Mustafa Khattab – Gold for Men
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The speaker discusses some people who wear clothing without covering themselves properly, and how they may be excuse seeking money from the culture. They also mention a brother who threw a piece of fire on a piece of gold at a church. The speaker emphasizes learning from these practices and continuing on with the discussion.
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In the past
3 or 4 Sundays, we spoke about some
of the practices that some brothers and sisters
do in the masjid.
And our intention is not to offend,
someone or make someone look bad. But our
intention is to educate ourselves
because sometimes we do some things without the
knowledge. Unless we know that they are haram
or it's a slight, we we just avoid
doing them.
We spoke about
some people coming to the masjid with, shi'id
e file on their shirts,
and we said that this guy is captured,
so shouldn't be proud of him. You know,
this guy is a communist. He didn't believe
in God in any way. Why would you
honor them?
We also spoke about some people who come
with statements
ripping on their clothes and sometimes these statements
are vulgar and they are indecent or unacceptable
We also spoke about some people who come
with short clothing to the masjid.
So, when they pray, you can see the
you know,
you know, they don't cover themselves properly probably.
So when they make a course, they do
what you can see or know. So and
it is not a problem.
Today, inshallah, we'll talk about some people
who wear,
bracelets and chains and,
the other things,
especially jewelry,
especially gold.
Yeah. And for silver, we know that, Islamically,
it's acceptable for a man to wear some
silver like
a ring or something,
But you don't have to cover yourself in
in in silver.
You see?
And some people when they do it, Yani,
the problem with it, Islamically, is imitating
the kafar. Because
The problem with me is sometimes I've seen
several people in the Masjid and I'm not
pointing fingers at anyone
or trying to offend anyone.
They sometimes
have golden bracelets
you know, different things, rings and and all
that stuff.
And every time I speak to someone, and
of course, I speak to them in a
nice way, because I'm a nice guy,
they always come up with excuses.
And this is something we humans are good
at. We always come with come up with
excellent excuses.
Like, one time I was talking to this
about the golden bracelet
and he said, you know,
listen, Shay.
This is the gift from my mom, this
chain or this bracelet.
And it has a verse from the
It's not even a hadith. But anyway,
yes. Safay will say, another one, another brother.
I mentioned to him,
you know, why are you wearing this gold?
We I used to work for an Islamic
channel in Egypt, and this brother,
was covered with
gold from head to toe.
if you kidnap this guy and ask for
a $1,000,000 hassle,
you will live rich your whole life. You
don't have to wear a private thing.
And he said,
listen, Sheikh. And I showed him like,
that wearing gold is haram for men. And
he looked at the list. Yes. Yes.
I have read this before. Thanks.
Then he said,
well, like, listen to me. Every time I'm
not wearing gold,
I can't breathe. Like, something is missing in
my life, man.
I said this is the ugliest
excuse I've heard in my life.
Is is there oxygen or something in the
gold? I don't know.
They argue even when when they are wrong.
They argue
for their own reasons.
So the prophet, salaam,
came to the Sahabi and he was angry
and he said, some of you,
they bring a piece of fire
and they put it in their fingers.
And he took the the golden ring from
the Sahabi and he threw it on the
floor. Then the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
left. But after he left, the other companions
and this is an Ufandid Khadir, a Muslim,
the other companions came to his companion and
they said, why don't you take this
grain and sell it and use its money
to provide your family with salafat? So he
said, by Allah, I will never touch something
that the Quran threw
on the floor. Tell us that's haraf, I
will never touch it.
So we have to learn from these things
and inshallah we'll continue this time.