Mustafa Khattab – Fox News AntiIslam Propaganda Techniques
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First of all Yeah. I just have to
give you this quote,
and, and get your thoughts. I don't there
are my glasses.
The fact that,
in Mohammed in law, every woman must belong
to some man
as his absolute property, either as a child,
a wife, or a concubine,
must delay the final extinction of slavery until
the faith of Islam has ceased to be
a great power among men. Pretty outrageous
stuff. Yeah. You didn't say that, though. I
didn't say that. No. No. Winston Churchill said
that. Yeah. Winston Churchill,
as a matter of fact, in a book
in the fifties, also made a comparison like
Orianna Fallaci in Italy, but also Winston Churchill,
the comparison between Mein Kampf and the Quran.
I only have a couple of seconds. Tell
me what you what you found.
I found that there's a man who raped
a 9 year old girl who owned slaves,
who killed his critics, who beheaded a tribe
full of Jews named Mohammed,
who's the highest moral example in Islam for
people, and that this is a radical,
savage religion.
The people aren't all radical, thank God, But
the religion is the worst, most deadliest idea
in the history of the world, and we
need to make sure that, we keep a
close eye on it in this country.
Here in America,
Sharia is totally barbaric. It is,
anti woman. It's anti non Muslims,
I cannot even think of one thing except
the the brutal punishments
of criminals.
Here that you said, for example, you know,
my radio show last week, which we appreciate.
You said that you believe that the true
practitioners of Islam, real Islam, are the radicals
and the moderates aren't for practicing real Islam.
So actual Islam is a radical religion in
your view.
Yeah. It is. And, you know, it's kinda
like, most Christians,
don't read the bible very much. I believe
most Muslims don't read the Quran very much.
You're calling it a violent religion.
Yeah. Well, them that's, that's why most Muslims
are not radical.
But when someone begins to really study the
and they begin to read the 109
verses that call for violence and war,
they become,
very, very different. They become radical.
They feel that,
they need to convert people by force. Okay.
You understand why they
We are facing the rise of Islamo Nazism
rising all around the world. We are heading
straight into a wall with a clash between
western civilization
and a 7th century,
driven by hate. And unless the west rises
up today and world leaders come together and
come with a solution to this problem, the
world is heading into a disaster,
with Muslims developing nuclear bombs and biological bombs
and willing to use it against us.
The Muslim threat to the world is not
It's huge. It involves nations and millions of
Yet the left in America
will not face that fact.
Really represent their religion. Robert Spencer is the
author of the politically incorrect guide, Islam and
the Crusades, and he joins us from Boston.
Robert, thanks for being here. So there's always
confusion about Islam. Is it a religion of
violence or peace?
Well, this is the great politically correct
falsehood that is taught everywhere that Islam is
a religion of peace that's been hijacked. Islam
is actually unique among the religions of the
world and having a developed doctrine, theology, and
legal system that mandates warfare against unbelievers.
And this is what moderate Muslims have to
face and reject forthrightly and honestly if there's
really going to be an end to violence
committed in the name of Islam. Mohammed in
particular, this guy made his name in war.
Yes. He was a warrior prophet.
He taught that the, Muslims had to meet
the unbelievers in battle and invite them to
accept Islam or second class status under Islamic
rule or there would be war. So not
the Jesus way of getting apostles winning people
over with, with speeches
and, No. Hardly. Or or, the Gandhi way.
If they don't believe, kill them.
I guess this all stems back from some
comments that you had after 911
where you said that Islam is a very
evil and wicked religion.
Do you still believe that, mister Graham?
Oh, you know, Gretchen, first of all, I
love Muslim people and I want, Muslims everywhere
to know what I know. That, God, loves
us, that he sent his son Jesus Christ,
into this world to take our sins, and
he died for our sins and rose from
the grave, and that Christ can come into
their heart and change them, and they can
have the hope of eternal life, salvation.
I want them to know that they don't
have to die in a car bomb. They
don't have to die in some kind of
holy war,
to to be accepted by god, but it's
through faith in Jesus Christ and Christ alone.
But when you look at Islam,
I love the people of Islam, but their
I do not agree with their religion at
all. And if you look at what the
religion does just to women, women alone,
it is just, horrid.
And, so, yes, I speak out for for
women. I speak out for people that that
live under Islam, that are enslaved by Islam,
and I want them to know that they
can be free, free through faith in Jesus
Christ and Christ alone.
So let me ask this again. So when
people say talk about moderate
Islam, you're saying it doesn't exist? It doesn't
exist. But I tell you what, what happens,
that Muslims
have moralities,
logics more than their god. The most criminal
terrorist Muslim
has morality, a minimum of humanity
more than his god.
Their god is a terrorist
and ignorant. Alright. Last question.