Mustafa Khattab – Hayaa from Allah

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The speakers discuss the various types of pride experienced by Allah, including regret, regretted behavior, and shy behavior. They stress the importance of learning to be more careful and learning to be more careful when doing things that are not what one is supposed to do. The speakers also emphasize the importance of thanking Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for his gifts and learning from his experiences, as it is reflected in the experience of regret, regretted behavior, and shy behavior. The importance of remembering what was said in a sermon is also emphasized.
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All praise is due to Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. We praise him, and we seek his
forgiveness and assistance,
and we take refuge in him from the
evils of ourselves
and our shortcomings.
Whomever Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala guides. There is
none to misguide. And whomever Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala leads to go astray, there is none
to guide. We bear witness that there is
none worthy of our worship except Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala. And we bear witness that
So before you ask about the sunglasses,
I had an eye surgery last week. Nothing
I don't see you that well. I see
people fly,
but I'm sure that you can see me.
So make go after me. About a month
I gave a putt on about the different
types of and
I'm sure that most of us don't remember
what we had for breakfast today. So a
quick reminder
that we said that Hayat is 3 times.
The first one is Hayat from Allah.
The second one is Hayat from the people.
And the third one is Hayat from yourself,
that you do something that doesn't suit you.
And we said that most people
have Haya. They are shy. They're afraid to
do something before the people, but they do
things that the Allah sees them all the
And we gave the example of someone who's
doing something wrong in his room. And when
a lot of kids comes in,
they feel shy, but they're not shy from
Allah. So they give more importance to that
kid than they give to Allah subhanahu wa
So we have to be careful. Today, inshallah,
we will focus
on Hayat from Allah.
There are so many different types of Hayat
from Allah we will focus on 4.
So the first type is of
not doing enough.
When you do something good, but you feel
you are not doing enough.
Like you pray 1 or 2 rakat at
night, and you feel you can do more.
Or a poor man comes to you asking
for money,
so you kick him away. You tell him
you don't have nothing and you have a
lot of money in your pockets.
Boy, you are not doing enough salah. You
are not doing enough salah, enough fasting, and
so on and so forth.
So the first time is when you think
you're not doing enough.
So in the hadith of Muslim Imam Ahmed,
the prophet
the sky or the heavens is heavy, and
it has every right to do so.
Every inch in the sky, there are angels
who are making and sujood to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala their entire life.
And when the is established, when the day
of judgement begins, they say, oh, Allah, glory
be to you. We have not worshiped you
Their whole lives, 1,000,000 or 1,000,000,000 of years,
they have been making
sujood. So when the is established, they say,
oh, Allah, forgive us. We have not done
They didn't do anything. They didn't go to
the store. They didn't go to work. Nothing.
I've had a their whole
So if you have this feeling that you're
not doing enough, this will motivate you to
do more.
So if you think you're not doing enough,
this will help you do more and do
better. But those who think you are doing
enough or more than enough,
they will not do anything more. Some people
only come
to celebrate. They don't pray anything else. Only
for 8 you see them, excited,
and dancing in the street of a celebrate
because they prayed once in their in the
whole year. And when you tell them, why
don't you pray anything else?
They'll tell you, look at so and so.
He doesn't pray at all. I'm better than
And this is exactly what the shaitan said
in the Quran. I'm better than him. What
is this? Don't compare yourself
to the people who are less than you.
Compare yourself to people who are better than
you, and this is the only way you
can improve.
So the second type of kaya is when
you do something that you're not supposed to
do, and after you do it, you feel
This is the second time. And Imam al
Nukhayim mentioned the story of Adam, alayhis salam.
We mentioned it about a month ago. When
Adam, alayhis salam, ate from the tree,
he started to run and hide again.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala called him and
said, Adam, what are you doing? Because
you can't you can't run and you can't
hide from me. What are you doing?
So Adam alaihis salam said, oh, Allah, I'm
not hiding from you. I'm just being shy
of the sin I committed.
So I didn't want to stay in a
place where I disobeyed you.
I ran away to a different place.
Also in the story of Yunus,
Alaihi Salam, when he ran away from the
village before the order came, the order was
to stay, but he left. So Allah
called him and eventually in the story, he
feels sorry that he disobeyed Allah
and he asked Allah
to forgive him.
So if you do something wrong and you
come back to Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, you
feel sorry and shy, and you ask him
to forgive you,
this would generate
the forgiveness of Allah
and the rewards. And imam Allah, his secondary,
says that a sin
that will humble you and bring you closer
to Allah
is built with a good deed that will
make you arrogant.
So you have to look at it this
So the third type
is when you think of all the blessings
and all the favors that Allah
has showered on you and you are not
thanking him enough,
then you feel shy
for this shortcoming.
So this 3rd time, when you think that
you're not thanking enough for everything that the
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has given you, you
feel shy. And this is why the prophet,
salaam, in this authentic hadith, Muslim,
Muhammad, the prophet, salaam, used to say, oh,
Allah, I can't
thank you enough for everything you have given
me, so thank yourself on my behalf. I
can't thank you enough.
And this is beautiful.
So he said, should I not be a
grateful servant to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala?
So you need to think and reflect
that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has given you
A good wife or a good husband,
children, a good job, a car, a house,
Are you thanking enough?
So you have to thank Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. And every time you remember what I
said just now, make sujood to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
If you are sitting in your room and
you remember these things, fall on the ground
to any direction. It doesn't matter and say,
So the 4th bite and the last part
is when you are in awe
of the majesty and the greatness of Allah
In the hadith, Sahih al Jannah. The prophet
said when he was taken to the heavens,
the name of the Maran, he said I
was with Jibreel Alaihi Salam in Sidhu Admuntaha,
the highest place in the heavens. And when
he said, I looked at Jibril, alayhis salaam,
and I saw him like a small piece
of cloth that was torn apart from the
or the, the pureness of Allah subhanahu wa
Also in the story, Musa alayhi salaam alayhi
salaam, when he asked to see Allah, Subhanahu
wa ta'ala, and Allah said, look at the
mountain. So when Allah, Subhanahu wa ta'ala, cast
his light
on the mountain, it was
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because he saw the object,
the mount
on which the light of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala was cast. So he said, what if
Musa Alaihi Salam
saw the one who cast the light himself?
He would have
So what do we learn from this? You
learn when you stand before Allah Subhanahu Wa
you have to humble yourself before him because
you should feel his presence.
Standing before Allah
You're looking outside the window, digging in your
nose, thinking about your work.
Have from Allah
You're standing in front of the king of
Why should you think about something else? And
the last thing I wanna say,
that you should have this kind of from
I swore several times
that I've given footnotes in about 25 churches
in North America in the past 5 years,
and I never heard a phone ring in
the sermon. And the sermon last for about
an hour or more. I saw people falling
asleep. It's true. But I never heard
a phone ring. I never heard a baby
cry in the church.
I never saw people smoking cigarettes on the
stairs of the church and throwing the cigarette
butts on the stairs of the church. We
have to have this kind of hayah from