Mustafa Khattab – Next Life 5 Jannah

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The d union is a total opposite of what is in the d union, with women being more likely to live long lifespans than men. The speaker discusses the importance of leaving only one's own money behind in the grave of the deceased and visiting the presence of the deceased's relatives. The speaker uses generic language to describe pleasures and reward in Jannah, but notes the reality is far different. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the difference between the two union and letting people know if they want to live in a life without the mother.
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So today, InshaAllah, we'll continue our discussion about
life, and that in akhilah.
last time we spoke about,
the good ending of someone's life,
and the bad ending of someone's life.
So today, inshallah, we'll do a comparison in
the next, 10 or 15 minutes,
between this dunya and and Jannah,
to see the difference between both.
We cannot make the comparison because we have
not been there before. We we have never
been to Jannah before. Right?
So we have to listen
to the,
reliable or authentic stories on the subject matter,
which is the Quran and the sunnah of
the prophet
Because only Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
can tell us in the Quran, and the
can tell us in Hadith.
Anyone else
no one has ever been there before, they
cannot tell us. And the prophet
was receiving revelations, and so on and so
The Prophet says in an authentic hadith,
the comparison,
or the difference between this dunya and jannah
is like when you put your finger in
the ocean, whatever comes out this is dunya.
The rest, this is jannah.
And this is an authentic hadith in Sayyid
There is another hadith in Sayyid Al Tirmidi
and in other books of hadith,
So the prophet
says, my example in this dunya,
the length of this dunya,
is like someone who is traveling,
and he came across a tree,
and he's left under this tree, in the
shade of the tree for a little bit,
then he left. So this is dunya, this
is the length of the dunya.
As you say in Urdu, in the gate
of someone
speaks Urdu. Life is very short, very tiny.
Life is very short.
If this world, if this dunya
was worth anything to Allah,
He wouldn't give a a
sip of water.
But it is worthless for Him, it has
no value, no significance for Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala, so this is why
you know He gives them and so on
and so forth.
we'll do a little comparison now between dunya
and akhir. So what is the difference between
and dunya and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
So the difference between
or the pleasures of this dunya and the
quality of and
number 1,
if someone has money in this dunya,
or they live a good life, or they
are rich, they have 1,000,000 or 1,000,000,000 of
dollars, they always have two concerns
that the stock market is gonna collapse and
they will lose their money,
or they will die and leave everything behind.
These are the two concerns.
But in Jannah Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
telling us in the Quran,
once you are inside
there's no coming out, you're not leaving, you're
not going anywhere,
And once you go inside, you are not
You will never die.
the pleasures of Jannah will not be taken
away from you, and you will not be
taken away from it.
Again, this is the total opposite of what
we have in this dunya. A lot of
people, billionaires,
they have money but
things happen and they lose their money. We
hear stories all the time.
I gave the example of this German billionaire
before in the Khubba.
He had $11,500,000,000
and because of the economic crisis back in
2008, he lost about $2,000,000,000
He got stressed out and he was like
he went crazy
and he killed himself
because he was thinking
how am I gonna be able to live
with only $9,500,000,000
He threw himself in the in front of
a train and he killed himself.
But Alhamdulillah, nothing happened to the train, the
train is okay.
and because he lost a little bit of
it, he got so stressed out he killed
and so on and so forth. And subhanallah,
a lot of people they have money and
stuff and when they die, they leave everything
behind. They don't take anything with them.
Some people, they put their car with them
in the grave. Some people take some money.
The ancient Egyptians, they used to put their,
all their gold and jewelry and everything.
But as we
right? The shroud has no pockets. You're not
taking anything with you.
And then they say that, there was a
an atheist,
and he was married to an atheist woman.
he said,
let's assume hypothetically that there is an afterlife.
They denied. No afterlife. No Jannah, no Jahannam,
Pesaab, nothing.
he said,
if there's only 1% chance that there's jannah
or there's an afterlife, I will need my
money with me. Why do I leave it
behind? I should take my money with me.
So he made a deal with his wife,
and he said whoever dies first,
the second one will put the half of
the money in their grave.
And he said, if I die first, he
told his wife, put half of our money
in the grave. He left like $1,000,000.
He said,
put 500,000 in the grave with me. If
you die first, wife, I'm gonna put 500,000
in your grave. They made a deal.
Of course,
the man died first
because technically,
women have a life expectancy longer than men.
You know how men, they would go through
things, so eventually we have a heart attack,
blood pressure, we die. Right? But the sisters,
they live longer
generally, overall.
So what happened, the husband died first and
his wife wanted to fulfill his desire,
but she also wanted to keep the money
for herself, every single penny of the money,
but she didn't want to break her oath
to her husband. So she she said, I'm
gonna give him the money, his, his half,
but I wanna keep everything for myself. What
she did basically,
she took the $1,000,000
she kept the money for herself, and she
wrote him a check for 500,000.
