Mustafa Khattab – Khushu in the Prayer part 2 2

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The Prophet Muhammad explains that the first step in preparing for the presence of Jesus is to make w denies in the proper way. The importance of protecting oneself from the w menu and praying before or after the presence of Jesus. The importance of praying with humility and taking time before or after the presence of Jesus is emphasized.
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not the basement of Jannah, not the middle
of Jannah, but the highest place in Jannah,
Al Firdaus Al Arab. Allah says in Surat
Al Khumun, indeed
are the believers
who humble themselves in the first.
Then Allah
says, they are the true heirs to paradise,
and they will get the highest place in
paradise and for those.
The first thing
that we need to do to prepare ourselves
before the salaam is to make wudu in
the proper way.
As the Prophet
says in the hadith, he always spoke about
making wudu in the best manner.
Some people do wudu very quickly,
especially when they go to, relieve themselves.
They paint
the the the,
in yellow because they do it standing, and
very quickly they they don't keep a distance
and try to protect them from this plattering
of the urine. And the prophet salaam says
in the hadith that this is one of
the things that make people suffer in their
So when you relieve yourself,
you have to protect yourself from the urine
and clean yourself
And the same is also true for the
wudu, the people do it very fast,
sometimes they miss some parts, or they don't
do it the right way.
So you have to free your mind before
the prayers.
If you're hungry, you should eat something before
you pray. So don't think about food
in the prayers.
In the authentic hadith recorded by Anasulullah
anhu, the prophet
says, if it is time for prayer
and you're hungry and the food is ready,
you should eat first.
So before you pray, you have to fear
your mind. If you're hungry, eat.
If you can't hold it,
then you should go to the restroom to
relieve yourself. So when you pray, your mind
is very
You are willing to stand before Allah and
pray again.
At 7 or 10. No, there are certain
times for salah. And the closer you pray
to the event, the more reward you will
So in the Quran and in the Hadith
of the Prophet,
those who delay the salaam
because they are busy working or studying or
playing video games,
we'll pray in 5 minutes, we'll pray in
5 minutes. Until this time is over for
salaam, Allah
warns them
of a very,
terrible punishment.
As hinderers.
wait as reported in the Usid al Khareem
till the time is about to be over
for the prayer,
then they pray they're quick,
very quick. And they don't mention Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala and they don't have for sure.
And they only do it to show up.
They don't do it for Allah Subhanahu Wa
So when you stand in prayer, you have
to keep in your mind that you are
standing before Allah
You're standing before the King of Kings.
And imagine
if you go to your boss's office
or to king
so and so or president so and so,
and while standing in front of them, talking
to them, you keep blocking at your watch,
fixing your clothes,
looking outside the window or even digging in
your nose, you'll be fired in 2 minutes
or you'll be thrown in jail.
What about Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala? If you
stand before Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in prayer
and you keep thinking about everything
except Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And this is
very disrespectful.
You have to understand the value of praise.
This is the most important act of worship
in Islam.
How do we ask them, one of the
great scholars of Islam, was asked about Fushuah
al Salam?
How do we pray so
So he said when I stand in prayer,
Paradise is to your right, the hand fire
is to your left,
and asilat is under your feet, and the
angel of death is over your head, ready
to take your life, and Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is watching you as you pray.
And he
said, after I do all this,
I'm not sure if my salah would be
or if it will be thrown back into
my face.
I don't care. I have prayed for it.
So when we pray, some of us they
do the opposite. They put the world in
front of them,
they interact them, and Allah subhanahu wa'ala behind
their backs,
We look as if we pray, but even
inside we think about every
thing except the salam.
He said, by the one who sent you
with the truth,
I can't pray, you better teach me.
So the prophet told him, when you pray,
you have to stand with humility
and take your time to pray very fast.
When you make a guru, you pray with
and you have to be tranquil as you
as you pray, you don't do it very
So one
thing that you have to do after the
salah is to pray the optional prayers before
or after the salah.
Because if there is a defect
or something you missed in the salah and
the obligatory prayer, then Allah
will make up
for salah between the 2 prayers, as if
you are standing in prayer between and us
all the time, between us and