Mustafa Khattab – Humans In The Quran
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The speakers discuss the history and importance of Islam, including the loss of human beings and the creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. They also touch upon the struggles of the world and the importance of human beings in competing for the top spot on species. The speakers emphasize the need to be quiet and not give anyone a legal name, as well as the importance of learning from animals and birds to be grateful for the creator. They also discuss the negative qualities of shyness and winter tires, and emphasize the importance of working on weakening capacity through small monthly payments to God and making events in our hearts.
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I bear witness that there is none worthy
of our worship except Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And I bear witness that Muhammad Sallallahu Wa
is the seal of the prophets
and the final Messenger to all of humanity.
Whoever Allah
guides, there is none to misguide. And whoever
leaves to stray, there is none to guide
the light.
So over the last couple of weeks we've
been talking about the order of Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala in the Quran to walk around,
siru fil ardifu mandur walk around and look
at the creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
because we have come to a point
by just following the news
the corruption and the destruction and the bloodshed
I think we need to sit back and
think about what is happening here and I
mentioned in the Khutba
that we have tried everything
We started to fly like birds, we started
to dive like fish, and we started to
build dams like beavers
and stuff. And I think it's about time
that we start living like human beings with
compassion and mercy to one another and to
the rest of the creation of Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
We mentioned in the Quran that the rest
of the creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
they obey Him.
By default, they obey Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
They do what they are supposed to do.
And sometimes we as human beings, we don't
do what we're supposed to do. To be
the khalifa of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in
this world and to do what is right
and to take care of one another and
the rest of the creation of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala And I gave the example of
the Hudhut,
the Hopu in surah 27
that we know from reading the surah that
the people of Yemen, the people of Sabah
became Muslim because of a bird
when the bird reported to,
Sulaiman alayhi salam
reported to Sulaiman alayhi salam and Sulaiman alayhi
salam be Dawah to bring peace and her
people from Yemen
and and eventually the people of Sabah and
the Queen they became believers
and I compare this to all the people
who run away from Islam because of what
some Muslims do and the people who leave
Islam, new Muslims who leave Islam because of
some foolish things that some Muslims do
and also the example we gave
the Fil, the elephant in Surah Fil
and they say it tafsir that the elephant
to destroy the Kaaba and show the disrespect
to Al Baytul Haram, the house of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
Compare this to some of the stories that
I heard from some of my friends,
that some people go to Makkah,
they get visas, and they pay money to
go to Makkah during Hajj. For what?
To steal from the Khujjaz in the Haram
itself. 1 of my friends he said he
went for Hajj one time
and after he finished Tawaf he stood in
front of the Kaaba to make Duaa, he
raised his hands like this and after he
finished he realized that a shor or Atuqa
stole everything with him. He stole his passport,
he stole his money, he stole his camera,
And he said if, you know, I I
came to a point where I thought that
the guy was going to steal my haram
He took everything,
Like the guy had like a razor or
something or a a knife
and he cut my thing and he stole
everything I had in my pockets. In the
house of Allah.
So when you compare the respect that the
elephant showed to the house of Allah compared
to some human beings it's something totally different.
So as I said last time that we
have caused a lot of destruction and corruption
on this earth
and we need to do better because we
know better. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala put us
here as a khalifa.
He gave us praise to think with. He
said hidayah for us in the form of
He sent prophets to explain to us, he
gave us free choice, so we we should
do a better job. We should do a
better job.
A few months ago I saw this, this,
image on Facebook, the shark
with a human being this is a true
shot that they took in the ocean
So the human being came face to face
with a shark
and the caption was,
one of the creations of Allah is standing
face to face with the most
dangerous creature on earth.
So the first thing that will come to
mind that, you know, a human being, poor,
miskeen, innocent human being is standing in front
of a vicious,
notorious shark.
But if you look at the statistics, subhanAllah,
you will come up with a totally different,
with a totally different understanding.
And they say that the human beings at
the top of the list of the biggest
killers in the world,
not only they kill one another,
they kill the rest of the creation of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. They say more than
half of the species that Allah created on
became extinct
over the last century, because of this guy
to the left.
Right? And they say if you just think
how many sharks are killed by humans every
compared to how many humans are killed by
So they say statistically,
10 human beings are killed by sharks every
year, worldwide.
10 human beings are killed by sharks.
Compared to a 100,000,000
sharks that are killed by this little innocent
guy to the left. A 100,000,000.
We killed them for 2. Most of the
sharks are killed for soup. Right? But anyway,
I'm just giving the human beings,
you know, if you compare them how many
they kill, other you know, how many human
beings are killed, by who
the crocodile is innocent, the lions are innocent.
Human beings are competing
on the top spot
with mosquitoes.