She put it in the grave, and she
took all the money.
Smart. She kept her word and she kept
all the money. Women are smart, I'm telling
so this is the difference between and
the is the pleasure and the quality of
life. So, you are not taking from the
pleasures in Jannah, and you will never die
as a as Allah
says in the Quran.
they will be there.
The other thing
is We know here in dunya people fall
sick all the time.
You see the injustices all over, you know,
in in in Muslim countries, the bloodshed and
the problems, and you see in the US
the election the elections, Trump winning, you know,
it's a disaster.
As I said in the today, a lot
of Muslims are
traumatized traumatized and something else.
It's a terrible thing. So inshallah, he's gonna
build up the wall between the US and
Mexico. May maybe he's gonna build another one
with, Canada.
But anyway,
there are so many stresses and and problems
in this world in Jannah. No problems.
There's no sickness,
no illnesses,
no hatred, no jealousy, no injustices,
Because you will be with Al Adil.
The seed of justice will be there with
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
The other thing is,
So one of the scholars was asked,
Tell us about Tell us something that will
make us love jannah and to love to
go there.
Just one thing.
He said,
prophet Muhammad salas alaihi wa sallam is there.
Khalas. This is enough reason to make you
want to go there. Yes. We read about
the prophet salas alaihi wa sallam in and
so on and so forth.
And those of you who are fortunate and
they go for Hajj or they go for
Umrah and they visit the masjid in Medina
by just standing
in front of the grave of the prophet
in Medina and giving him salaam and the
sign here is Omar, here is Abu Bakr,
and a lot of people cry and and
everything. Right? And when they walk in the
streets of Madinah, they go to Masjid Qaba,
they see Uhud and
and the other shohada.
all these things bring
these great memories to mind that, yes, I'm
walking here in the streets of Madinah, Muhammad
have walked somewhere in in these places. And
you overwhelmed
with tears and emotions, overwhelm you and so
on and so forth. But what about on
the day of judgment in in Jannah,
when you stand face to face with Muhammad
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and you see him,
and and he will shake your hand, and
he will smile to your face, or maybe
he will give you some water from Kawthar
and so on and so forth. It's is
a totally different experience.
Wallahi, this is enough reason to make people
love to go to Jannah.
And what about people like you wanna see
alaihis salam, you wanna see Nur and Ibrahim
and Musa, and Aesaa, and Abu Bakr, and
Omar, and Uthman, and Ali, and Hassan, and
Hussain, and Al Bayt. Everyone will be there.
What a fantastic place to be with.
Right? So as Allah
says in Surah Al Nisa, and whoever obeys
Allah and the Messenger, they will be among
the greatest company of the prophets, the righteous,
the salihin, and so on and so forth.
And so on and so forth.
So it's
an incredible place to be in.
Another thing that I wanted to
mention about Jannah,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
When He speaks about the pleasures,
He says,
The people in Jannah, they will be lying
on thrones
face to face.
And this is mentioned in many places in
in in the Quran
face to face. And the ulema say the
reason is
in dunya,
if someone did something wrong to you, or
you hate someone,
what do you do basically? You give them
your back,
or if you are jealous,
of someone, or you hate someone, you turn
your back to them. But in Jannah,
everyone will love everyone, they will be facing
each other. There's no jealousy, no envy, no
hatred, nothing. You'll be facing one another.
You'll be smiling to one another, and Allah
will take out the hatred and the jealousy
and everything from people's hearts and he will
fill it with, love.
So this is the situation in jannah.
When Allah
speaks about jannah in the Quran,
he uses very generic terms because
Allah himself,
surah says the prostration.
No one
can possibly
comprehend or imagine
pleasures or the reward I have prepared for
them. Whatever you think of, it is beyond
your imagination.
He said it himself,
but still Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala uses some
to bring it to our
level of understanding.
He speaks about the rivers of honey, rivers
milk and and so on and so forth.
He spoke
about clothes made of silver.
He spoke about pearls,
and gold and and so on and so
forth. This is only to to bring it
to our level of our our understanding.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is just using
generic terms to describe to us. Because now
imagine if Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
talks about something in Jannah called
something. I'm making this up. Right?
We don't know what the word means. We
have never seen one before.
So what comes to your mind when you
think of the word? Nothing will come to
your mind. But when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
speaks about silk, He speaks about jewelry, He
speaks about food, and so on and so
forth, just to make it to bring it
down to our level to understand.
But the reality in Jannah would be totally
I mentioned this before but,
the the terminology that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
uses in the Quran to make it understandable
to us, although the realities are much more
than this,
is just like
back in
if someone tried to explain to Alexander Graham
the same guy who created the telephone.
If someone tried
a 150 years ago
to explain to the same guy who created
the telephone
what a smartphone is,
wireless internet,
you can do online banking on your phone,
I think Alexander Graham Bell's head will explode.
He can't imagine what you are talking about.
