Mustafa Khattab – Mistranslated Verses Of The Quran Surah 7067

Mustafa Khattab
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the meaning of the ayah in Surah Al Faraj, stating that it is impossible to see the final hour or day of judgment as soon as it arrives. The actual meaning is that the day is not far away but is still inevitable. The speaker concludes that the meaning is not far away but is still inevitable.
AI: Transcript ©
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Another ayah that is mistranslated in the Quran

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in chapter 70, Surah Ma'arij, ayah 6 and

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7. So

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almost everyone says when they translated this ayah,

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indeed they see this day, the Day of

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Judgment, the final hour, they see it far

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and we see it as close by.

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So the verse does not talk about the

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distance here because if you look at the

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beginning of the passage in Surah Al Faraj,

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it talks about a challenger,

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someone who came to the Prophet

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to challenge

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the possibility

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of an afterlife, resurrection,

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the final hour, and the day of judgment.

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So they were basically saying that this day

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will never come, it is impossible, It will

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never happen. So how come now that 4

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5 verses after it says that they see

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this day as coming, but it's kind of

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slow, it's kind of far away, and we

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see it as close by? This is not

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the meaning because it basically contradicts

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the beginning of the passage. The actual meaning

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the word

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means impossible. It's far away from comprehension. It

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is beyond comprehension.

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So they basically see the coming of the

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day of judgment

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as impossible.

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They see this day as impossible

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whereas Allah

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sees this day as inevitable. It will happen,

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it will come. So this is the actual

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meaning of the they see it as impossible

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and we see it as inevitable. This is

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the right meaning. It doesn't talk about far

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away, it's coming but slow, it's far away.

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This is not the right meaning, and this

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is the right understanding of the ayah, to

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bayida as impossible. Thank you.

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