Mustafa Khattab – Prophet Musa the Immigrant

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The lack of trust and respect for men and families in Turkey and the US, as well as in the Middle East and US is discussed. The lack of respect for men in the US and Europe is also highlighted. The importance of learning from experiences and not giving back money is emphasized. Additionally, the speaker discusses the lack of respect for men in the Middle East and the lack of respect for men in the US.
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To the north of Saudi Arabia or the
of Jordan
where Medias
and this is where Musa alaihis salam migrated
and lived for about 10 years of his
and we'll see
his life as an immigrant
in Belem and the story of him getting
married to the Lord of Shrayed
whether he is Shrayed
is 1 page in the most 1 page.
And Imam al Qutbib alayhis
he said, from this one page, we learn
and we arrived in the house of shayd
and he made a deal with them he
said Allah subhanahu wa'ala
is the best witness.
So this is the true trust in Allah
subhanahu wa'ala
and this reminds me
of the story of brother
I did
last Saturday Sunday in Hamilton
when we had the youth camp and he
has one hand in that
Some people you talk to
them, they make you miserable
and they make you feel like you wanna
shoot yourself in the air. After talking to
them, but this brother, mashaAllah very very good
brother, Allah, when I saw him, you feel
like you are sitting in the presence of
His family lost their role in Palestine.
They were kicked out, like in many cases.
And he traveled to the US. I miss
him. And Najalah established himself. He got a
good education. He is now a university professor.
He's making a lot of money because he
put aside all the frustrations
and he put his trust in the lost
we go back to the story of Musa,
alaihis sala. Moses.
So he left
his integration is because he has some issues,
some difficulties
in Egypt, so he has to go somewhere
Like who?
when he arrived there,
and he was barefooted. He didn't have shoes.
So much so because he was walking for
several days in the visit across
all Sinai from one side to the other.
He said that even the skin on his
feet filled out.
Was that tough?
And he didn't have a family, he didn't
have a job, he didn't have money. The
same day Elijah
the same thing because of what it was
discussed in a lost paradise.
Now, we go
to Madia with Musa alaihis salam alayim and
you know this story he came across 2
and the men usually go first. This is
the culture back then.
Now, ladies first, like today. So the men
would go first and the ladies will the
ladies will stay to the side and wait
for the men to finish.
So Musa alaihis salaam came after them and
said, Ma'al Qumma. In the 2 pages,
in the 1 page telling the story of
Surat al Qumma, Musa alaihis salaam said 2
words. Just 2 words. Ma'al Qumma.
Just like English, what's up? Just 2 words.
He didn't say anything else.
he told him how can I help what's
up? So they said yes our father is
involved then
He was able to remove the stone of
the will that did all by himself that
could be carried by 10 men. So he's
a strong man
and he's an honest man and that of
dignity because he didn't talk to us that
and he provided more for our enemies.
So, he wanted to invite him to thank
him in person.
So, a lot of them, the younger one,
Sephora, they have different,
hara. She she didn't just go to him
and look into the eye and tell him,
sorry. It's not. She was in a state
of humility and mercy.
Shailes, she was shah.
There, they start to leave.
And he's trying to talk to her father,
he arrived in the house
and there was food over the table. So
her father prepared dinner for him.
So when the food was over to him,
said, you have a suggestion,
hire him to work for you because evidently
he's a strong man
and he's a good person. He has none.
Please hire him because and this is what
they say to the Nasir.
We don't want to go with the men
and go take care of our sheep with
the men. So, we'd like to stay in
the house and Musa, 'Isa, and take care
of the enemies. So, we don't have to
go outside and work. We'd like to stay
at home.
So, Shoaib alaihis salam said I will for
one of my 2 daughters to you in
and serve me for 8 or 10 years
and this is how this is your month
for my daughter to work for me 8
or 10
years. So, Moses alaihis salaam chose the younger
one the one who was walking with him
in the street and he didn't want to
look at her in Halawhay and Allah
gave birth to him in marriage in Halawhay.
The same thing.
So, Allah, the Musa alayhi salaam,
so, Hamas asked the prophet
how many years did Musa alayhi salaam stay
when Shri to serve him or take care
of his animals and serve him he says
for 10 years because the prophets do what
is best and they pay him full.
Stay in Serbia for 8 or 10 years
and he stayed for 10 years. So, when
he came to work and financial things, he
fulfilled his obligation. He was a man of
his work and he was honest
to another place for a good future
and a better potential.
So this is something we can't learn from.
I'm sure that many majority
of Muslims in North America
as well as in Europe
But there are some cases that come out
of awesome people
that come to my office and they share
stories with me and
this is the total opposite of the story
of Musa 'Isa.
Like, I give you a few examples in
the in the inshallah.
To come to him, some people like to
do it the easy way because it's the
hard way and the easy way. The hard
the coast. The 99 they end up being
drowned, or in the belly of the shark.
This is what happens most of the time
and this is a hard way. Some people
actually do it that easy way and there
are many many stories. Well, they don't be
on Facebook
as soon as the plane touches the
he wants to get married because he wants
to get his citizenship
so what a lot of people do and
I'm not saying anybody myself and I've seen
He would like to get married to any
any lady, any female.
Even the immigration officer, the lady who stands
at the desk, how old are you going
to stay in Canada?
But, just go get radical ever so he
can get,
his citizenship.
So every month, $500, $700.
She's looking for another man and they have
kids together. He's just paying money.
So, when it came to fulfilling his part
of the deal, he was there and he
did the 10 years. Some of the brothers
come here and they work
and all money they take is cash. They
don't use Visa or debit or anything.
I know everybody is filing their taxes now,
so because they
take cash only, they don't show me an
income. Not only they don't pay taxes, but
they file for welfare.
Okay? And they may buy 5, $7,000
more or less,
a month. So this is called deception in
this month. Mhmm.
Some cases, I've heard stories a lot. These
are true stories. I'm not making them up.
Some of the brothers,
they divorced their wives. They had, like, 10,
15 kids with their wife. He would divorce
his wife on paper
just so his wife and kids can get
welfare, get get more money from the governors.
And I was sitting with
a governor who's officially
in Edmonton
and he was pulling his hair off and
he said, we're paying all this money and
we know that these Muslims, they need good
money but they don't show anything in their
tax so we have to provide for them.
We're gonna be willing to pay, we're gonna
be shelter and there are maybe probably more
money than I make.
I asked my brother in what case why
don't you pay taxes and he said because
these are the kufal then
If you don't have money,
they give you in the hospital and they
give you welfare. They take care of you
they give you citizenship. Oh Canada. Oh Canada.
But, when it comes to you to give
it back, now they are the father. Come
on. Come on. We need to learn from