Mustafa Khattab – Ramadan Special Quran Gems 13

Mustafa Khattab
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The speakers emphasize the importance of leadership and giving children opportunities to learn about Islam. They stress the need to be led by example and not let children be confused by media. The speakers also advise parents to teach children about Islam, particularly when they are in public schools, and provide opportunities for them to learn about Islam. They give advice on being in a logical way and communicating with children about Islam, as well as a teacher named Alaysha who taught children about the gadaat and umalat.

AI: Summary ©

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			Program downstairs inshaAllah so you can take your
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			kids there.
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			The second thing if your phone goes off
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			inshaAllah you can just put your hand in
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			your pocket and turn it off. It's it's
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			perfectly okay inshaAllah.
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			Number 3. Alhamdulillah
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			we had a fundraiser
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			Jum'ah. Allah
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			blessed us with so many generous brothers and
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			and, our expectation was to,
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			raise 500
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			we had as a salah Hajjariyah We gave
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			this opportunity,
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			to buy 500 salah spots in the masjid
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			so we can pay off the loan renovate
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			the roof and fix the parking lot
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			So out of the 500
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			prayer spots in the masjid Alhamdulillah, at Jum'ah
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			today, we sold 300. Taghbir.
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			Allah. Taghbir.
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			Allah. Taghbir. May Allah
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			reward you for your generosity. I thought I
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			would never meet anyone more generous than the
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			people of Edmonton,
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			but, Alhamdulillah, you made me change my mind
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			today. The people of Edmonton will be jealous.
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			So Alhamdulillah, until the end of Ramadan, we
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			have 2 200,
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			spots in the Masjid, 200 salah spots. Those
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			who would like to buy,
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			1 or more spots inshaAllah
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			The pledge forms are here, you can buy
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			them for yourself, your family, your parents, Assa
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			Sala Khajari inshaAllah I'm gonna keep them here
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			over the last couple of days we've been
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			talking about, starting a new page with Allah
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			Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, judging yourself in this dunya
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			before you are judged in Afila.
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			So before I begin talking about
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			our relationship with our kids, because this is
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			something you need to think about as a
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			way of judging yourself in this dunya. We
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			spoke about your parents, we spoke about your
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			husband, your wife, but today we'll talk a
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			little bit about the kids.
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			One of the scholars,
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			his name was Rabi'r al Nukhaytha, and there
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			are different narrations from other scholars.
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			He used to judge himself in this dunya,
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			so every time he did something wrong, there
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			was a way,
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			a very unique way of judging himself.
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			How did he do it?
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			He made a grave in his bedroom,
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			like, by the wall, he dug a grave,
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			and it has a heavy cover or lead,
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			so every time he did something wrong, or
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			he got, distracted by dunya, so he wanted
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			to remind himself of Adra and the day
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			of judgment and the grave. He will go
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			inside the grave, and it was very dark,
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			and his kids and his wife, they would
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			just put the lid or the cover over
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			And he would tell them half an hour,
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			I'm gonna judge myself,
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			half an hour come back, open the door
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			for me, I'll come out. Alhamdulillah.
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			So every time he will go there in
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			the grave, it's very dark, and he's gonna
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			start crying,
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			and, he feels like he's being judged in
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			the grave, and he would ask himself at
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			the end, what do you want now? Now
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			you have seen it all, it's dark, the
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			punishment is there, what do you want? So
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			he would tell himself, He
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			would say, You Allah, send me back to
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			the dunya, I'm gonna clean the mess, I'm
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			gonna be a good guy, I'm gonna be
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			a good person.
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			Then he will knock on the door, his
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			wife will open the door for him, he
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			will come out.
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			So he did this like,
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			10, 15 times through his life, until one
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			day, he went
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			inside and as usual he said to his
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			wife after half an hour just you know
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			open the door I'll come out.
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			His wife, you know, we get the flyers
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			from Walmart,
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			from No Frills, food basics. So she saw
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			the sale
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			Forget him. She went to the store,
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			shopping the whole day. Right?
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			After half an hour,
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			he did his routine. Abir Jar'ooni'aliyahamaluzaliha.
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			As usual, You Allah sent me back. Okay,
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			let's go. He knocked on the door, no
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			one is there.
