Mustafa Khattab – Ramadan Gems 5

Mustafa Khattab
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The speaker discusses the importance of acceptance and patience in Islam, citing the use of the word in negative situations. They also mention a story about a spirit walking through a church's houses and advising people to be mindful of the day they will be returned to Allah for judgment and payment of full payments. The speaker also mentions a line in the Quran that says everyone is thankful to Allah, but not for their health or condition.

AI: Summary ©

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			And the point today,
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			related to fasting is.
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			So Allah
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			speaks about
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			in the Quran.
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			And the last form of of is the
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			Beautiful patience.
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			Some people will something opposite that they protest.
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			Other people may accept.
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			But the highest form of patience in Islam
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			is to accept without complaint.
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			This is what it means to have a
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			subtle journey, beautiful patience. And the word is
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			used in and
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			many other places in the Quran.
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			Some people when you ask them about something,
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			they always complain.
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			You ask them, how are you doing?
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			Or anything. You just ask them, how are
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			you doing? They say, you know, Alhamdulillah, but
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			my brother is sick.
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			How's your job? Yeah. Alhamdulillah, I'm good. But
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			my husband was just tired. Something like this.
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			They always complain. Even when they say Alhamdulillah,
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			even in this community, who come to me
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			and they cry
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			because they have a medical condition and they
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			can't fast,
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			you know. So they envy you because you
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			fast for 17 hours, but you just you
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			don't appreciate this time.
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			Some people, they ask me, and they come
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			also cry because he cannot come to the
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			masjid. They don't have a line in the
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			masjid. They live far away. And some people
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			cry because they cannot stand in salat alqin
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			just like you do. They have to sit
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			in a chair, you know. And they say,
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			I wish I can't stand but I have
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			a bad problem
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			and, you know, and they cry because they
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			can't stand in salah thinking they will not
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			get the full reward. And I always tell
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			them, Allah
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			will give you the reward for doing your
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			best even if your best is not good
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			enough, you know. The
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			prophet says that if you want to appreciate
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			the nam of Allah subhanahu
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			wa ta'ala
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			in you, look at those who are less
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			fortunate than you, not those who are better
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			than you. This will make you appreciate the
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			nam. A long time ago, I learned that
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			This will make you appreciate the net.
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			A long time ago, I learned a lesson
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			from 1 of the, leavers leavers, one of
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			the Hebrews of brothers,
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			his name was Ben, and he said something
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			very beautiful.
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			He said,
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			if you are thankful to Allah
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			he will give you more to thank for.
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			But if you keep whining, he is gonna
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			give you more to whine about.
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			This is very thing and even, you know,
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			it has there's something similar in Surah to
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			Rahimah in Shaha'atul Aziz An Nam. So it
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			is actually in the Quran. So stop and
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			There was a story I mentioned in the
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			story a long time ago, someone who was
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			talking to a spirit. They were walking in
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			the street and they passed by some palaces
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			and builders and nice place. So instead of
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			a shrine, where were we when the most
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			common of Allah was dividing these palaces among
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			So I explained to him to the hospital
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			and he took him to the
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			The worst thing you can do in this
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			life is to complain about Allah
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			to human beings.
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			He says, don't do this. You know what?
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			I'm gonna give you a secret.
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			For the last 40 years, 40,
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			I have not been able to see with
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			one of my eyes, and I never told
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			anyone. Even my wife doesn't know. But I
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			just I'm telling you, so you know that
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			you have to keep it for yourself and
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			not complain.
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			But this does not mean if you have
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			a medical condition and you go to the
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			doctor or they, call the ambulance, the 911.
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			They take they take you to the doctor
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			and they ask you what's what's wrong with
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			you. You keep your mouth shut because you
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			don't want to complain because this is different.
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			You know, you have to tell the document
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			this is completely different. This is not complaining.
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			The question from last ayah was the last
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			ayah revealed in the Quran, it is ayah
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			His Surah Al Bin Ba'al
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			According to the
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			and the ayah says, be mindful of the
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			day that all you will be returned to
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			for judgment, and every song will be paid
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			in full, and nobody will be dealt with
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			injustice. This is the last verse revealed to
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			the the bronze and
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			the door of revelation
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			was closed forever after this ad. And the
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			winner is brother Kevin. I think he left.
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			We're gonna give him the prize,
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			The question for tonight, Allah
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			swears by inspiration in the Quran. He swears
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			by the sun, by the moon, by the
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			stars, different things. Allah swears
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			in the Quran with the life of a
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			human being, just one type.