Mustafa Khattab – Husn Al Khatimah 1of3
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The speaker discusses the importance of the good ending of a person's life, citing the book of Allah's teachings and the advice of the speaker and their partner to fear and obey their instructions. They also mention the number 20 signs of a good ending and the importance of the reminder that the good ending is what one experiences when they die. The speaker concludes that the good ending is what one experiences when they die and that anyone who experiences evil deeds or hesitation will face consequences.
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All praise is due to Allah subhanahu wa
We praise him and we seek his forgiveness
and assistance.
We take refuge in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
from evils of ourselves
and we seek him we seek his guidance.
Whomever Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guides, there is
none to misguide him. And whomever Allah leaves
to go astray, there is none to guide
We bear witness that there is none worthy
of our worship except Allah
and we bear witness that Muhammad
is the seal of the prophets
O you who believe,
fear Allah and his messenger is indeed
Indeed, the most truthful word is the book
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the Quran.
And the best guidance is the sunnah, the
way of life, the guidance of the prophet
salallahu alayhi wasalam.
And every newly invented manner in this religion
is an innovation,
and every innovation is a misguidance, and every
misguidance is in the hellfire.
I advise you and myself to fear Allah
and to obey him
and respect
his teachings and to be obedient to him
at all times.
Today inshallah we'll talk very briefly
the good ending of somebody's
When we grew up,
when we saw
series on TV or movies or read read
books and stories,
we always liked the good endings of a
story. If a story ended a good in
a good way,
this is a good story. If the end
is good, then everything else is good because
the ending
is what you remember from the story.
But if the ending is bad of the
then the whole story is is messed
up. What is this story we are talking
about is your own story, your life?
What if the ending of your life is
good? And what if the ending of your
life is evil?
Because in Islam,
part of our judgment on the day of
is what was your actions
during the last part of your life?
How your life ended?
Did it end in worshiping Allah
Did it end in asking for forgiveness
in good deeds?
Or did it end while you were doing
evil deeds or before you made tawba or
from the evil you have done in this
world? So this is basically
the topic for today.
Or the good ending of somebody's life
when you die
after doing something good to Allah
like Hajj or fasting or prayers or
sifar to Allah
This is a good ending
and this should give good news for the
person or the believer that Allah
is pleased with him and for him is
a pleasure in Jannah.
And the opposite is true.
Imam Ahmed narrated in his collection of Hadith
of the prophet
His servants,
He uses him.
So the companions of the prophet
said, how can Allah use a person?
So the prophet said,
will guide the person or he will make
it easy for him or her to make
something good or to make good deeds before
his death.
In his book
Akham al Janayid, mentioned about 20
for a person that the good ending of
a person there are 20 signs for this
good ending of a person's life, and
this will give him an indication
of where his place will be in the
day of Jannah, which is Jannah.
And we will mention
some of them, not all of them insha
The first one is the
or the good news that the person receives
from the angels at the time of his
You will feel something.
Those who have said that our Lord is
God, is Allah.
then they lived a life of uprightness,
a life of righteousness.
Upon their death, the angels will descend upon
and tell them,
today there's no fear or greed for you.
And for you are the good news of
the paradise you have been promised.
And according to the
scholars of,
this is what the angel say to the
person upon his
death and in his grave and on the
day of judgment.
once a person dies,
he will get these good news all the
Muslim collected in their collections of a hadith
that Aisha
said that the prophet said,
The 2 ever likes
to meet Allah
to meet his creator on the day of
Allah would like to see him and to
receive him.
And whoever dislikes,
whoever hates to see Allah
on the day of judgment because of his
evil deeds,
Allah will hate to see him and to
receive him.
Is it because of the people the people
hate death that they hate to see Allah
All of us hate death. There's no one
who likes
The prophet
said this is not what I mean.
When the believer
is given the glad or the good news
of the Jannah, the pleasure, the forgiveness of
He wants
and he is looking forward to meeting Allah
and Allah likes to meet him. And the
person who has done evil deeds or a
disbeliever, who
evil and punishment and humiliation in the life
to come. He doesn't want to die because
he knows once he dies, the punishment
will start. So he doesn't want to meet
And therefore, Allah doesn't want to meet him.