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			7 hours he was stuck in there. He
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			actually thought he was dead.
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			Right? He said, La Hawa Allah, I'm dead.
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			Khalaas, no more.
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			So he was expecting someone to come and
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			He was sitting there expecting, you know, all
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			the time.
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			time his wife came, you know, with a
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			car full of stuff from the store, a
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			lot of things they don't need anyway.
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			So she came in, he opened the door
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			and he said La, how long have you
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			been? I actually thought I died, right? So
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			don't leave me inside again. And he told
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			work for the day you're going to knock
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			on the door, no one will open for
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			you. Right? This is your last chance. So
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			keep this, image in your in your mind.
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			Now, the relationship with your kids, this is
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			something you need to think about,
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			before you move to Africa.
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			One thing, and this is something we need
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			to do with our kids, we need to
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			lead by example.
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			Sometimes we do something, and we tell them
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			to do something else, and this is very
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			hypocritical, and the kids are confused.
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			Like, you talk to them, you have a
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			cigarette in your hand, and you tell them,
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			If you're small, you would be an idiot.
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			When you have the cigarette in your hand,
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			do you think they will listen to you?
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			Of course not!
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			You tell your kids that backbiting
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			is haram, but our neighbor is ugly.
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			They will never listen to you, because you're
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			back biting people. And so on and so
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			forth. There's this story, it's a true story
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			of a brother,
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			someone called him, his son was telling the
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			story. So he said, this man called,
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			my dad didn't like him, so my dad
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			said, Okay, answer the phone, answer the phone.
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			So I picked up,
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			he said to his father, This is Amu
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			He said, I'm not here. So he said
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			to Amu Ibrahim, My dad is telling you
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			that he's not here.
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			So you are teaching them to lie, and
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			you are mad when they lie to you.
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			Right? So we confuse our kids. You know,
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			you have to raise them and lead by
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			example. In Jum'ah, a few weeks ago, I
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			gave this example
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			that some of us would come here, we
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			don't follow the adaab or Islam. Sometimes we
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			get a convenience store, we sell pork, we
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			sell beer, and your son will come to
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			you with that, but the imam says, you
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			know, this is haram, and you tell him,
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			no no no no. If you sell it
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			to a Muslim, it's haram, but if you
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			sell it to a kafir, it's okay.
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			15 years later, your your son will come
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			to you with that, you know, I have
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			a girlfriend. So your dad will say, but
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			the Sheikh said in the masjid is Haram.
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			So your son will tell you, No, I'm
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			dating a a Kafir girl. She's not Muslim,
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			so it should be okay.
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			So the argument will come back on you.
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			Right? So don't use that stuff with your
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			kids. So you should lead by example.
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			You don't expect them to do the opposite
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			of what you are saying. They are like
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			sponges. They will just they will watch you,
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			they will observe you, everything you do they
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			will follow.
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			Teach them about Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Teach
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			them about Islam. Especially if they go to
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			the public schools and they are bombarded with,
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			know, you heard it all,
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			new * education,
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			all these things,
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			Christmas, Halloween,
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			all that stuff. Right? All these things. So
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			you need to give them the Islamic perspective.
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			And I keep telling people, yes, I understand.
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			If you can't afford to send your kids
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			to Islamic schools,
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			and then go to the public schools, at
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			least in a week, and teach them something.
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			Send send them to the masjid to learn
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			something about Islam.
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			You don't send yourself or your kids actually
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			to the public schools to be taught by
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			Al Gautub Ali Muhammad Ali, and at the
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			end of the year, you expect them to
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			be like Abu Bakr, Omar, and Ufmal and
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			Ali. Who are who are you trying to
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			fool? Right? So you keep this balance. Yes,
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			they learned the secular way, but you also
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			teach them something about Islam.
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			In the Quran,
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			the Prophets were always talking to their kids.
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			And say for example,
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			So Ibrahim alaihis salam and Yaqub, the different
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			prophets, they were teaching their kids tawhid.
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			And Surah Yusuf Yaqub
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			was talking to Yusuf alaihis salam. This is
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			why when he had the dream, he came
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			to his father and he spoke to him.