Malaria and stuff. Masha Allah, we're competing for
the top place on the number of people
and the number of species we kill worldwide.
And as I said Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
in the Quran He honored us. Wa laqatkaramna
bari'alim Allah has dignified us. Gave us praise,
He made us khalifa and so on and
so forth.
And as I said,
the animals that are less sophisticated and less
intelligent than us, they worship Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala by default.
Even the seeds, they say if you put
a seed on the ground upside down,
the seed will go toward its creator. No
matter how you put the seed on the
in the dust,
even if you put it under a rock
upside down, it will look and go up
straight, upright.
But a human being,
even some who have degrees like from Harvard
and Yale and U of T, mashaAllah professor,
doctor Ustaz, Kabir Mohjal.
They said, Allah doesn't exist. Yeah. I don't
know how come?
Even the bees and the the lizards and
the squirrels, they believe in one God? Allah
says it in the Quran. You are the
most intelligent, most sophisticated, you have all these
degrees, and you say God doesn't exist? How
And if you ask them what is more
The human eye
or the most sophisticated
camera that Saudi Japan has ever produced? They
say no, the human eye is millions of
times more sophisticated
than the camera.
So tell them, okay,
if the human eye is more sophisticated than
the most sophisticated camera in the world,
who created it? They said, it made itself.
It gave room nothing.
Really? How about Allah created it? They said
God doesn't exist?
How? They said because we can't see God,
we can't experience God with our 5 senses.
I'm talking about some of the biggest you
know, atheists in the world. There are some
of the most educated,
right? He doesn't exist because we can't see
him, we can't touch him, it doesn't exist.
So my answer would be no one has
ever seen your mind,
no one has ever seen your soul,
so you are dead and you are dumb
because you don't have a mind, you don't
have a soul because we have never seen
your mind or your soul. Right? It doesn't
make any sense.
And this reminds me of a story that
I mentioned in Ramadan 2 years ago. It's
a fictional story it didn't happen, they say
this is the story of twins in the
womb of their mother,
one of them is a believer and the
other one is Muhid, atheist.
So the believer, the twin who is believer
said to the other one
I believe in life after birth.
So the atheist said no, there's no such
thing as life after birth. Once we leave
the womb, we go to the tomb, we
die. There's no life after. So the believer
said no no no, once we leave because
there's a different life after, there is this
Masha'Allah will get out and we'll survive, we
will live a life which is different from
this life and the and and the atheists
said No you're an idiot, there is no
life after.
Right? Because we
didn't see the life after, so it doesn't
So the believers said, no. We will leave
this world. We will go to the other
life. Once we are mature enough, we'll be
able to eat. And the atheist said, you
lost your mind because we have no teeth.
How can we eat?
And the believers said, no. We will be
able to eat once we are ready, once
we are mature.
one more thing is there is light after.
So the atheist said, no. There is no
light after because
it's always dark. There is no light after.
And the believer said, no. There is light.
We will be able to see, and we'll
be able to run around the world, hop
from one place to another, and the atheists
said: No, it doesn't make any sense because
we can go as far as our umbilical
cord! We're stuck to a you know, we're
stuck here, we cannot go as far as
we go,
or as we want to go. So the
believers said No! InshaAllah, when we leave this
womb, we get out, we're born, life after
our mother is gonna take care of us
until we mature and we'll be able to
do things on our own. So the atheists
said No, you're crazy, there is no such
thing as the mother.
I've never seen the mother,
I've never hugged the mother, I've never experienced
the mother with the 5 senses, so the
mother literally does not exist.
So the believer said you just shut up
and listen to the heartbeats of the mom.
All you need to do is just be
because sometimes,
you know, PhD
PhD that leads people to to deny the
existence of Allah, sometimes it stands for permanent
permanent head damage.
Sometimes you think you're too smart for Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. Who the heck are you?
You came from a sperm,
you rely on food and drink. If Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala cuts your air supplies, you
will die in a second,
and he said, it doesn't exist. Who are
you? Where did you come from?
Why are you doing here? You cannot survive
without Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, you rely on
him even without realizing it. And one thing
about Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, one of his
Al Kareem.
He provides for those even those who say
he doesn't exist, he still provides for them,
even he doesn't like them. Wallahu Wa la
yuhipul kafireem.
And this is something that makes Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala different from us. If we love
someone, we give them. We give Iqram to
them. But Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala gives Iqram
even to those who say he doesn't exist,
and this is why he deserves to be
Al Kareem.
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
says in the Quran, walakatkaramna
baniyah. We have given dignity
to human beings, and we have given them
privileges over the rest of the creation.
