Mustafa Khattab – Ramadan Special Quran Gems 11
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The importance of keeping in mind the fact that Islam is a new page and everyone has the chance to decide whether to quit smoking is emphasized. The speaker also advises the audience to keep their minds on their relationship with Allah and the people, to not delay their decisions and to not give money to people who don't do fasting. Additionally, the speaker discusses a story about a man who died at 17 years old and never made a profit from a mother, as well as a woman named Al Hajj who was given a w residential w residential w residential w residential w residential w.
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today's topic is kind of, emotional so we
don't have funny stories tonight and jokes and
stuff. But, tonight's talk is kind of serious.
But this is needed, inshallah.
So I'm going to talk to the youth
tonight, inshaAllah.
A few days ago, I was giving a
talk at one of the masajid. They had
a conference,
so they invited me to speak. So, after
the talk, this brother, your age, 20 years
old, he came to me and he said,
he's doing drugs,
and it is difficult for him to quit.
And he doesn't know if Allah
will accept his fasting or salah or not.
Of course, I hugged him, and I told
him when I was young, I
I I made mistakes.
I didn't do drugs, but I was doing
some bad things as well. So all of
us are human beings, and we make mistakes.
But the thing is, Ramadan is a good
time to start a new page with Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And Allah will help you.
If you cannot smoke for 17, 18 hours
during the day, it means one thing to
me. That if you have the determination,
the commitment, you'll quit smoking by the end
of the month. And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
has given you a proof because you didn't
do it during the day. And if you
are able to play 5 times a day
Ramadan, you stand at night in salah, if
you can't fast in Ramadan, it means one
thing to me that you are able to
do it after the month. And I gave
him some examples that I'm going to share
with you in the 5 minutes I, I
have with him.
And, I reminded him of this ayah from
Surah Hash, ayah number 18, where Allah
says, almost everyone here knows the ayah.
O who believe, O you who believe, be
mindful of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and let
every soul look at what deeds it has
set forth for tomorrow. Means the Day of
Judgement. So if you give the Day of
in your mind, you know that one day,
sooner or later, you're going to stand before
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for judgment.
So it's up to you either to quit
here, and when you go there, your board
is clean, or if you insist on doing
what is haram,
then you have to prepare some good answers.
We know that life is very short, and
I don't have to remind you all the
time. If you don't know the story
of, Brother Burhan, he was a student at
the, Meghan Academy. 12 years old.
In 6th grade. So about a month before
Ramadan, he was on a trip with his
family and he died. He had no medical
12 years old. Nothing.
So this is a warning to each and
every one of us that you don't have
to be 95 years old. Yeah. Some will
say, oh, my father was 95. Well, there
is no guarantee that you are going to
live 95. Come on. Wake up. Right? And
you have to keep this in mind all
the time.
Even if you live 200 years, so what?
Eventually you will leave. You say, in Urdu,
zenda gayba habaktasare.
Those who are Turkish, Hayat suktasare.
I know there are some Somalis here, I
don't want to, make them mad. Nolosha ar
Tahai? Right? Life is very short. So if
you live 10 years, or 200 years, eventually
you will leave this world. So what do
you need to do tonight?
Number 1, you have to keep in your
mind that this is a new page for
you, and Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is giving
you another chance to repent.
There are some people in our community who
were here last year, I didn't see them
because I was not here, but they are
not with us anymore.
And next year, who knows, maybe next Ramadan
some of us will not be here.
So whether I will die, you will die,
the sister in the back will die, who
knows? Right? So you have to keep this
in your mind. Maybe this is your last
Maybe this is gonna be your last taweeh.
So wake up!
Right? We are not here to stay in
this world. We are Musafir, as the Prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said. Whether you stay
for a long time or a short time,
eventually we will leave. So you have to
look at 2 things
to check whether you are doing the right
thing or the wrong thing.
Your relationship with Allah and your relationship with
the people. This is what Islam is all
about. Inal adhinaaamanoo
They have faith in Allah. Wa ami ilas
saliha They are good to the people, and
they do good things. This is what Islam
is all about. Ibadat,
your relationship with Allah. Muhammed alaat, your relationship
with the people.
So in regards to your relationship with Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, salah is the most important
thing. I cannot emphasize
how important salah is.
So, don't tell me you are 35 or
40 and you don't pray.
For you delay salah. Because the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam says on the day of
judgment, if your salah is missed up, you
have no chances. You'll be in big trouble.