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			And they say that Yusuf alaihis salam was
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			taking away from his father, Surah Yusuf is
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			Surah number 12 in the Quran. So Yusuf
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			alaihis salam was taken away from his father
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			when he was only 12, 12 years old.
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			And later on in the story when he
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			was in jail, he was doing Dawah about
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			Where did he get that from? Because the
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			people of Egypt at the time, they were
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			mushrikun, they were worshiping idols. So what he
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			got from his father when he was a
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			Luqman alayhis salam. You know Surah Luqman. He's
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			teaching his son about Tawhid. Means salah. There's
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			a day of judgement, be nice to people,
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			respect everyone. So he's teaching him about the
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			gadaat and umalat, your relationship with Allah and
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			the relationship with the people.
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			The last thing I want to say, because
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			tomorrow inshallah we'll be doing a new,
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			you know, a new topic,
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			is Your kids, when they are young, they
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			will always come to you with questions.
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			Hey, dad, who created this phone? You will
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			say, well, Samsung.
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			Who created Samsung? This person, in China.
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			Who created China? Allah. They will say, Who
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			created Allah? They have these questions, right? So
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			you need to find ways to explain to
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			them. Your kids will come to you and
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			say, Dad,
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			where did I come from?
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			some of us would jump out of the
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			window, someone would say shut up, what are
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			you talking about?
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			Right? No, no, no, you need to explain
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			to them, because the Quran talks about these
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			things all the time, so you need to
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			talk to them in, in a very logical
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			And the Prophet SAW Alaihi Wasallam, when he
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			spoke to kids, he spoke to them like
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			He would talk and teach them like grown
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			ups. He was not like, you know, baby
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			talking them. He was talking to them like
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			adults. The Prophet SAW Alaihi Wasallam, you know
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			from authentic ahadith, I got one minute.
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			He used to gather all the kids in
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			the house, al Hasan and the Hussain, and
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			teach them the last ayah of Surah Isla.
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			All the time.
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			So he's teaching them about tawhid.
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			So don't baby talk them. Just talk to
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			them like adults,
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			and give them the the right proof and
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			the right argument, explain to them in an
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			acceptable way. We can't get into more details
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			inshallah. I'm gonna get conclude with this, small
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			story. We'll like inshallah.
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			So one day there's this kid, he comes
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			from school, and he goes to his mom
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			and he says, mom,
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			how did I come about? Where did I
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			come from as a baby?
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			She said: It's very simple.
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			You know, it's very simple. I'm gonna explain
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			to you. We have a carpet like this
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			one in the living room, so I put
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			some sugar under the carpet, and in the
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			morning I lifted the carpet and you are
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			Masha Allah, sugar. Made of sugar.
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			So the mom went to see the kid,
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			he put some sugar below the carpet to
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			see what happens.
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			First thing in the morning he woke up
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			and found 5
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			lifted the carpet, he found 5 cockroaches.
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			So the kid came to his mom when
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			she woke up and said, Mom, I did
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			what you did, you know, I lifted the
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			carpet, there were like 5 cockroaches,
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			you know.
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			She said, Did you kill them? I didn't
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			know we have cockroaches in the house. You
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			should kill them. So he said, How in
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			the world can I kill my kids? These
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			are my kids. Right? You told me.
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			So I get it. We'll come back on
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			you. We'll continue tomorrow inshallah.
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			So the question for last night, there's Surah
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			till, Surah Tun Na'al
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			Surah Tun Na'al, the Surah of the Blessings
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			in the Quran. This Surah lists at least,
00:11:54 --> 00:11:57
			or actually more than 20 favors from Allah,
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			more than any other Surah, And this is
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			Surah Al Nahl. Surah 16,
00:12:01 --> 00:12:03
			and the winner is sister Nafila.
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			Sister Nafila.
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			Yeah. If we can get someone to send
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			it to the sister, in the back.
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			If you can't pass.
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			The question for tonight
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00:12:20 --> 00:12:20
00:12:21 --> 00:12:23
			According to the Quran, how many angels
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			will carry the throne of Allah on the
00:12:25 --> 00:12:28
			Day of Judgment? How many angels will carry
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			the throne of Allah
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			on the Day of Judgment? If you know
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			the answer, imayal me inshallah at imamustafaa atlatoyacenter.zaajazaqamalameha.