We have created human beings in the most
upright form, and so on and so forth,
but human beings they debase themselves.
last time, this is the last slide,
last time we spoke about
the order of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in
Surah Nahl, Surah 16
Allah says, look at the animals, the birds,
the creation, the rest of the creation, the
bees, everything I created for your benefit.
Learn from these animals and and birds how
to be grateful to me. And I gave
the example before, even the Sahaba
are told in the Quran to learn from
animals and birds.
Because when the Prophet SAWHAAH told Sahaba to
make Isra to Madinah, some of them said
okay, but
if we go there, we're going to leave
our homes, our land, we go there, we
don't have like nothing,
how can we survive? And Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala told Sahaba, Waqa ayeam min daabatillatahmiru
risa Allahu We are zukwawa iyam.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala revealed to the Sahaba,
look around and see the animals and the
birds, they don't walk around with credit cards,
they don't walk around with fridges on their
backs, nothing, they don't have bank account, but
I still provide for them every single day.
Learn from them. Even Sahaba are told this
in the Quran.
Sahaba are being told this, to learn from
animals and birds.
So I said in Surah 16, Surah 9,
it talks about the creation of Allah, the
animals and the birds and the bees, and
how they worship Allah, tawhid, everything.
And the description of human beings most of
the descriptions of human beings in the Quran
come from surah
the 2 surahs after. Most of the descriptions
of human beings in the Quran come from
surah 17/18.
One of them, Waqanal insan wajula Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala is giving you some of the
negative qualities of human beings that we need
to work on, some of us.
Waqanal insan wajula. Human beings are created
and they are hasty.
We do things in haste.
And the reason they say is because of
Shaitan. Shaitan wants you to be hasty, especially
if you do haram things.
If you don't want to do something bad,
Shaitan would will say, Jaddu Jaddu, let's do
it. Let's do it. Because if you take
your time
and think about the consequences and the punishment
and the terrible things in store for you,
you will not do it. But Shaitan doesn't
want you to think, let's go Jaddu, let's
do it. Right?
I just I think about my life in
the village, I lived in the village for
like 20 years,
I never
saw 2 donkeys
crashing with one another,
never happened. You will never find it. 2
donkeys that we use for to carry stuff
in the farm, they never crash on one
another. Just 2 months ago,
2 months ago, if you just follow the,
6 80 news,
James Monroe and these people,
50 cars crashed on the highway. 50.
Not one,
like 50, like they crashed on one another.
50 cars crashed on one another on the
Not because people are fast, you know, it's
been in the storm, it's snowing outside, they
don't care, let's oh. Even if you have
winter tires, it is not gonna protect you,
you have to slow down. Now this is
the Nasiyyah how they give on the radio
all the time, there is a, you know,
if it's snowing, slow down. The winter time
is not gonna protect you.
Waqala liztayahu Hajjula. And subhanAllah Allah, one of
the things that amaze
me, sometimes we read these descriptions in the
Quran and we don't think too much of
them because
sometimes we're not paying attention or sometimes we
don't understand what Allah means.
I was talking to an imam, a friend
of mine in Houston,
about these descriptions of human beings in the
Quran and he said people don't they don't
think and they don't understand these Ayat. And
he said I'll give you one proof.
Al Sanaiyah,
some of the craftspeople
in, you know, in places like I'm not
gonna mention places, but when they have their
store, they would take an Ayah from the
Quran, and they would put it in the
thinking that it talks about their business, but
it has nothing to do with them.
has nothing to do with each
And my friend said, you know, there's this
guy, he saw himself,
and he put an eye on his store.
Has nothing to do with his job, because
people don't understand.
Al Hajj will tell you,
Human beings
are created
weak, we are weak.
If you don't believe me, just go to
a brother or sister visit them at the
hospital, if they are sick you see how
weak they are, they can't move.
We are weak.
Sometimes you think if Allah bless you with
I'm the center of the universe I can
do whatever I want you know
I'm the I'm the biggest, I'm the strongest,
I'm the toughest no you're not
Wallahi if you compare human beings to other
you know creatures in the Kingdom of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala we are nothing
The reason why Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala made
his Khalifa and chose us,
is because we have free choice,
and if we obey Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
we are good, we're better than anything else.
If we disobey Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, we're
than anything
else. So if you look at the ants,
ants, they can carry stuff
tens of times its size, which means
that if you want to be like an
ant, as strong like an ant, you have
to carry something that is 3 4 tons.
To be as strong as an ant.
You know that flea, we used to have
in the pal fleas,
they can jump
a 100 times bigger than their own size,
a 100 times, which means if you want
to be like a flea,
as as strong as a flea, if you
want to be a sprinter like a flea,
you have to jump,
from the, from the sea and top
To be as strong of a jumper like
a fleek for example. And the examples are
so many, we're not as fast as a
we're not as big as like,
you know, as an elephant or a blue
whale and so on and so forth. Just
one example to show you how weak we
compared to the creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa
What makes you strong as I said, if
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is with you. You
are strong, nothing can stand in front of
you. If you have Allah with you,
it doesn't matter who's against you. But if
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is against you, it
doesn't matter who is behind you. You are
strong if Allah if you have Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala on your side.