And if your salah is accepted, everything else
is a piece of cake.
So don't delay your salah. Don't delay your
salah. I remember
there was I was in Edmonton for a
number a couple of years. Then,
there was a brother, 17 years old, healthy!
So, his mother used to tell him Go
to the Masjid and make salah. He always
said, Tomorrow, tomorrow.
Go for Jum'ah with the Imam. He said,
Next week. Go to the Masjid in Tawiyyah.
He said, Next year. So SubhanAllah, that next
day, that next week, that next month never
came. So eventually, he came to the Masjid
for salah,
not to pray, but people to offer janazah
for him.
He was involved into an accident, and he
died at the age of 17, and he
never made a sajdah for Allah. Right? And
his friend told me. I didn't know the
brother, so his friend told me. And he
told me the whole story, and I felt
sorry for him. In another case, one brother
called me.
He said, I want to pay money for
not fasting in Ramadan.
So I said, Okay, this is kafaa, because
I normally
ask people what condition they have,
because I want to see if they're doing
the right thing or no. Maybe they're not
fasting because of a reason that does not
require kafar.
So I said okay,
that was over the phone. Are you sick?
He said no. I said okay, are you
Musafir? He said no. Are you old? No.
25 years old.
And I gave him all the different options
for not fasting in the month of Ramadan.
I told him everything, No no no no
And I told him: Man, the only thing
left in my list is pregnancy!
What is your problem?
He said: Well, I'm 25 years old, but
when I was young, my parents were not
practicing, they never told me how to make
salah, they never told me how to fast
Ramadan, and now I can't fast. I don't
know. I just want to give them money.
And I told him, No, you have to
try to learn to fast. If you feed,
you are young and healthy, Allah will not
accept from you. And this is based on
a hadith. You have to try to fast.
You can't just go and feed people for
not fasting.
This story is going on and on and
on, so I got only 2 minutes to
go, insha'Allah.
Your relationship with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is
very important. The salah,
the fasting, if you are rich, Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala has given you money, you didn't
do your hajj, or you don't give zakah,
you need to think about it. We're not
taking anything with us. Right? Now your relationship
with the people, and we'll start with your
I know stories.
I do counseling, and parents come to me,
and they tell me that their kids talk
back to them.
They talk to back to them. Oh, whatever.
I hate you.
Right? Because they wanted them to buy something
like a laptop or whatever, and the father
subhanAllah is doing 2 or 3 jobs. He's
trying to pay the bills, and the rent,
and shopping, and all these things. And if
they don't buy them the stuff they want,
I hate you.
I'm miserable in this world because of you.
You don't make me happy.
Come on, man. Come on.
So you don't talk to your parents like
this. Wallahi, no one loves you in this
world more than your parents. And there is
a reason why every time Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala talks about the hid in the Quran,
he talks about the parents right after. Waqaddaabooka
Allah Ta'udu Illa yahu wa'aminuwalalayhiksam.
So he always talks about the fact that
He created you, worship Him alone, and you
have to honor your parents, and you have
to be good to them.
Talking back to them is not nice.
Telling them you hate them is not nice.
So you we have to respect our parents,
and inshaAllah, I'm running out of time, but
we'll continue tomorrow inshaAllah, your relationship with Allah
and your relationship with the people, starting with
your parents. We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to help us become good Muslims in this
month, Ameen Ameen.
The question for last night was,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala gives wahi
to Prophets in the Quran, but there is
one woman in the Quran that Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala gave her wahi, and this lady
is the mother of Musa. Wa'hayna ila lumi
Musa. The word wahi in the Quran comes
in two meanings. One of them to give
like, wawhihi ilahaan murhin wawhayna ilahaam Musa. We
gave revelation, like Quran,
to Muhammad or,
Musa and the other Prophets, revelation from Allah.
And the word wahi comes,
in the meaning of inspire.
To do something.
Whether we're talking about human beings, we're birds,
we're animals, and so on and so forth.
Wa hayna ilaha'ummi Musa, we inspire the mumusa
to nurse a baby.
Your Lord inspired the bees
how to build their hives, and so on
and so forth. And the winner is Al
Hajj Muhammad al Bizri.
We're doing a lot of research.
So tonight's question is, is easy.
There are so many men mentioned in the
Quran, especially Prophets. There's only one woman mentioned
by name in the Quran. If you know
her name, email me insha'Allah by tomorrow at
Exactly nothing.