We're talking about the same guy who created
the telephone,
but to describe to him a cutting edge,
top notch,
cell phone, smartphone,
he cannot understand.
Although he himself created the telephone,
but it this is something beyond his understand.
Wireless Internet, what is that? Wireless Internet, he
can't believe it. Right? So this is the
same way Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala makes it
easy for us to understand.
Some people
You Ali
la Malaha Subhanahu wa ta'ala when he speaks
about in the Quran,
the first thing that comes to mind is
Fruits, bananas,
or mangoes, watermelon, and
and other things.
But the the meaning in Arabic is a
little bit different.
The the proper way of translating this word
in the Quran is delicacies.
People eat in this dunya for two reasons.
A reason number 1, reason number 1 for
because you want to sustain your body, and
this is something you don't have to do
in jannah because Allah will sustain you.
But the second type of food that you
eat in this dunya is delicacies.
When you eat nuts,
you eat exact exotic foods and so on
and so forth. So all the food that
you will eat in Jannah would be the
second time.
The birds,
the fruits, all the food you will eat
in Jannah will be just delicacies.
Not to nourish your body, but just for
entertainment and for the pleasure of it, for
enjoyment. Right?
And of course, as the prophet mentions in
the hadith, no one would have to go
to the bathroom because,
the all the food that you will eat
will come out through your skin
in in the form of musk, a good
smell. That's it.
These are some types of the pleasures in
when then
So I
Let me say this again.
The comparison between this dunya and an
the quality of life in this dunya and
the quality of life in
is just like the quality of life in
the womb of your mother
and the quality of life in this dunya.
Totally different things.
Totally different things.
so let's assume that this dialogue
takes place inside the womb of the mother.
So because there are some people who deny
there's no Jannah, no Hissab, no judgment, the
atheist and agnostics and so on and so
And even some Muslims, it's very difficult for
them. So like, it's very difficult for them
to comprehend Jannah and so on and so
So let's assume that this dialogue takes place
in the womb of a mother just to
make it easy for you to comprehend
the difference
between this dunya and akhirah, just like the
difference between the life in the womb and
the life in this dunya.
This takes inside the womb of a mother,
One of them is a Muslim, a believer.
He believes in life after birth,
and the other one is an atheist,
and he thinks there is no life after
Once you get out of the womb of
the mother, this is the end, khalas.
Because for him
birth is the end.
Right? Just for like atheist,
death is the end.
The atheist and the mushookoon, they say, once
we die it's over for us. There's no
next life.
So one of them said to the other
the believers said to the kafir, do you
believe in life after birth?
He said, are you crazy? You lost your
mind? It's impossible.
So once we're born, we die. This is
the end of life. There's nothing after birth.
Birth is the end of our life.
So the Muslim said, no I believe
that there's life after birth. It's totally different
from our life here. I'm sure when we
get out of this life, there would be
we'll be able to walk on our feet,
we'll be able to
eat with our mouth and breathe from our
So the atheist
said you lost your mind,
So the
atheist said, no it is impossible because we
are attached here
with the umbilical cord, so the food is
coming this way
and the the all the food, the nutrition
is coming through the umbilical cord. You see
it is very dark here, there's no light
after birth,
and we'll not be able to eat with
all of these with these little mouth because
we don't have teeth. How can we eat
with our mouth with no teeth? We only
eat through the umbilical cord, And our feet
are too small.
So the Muslim said, no. When we go
we'll be able to walk,
and we'll be able to eat and enjoy
life, the light, and so on and so
forth. So the atheist said,
So the atheist said, no. But it's impossible.
It's crazy because the umbilical cord is so
Once you get out of once you are
born, you are stuck. You can't go anywhere.
You will be stuck
once you step outside, it's it's difficult.
the the, Muslim said, once I go outside,
my mother will take care of me. Once
I grow up, I'll be able to eat
and run and see light and everything. So
the reason is that it's impossible, man. It's
Do you believe in the existence of a
Doesn't make sense because we have never seen
a mother before. Have you seen your mother?
He said, no.
Did she hug you before and cuddle you
before? No. He said, no. So the atheist
said, it is impossible because never we have
never seen the mother, we have never touched
the mother,
she has never cuddled us and hugged us,
we don't know that she exists,
right? So technically it is impossible.
So the Muslim said, If you just keep
whining and complaining and arguing,
you just pay attention and listen,
you will hear her hearts beats and you
will know that she exists and so on
and so forth. So this is basically the
example of someone who denies
that there will be Jannah
and rivers of this and rivers of that
and people would be like whenever they want
to go somewhere they would go and there
would be eternal life and you'll see all
the people who pass before the prophets and
the shuhada and the saliheen.
We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to give
our books in our right hands and to
give us the Shafa'a of Muhammad and give
us a firdausalala,
an eternal life in akhla with the prophets
and the righteous and the salihin.
we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to give
us the best in this life and the
best in the life to come.