There is something, I want you to Google
it inshallah, your your iman will go up,
if you watch this video,
or you read about this animal, this creature
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, they call it water
It is not like the polar bear, no
it's a tiny animal that lives in the
water, they call it water bear.
The water bear is a very tiny microscopic
animal that lives in the water, and they
say it can live
over 10 years without food.
Over it's an animal, it's an actual animal,
it lives over 10 years without food.
Compare this to some of the brothers who
come to me, 1st 2 days of Ramadan,
Salatul Dhur, brother,
can we do adhan for married now? Because
I've been fasting for 5 hours and this
is too much for me. I'm gonna die.
Right? No! Over 10 years without food, and
they say the water bear water bear just
watch a video.
If you cut them like 10 pieces, do
you take one egg or cut it into
10 pieces, it's gonna grow itself again.
Even if you cut the head, it's gonna
come out again. You cut the leg, it's
gonna come out again.
If you put them in boiling water, it
will survive, a small animal.
If you put them in the cold,
minus 150, they will survive. Right? So we
are miskin compared to the rest of the
creation of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
I'm not gonna talk about the animals with
the sharpest eyesight, and the animals that can't
run fast and so on and so forth,
what are miskin?
The only reason why we're strong is because
of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Waqaalal Insanhu Kafura.
This is the last one for today. Waqaal
Insanhu Kafura.
Human beings are ungrateful,
for Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Kafir also means
Say for example Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala gives
you everything.
You know, He created you,
He gives you health, He gives you life,
He gives you family, He gives you education,
He gives you job, He gives you power,
He gives you a car, He gives you
a house,
and He gives you money. And at the
end of the year Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
would you please give 2.5%
to Zakat?
No, I can't.
I I don't feel like it. What do
you mean? Everything is from Allah, He gave
you everything,
and He's asking you to give 2.5%.
He's not asking for 50%, he's not asking
for 90%. Just 2.5.
But lying, I'm making this oath, this Qasah.
And I know it is true, if all
Muslims in the world,
all the oil rich people, and people who
have 1,000,000,000, if they give their Zakah, 2.5,
not Saratah, just Zakah, the farat.
not a single
homeless and poor people will be left in
this world. Muslim or non Muslim.
The Zakah for oil is 20%,
in firk.
Zakah for rikaz. Whatever comes out of the
earth, the diamonds, the gold, the silver, the
oil, Zakah is 20%.
It has to go to the poor and
the rest of the categories of Zakah. But
not everyone is doing this. Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala says well, I give you health, I
give you everything,
will you please,
you know,
pray 3 4 rakah, like a 3 4
minute salah, every salah 5 times a day.
Not everyone, not every Muslims prays 5 times
a day, and this is the only reason
why Allah created them. I created you, mama
kalakkul jinnal, he say ilayakudun,
to worship me, create me. But some people
cannot afford
3 minutes for salah for Allah.
We can't. We don't have time, sorry. Maybe
next year or something, you know? Now, I'm
gonna give you this example, some of you
will hate me,
Some of you will hate me, but that's
It's a good example. Now if you find
a dog in the street, like you find
a dog in the street, a stray dog,
like a puppy, like,
3 days old. You take it home,
you give it a shelter, you give it
you take care of it,
and do you think that the dog will
be loyal to you?
Yeah. The dog will follow you wherever you
go. If you jump in the water, the
dog is after you. If someone tries to
attack you, the dog will defend you.
We used to watch this, this series in
the 19 nineties called Lassi, the dog.
They will do anything for you just because
you gave them food.
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is giving you
and some people say, it doesn't exist.
He gives you food, and he gives you
health, everything. No. Thank you, Aisha.
Thank you, Holy cow.
Thank you, Buddha.
Well, you're not thanking the right one. Right?
He is the one. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is the only one in any scripture who
said I created you,
thank me, I provide for you, say alhamdulillah.
He's the only one who said that. But
still, the majority of human beings, they worship
and they thank someone else.
Isn't that something? I think it's about time
we use our brains for a second. We
ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to give us
the best in this life and the best
in the life to come.
We're running out of time, so it's Saifu
Nur Mas'Allah.
So we'll continue next time. We ask Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to make us grateful, grateful
to him, for all of his favors. We
ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to put events
in our hearts and to put compassion and
grace for the rest of humanity and the
rest of the creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to
make it easy for our brothers and sisters
in Al Huza in Syria, and