Khalas, after

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So that day, it was the,

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the time saving thing.

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Right? It was in the weekend.

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So I went to, of course I woke

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up, I had my sahar, I love fruits.

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So we had a whole batikah, whole turbuz,

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So I went to the masjid,

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expecting to see a lot of people, but

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there was only nobody was there. Like, the

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parking lot, you can't find a spot. It's

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ultra fresh. You go inside, you can't walk.

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So that day,

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I found 2 guys, and they were playing,

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like, video games or something. I said, said,

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what's wrong with Muslims?

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You know, Ramadan Muslims, where are they? The

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first couple of days, they are everywhere, they're

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playing on the roof, in the hallway, in

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the parking lot,

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but now after a week, no one is

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in the masjid SubhanAllah. What is this? So

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I went to the 2 guys and I

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said okay, why you guys not making a

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van or doing something?

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What, where is everyone?

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They said, where were you an hour ago?

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Because when the time change happened,

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I'm with that, miserable phone company,

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and the phone didn't reflect the change, and

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the change was not reflected in my alarm,

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so I woke up 1 hour after.

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So if such, it was 3:30, I woke

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up at 4:30, thinking it's 3:30, I owe

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the watermelon, mashallah, I was happy.

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I went to the masjid, no one was

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there, and the brothers, they told me at

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the salatul dour that same day, they told

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me SubhanAllah, we're thinking bad of you salatul

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fajr. We're waiting for you like half an

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hour, then we see it, mashallah, the imam

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of Ramadan. He comes to the masjid first

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week, then after that you don't see him.

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So I told him I was thinking the

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same thing about you. So that was a

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mistake. Yes, I ate 1 hour after sun,

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like fajr,

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but this is an innocent mistake, and Allah,

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Subhanahu wa ta'ala, will forgive it because I

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didn't know. It was an innocent mistake. So

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this, Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, will forgive. So

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if you didn't know the ruling,

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or if you made a mistake, Allah will

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forgive you. And also, if you knew the

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but sometimes we are weak human beings. We

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are not angels. We make mistakes, but we

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come back to Allah

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and we ask for his forgiveness, and he

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will forgive us. And I mentioned a few

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days ago, I said

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that a mistake or a sin that will

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bring you closer to Allah

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and bring tears to your eye, and humble

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you, is better in the sight of Allah

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than a salah or a imada that will

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make you arrogant, and look down upon the

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people. Right?

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But what is worse than the mistake?

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As I said, we know the ruling, we

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know this is haram, so we go ahead

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and do it. This is bad by itself,

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but there are some even worse things than

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the mistake itself.

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Like what? Like when you make the mistake,

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and you're happy after the mistake. You made

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something, no one saw you, you're a smart

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guy. You're excited, I did it, masha'Allah. I'm

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the champion. I robbed a bank,

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and no one saw me. I put my

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hand in that guy's pocket, I took his

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cell phone, no one saw me. And you

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excited. What is even worse than that,

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we said that being happy about it in

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yourself, this is worth is worse than the

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mistake, but when you go to and talk

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to the people about what what you did

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last night,

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bragging about the mistake is even worse in

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the sight of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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The fact that

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if Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala puts something in

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your way, and you couldn't make the mistake,

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like someone is going to the bank to

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rob the bank, and their car broke down,

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and they are mad, and they are cussing,

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and they are not happy,

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or the girl that the person is dating

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didn't show up. He is mad. Why? Why?

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What is this? What is this, man? What

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is this?

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So the fact that you're blaming Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala, you're throwing blame right and left,

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this is worse than the mistake itself.

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And what is even worse than that,

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is when we are doing something haram, like

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in private,

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no one is seeing us except Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala, and we're happy, everything is good,

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and as soon as a 2 or 3

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year old kid walks into the room, we

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start like, you know

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Which means,

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that technically, we have more respect and more

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Haya for this 2 year old kid than

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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And this is bad according to Allah, Abdullah

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ibn Abbas What

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is even worse than that is when we

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try to justify the mistake.

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So we are happy about it, we brag

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about it, we're

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we're proud of what we have done, we

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talk to everyone about it, and if we

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get the chance, we're gonna do it again,

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when you

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make when you make the mistake,

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and you refuse to make Tauba and argue.

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Everyone is a thief, everyone is doing haram,

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like you justify.

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When you acknowledge the mistake, you're halfway toward

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2 mistakes are done in the Quran on

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the same page. 1 was done by Adam

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when he didn't obey Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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He told him don't eat from the tree,

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and he ate. Big mistake.

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Mistake, another mistake on the same page in

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Batra, like Ayat 33 and the Ayat after,

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when Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala told him, Please

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to make Sadra, and he said, No, I

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don't feel like making Sadra today. 2 mistakes

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Why was Adam forgiven, and Shaitan was not

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Because Shaitan argued and debated. He said, okay.

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I'm better than him. Okay. Why should I

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he argued and debated. This is why he

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was not forgiven.

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But Adam, he said,

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You Allah,

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we made a mistake, and if you don't

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forgive us, we'll be losers.

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So he didn't argue and debate. This is

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why Allah forgave him. Shaitaan was not forgiven.

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I got only one minute.

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The story of Ibrahim ibn Adham. You probably

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know the story.

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Does you know, do you know the story

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of Ibrahim ibn Adham, and the 5 questions

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that the person is gonna ask along the

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Day of Judgment? Raise your hand if you

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know the answer.

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No one? Okay. So now we make sure

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that everyone is coming tomorrow for Taraweeh. So

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I will say tomorrow InshaAllah.

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You have to come tomorrow. So the question

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from last night

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was about something in just Umrah that breathed

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and it didn't have a soul. Shaylati talafas

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walaisaalahu wa'alaisaalahu wa'alaisaalahu wa'ala salaam alaalahu wa'ala salaam

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The morning when it breathes.

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Or the first breath of the morning. So

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So and the winner is, Sister Aya.

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Sister Aya.

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There's someone to take the prize for her?

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Sister Aya? Yeah, you can pick it later

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from the office Insha'Allah.

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Tuna's question is quite difficult.

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We know, everyone knows that Surah,

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Ithlas, Surah 112,

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equals 1 third of the Quran. Which means

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if you read, technically if you read Surah

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Qulaw Allah 3 times,

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in a night or a day, you get

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that award for reading the whole Quran.

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Why Surah Ihlas

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equals 1 third of the Quran? Why? If

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If you know the answer, email me before

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tomorrow, aas at

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Jazakul Maqed. And remember the word center is

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c e n t r e, the Canadian

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way, not the American way. Allah, we love

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