Mustafa Khattab – Ramadan Gems 1
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The speaker discusses the importance of having a good relationship with Islam, including having both personal and professional Facebook groups. They also mention a fight between Muslims and police in the United States, where a member of the political party called 911 and was shot by police. The importance of unity and acceptance of others' opinions is emphasized, and the conversation ends with a discussion of the importance of uniteing all events.
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When you are a Muslim, you are not
a member of a club. Okay? Islam basically
means to have a better relationship with Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala
which is called
then a better relationship with human beings and
this is called
a better relationship with the people and a
better relationship with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. How
many times you read in the Quran that
Rahimina Adaniyah Adam?
So this is emphasized many many times throughout
Quran. Some people, they don't have this balance.
Yeah. They pray 5 times again, and, then
they go for Hajj every year.
They fast every Ramadan. But when it comes
to dealing with people, they are not the
Some people, they are very good. They are
very generous, very nice, but they don't pray.
They don't fast Ramadan. So
one side of the equation is missing. To
be a good Muslim is to have both
of them.
When you read in the Quran is Surah
Tufaha, just like what we were saying before
the salah,
the most important surah in the Quran is
Surah Tufaha.
At the middle of the Surah,
Have you ever wondered
why you say
not So why do you say,
you alone, we worship and you alone, we
ask for help.
Although you are 1. So, why are you
always talking the plural?
Because you are a member of a group.
You are a Muslim just like everybody else.
Not only you are praying for yourself, you
are praying for those standing with you in
the light and those who are and out
of the world.
Islam always boils down to 2 things.
unity among Muslims. Remember your relationship with Allah,
your relationship with the people.
So, taqwa means
to be mindful Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
do the things that please him and to
stay away from the things that displease him.
Unity among Muslims is something we learn from
the iqbalat.
All iqbalat always point you toward unity with
other Muslims.
Say, for example, when you pray
by yourself
and you pray in JAMA,
which one gives you more rewards?
When you pray in JAMA, unity with other
When you fast in Allah, you fast anytime
you want or you fast with other people?
When you go for the Hajj, you go
anytime you want. I wanna go for Hajj
and Adashah. Can you do this? No. Everybody
has to go on the same time. When
you give zakat, you don't give zakat to
yourself, but then the rich will get to
the poor. So it's not as low as
a possibility.
The problem is we miss this point every
single time. So we use it in Halal
to divide ourselves.
I'll give you one example, a very famous
Every year at the beginning of Ramadan, we
always have this big fight.
Not only in our communities here, but this
is the war on the road, especially in,
the western countries. We always have this fight,
whether we're going to follow this country, we
follow calculations, we do this, we do that,
it's always this fight.
Even if all Muslims in the world agree
on the same day to fast,
this is the the end of it. We
always have other fights.
Like, are we going to pray the name
of Idraha or 22 Raghav? A big fight.
Tell us, we agree that we are going
to pray Idraha.
Are we going to finish all Quran Ramadan
or just a new ayat?
You know, another big fight. It's always like
this where you go. People are always fighting.
They close to the end of the month.
Either in tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
A big fight. You know, I remember one
time I was in the US, and it
was the 28th day of Ramadan. They were
watching for the moon, and the brother came
to me. And
the night there was, like, 14 hours. It's
not, like, 17 or 18 like him. And
the brother
literally got on his his knees, and he
said, brother, please
make me in tomorrow.
Make me in tomorrow. I beg you. I
said, well, I do have the remote control
for the moon in my hands.
10 minutes later, they saw the moon, and
you told him that he literally was dancing
in the seat. You know? We always have
these fights.
Instruction, I got in.
Okay? Then 1 brother, Asha Allah, he decided
to put an end to the fight. What
he did? He called 911, and the police
came in. The people were fighting, the people
were falling down, bleeding on the carpet. Then
the police 2 policemen came to say, and
they were walking on the carpet with their
shoes on.
Now the 2 groups, the 8 Raka'aru and
the 22 Raka'aru, both of them were mad
at the police.
K police, kalam, haram, you're walking on the
carpet with your shoes. So walking on the
carpet with your shoes on is is haram,
but fighting and bleeding in the masjid is
not haram. So please wake up, you know.
We have to realize that the bottom line
of rebalah is to unite
all the ayaats in the Quran are either
revealed in Mecca or in
Medina. Only one aya is revealed inside the
Kaaba itself. Why is this ayaat? Why was
it revealed inside the Kaaba? If you know
the answer, you may leave the town to